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second rate novelist

second rate novelist


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 155081

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Chapter 1 Chapter One

second rate novelist 大卫·戈登 829Words 2018-03-15
The first sentence of a novel is the most important, perhaps only the last sentence, because the last sentence stays in your mind after you close the book, like the echo of a closed door following you down the corridor, but this time It's too late because you've read the whole book.For a long time, as soon as I picked up a new book in the bookstore, I would have an obsessive-compulsive attack to turn to the last page and read the last sentence.I can't control my curiosity.I don't know why I'm doing it, I just know that I can do it, and if I can do it, I have to.This is the kind of impulse of a child—the desire to tear the wrapping paper when it sees it, and watch a horror movie with its eyes covered.We can't resist the urge to voyeuristically look at things we know we shouldn't, even things we don't want to see, even things that scare us.

I hope to start this book with a strong opening statement, and one of the reasons is that this is the first time I’m writing under my real name, speaking in my own voice—God knows what that means.I wanted to make sure that I set the right tone, that I connected with the reader and put you on my side; that I established the intimacy of the first-person narrative so that you would follow in my footsteps, even if you already had Doubt -- though it's too late -- that I'm one of those "unreliable narrators" you've been taught in English class.But don't worry, I'm not, and this isn't the kind of book to play narrative tricks.I am not a murderer.As I said (did I say that?), this is a true story, and I intend to be honest.

Until now, I've been just a ghost.I hide behind pseudonyms and other people's names and faces.Speaking of which, even this story did not belong to me from the beginning.In the beginning, it was a paid job, the so-called "dictation ghostwriting" in the publishing industry.But the narrator is gone, forever a ghost, and whether I like it or not, he left the story to me.Of course, since the story is mine, who would waste energy reading it?Who cares what the ghost wants to say? However, I am also a professional writer, and this is a "mystery/suspense" (by listing) story, so I want to start with a suspense in the classical way, grab the reader's heart, turn the reader into a hostage, die And won't let go, will keep your sweaty fingers frantically turning the pages all night.Roughly as follows:

The morning it all started, dressed like my dead mother, with my fifteen-year-old schoolgirl/business partner by my side, I opened a letter from Death Row to discover a serial killer was my craziest admirer.
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