Home Categories detective reasoning red chamber

Chapter 48 Section five

red chamber 鲇川哲也 3259Words 2018-03-15
A few months ago, a certain radio station produced a show called "Strange Talk" at its own expense. I was invited to be on the show for no reason.I thought it was a late-night program after all, so not many people would listen to it, but the result was unexpected. I didn't expect to get a response from my friends, which shocked me.But just a week later, I was completely overwhelmed by an even more surprising audience. In the ten years after the war, I climbed up like an escalator to become Minister of Foreign Exchange, and one night I took my young subordinates to a bar in Ginza for drinks.After three or four drinks, the young man excluded me, and his group sneaked away to renew the stall.It's my style to pretend I can handle situations like this, but being excluded left a void in my heart, and I sat at the bar with my chin in my head.

Then, the man who had been sitting on the chair at the other end of the bar came over and started talking to me pretending to be familiar, saying that he had heard my show the night before.We were both drunk, and as I said before, I felt a little lonely, so I chatted with him quickly. Although I work as a bank clerk, I am also very interested in clothing. He also seems to be very particular about his clothes, especially the orchids he puts on his neckline, which are very expensive.With fair complexion and deep-featured features, he does not look like a Japanese; his black hair is neatly combed with pomade; he also has a Coleman beard that has become uncommon recently.If he wasn't drunk, he would have looked like an obnoxiously bumbling person.

"Although you are confused about Kari Xin's illusion, it is not surprising to me at all. Regarding the method of Kari Xin's disappearance, I can explain it with a very reasonable explanation." He said without thinking He said inexplicable words, and the tone of his speech was a little challenging.Can a reasonable explanation be given for how that Indian disappeared?I can't ignore this remark, I want to know so badly.After I said that, I turned to face him. "In this incident, there are hidden great secrets beyond your imagination. For example, I have a little interest in gems, so I immediately noticed that the diamond called the Eye of Shiva does not exist at all. Do you know?" He said something that surprised me, and smiled at my surprised face, then took a glass and sipped happily.

"What did you say? Do you mean that what Naruto said is all false?" "Yes, that's all made up. However, I don't think he has the creative ability to make up that kind of story. Where did it come from, and then I immediately thought of a story called 'Myanmar Eye' blue diamond." "The Eye of Burma...?" "Yes, a cursed diamond with a famous legend. The Kublai Khan he's talking about is actually Genghis Khan, and the Dutch jeweler Van Eyck is the Belgian craftsman Johan Heys. The opera soprano he's talking about is Marie Ladour of the famous French concert hall La Diva. It's all just a name change."

"Oh..." I honestly expressed my surprise.But why Naruto made up nonsense about the Eye of Shiva, I don't understand at all. "That's right, even the yellow diamond on Kari Sheen's forehead is one of the donations Bowes received, and it should be considered bragging." "But, why did Narugami make up this kind of..." "The reason is very simple. Because he intends to rob diamonds, it is easier to do things if he finds a high-sounding excuse. Now neither you nor the police have any suspicion of him. Isn't that the case? ?” Narugami plans to snatch the diamonds!This was a speech that surprised and amazed me.Although I didn't believe it at first, after calming down and thinking about it, what he said might be true.

"Understood? He planned and performed this matter from beginning to end, and even played a supporting role himself. From this point of view, it is also because of his acting skills that you can't tell right from wrong and join him in black and white." That's how it is, that's how it is.Narugami's shrewd eyes at that time appeared in my heart. "He tried to snatch Kari Shin's diamonds, and thought he could use the box in the abandoned house that he visited with you once. Because the abandoned house itself has a scary atmosphere, which can make this disappearing drama come true. Greater effect. That's what he's about."

"But how are you going to explain how Cary Sheen disappeared from the crucified crate? We only had two or three minutes to leave the scene. In that short time, it was impossible to pry Open the door and escape. Moreover, there is not even a small hole in the box. I have checked it before, and the police officer checked it afterwards. In this way, apart from saying that he disappeared using unknown magic Besides, isn’t there no other way to explain it?” How Narugami lied to me is completely different from Kari Shin’s disappearance.What's more, it is absolutely impossible to escape from such a completely airtight box with ordinary methods.

But he still looked fearless. "What I find more interesting is the fact that the flashlight ran out of power immediately after Kari Shin was locked in the box." He said something inexplicable again.Even if the flashlight was out of power at that time, what's the point of that?I don't get it at all.At the same time, I was a little offended by his clever, cryptic attitude. "You think the flashlight goes out naturally, but that's not the case. From Narugami's point of view, he had to let the flashlight go out for something. I'm afraid he prepared another broken flashlight, and then put the broken one. Bring it to you."

After what he said, maybe it was true.The flashlight, which is obviously so bright, shouldn't be broken at that time.But even if Narugami has prepared two flashlights, why is it necessary to turn off the flashlights in that situation, leaving the surroundings in darkness?I still don't understand this either. After asking this question, he answered irrelevant words as if he didn't care about other people's words at all. "You seem to be very familiar with Quyichang. Isn't there a comic talker called Sasaki Zhengdan? His cross talk is not funny at all, so I hate him, but one of his jokes has a protagonist who is a clever Boy, in order to make the boy feel distressed, a man clapped his palms and asked the boy whether the right hand was ringing or the left hand was ringing. What I want to say is very similar to that. You said that Kali Xin who was hung up 'knocked' from the inside of the box Knocking. But there is no way to judge whether it was knocked from the inside or the outside, right?"

"But isn't that obvious? In that case, no one but Kari Sheen would knock, right?" As soon as I finished speaking, a smile appeared on his face, and he played with the glass in his hand. "Supposing that the man named Narugami had prepared a long pole in advance and hit the box with that pole, this idea is also valid, isn't it? The flashlight is out of power, just to prevent you from seeing that scene. " "Why did he do that?" "Isn't that obvious? Just to make you think Kari Sheen is in the box." "What, what?" I couldn't help stammering.I don't understand what he means at all.

"So Cary Sheen wasn't in there?" "Yes. The Indian hasn't been in it since the time the box was hoisted up. He just hoisted up the box you checked." ——Impossible, Narugami and I really locked Kari Shin in.I so refute.But he didn't even raise his eyebrows, just said so. "But, didn't you go back there after finding the nails and the hammer? I think he killed the Indian who was tied up and couldn't move, and threw the body in the The nearby ancient well should be in the air-raid shelter. Of course, he didn’t have time to untie the rope, so the hands and feet of the Indian were still tied.” In other words, when I returned with the hammer, Naruto had already finished That unpleasant and cruel thing.Is it really? "...But, the rope and the handkerchief are left intact in the elevator. What's going on here?" I asked again, and he said calmly: "It's the same as the flashlight. He has prepared a tightly tied handkerchief and rope in advance. Then just throw those into the box. If you do this, here , Doesn’t it look like the Indians used black magic to escape, full of mystery? It’s also he who threw the turban at the Kawasaki Church.” This mystery that has been in my heart for more than ten years, I did not expect to be so simple, as the gentleman said at the beginning, it was "reasonably" solved.Before I admired his clever mind, as if a demon had possessed me and disappeared, my heart suddenly relaxed, and I stared blankly at the glass for a long time.Speaking of which, Narugami also cheated in exams when he was a student. He is a person who can deceive the teacher's eyes and is proud of it.Thinking of this, it is not incomprehensible that he can carry out that matter together. "Have you told the police about this?" "No, no." He shook his head and said, "I can't do anything about it. What I said just now is just reasoning. The police must have concrete evidence. They are very stubborn." He said, drank the rest of the whiskey, and stood up. "That's right, this is my business card." He gave me a business card.His name is Xingying Ryuzo, a name I've never heard of before.He doesn't look like a private eye in his sane look, and he doesn't look like a lawyer in his polished speech.What exactly is he doing?I thought about this question.Looking up, he had already left.The bartender said he was a stranger so he didn't know. I thought, Narugami probably wants to go and get out the diamond that the poor Indian swallowed later.But he died in an air strike two days later, I wonder if he took it? Every morning on the way to work, the area can be seen from the window of the tram, but the strange tower was destroyed as an attack target when the residents were evacuated before the end of the war, and then the surrounding area was also completely razed by incendiary bombs. , now looks completely different.Under the rows of apartment buildings scattered side by side, the bones of the Indian are still quietly lying somewhere. Thinking of this, I always have a strange feeling in my heart when the tram passes by. However, there is a kumquat-sized round bead mixed with the bones buried in the ground, which does not make me feel creepy, but has a kind of beauty like a work of art.
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