Home Categories detective reasoning Legend of the Fox Fairy

Chapter 30 Chapter nine

Legend of the Fox Fairy 罗修 7745Words 2018-03-15
Luna Sarah?Brightman's enchanting singing voice did not bring a good mood to our big detective. Holding a copy of "Lu Shenlong's Confession" that Dianchao had faxed to him in his hand, he frowned and made faces at the nursing children. Jiang Miaomiao laughed out loud at his strange appearance, and spit out the milk from his mouth.The angry "Mother Jiang" slapped her husband. "Don't mess around." Wang Wei stuck out his tongue at her, picked up the bottle that fell on the floor, and walked to the kitchen. "You've been watching for an hour. Why do you look downcast, didn't you say yesterday that you knew who the murderer was?"

"I know." Wang Wei replied, "But I'm angry with Dianchao. He even showed me such a confession that doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Just send it back with the old man." "You, you've taken gunpowder." Jiang Quan said sharply, "You're not angry because of this. You're angry about something else." "You're really good." Wang Wei said angrily. "Hey, hey, what are you doing? What's wrong with you today? Who provoked you?" Jiang Quan carried the two babies onto the sofa. "I'm angry with myself." Wang Wei turned off the stereo in the living room, and walked to the study, "I know who the murderer is, and I know the motive of that person. But I still go to see the phantom of the opera or something. Give that bastard a chance to kill a little kid."

"Awei." Jiang Quan sternly said, "I don't know what you are going crazy, but you are not allowed to swear in front of the children." "They don't understand yet." He muttered something, and closed the study door tightly. Jiang Quan shook his head gently, and went to play games with the two babies.While playing, I wondered what happened to my husband today.It is rare for their family to pass time together with the pattering winter rain outside in such a depressed way. At about ten o'clock, Wang Wei came out of the study again.He loudly told Jiang Quan to call Chen Chen, and then walked upstairs to the room.

"What do you want Chen Chen to do?" "I want to ask him about Lu Shenlong's stroke." Wang Wei waved the copy in his hand, "Lu Shenlong said yesterday that he had a small stroke half a year ago. I think he went to the first hospital to see it." "Is this very important?" Jiang Quan said slightly. "Of course it's very important. Didn't Lu Shenlong say yesterday that his motive for killing people was because Lu Yan was not his own son? But how did he know? Did he do a DNA test like he said and prove that Xu Wei is his grandson?"

"When did the first hospital do the appraisal. You need to go to the appraisal center in Nanjing to do it." "I know. But from here I know that Lu Shenlong is lying." "You said he did this on purpose, to protect someone?" "Yes, that's why. But to protect whom?" "Is it the murderer you deduced?" "should be." "But what does this have to do with Chen Chen?" "Because I think I can find evidence from Chen Chen." Wang Wei came out of the room and changed into a suit and leather shoes. "Now I am going to find Chen Chen, and I will go to Lujia Village later. I want Get it over with today."

"I'll go too." Jiang Quan said. "Aren't you going to accompany them today?" Wang Wei looked at the lively babies on the sofa. "I changed my mind. I called my parents to come over. When you come back from Chen Chen, hit me up." Wang Wei kissed his wife's face, and set off to Chen Chen's house in a murderous spirit. Sure enough, he found the news that Lu Shenlong had a stroke and was hospitalized half a year ago at Chen Chen's house. What surprised Wang Wei even more was that Wu Fei was the same Lu Yu he met when he came to find Chen Chen.

"You said that when he came to sell health medicine to you, he met Lu Yu. Then..." Wang Wei almost couldn't close his mouth. Chen Chen nodded, "I don't like him like that, so I rejected him directly. But he still...don't talk about it. Wangwei, do you think that the Lujiacun case has something to do with Feihu?" "I didn't say that." "But you're obviously suspicious of him, aren't you?" "Then do you know that that kid Wu Fei owed someone else a whole lot of debt in doing business?" Chen Chen stopped talking. "I know who is responsible for those cases in Lujiacun. It's just that I don't have any evidence. I need your help."

"What do you want me to do?" "I want you to help me check if a girl is pregnant." "What did you say?" Chen Chen called out, "I'm not an obstetrician." "Don't say you haven't learned it. And I don't want you to really know how to identify. What I need is your ability to bluff people as a great doctor." "What do you want to do?" Chen Chen asked suspiciously. "Of course to catch the cunning vixen." The icy winter rain condensed into snowdrops the size of rice grains and floated down under the help of another burst of cold air.This is already the second or third snow in this year's "warm winter".Wang Wei yelled and manipulated their car to jump over the bumpy gravel road, and almost jumped up from the slippery ground to get in close contact with the Zhuya Mountain that Wang Wei hated so much.

Chen Chen's face turned yellow with fright, and he shouted: "Wangwei, please open it slowly. I don't want my wife to become a widow." "My Lady will thank me for bringing her back her freedom." Wang Wei replied viciously.Jiang Quan chuckled, realizing that the timing was wrong, he hurriedly smiled and tried to cover up: "Have you contacted Dianchao and the others?" "I called, and I asked them to take Lu Shenlong back." Wang Wei said, "By the way, did you bring the will that he entrusted you to keep?" "Of course I did."

"Do you think there is something wrong with that will?" "There's nothing wrong with that." "Didn't you see it?" Wangwei laughed dryly, "That will told me everything. However, I want Lu Shenlong to void that will." Jiang Quan turned his head and looked at him carefully. When the car arrived at the entrance of Lujia Village, Dian Chao and the others had already arrived one step ahead of him. "You lied to me." Wangwei scolded loudly and walked into the hall of Lu's house, all the characters inside stared at him in unison. Huang Xiaoxie and Dian Chao looked at each other.Zhang Ruya, Lu Yu, and the others were also at a loss. Wu Fei fidgeted and squirmed, and finally couldn't help standing up, asking, "What did you say, Wang Wei?"

Detective Wangda is very satisfied with the effect of his words. He walked to the middle of the hall and repeated to Wu Fei: "You lied to me." "What did you say?" He frowned, and a dissatisfied expression immediately climbed onto his face. Wang Wei said, "You met Lu Yu in the hospital half a year ago, right? At that time you were promoting a certain health care product. This caused you to lose hundreds of thousands, and you still owe 200,000 to others. " "What did you say?" Wu Fei was furious. He strode forward and was about to pull Wangwei's neck. He didn't want the tall and burly criminal policeman Dian Chao to step forward and stand between him and Wangwei. . Wu Fei shrank back and sat back on the chair.He stared at Wang Wei fiercely, watching him continue to rant. "You lied to me," he said to the mother of her son who had just died. "You said that Lu Shenlong called you to bring your son here. This is a lie." Qin Yi paused and twisted his body, "I didn't lie." "Mr. Lu, have you called Qin Yi?" Lu Shenlong shook his head. "How do you explain it?" Wang Wei asked forcefully. "Me." Qin Yi did not show weakness, she wiped her lips with her tongue, and replied: "I received a remittance from Uncle Lu that day, and the message on it called me here." Wang Wei looked at Lu Shenlong again, but he still shook his head. "I haven't sent any money." "Qin Yi!" Detective Wang Da raised his voice dozens of decibels. "I didn't lie to you, I did receive the remittance." "And what about the money order?" "I didn't bring it with me. Who knew that this kind of thing would happen. Don't tell me you will bring a money order when you go out." She shut up, and angrily sat down on a chair, ignoring Wangwei and the others, and Wangwei turned his gun again. "You lied to me too." He suddenly said to Zhang Ruya, "You went to the city that day, before you went to the hospital, didn't you?" Zhang Ruya's face turned pale, and she bit her lips without saying a word. "What did she go to the hospital for?" Huang Xiaoxie asked. Wang Wei didn't answer, but just turned to look at her meaningfully.He walked towards Lu Shenlong in two steps, and said to him, "You also deceived me." "What did you say?" asked the old man. "You said you killed your father, son, wife and Qin Chenglong, you are lying." Huang Xiaoxie nodded, "Yes, he is lying, but why?" "what why?" "Since he is not a murderer, why should he take the responsibility. Could it be that he is trying to take the blame for someone?" "That's it." Wang Wei said. "You mean that he knows who the murderer is, so he took the blame for him." Huang Xiaoxie shouted, "This is impossible, he has no reason to take the blame for that person." "If he thinks his son killed someone, he certainly has a reason to take the blame for it." Wangwei's dry words exploded in the hall like a thunderbolt. "You... what did you say?" Lu Shenlong's forehead was dripping with sweat suddenly, "What do you know?" "All of them." Wang Wei answered him conceitedly, "You think Lu Yan killed these people, that's why he confessed so much. Don't you?" Lu Shenlong was immediately discouraged, "You, say, what?" "I'm not wrong. You want to take the blame for your son. But I want to tell you that Lu Yan is not a murderer. The murderer is someone else." "What?" The hall was in chaos again. "What basis do you have for saying that?" Dr. Xu Yanwu asked quietly. Wang Wei looked at him and smiled, "Because there is an obvious logical error in Lu Shenlong's confession." "What's wrong?" Dian Chao took out Lu Shenlong's statement. "Discussion about the key." Wang Wei stretched out three fingers, "As for Zhang Huilan's death, we all know that this is a murder case in a secret room. The whole room was locked at that time. Before the day before yesterday, we only knew that there were two keys. One was on Zhang Huilan when the crime happened, that is, inside the room; the other was in the hands of Zhang Ruya. So our question is how did the murderer get in and kill the person? Even if the murderer could be someone close to Zhang Huilan, trick her into opening the door and go in and kill She. Then how did he come out and lock the door? Without solving this mystery, our investigation of the whole case is in vain. Of course, in the logic quotient, there are three answers to this question. First, the murderer has the second For the three keys, he can find an opportunity to secretly match another one when the house is being built; second, the murderer is Zhang Ruya, who has been keeping the other key; The inferred time of death is attributed to the time period when the room was locked. So now based on the facts we know, which one is it?" "The first one." Dian Chao said, "We found the third key." "Hmph, the murderer arranged a key in advance. On the day of Lu Yu and Wu Fei's wedding, he sneaked into Zhang Huilan's sleeping room and killed her. Then he came out and locked the door. Well, if this is the case, question one, the murderer What did you do with the key?" "Dropped in the pond, that's where we found it." "Really? So a week later, the murderer killed another person by the pond and threw the weapon of the attack into the pond. As a result, the stone used as the weapon and the key fell in the same place. Don't you think it's a coincidence? " Dianchao was at a loss for words, Huang Xiaoxie interjected, "Maybe the murderer kept the key with him until the day we threw it into the water together. No, he didn't have to keep it with him, it's too dangerous. This..., is this key The key is simply a false clue?" "That's right." Wang Wei said qualitatively, "If the murderer configures the key in advance to complete such a murder, he must know in advance that Zhang Huilan will choose that room to sleep on that day, and will lock the door. Could our murderer It’s really a fox fairy, it’s impossible to figure it out. The premise of our reasoning is wrong, so the first case is impossible.” "Then is it the third type?" Huang Xiaoxie didn't know why, sweat broke out on his forehead. "If it is the third type, then the person who found the body is the murderer, and the murderer is Dr. Xu." Wang Wei hurriedly continued without waiting for others to express his opinion, "But Zhang Huilan was shot to death, but Zhang Ruya didn't listen to it at that time. to gunshots. So that argument stands." "Perhaps a silencer or other methods of silence were used?" Huang Xiaoxie muttered to himself. "No." Dian Chao said after hearing it, "Han Guangli is sure he has not used any noise reduction equipment. If you use a silencer, the friction marks of the bullet will be different from those without the silencer. If you use other things to silence the sound, the bullet will also be stained." to other fibrous objects." "So..." Huang Xiaoxie's sweat dripped down, but was blown by the icy wind and froze instantly. "So there is only the second possibility, Zhang Ruya is the murderer!" Wang Wei stretched out a finger, looking a little showy, "Because Zhang Ruya keeps another key, so no matter which room Zhang Huilan stays in, she can complete such a secret room murder case." "But even as you said, how did the third key come about? Both keys were kept by our police after the incident. If Zhang Ruya is the murderer, when did she copy the third key?" Wang Wei smiled and said: "Your analysis is wrong, Huang Xiaoxie. You must know that your police arrived at the scene to take the keys on the second day. After the incident happened on the first day, the person who kept the keys was Zhang Ruya. Of course it was me. I ordered, but even if I didn't order her, as she has been keeping the second key, she has the opportunity to get the key mold of the room where the crime happened after that. Of course, besides her, there is another chance to get the key after the crime The only ones who made the models were Dr. Xu and Lu Shenlong himself." "No." Huang Xiaoxie continued to argue, "It's also possible that the murderer copied all the keys long ago, and could sneak into any room on the day of the crime to kill." "It's certainly possible, but the question is how the murderer was sure that Zhang Huilan would be sleeping in the room that morning." Huang Xiaoxie was dumbfounded, and asked blankly: "But what is her motive for killing people?" "Didn't I just say that she went to the hospital once before seeing us that day. Zhang Ruya, what did you go to the hospital to check that day?" Zhang Ruya kept her mouth shut and said nothing. "Don't tell me? You think I don't know if I don't tell you. You went to the hospital for a reexamination that day, but you are actually pregnant, right?" Everyone's face changed. "Who, whose child..." Lu Shenlong asked with a blue face. "Needless to say, of course it's your grandson." "What, when did it happen?" Lu Shenlong said uncomfortably. "According to the doctor, it's been three months." Wang Wei asked Dr. Chen Chen to testify: "A month ago, my wife happened to be a nurse in the obstetrics and gynecology department, and this Miss Zhang I received that day." "How about it, Zhang Ruya, I'm not wrong, am I?" Zhang Ruya nodded, and shouted again, "That's true, but I didn't kill anyone, and I didn't kill anyone. Didn't the day I went happen to be the time when Lu Yan passed away? How could it be me? .” "That's right, Wang Wei, Zhang Ruya is right." "The time of poisoning is not the same as when Lu Yan died. This alibi is useless at all. She could have poisoned the teacup before she came out." "But even so, how to explain Lu Yan's disappearance. Could it be that she still has an accomplice?" Huang Xiaoxie looked a little angry, "Wang Wei, your reasoning is wrong." "Who said Lu Yan's disappearance was planned by Zhang Ruya?" Wang Wei asked rhetorically, Huang Xiaoxie couldn't answer. "Don't forget, Zhang Huilan once saw her son lying on the bed. Maybe Zhang Huilan had to hide her son's body for some ulterior reason. Or, when Zhang Huilan went to see Dr. Xu, other People also saw Lu Yan's body, so they also hid him?" "Then where is the body?" "Don't you know that the outside of that room is Taihu Lake, isn't it more convenient and easier than throwing the corpse into Taihu Lake?" "Then who is that person?" Huang Xiaoxie is still very angry, no, he is very angry now, "Wangwei, all of this is your imagination, it is not reasoning at all." "My imagination here is based on the previous deduction that the murderer is Zhang Ruya." Wang Wei also refused to let go, and raised his voice and said there. The situation in the hall was very tense, everyone was tense, and there was no expression of relaxation because the murderer showed his prototype. "Wangwei, you have no evidence." "Of course I have evidence." "What evidence?" "The hospital's certificate proves that she is indeed pregnant." "That's circumstantial evidence, and it's useless at all." "Really, but that can prove the motive. I have always thought that Zhang Ruya is a good girl. She has come to this point because she is so good. She is not like some young people now, so she put My unmarried pregnancy is a shame. I even suspect that Lu Yan used some method to rape Zhang Ruya, but it was this shame that made her determined to kill Lu Yan." "Then if this is the case, what is her motive for killing Lu Changguo, Zhang Huilan and Qin Chenglong?" "Two reasons. The first is hatred. Just look at Zhang Haixing's current appearance. Although Zhang Haixing didn't tell us why he was so depressed, it was definitely caused by Lu Shenlong. I investigated and found that several factories in the Lu family are The benefits generated under Zhang Haixing's management, but Zhang Haixing was put on leave by Lu Shenlong just because he once visited your father once." "My father..." "Haven't you figured out the relationship between your father and Lu Shenlong?" Huang Xiaoxie was still puzzled, but Lu Shenlong jumped up, walked to Wang Wei, and shouted: "You mean this little policeman is Huang Gang's son." Netwei nodded.Lu Shenlong's expression was hard to describe with shock, but he couldn't find a second more appropriate adjective. His flushed face turned yellow, and he muttered, "How could this be?" "The second point is for the property of the Lu family." "Hoo--" Someone made such a strange sound, Wang Wei didn't need to look to know who it was. "You mean," Huang Xiaoxie was still very angry, he said to Wangwei in a vicious tone, "Zhang Ruya wants money from the Lu family." Wang Wei feels that Officer Huang is no longer a competent public servant at this time.No matter how he thought about it, he thought he would do the same.Maybe even more.Wangwei covered his mouth and answered him: "Yes, aren't Lu Changguo, Lu Yan, and Zhang Huilan all the first order heirs around Lu Shenlong? If we can't solve the case today, I can imagine, who will?" the next victim." Wangwei watched these people turn their heads around according to what he said, and suddenly felt like a radio gymnastics coach. "However, here I want to tell those who want to spy on Village Chief Lu's property, your wishful thinking has failed. Village Chief Lu has already made a will." "What?" Wu Fei yelled in shock, revealing his long-hidden thoughts to everyone, "How is the will made?" Ignoring so much, Wu Fei asked eagerly. "Village Chief Lu, can you tell them the meaning of your will?" Lu Shenlong stared blankly at Wang Wei, he was indeed a little dazed, the man's deduction just like a storm had disturbed his mind.What shocked him even more was the fact that Zhang Ruya was pregnant with Lu Yan's child. "I..." Lu Shenlong hesitated. "Can't you tell them?" "Yes..." Lu Shenlong still hesitated, "But maybe I want to revise this will." Wangwei had a visibly creepy smile on his face, "Village Chief Lu said in his will that he would divide his property into two shares, one to be inherited by Ms. Lu Yu, and the other to be given to Ms. Lu Yu's foster son, Xu Wei." He really expected someone's reaction. "Xu Wei, leave it to Xu Wei to inherit. Why?" Wu Fei jumped violently, "I understand, I understand." Laughing, he pointed to Lu Yu and Xu Yanwu and said, "He is your son." The two blushed in embarrassment for a moment. "Okay, you Wang Wei, you obviously know everything, why didn't you tell me?" "Wu Fei, I remember when I was here the first day, I asked you if you really liked Lu Yu. How did you answer back then?" Wu Fei shouted: "Bastard, if I knew about this at the time, I would never..." "Absolutely nothing?" Wang Wei asked sharply. "Never..." Wu Fei softened, "Damn it, it's useless to say these things now." "Are you saying that you will never join our Lu family?" Lu Shenlong stood up, his right hand trembling constantly. Looking at the mutated expression on Lu Shenlong's face, Wang Wei speculated that he was making some major determination in his heart.Sure enough, Lu Shen Long Jiangquan said: "Can you return the will I wrote that day?" "Do you want to amend your will?" Wang Wei took out a sealed envelope from his pocket and handed it to Lu Shenlong. "Right here." Lu Shenlong took it, took it apart, looked at it, and tore it in half casually. "You are?" Jiang Quan was a little confused. "I want to order a new one." Lu Shenlong walked to the table with the two halves of the will in his trembling right hand, touched the lighters on the table, and lit them. Looking at the flaming will, everyone is planning in their hearts. Under Wangwei's suggestion, Jiang Quan deliberately asked Lu Shenlong about the content of the new will in front of everyone. Lu Shenlong stared at the gradually burnt paper ashes in the ashtray, and poured the remaining half cup of tea into the glass. "I." He said, "I want to divide my will into two parts, the first one will be inherited by Zhang Ruya's child after he is born, and the other will be divided into two parts for my daughter and her adopted son Xu Wei inherits." "You——say—what?" Wu Fei's voice was strange, and his face was sweating profusely in such a cold winter. "That's it, and I must say that I can't give this guy a single cent of my property whether I live or die." I can't imagine that the beaten old man can still give such a persuasive look. Wu Fei was speechless after being stared at by him for a long time, and finally waved his hands and shouted: "Damn, old man, you have always been prejudiced against me. Well, the devil cares about your money. I will divorce your daughter right now. And then we have nothing to do with each other." The frantic and somewhat forceful speech was originally aimed at Lu Yu, but to the surprise of the businessman, his new wife didn't say anything about his suggestion of divorce after less than a week of marriage. Lu Yu still looked helpless, sitting blankly in her seat without saying a word. "Wait a minute, you can't do this." Xu Yanwu said, "How could you do this." "No?" Wu Fei asked back, "Why can't I. You'd better let me do it this way. If I divorce Lu Yu, you can marry her. Anyway, you already have a son, why bother pretending to be serious here?" Well. Hehe..." Grinning, vicious words.The hall was filled with Wu Fei's hysterical voice. Xu Yanwu strode forward, stretched out his fist and beat him hard.Wu Fei, who was not prepared, was hit on the nose by him, and the red blood flowed down. "Damn it." Wu Fei yelled and kicked it up, but Xu Yanwu avoided it. The two men wrestled together like a pair of mad dogs.They knocked over a folding chair with a sprained foot and slammed into the wooden beams of the hall. "Stop fighting." Lu Yu suddenly called out. Wang Wei hurriedly directed Dian Chao, Huang Xiaoxie and Chen Chen to go up to persuade the fight. Comrade Dian Chao lifted Wu Fei's neck like an eagle catching a chick, and Chen Chen stepped up to stop his nosebleed. "Stop making trouble, Wu Fei. If you lose, you lose. Why be so unmannered." Wang Wei stimulated him with sarcasm. Wu Fei glared at him fiercely, "If I had known, I would not have brought you here, and you are the one who damned me." "Whatever you say." Wang Wei was not angry at all, "Anyway, this case is almost over. Isn't it?" "En." Officer Dianchao nodded, and then he opened his mouth in surprise: "Where is Zhang Ruya, where is Zhang Ruya?" The suspect disappeared from under their eyelids. "This..." Wang Wei hurriedly yelled at Huang Xiaoxie: "Didn't you keep an eye on Zhang Ruya?" "How can I see it. What about you?" He retorted, still a little secretly happy in his heart. "Damn it." Wangwei stomped his feet, looking rather out of style. "Don't worry, don't worry, Zhang Ruya won't run far." Jiang Quan comforted, "She should still be in the village." "Mm, um. Then hurry up and look for it." Wang Wei was the first to rush out of the gate of Lu Shenlong's house. At this time, it was dark.
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