Home Categories detective reasoning The Fake Crazy Murder

Chapter 22 third quarter

The Fake Crazy Murder 松本清张 4232Words 2018-03-15
Jia Jinzi had the opportunity to answer the woman's phone to Kenji several times.She was so smart that she never mentioned this matter, nor begged her colleague Jianzhi to forward the line to her when a woman called.She is very reserved and doesn't want people to know her miserable situation. In about a month, Jiajinzi learned some facts from the woman's phone call: she was a waitress in a small bar, judging from her voice, she was about twenty years old, and the friendship between the two lasted about a month after the first phone call already existed.What's more, Jianzhi has already spent a considerable amount of money for her.This point reminded her that from about that time on, he often ran out of pocket money and began to "borrow" from her.

That's not even counting.Judging from the eavesdropping, she seemed so bold to spend the night at Kenji's while Gatsuko was on night shift.The night duty time is from 5:30 in the evening to 9:30 the next day, during which she was tied to death in the computer room, Jianzhi can meet the other woman with confidence.In order to prove this point, she went to check when she came back from the night shift, and sometimes found women's hairpins and the like in the quilt.She learns that her marriage to the younger man has failed.Of course, there is jealousy, but she will not go wild and cause an uproar.She reconsidered her age and realized that it was foolish of her to make up her mind to such an unnatural marriage.For that alone, she's smart.It is not too difficult to regard one's past as a dream.

However, there is still one unbearable thing for her like this, which is to let the colleagues of the whole newspaper office know that she was abandoned by Kenji.There is no doubt that everyone will clap their hands and laugh, saying that she has been lost.She could almost hear the mocking and teasing.Sitting in the night shift seat, imagining the madness of Kenji and the bar girl broke her heart, but letting everyone know that Kenji abandoned her was even more embarrassing.Sitting here for seventeen years, showing the majesty to the young juniors, and colleagues in other departments, no matter what their hearts are, the senior experience that forces them to nod and smile at her when they meet, all of this will collapse, That's what she's afraid of.She regretted that she had mentioned her prophesied marriage with Jianzhi to too many people.

Jia Jinzi hopes to break up with Kenji without hurting her modesty and decency.But that is very difficult.Even if she took the initiative to announce the cancellation of the engagement to him, then people would still think that his love left her if his love affair became known afterwards.The humiliation is the same. If at this point, Jianzhi died suddenly... she thought.As long as the man is dead, she will be free from anyone's contempt.No doubt one would sympathize with her because the man's death prevented her from marrying.However, although Jianzhi was thin, he never fell ill.All that is left is to hope that some kind of accident will be unexpected.However, this hope is slim.

Gradually, Jianzhi became a little unstable.His feelings are clearly moving away from Jiajinzi step by step.If it went on like this, before the fall when the wedding was scheduled, he would leave her and go to the bar girl.Gatsuko became anxious. ...In the final analysis, in order to make Jianzhi die early, the only way is to kill him. Gatsuko thought of various ways.However, no matter how hard you try, murder is always accompanied by great danger.It was extremely difficult to pretend that she wasn't the one who did it. One day, she read a report in the newspaper that a woman committed suicide by jumping from a very tall building.This news gave her a revelation.She thought of a way: push him down from a tall building, pretending to have stumbled and fallen.

She thought and thought, and finally decided to choose Mount Takao in the suburbs of Tokyo.There used to be the dojo of "Shugendao" in ancient times, and there are many wild birds on the top of the mountain.She had been there once before and generally remembered the terrain.There is a cliff in the back mountain, about 20 meters high.There is a trail that starts from the side of the temple and can go around the back mountain. She saw the cliff when she passed the dojo. The second is how to keep him off guard and push him to the bottom.According to her memory, the path was one meter wide, and walking side by side, waiting for an opportunity to push him off the cliff was not easy.It is impossible for a thirty-five-year-old woman to push a young man, even if she tries to do so, it will definitely leave traces of struggle.I have to find a way to make the man walk on the cliff, stumble and fall.

She thought of a good way.She secretly bought a small camera.She picked a downtown store because she didn't want the clerk to remember the buyer.But since she had never played with a camera before, she asked the clerk to teach her how to use it when she bought this little thing that could be hidden in a handbag.At the counter, the clerk explained to her in detail.She also bought negatives and loaded them as the clerk taught her. The next Sunday coincided with her vacation, so she proposed to Kenji to take a picnic to Mt. Takao.At first, he was reluctant, but in the end he listened to the enthusiastic Gatsuko.Maybe he reluctantly agreed as the last service to the woman who broke up sooner or later.

That morning, the two went out early.To the foot of Mt. Takao, the tram walked for two hours.She put the small camera she just bought in her handbag, but she hasn't told Kenzhi yet, and of course she hasn't mentioned it to anyone else.Take the cable car at the bottom of the mountain, and then go up the stairs to visit the temple on the top of the mountain.After a short rest, I ate pancakes, boiled eggs and juice at Xiaodianzi. Because it is a holiday, there are quite a lot of tourists.This made Jia Jinzi a little worried, but fortunately, walking from the side of the temple to the path, there were fewer and fewer people.Most of the tourists finish their worship in the monastery, that is, they rest nearby, or open their lunch boxes, and visit the back mountain, surprisingly few.The mountains are full of dark green.There are giant trees and overgrown weeds.

Jiajinzi took Kenji's hand and walked happily.The people I met on the road, although they felt that their age and body were not commensurate, they still regarded them as a couple of happy lovers. "Ajian." She opened her handbag, took out a small camera and said: "I bought this as a memento of today. I hope to take some pictures for you." Jianzhi cast a short glance at it, but he didn't seem very excited.He seemed to think that she was a woman who had to leave one day, and he didn't really like being photographed.However, after all, I still have some pity for her, and I didn't dare to refuse in person.

"Do you know how to shoot?" It's a deliberate adult tone. "Well, I learned it in the store, no problem. It's fairly simple. Let's find a good location and hopefully have a nice background." He was indifferent, so he never took the initiative to look for it.As she walked, she came to the cliff in her memory.She remembered well, looking down, the cliffs of rock were straight and deep. Katsuko searched for a suitable place.If when pushing him, I can't hold it back and one piece falls off, that would be bad.To guard against this, she needs a tree with one hand to wrap around its branches.She found such a place.

It's nice here, she said, slipping the camera strap around her neck. "There are distant mountains in the background, which is very beautiful. You should stop there." She asked him to stand in the middle of the road, aimed at the camera, and said it was not ideal. "Go over a little bit. It's too close to illuminate the whole body." "Is it okay here?" As expected, he stood on the edge of the cliff with his back on his back.It seems that it can be pushed down with a push. "Well, not bad." She pressed the shutter, then rolled the film. "I'll take some more pictures." Finally arrived at the desired location.There is a tree on the edge of the cliff, the trunk is divided into two forks.Jia Jinzi thought that as long as he wrapped his arms around the tree trunk, he could avoid falling with him. "It's good here, much more beautiful than the place just now." She said, let Jianzhi stand not far from the tree.He stood with his legs apart, and behind him were the mountains of Sagami and Kai, which overlapped in the ethereal. "Stand back a little bit." Kenji turned his head and found himself standing on a cliff. "Hey, I can't retreat. One more step is a cliff." "But that's the best place. You have to be careful." She knelt down and posed for the camera. "Yeah, the tie is crooked. Fix it." Kenji stretched out his hand to straighten his tie. "Not yet. Wait, I'll help you." She hung the camera around her neck and approached Kenji.His chest was pounding violently.There was no one around. "You don't tie your tie well. Leave it alone." As she spoke, she stretched out a hand to quickly wrap around the branch, then pretended to adjust his tie, and slammed into his tall and thin body violently.It made him lean back more easily than expected, and he fell out of sight with his arms outstretched. She looked around, but fortunately, there was still no one.She peered down.At the bottom of the valley lay a small black figure.It was so far and deep that she suddenly felt as if her body was going to be attracted to it. She returned to the side of the road, crouched down and opened the cover of the camera.There is the last shadow of Kenji on the negative, and it is better not to be seen by others.She pulled out the negative and let it expose. She suddenly felt that Kenji's body seemed to move.Putting the camera on the road, I hurried to the cliff and looked down again.Jianzhi's small figure was still in the previous position, and his hands and feet had not moved.She believed he was completely dead. Back on the road, picked up the camera, and put the cover back on.She brushes the dirt off the camera, and red ants drop down at the same time.Look at the ground, there are five or six red ants crawling.Put the camera and negatives in the handbag, lock it, and rush back to the monastery in a hurry.This is to find someone to rescue the man who has stumbled and fallen. Oishi Katsuko received sympathy from her colleagues.The young lover, who was about to get married as soon as autumn came, slipped and fell to the bottom of the valley and died. The terrible tragedy made her unhappy.Her reserve was completely preserved, and no one doubted her statement.The scene was inspected by the police, and there were no traces of struggle or messy footprints.Furthermore, even if she wanted to push the man into the deep valley, it seemed impossible to succeed with her strength.The man is so tall and the woman is so short.She was sent for questioning and was quickly released. But Kazuko is troubled by handling the small camera.The negatives were taken home and burned, but the camera was not easy to deal with.If someone finds out about this thing, maybe it will be revealed that he used this prop to make Kenji stand on a cliff.She hopes to get it away as soon as possible, but throwing it into the river or a place with few people feels like it will be seen by others.In the end, I ran to Tokyo Station and put it on a bench in the waiting room.She thought that someone would pick it up and take it for themselves. Unfortunately, the camera never fell into the hands of kind people, but was stolen by a habitual thief.The man sent it to the pawnshop.Unexpectedly, the habitual thief was arrested for another case. A detective wrote down the number in order to return the camera taken from the pawnshop to the owner.Open the lid, there is no negative film inside, but found a small thing.Pick it up and take a look, but it is a squashed red ant.It must be that the owner put the camera with the cover open on the ground while touching the negatives. Upon closer inspection, this ant seems a little weird.Like ants, it seems not.The curious police officer asked specialized scholars to identify the remains of this small insect, since it had nothing to do with the crime. "Ah, this is really a rare thing. It's not an ordinary ant. It's called 'Yazawa Blind and Small Dust Mustard'. It's only found in Mt. Takao near Tokyo. It's not an ant." The detective didn't pay much attention to this. Then, through the manufacturer, he found a retail store.The clerk remembered the sale. ※※※ "A woman in her mid-thirties. Very short. She said she was playing with a camera for the first time, so I taught her how to take pictures. She seems to be a left-hander, but her right hand seems to be quite flexible. Both hands are so Dexterous, rare." It was such a coincidence that the detective still remembered the newspaper report about a man and a woman playing in Mount Takao, and only the man fell to his death.The deceased's fiancée was a thirty-five-year-old woman. When the man fell to his death, the two of them walked together on the path at the scene, etc., and they all still remember it.I also thought of the ant-like bug in the camera, which has a long and strange name, and only Mt. Takao has it. The criminal police called up the papers from the police station in the jurisdiction to have a look.The confession of the deceased's lover Oishi Katsuko did not mention the camera.The female customer who bought the small camera also has a left hand that looks like a left crutch, so it is very likely that she is a switchboard lady who uses both hands. The criminal police also paid attention to the expert's words: the small insects that were squashed in the camera are only found in Mount Takao.The woman was carrying the camera and walking with the deceased.So why didn't she mention the camera a word during her confession? He deduced that the woman was taking pictures of her lover that day.Did the man stand on the cliff for her to take pictures?If a woman has the intention to kill, it is a very likely strategy to let the man stand on the cliff.There was no trace of struggle at the scene, of course it was for taking pictures.The man was not alert to his lover, and stood facing the camera with his back on a cliff twenty meters deep.At this time, the woman can make an excuse to adjust the clothes or something, and suddenly push it after approaching, and the crime is easily completed... The criminal police reported this opinion to Shangfeng. Officers from the Metropolitan Police Department's first search section climbed up Mount Takao to inspect the scene.Where Kenji Hoshimura stumbled, there was a nara tree with its branches stretching out.On the branch, there are slight traces of human skin rubbing.There may be such traces if someone wraps their hands around it.And the position is very low, a person with a height of about 1.478 cm is just in line with the height of this wrist.It is exactly the same height as Oishi Katsuko.The man who fell was a tall and thin man of 1.77 meters.
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