Home Categories detective reasoning The Fake Crazy Murder

Chapter 21 second quarter

The Fake Crazy Murder 松本清张 2540Words 2018-03-15
No one was surprised that Hoshimura Kenji moved to live with Oishi Katsuko, the switchboard lady.Even if it wasn't a separate room, but a three-seat closet next to her room, no one would link the two of them together.Katsuko is thirty-five, and older than her age, her hair is getting thinner, and her eyebrows are washed and painted, so she becomes a woman in the Tokugawa era, with her eyebrows shaved.And like a normal middle-aged woman, she has put on a lot of weight and looks more like the head of the switchboard.A boy in his early twenties, who also used his antics and words to make people laugh, would not have been imagined to be the object of her love, because Gatsuko sometimes treated him like a child.

In fact, Gatsuko also referred to Kenji, who moved into her own house, as "my little friend" no matter whether he was at the switchboard or in other departments of the agency.This kind of saying, on the one hand, contains contempt, but on the other hand, it also expresses a kindness to the cohabitants. "Since the kid moved here, it has been much more convenient for me. He was originally an electrical engineer. Before, he had to hire someone from an electrical company for everything, but now there is no need. Not only electrical, but also simple carpentry. He grows so tall, and if he stretches out his hand, he can reach even higher places."

As a short girl, she often brags to others like this. "Although others are unreliable, it's much better than living alone. The door is also safer... However, if a robber really comes in, he's probably the first one to escape." That's how it went for about half a year.Among colleagues, no one is willing to mention Kenji's living in Jiajinzi's apartment.People don't take it seriously at all, but Jia Jinzi often talks about my children to colleagues in the computer room.Ordinary things are always mentioned in Jiajinzi's mouth with such relish.In the eyes of her who has become middle-aged and fat, the young man with thin ribs happens to be a convenient tool to kill boredom, and at the same time, there are some elements of maternal love in it.

The young female colleagues at the switchboard always seemed to be trying to pretend to be funny when Katsuko said something that wasn't funny.Since she had never had a boyfriend in the past, her knowledge in this area was almost zero, so the matter of Jianzhi became her only topic.The young juniors have their own more interesting things, so they don't take it seriously at all in their hearts, but they have to put on a flattering smile.Jianzhi was still the same as usual, often sneaking into the computer room to chat poorly under the pretext of looking at the machine parts. Soon after, Jianzhi no longer appeared in the computer room.The number of my children in Jiajinzi's mouth gradually decreased.It doesn't matter.The female colleagues there didn't take their affairs seriously, and no one cared about this change.

It was three months after this change that Jiajinzi revealed her love affair with Kenji to the second seat switchboard lady for the first time.Kazuko invited this junior to the tea shop so rarely, so that the dry face was blushing and confessed. "Because the age difference is too much, I have to think about it desperately. But he must marry me. He refused, saying that I played with his feelings, and he was so angry. I was so worried that he would retaliate. Don't Looking at his young age, when he thinks of things, he is always serious and honest. I was thinking, just marry him regardless. What do you think?"

Saying such a thing means that she has made up her mind.It can also be said that she is using this way of asking for advice to test other people's reactions.Even if people objected because of the age gap, her determination could not be shaken. The marriage between Jiajinzi and Kenji surprised the young colleagues, but no one dissuaded them face to face.They probably have a teasing interest in this marriage.And they also know that if they go against the female leader, they don't know what kind of revenge they will receive in the future. The young colleagues said in unison: She is happy to have such a young husband; he is so skillful in health care, it must be very convenient for the family; he is so innocent, and he is dozens or hundreds of times better than other men; everything is up to you If you take the initiative, you will definitely be able to form a happy family... They said all the nice things to please her.

She bragged to everyone that the wedding was decided to take place in the fall of this year.It's only June, so that's four months away.People who heard the news were convinced that marriage was just a formality, and in fact the two had already lived as a couple.Gatsuko has no parents, brothers or sisters, and lives alone, while Kenji rents a neighboring room.Therefore, people can easily imagine that Kenji can live in Jiajinzi's room without any fear, and live the life of a husband. "I'm going to get married this fall, although it's just a formality. So please return the money I lent you before then."

She solemnly mentioned it to her colleagues in the editorial department and sales department. They bless her half-sarcastically for her marriage to a man twelve years younger than her.At first, she would blush, but when everyone in the club knew about it, her face became old and she didn't take it seriously.Whenever she was on day shift, the two of them ran into each other when they were off work, so they waited for each other at the back door and went home together from get off work. Send umbrellas to the club.At this time, no matter how the interrogation desk or the guards teased and ridiculed her, she remained calm with her experienced face.She has completely regarded herself as Jianzhi's wife.

People squeezed a cold sweat for her behind her back; it's okay now, but when she gets older in the future, what will happen to the woman?The wrinkles on Gatsuko's face have increased, and at first glance she looks like a woman with three or four children.On the other hand, Kenji usually has a funny appearance, and his appearance is a few years younger than his age.Maybe, someone might mistake him for the premature child of Gatsuko.In the future, they must be like mother and child.When she was over half a hundred years old, Jianzhi was still the strongest man in his forties, so what should I do?Some people are so worried about her, but on the other hand, there are also people who think: No, the woman is so old, the man must be cared for, and it’s okay to be self-willed. On the contrary, it’s better than a wife who opposes everything. The happiest husband ever.

However, no matter which point of view they hold, what people are most concerned about is that since there is such a disparity in age, can Jianzhi be satisfied with just one of her?It may be nothing now, but what will happen if Jianzhi and the young woman get involved in the future?Kenji would get tired of being with his wife twelve years his senior all day long, and the more considerate he was, the more depressed he might feel.At that time, maybe Gatsuko would be discarded by him.He was originally a poor boy, maybe when he married into her family with a little money, how long could this feeling last?People are always whispering like this.

Others have raised such concerns with her. "That can't be helped. I'm going to let him do whatever he likes. I'm not such an unreasonable woman." Gatsuko answered with a smile as if looking away from everything. ——However, what people were worried about unexpectedly came earlier. Jiajinzi found out that Kenji was smuggled in his own job.One day, a woman's voice called Jianzhi.There was the sound of copper plates falling, so it was known that it was a public telephone.Katsuko connected the line to the maintenance team, and then listened to the conversation between Kenji and the woman.She turned blue in an instant.It's a date call. Jiajinzi got off work at six o'clock that day, and she had already agreed with Kenji to go home together.At around 5:30, Jianzhi gave her a call, saying that he had a party with his friends and would not be able to go back until later.Gatsuko didn't ask much, this was to see his actions.That night, Jianzhi didn't return to the apartment until almost midnight.Sniff the shirt he took off, it smells slightly of perfume, it must be a woman's. Jia Jinzi questioned Kenji.He made some excuses and raged at her jealousy.But Jiajinzi had other plans, and did not expose the woman's phone call during the day.If you say this, women will not dare to call again in the future.Jianzhi didn't realize that there would be someone eavesdropping on the switchboard.If Jianzhi becomes vigilant, there will be no way to grasp his actions in the future, and there will be no evidence.
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