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Chapter 9 fourth quarter

teaching field 长冈弘树 2517Words 2018-03-15
Eyeballs feel slight pain when blinking.Only then did I realize that I had been staring my eyes wide open. Take a deep breath.Don't be so tense, the phone in front of you won't disappear. "This is the so-called police call." Pointing to the telephone on the table, it was Shi Shan who was sitting opposite. "Yes." The telephone cable of this practice police station is connected to the distribution box erected on the pole next to the school gate.The word "police" was written on the box.It is a dedicated line completely independent of NTT (Nippon Telecom Telephone) general lines.

"So the fee is fixed?" "Yes." According to what the previous seniors said, the cost of the police phone call is not calculated according to the call time, but according to the contract signed every month. "Then, it doesn't matter how long the phone call is?" How can it be okay?Only the cost is the same. "Should I be able to make a private call?" "perhaps." Not probably.Yes it can be played.If you dial 〇, you can connect not only to the police, but to any place in the country. "Who do you want to call?" Sure enough, the stone bandit smiled and raised his little finger.

"Will it be discovered?" "nonsense." Among the policemen who came from faraway places, some seemed to call home with police cables.However, to make outside calls, you must go through the switchboard in the police station.During the phone call, the display panel in the station seems to be constantly lit with a call indicator, so if you talk for too long, it is said that it will immediately arouse suspicion. "Otherwise, why don't you take a look?" If you are not afraid of being fired.Just as she was about to say this, the alarm went off. "Hello, this is the training center."

Before putting the phone to his ear, he shouted into the microphone. Shi Shan put his ear close to him from the opposite side.The other four male students also bent down and brought their faces closer together.She felt closer than necessary.Except for Tsuzuki who stood a little distance away with a cold face, the boys in the third group seemed to have no idea what it means to be polite. "It's not good. Someone passed out." Saori's voice came from the other side of the microphone. "Where is the location?" "The third teaching field." "We'll be right there. Please wait there."

Putting down the microphone, Shinobu stood up.The six boys also put on their hats again. Walking out of the practice police station next to the main entrance, they ran to the school building of the main building. Kazama's voice came over the radio when they entered the school building from the hall. "Where are you now?" "In the corridor on the first floor of the main building's school building." "Talk about the points to pay attention to when watching the scene." "Even on the way to the scene, don't relax your vigilance around the surroundings, and try to find suspicious people."

"very good." When he rushed up the stairs and reached the second floor, he obviously hadn't run very far, but he was already short of breath.Probably because of nervousness. "Why?" Tsuzuki spoke from behind. "what are you saying?" "Why did you tell us to dispatch from the police station?" "Go and ask Instructor Kazama yourself." Although she pushed back forcefully, in fact, she had the same question since just now. The content of the class is "Initial search activities on the scene".The seven members of the third group will actually perform on behalf of everyone.So far no problem.

What is puzzling is the reason for ordering them to stand by at the practice police station.At the beginning of the class, as usual, we gathered in the third teaching field with other groups.So, wouldn't it be good to just treat the teaching field as the scene of the crime for practice?Why deliberately tell them to start somewhere else.... "You'd better think about that reason a little bit more, Mr. Team Leader." Breathing heavily, when Tsuzuki's voice was heard, the third teaching field was already visible in front of the corridor. "Are you almost there?"

"Yes, instructor." "Are they all built next to each other?" "he is." Shinobu gestured to Tsuzuki, and Tsuzuki put his ear close to the radio.His eyes also seemed to be wider than usual.Although this person usually puts on an attitude of being as immobile as a mountain, it seems that he is not without tension. "Tsuzu, tell me about the measures to be taken after the scene." "First of all, you have to call 110 to report to the headquarters. When reporting, you have to dial the number yourself, report the subject, class and name, and then hand over the phone to the person who tells you to talk directly."

"What should I do next?" "Observe the content of the call between the informant and the Communication Command Headquarters, and use the department's radio and other channels to notify the supervisor and colleagues at the same duty location of the content and status of the case or accident. At the same time, pay attention to the informant's actions, and fully pay attention to whether it is a temptation. Something happened." He was following the script.It feels like opening a textbook in my head, without thinking about the meaning, just reading the text and saying it directly.

When she arrived at the door of the teaching ground, she opened the door. He stood there with his mouth half open, because the scene he witnessed was far from what he imagined. Desks and chairs were pushed to the back of the classroom.There was room in front of the blackboard where the students who played the victim lay—that was how she had imagined it to be. However, there is no special abnormality in the teaching field in front of him.The tables and chairs are neatly arranged as usual when the indoor class starts. In her imagination, she always thought that other team members and Kazama were waiting here, but there was no sign of them.Of course, Saori, who played the role of the informant, was not there.

"Probably let us imagine for ourselves." Duzuki scratched his head through the uniform cap. "It is said that this is the scene." Presumably, it should be like this. They didn't go into the classroom immediately, but put on gloves, shoe covers, and hats in the corridor.Then take the clothesbrush and brush off the hair and lint on the uniform.After cleaning the bottom of his trousers with the devil's sticky, he finally crossed the threshold. The seven people patrolled between the tables and chairs separately. After confirming that no students fell to the ground, Shinobu pressed the radio button. "Instructor, is the location really here?" "Where are you now?" "The third teaching field." "What is the content of the report? Where is the crime scene you heard?" "...the third teaching field." She closed her eyes for a while, and after biting her lips hard, she spoke again: "Then, no one is present, what is the reason? Where are everyone?" "All gather in front of the flag raising platform." "Excuse me, but did you go to such a far place to visit and practice?" She put her ear to the radio on her shoulder and waited, but Kazama didn't seem to answer. Shinobu suddenly had a thought and took off his gloves.He also took off his shoe covers and hat, and walked out of the classroom. "Hey—wait a minute!" She didn't listen to the call of Shi Shan and others, and only left a sentence: "Follow me, hurry up!" and ran back along the way she came. Run through the foyer and back to the practice police station. "Being left on the spot by you without thinking, we, but, are very troubled, Mr. Team Leader." In front of the entrance of the police station, behind Shi Shan, who was out of breath and complaining so much, other members finally appeared. "Hey, go and call home and try." Shi Shan squeezed out a bitter face. "Is this the time to turn over that old score?" "It's okay. I, the team leader, gave you the permission. I'm in charge, so go ahead." Ren drilled past Shishan and ran to the playground. After approaching Kazama and other groups of students gathered in front of the flag-raising platform, there was the voice of Shishan chasing after him. "Hey, team leader, in this situation, I can't fight even if I want to." Ignoring his yelling, I continued to walk towards the figure of the student next to Kazama——Saori. Saori was waiting with a black object in front of her.It's a phone.After walking to a place where Saori's shadow can be stepped on, Saori handed over the phone. What Shinobu received was obviously the police telegram that had just been placed at the training police station. There was a "hum" from behind.You don't need to turn your head to see that it was Tsuzuki who gave such a quick sniff.It seemed that he was the only one who saw through the true face of this internship as a so-called trick to lure the tiger out of the mountain. Taking the phone call that lied about the case to be true, all police officers from the police station were dispatched to the scene, and the police station that was playing tricks was stolen immediately.Such cases, in fact, often happen.If the victim is just a bicycle or a phone, you must write a letter of repentance.But if it was a pistol that was stolen, it wouldn't be surprising if the Director's seat was lost. "Wherever the police are out there is going to be a scene. There's absolutely no harm in remembering that. If you guys don't like writing repentance." The police station is also on the scene. "...I will keep it in my heart." She felt the weight of the phone in her hand.
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