Home Categories detective reasoning The Fake Crazy Murder

Chapter 12 second quarter

The Fake Crazy Murder 松本清张 2214Words 2018-03-15
Minako was woken up by the second knock on the door, just as she was falling into a daze after Shinosuke left.The clock said half past eleven. "Good night." There was a low voice among the knocking on the door.It seemed familiar, it was indeed the person who picked up her husband just now. Minako quickly put on her clothes, put on her clogs, and took off the latch.What she saw in the dark were the family crest on the round lantern, and a man in a hood and cloak who avoided the light. "here we go again." The man, still deeply hooded, bowed his head and said. "Ok?"

"My wife's condition has changed. So the husband at home asked me to come pick you up right away." The man's words were low. "That's right." It wasn't a surprise, but there was still a commotion in Minako's chest. "Is it that serious?" "Yes. It seems very bad." Before leaving, the husband said that we should see the situation after dawn.Presumably it was after he got there that he realized that Shanzi's condition was more dangerous than expected.I want her to rush over immediately so that she can also see the old man for the last time.Minako wanted someone to come in and wait for her to prepare.

"No, I'm fine here." The man refused to move outside in the cold and dark, but immediately called out from behind Minako: "Madam. Your husband wants you to take the child with you." "Take the child with you, too." The husband knew that the child had a fever.So of course I also knew that it was impossible to take the child to the main house two miles away on such a cold night, Minako thought.I want the child to see Shanzi for the last time, but what if the child's cold becomes more serious?There was a trace of resistance in her heart. When Minako got ready, she glanced at the child under the quilt.Five-year-old Yukiyo was flushed with fever.

"The child has a fever because of a cold, so I'm afraid I can't take it there." Minako said to the man in the cloak, in order to pass on her husband's words: "Your husband means to wear more clothes, be sure to bring them." Minako didn't know what to do.Should I obey my husband?Or stay home in case your cold gets worse?If you want to keep the child, you have to entrust the neighbor Zhuang Zuo and his wife to take care of it.Minako then asked the other party to wait, and went to the neighbor to knock on the door.The cloaked man held a lantern and looked at her without saying a word.

A Fang, the wife of the neighbor Zhuang Zuo, came out to answer the door.Yukishiro is usually loved by Ah Fang.Minako said: "I'm really sorry, Sister A Fang. Someone from my family came here and said that my sister-in-law is in critical condition and asked me to rush over." "Is it Shanzi's sister-in-law of our family?" As Ah Fang spoke, he turned his eyes to the man in the cloak behind Minako. "Earlier, this gentleman had already come and took my husband to the main house. Now I want Yukiyo and I to go too, so I guess my sister-in-law must be very sick. I wanted to go with the child on my back, but Yukiyo is having a fever , I really don’t know what to do.”

"Take little Axue there too?" A Fang immediately said, "How can I do that? Tonight, it's so cold, two miles away, not close, how can a child with a fever bear it? I think it's you Go by yourself, little Axue will let me take care of it for you." "This is really..." "It's okay. I'll sleep with her. If she wakes up, she won't cry with me by her side." At this time, the cloaked man interjected. "The gentleman here ordered that the child be brought there too." It was a low voice, like a soliloquy. "Speaking of which, I don't think it's appropriate."

Ah Fang's voice raised a lot.Then added another sentence: "You want little Ashue's life at such a night?" The man seemed unconvinced, but he stopped ringing. There were cries from inside the house. "Look, wake up." Kind-hearted Ah Fang went in with Minako. Ah Fang knelt down beside Yukishiro's pillow, patted her head and said: "Little Axue is good. Mom needs to go out for a while. Auntie will come and accompany you. Little Axue is so good." "Yes. Mom will be back soon. Little Axue should sleep at home with aunt obediently." Seeing that the mother had changed her clothes, the child didn't dare to act like a baby anymore, but he still looked a little bit reluctant.

"Little Axue is so good. Let's say goodbye to mom." A Fang touched Yukiyo's forehead, and said that the fever had subsided a lot, so he wrapped her in a cotton jacket and hugged her. "It's so cold, let's not go out to see mom. Let's say goodbye here." Ah Fang stopped at the door holding Yukiyo in his arms. "Okay, Yukiyo, mom will be back soon, you have to wait obediently. Mom will come back with candy. If you don't behave well, and you have a fever again, Mr. Anzai will come for another injection." Minako stroked the child's forehead and hair.The man with the lantern still stood there, motionless.

"Sister Afang, I'm counting on you then." Minako lowered her head.The man in the cloak looked at Yukiyo from under his hood, a little reluctantly.It seemed that he didn't take the child with him, which made him a little unhappy.He turned his back without saying hello to Ah Fang. Minako followed the man along the dark road.It is the same direction as Ichinosuke.Yukiyo, who was held in Ah Fang's arms, kept staring at the lantern flames floating in the black paint ball.That was also the last time the child saw his mother. ... At about seven o'clock the next day, the bodies of Ichinosuke and Minako were found lying on the embankment path commonly known as "Benkei Tudi".The couple were separated by a certain distance, and they were both covered in blood, in a miserable state.

The police station in T Town reportedly came to check, and both of them were stabbed deeply in the stomach.The fatal wound was a circular stab wound to the throat, which appeared to have been inflicted by the same weapon. "Benqing Earth Dike" is a shortcut from F Village to T Town. According to legend, the master and servant of Yoshitsune once walked across this embankment, so it was given such a name.Going down from the embankment is the T River, and in the opposite direction of the pine forest on the opposite side, there is Chaishanxie. The ruins of "Anzhaiguan" are not far from here.

As for the murder weapon, the police at first thought it seemed to be the first type of thing in ancient times, but later judged it to be an iron rod for digging yams.This kind of iron rod has a pointed end and has been ground.The couple's wounds were both circular, and the tip of the iron rod was inserted, which just fit with the wounds on the stomach and throat. The police began to search, and needless to say, the Honke Ikuta Soemon of T Town stated that he never sent such a person to Ichinosuke's house.All six guys were at home that night.Although Shanzi is still bedridden, her condition has not changed.The person who picked up Ichinosuke was a trick by pretending to be his own guy. This method of murder is too cruel.First of all, I called out Ichinosuke who had just returned home from the Tokurenji lecture, and soon attracted his wife Minako.The man in the cloak is the murderer, there can be no mistake about that.He led Ichinosuke, who was the first to call out, to Benkei embankment to T Town and killed him.Then he called out Minako, and when he walked to the same place, he was injured. If the murder weapon was an iron rod for digging yams, then the man who falsely claimed to be his tricker must not have brought it with him when he came to the Ichinosuke's house. He probably hid it in an easy-to-find location near the murder scene.This kind of iron rod is about two meters long, and it is used to kill people, so that they can avoid spraying blood on their bodies. According to research and judgment, the murderer aimed at the victim's throat and gave him a strong stab after he fell to the ground.At this moment, the murderer may have set aside the lantern, aiming at the throat by its light.
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