Home Categories detective reasoning The Fake Crazy Murder

Chapter 25 third quarter

The Fake Crazy Murder 松本清张 2253Words 2018-03-15
Matsuda Shohei appeared at the house of Tonji Chofu on the late autumn day shortly after the letter was sent. Changfu Dunzhi entered Shishi's room with his heart agitated as if he had encountered a typhoon.Lin Tianzhuang sat on the side of the glass door with his back facing the riverside scenery. He was about thirty-five or six years old, and he was dirty.Tonji Changfu hoped that the conversation between the two of them would not remain in memory.It was such an unpleasant conversation.Lin Tian repeated the contents of the letter on the tip of his tongue again, and criticized: "My grandfather didn't rest in peace when he died. Mr. is already a great writer, why did he come out like this."

Dunzhi listened silently, and finally guessed that this person was just asking for money.From the outside you know that life is not going well.Hayashida also said that he ran away from his hometown, Fuchu City, Hiroshima Prefecture, hoping to find a job in Tokyo.He also said that he divorced his wife very early and is currently alone.That flushed face was undoubtedly the result of frequent drinking. Hayashida Shohei also brought a volume of "Evening Chats in Muromachi", as if to serve as evidence.It's the same book that Tonji bought at a second-hand bookstore in Fuchu, but it's very old and dirty.

Hayashida once again ridiculed Dunji's works, which are still spreading like wildfire, and ridiculed the critics who didn't know the source, but only praised them.That kind of tone seems to reveal this secret to the outside world at any time.Of course it was extortion.Because even if Lin Tian wrote the secret in a newspaper or magazine, he would not earn a penny. In the end, it was Dunzhi who offered 100,000 yuan to buy an old book.But there is one condition: Regarding this book, Lintian must keep it a secret. "This house is really nice." After the negotiation was over, Lin Tian suddenly smiled like a different person.He looked at the scenery reflected on the glass door for a while and said:

"Ah, someone is walking on the iron bridge." It was a rather long iron bridge. The station is on the other side of the T River.People in the vicinity have to go around the bridge a long way downstream if they want to get to the station.But if you cross the iron bridge, you can save about fifteen minutes in time.The railway here is single-track, and there are really not many people who take the train. Most of them take the private railway, so there are few trains.People remember the time of train passing and use the gap as a shortcut to walk across the iron bridge. "This iron bridge is much closer."

Dunzhi watched the three women in the village walking in a single file and said. "Yes. I can also come across the iron bridge in the future." Dun Zhi was taken aback when he heard this.This guy clearly plans to come again.This means that he will not be satisfied with only 100,000 yuan, and he will come to ask for it in the future. Lintian Zhuangping looked at Tieqiao's words as if he was talking to himself, which was like a warning to Dunzhi: he would come to ask for it again. However, Atsuji also knew that Hayashida Shohei only had such a volume of "Muromachi Night Talk".One hundred thousand yen is the price of this book, even if I come back next time, there will be no excuse for asking for money.At least on the surface.At worst, it can only be said that money is tight and I hope to borrow some money to spend.At that time, five thousand or ten thousand would be enough.Maybe they will come three or four times, so there is no other way, so Dunzhi has no choice but to decide.In any case, he could not bear to be exposed under such circumstances.

The novels written by Dunzhi are getting more and more praises.After Lin Tianzhuang won 100,000 yuan, he stopped showing up.Maybe, find some job in Tokyo.Nowadays, there is a shortage of manpower everywhere. As long as you are not picky about your work, it is not difficult to live alone. Changfu Dunzhi still wrote it on the manuscript paper according to Lintian's grandfather Qiufu, a Bachelor of Arts.The basic structure is tight, and it is enough to think about the expression of the article a little, without any effort.In order to cater to the taste of women's weekly magazines, the brushstrokes should be as light and soft as possible, and Dunzhi's pens are originally soft.

The reviews are good, and the writing is easy and pleasant.It is also a great help for him to quote the original source everywhere in the original book.For example, the next paragraph: "When General Yoshimitsu's imperial chariot passed by the side of the vine branches, the weather was fine, and the silver color of Fuji Takayama was reflected in the sky. I was amazed by the voices of my wife and daughters, and they were full of admiration. Therefore, there is a written statement as follows: "On the 18th, I stayed at Fujieda, and crossed the mountain of Utsu. The rain was wet and the dew was blowing, and I arrived at Suruga Prefecture. Thousands of miles start from the bottom of the foot, and the mountains accumulate from the dust. The guardian of Siguo, Mr. Imakawagami, accompanied by his attendants, read There is snow accumulation, for viewing, it is the rain of yesterday, and the snow of the other mountain. Seeing the snow accumulation is like white silk, and the Fuji is now shining with the light, which is more sublime..."

Changfu Dunzhi rewritten such ancient prose into modern vernacular, added some descriptions, and also added some serious psychological descriptions and lines. Soon, because of the growing sensation, another magazine invited him to write an essay about "Pictures of Prosperous Women".Although Hayashida Shohei flashed through his mind, he didn't appear again after that, so he decided that he would not come to trouble again, so he wrote a short article, and "Muromachi Night Talk" didn't include a single word.In this essay, he said that he had longed for the Muromachi era since he was young, and through ballads and Noh plays, he was familiar with the atmosphere of that era very early, and he once wanted to show the customs displayed in the "Rakuchu Rawai Picture Screen", into the novel.Incidentally, I also express my gratitude to the enthusiastic readers for their letters and the information provided by all parties.

About a month after the publication of this monthly magazine, Hayashida Shohei's distilled face reappeared at Toji's house in Chofu.When he saw Dunzhi, he said with a playful smile: "I just read the essay written by Mr. yesterday." In his heart, Dunzhi hated him who rushed over immediately after seeing him, but he had already given 100,000 yuan, and the two parties also agreed to keep it a secret, so they could only laugh at his cynicism.Unexpectedly, Hayashi Tian Shohei opened the package in his hand, and what he took out was the first volume of "Muromachi Night Talk".

"I found it at a second-hand bookstore in Hongo. I thought it might be bad for my husband, so I bought it." What he meant was: the first volume alone can reveal the bottom line of Dunzhi's works. "There is such a thing!" Tonji was really taken aback. "I also thought it was clean long ago, but it's still there." Zhuang Ping pretended to be nonchalant and smoked his cigarette.In the end, Dunzhi paid 20,000 yuan for the book, and was deprived of 80,000 yuan because of his "unsatisfactory money". I thought it was all right, but unexpectedly a week later, he delivered the second volume of "Muromachi Night Talk", which he said he saw in a second-hand bookstore.Dunzhi was well aware of the opponent's strategy, but he was unable to parry, and another 50,000 yuan was taken away.From this point of view, it is certain that there will be a second volume.

Unfortunately, this ominous premonition came true.Not only that, Hayashida Shohei also sent "Muromachi Night Talk" one by one.And it is not a set of three, each time it is sold locally.Even if there is only one volume, it can make his novel secret, so he can only buy it obediently. The opponent's strategy is ingenious, and it is by no means that there is a complete set in the second-hand bookstore.Each time it was a copy, and Dunzhi was forced to bid 50,000 to 70,000 each time. At this point, Changfu Dunzhi finally had to comprehend the magic weapon played by Hayashi Tian Shohei.Come to think of it, he must have kept several volumes of the works left by his grandfather in his home in Fuchu City, Hiroshima Prefecture.Grandfather Hayashida Akio must have left dozens of books he wrote.Knowing that these books were valuable, Zhuang Ping brought them from his hometown and sold them to Dunzhi sporadically.And it was deliberately stained and torn, pretending to be found in a second-hand bookstore.I didn't notice this at first, but after a closer look, this kind of trick can be seen at a glance.
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