Home Categories detective reasoning red chamber

Chapter 16 Section fifteen

red chamber 鲇川哲也 626Words 2018-03-15
Hearing that the alibi she made using the train collapsed, Liu Zhimei confessed everything immediately.That alibi seemed to be the pillar of her self-confidence. Oniguan's conjectures are almost correct, but I still add the key points that became clearer after the investigation as follows: On the way back from the crematorium in Hitoyoshi City, Yokota looked for the opportunity for Naomi to be alone, told her his reasoning that Naomi was the real murderer, and asked Naomi to give him benefits.Naomi panicked at the moment, but after calming down, she went to Yokota's room again and told him that she was not the murderer, and that she knew who the real murderer was, but she couldn't name the murderer because it was terrible.If Yokota could quietly come to the ancient tomb after one o'clock in the afternoon the next day, she would show him the evidence that would put the real murderer in a dilemma, and cleverly lure Yokota out.

After poisoning Shalunu, she tried hard not to let Mucun go out, firstly to put the green penknife back into his coat pocket, and at the same time to give him a complete alibi.It was the same when the third murder happened, she had been trying her best not to let Mucun leave Green Wind Manor. Naomi is definitely not a crazy type of criminal.But in order to protect herself, in other words, she didn't want to lose Mucun, so she killed three friends, and she didn't seem to feel any remorse for this.In this dead-or-die world, it is only natural to kill the other party before you get hurt. Police Shinjima and Prosecutor Kawabe, who are surprised by this kind of thinking, are surprised by Naomi. .

Less than a week after the New Year, Oni Kan received a small package from Kumamoto from Xin Dao.When I opened it, it was the self-portrait of Naomi that I saw in the studio of the Art University. She completed this painting in prison and named it "The Person Called the Evil Woman", and hoped that it could be given to Guiguan.But seeing the smiling girl in the portrait, I felt that this painting should be named. If Musashino went to Onitsuki's home in Kokubunji, he should be able to find this painting that he hung in his small study.
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