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Chapter 9 Chapter 9 The Junkyard

Animalism 费克申 6713Words 2018-03-15
In the early morning, people are still sleeping soundly, and the faint mist is floating in the city, waiting for the rising sun to destroy them, just like the people waiting to go to work in their dreams.The city is enjoying the last moment of tranquility before the hustle and bustle.At this time, the vultures who cleared the carrion of the city had already been dispatched.They entered the dump, where the leftover bones of lions and hyenas can be picked up.Sometimes the flesh on these bones is enough to make even lions envious. People were digging and searching on the huge garbage mountain, and time passed without knowing it.The sun rose quietly, and the red face was gradually fading.

I don't know who is shouting: "There is a dead man here." People rushed there immediately like soldiers who heard the horn. The body of a young man lay twisted in one corner of the garbage mountain.His face was distorted, his eyes were still open, and he looked terrible.The vultures couldn't help but took a few steps back.Someone said: "It's time to call the police." At 8:30, Gu Luo and Hu Liang arrived at the scene.Gu Luo glanced at the corpse with a horrible expression, and recognized that he was Gan Shaoguang, whom the Public Security Bureau was looking for.

"It's him?" Hu Liang called softly. "It's him, pull it back and check it carefully. Let's look for witnesses." Guluo said. But the hope of looking for witnesses was quickly lost. Those garbage pickers came in the early morning. No one had seen the dead, and no one had seen any strangers. "We all know each other, and if there is a stranger, we will be aware of it," they said with certainty. "Could he have committed suicide?" Hu Liang said. "It's possible. All the unfavorable evidence or evidence for killing Suo Juan points to him. Do you remember his neighbors said he hated that kind of woman? It was the kind of woman who infected him and separated his wife and children. No, just his wife But the blow to him is big enough. He has a motive, and he was beaten, the motive is more sufficient. The knife is physical evidence, and two people have proved that the murder weapon is his. If he knows that we have these, There will be a motive for suicide. However, a person like him... get a map and see where this garbage dump is located." Gu Luo said.

"How can there be such a detailed map, let me draw one." Hu Liang, who is proficient in the city and street situation, took out a pen and drew in his notebook. "Don't draw here. We should go to the hospital after the painting." Gu Luo said with a smile. The two walked for 10 minutes before they were free from the entanglement of the bad smell. "Look, there's a restaurant over there, let's have a glass of beer to disinfect." Gu Luo suggested. The two walked into a small restaurant. This kind of restaurant always opens as long as there are customers, and does not close when there are no customers. It sells so-called farm food. Guluo doesn't eat a bite, just two bottles of beer. While drinking, I watched Hu Liang draw a map.

After a while, Hu Liang's sketch was completed. Although the lines were a little distorted, they were very precise. "Oh." Gu Luo looked at the picture.Hu Liang explained from the side: "This is the school, this is the main road, and the end of the main road is this garbage dump." "Across this dump?" "It's the suburbs, yes, there's a suburban long-distance bus station here. Oh, you mean..." "Not sure, let's see the results of the autopsy. After drinking, let's go to this bus station." Gu Luo drank the beer in the glass.Hu Liang finished his drink quickly, and the two walked out of the restaurant.

The sun is hot, the earth is transpiring, exuding and steaming the cold air that lurks underground in winter, and the air is humid and stuffy. "Find a car." Gu Luo couldn't help thinking of the smell of the garbage dump, and felt fearful. "There are buses here, which go to the suburbs." Live map Hu Liang said. The bus made a detour, and it took more than half an hour to get to the long-distance bus station.Don't look at the suburbs, but the bus station is huge, the waiting room is full of people, and there are signs to the destination on the front of each bus.

"It's so accessible." Gu Luo and Hu Liang walked into the waiting room and said while looking at the timetable on the blackboard. "I'm going to ask for a timetable." Hu Liang said, and went to the ticket gate to get back a timetable. "Okay, go back." Gu Luo was sweated by the bustling crowd.The smell here is similar to that of a dump, and Guluo can't bear it. The results of the autopsy came out. The time of death of the deceased Gan Shaoguang was from 2:00 to 2:30 this morning. He took a chronic poison and had an attack two to three hours later.He carried a small amount of money on him, and in the back pocket of his trousers, there was a piece of paper with a simple line written on it: "I am guilty, but I have no regrets." The signature is Gan Shaoguang.

"Can this case be closed?" Li Guoxiong said timidly after hearing Hu Liang's report.He's freaked out by Guro's "no."Sure enough, Gu Luo didn't respond, but Hu Liang said: "Suo Juan committed suicide, which is basically certain, but whether he committed suicide, we have to wait for a while." "Wait a minute, what are you waiting for?" Li Guoxiong was anxious. "We have found his handwriting, which is being identified by handwriting experts," Hu Liang explained. "I think the conclusion is affirmative, but what I'm worried about is that Chen Tianxiao's case is still unclear. Of course, you have made meritorious service in this case, but you still have to pay close attention to that case."

Li Guoxiong was only half right. The conclusion of the handwriting identification is not completely certain. Experts regret that the two handwritings have similarities, but it is not completely sure whether they are from the same hand. "Handwriting identification is never a 100% conclusion. Judging from the motive, murder weapon, and no alibi, he is the murderer, and he knew that he would not escape our grasp sooner or later, so he committed suicide in fear of crime. We can only make this conclusion." Li Guoxiong said looking at the conclusion of the handwriting identification expert.

"But how would he know we were approaching him?" Gulo said. "Think about it, you looked for him that day, and he disappeared. On the night he disappeared, Suo Juan was killed. I think so, Chen Tianxiao was also killed by him. When we found him, he panicked. Yes, I think at that time he already knew that the end was coming. If he didn’t do anything, he would never stop. Killing one is killing, and killing two is also death. So he killed Suo Juan. Isn’t this quite logical? "Li Guoxiong said. "But..." Gu Luo wanted to say something, but Li Guoxiong was ahead of him: "I am not sure that Chen Tianxiao was killed by him, but he is suspected. You admit it. I am reasoning, and you are willing to continue the investigation , I have no objection, but time is running out, you have to hurry up. To be honest, old man, you always seem to be at odds with me. evidence." Li Guoxiong complained loudly.

"You just agree with us to continue the investigation." Gu Luo was very stubborn. Li Guoxiong was so angry that he could only wave his hand to let the enemy go back. "What he said is not unreasonable." Back in the office, Hu Liang spoke first. Gu Luo drank strong tea and didn't speak.He felt very tired today, spent the morning at the garbage dump, then went to the coach station, came back to read the results of the autopsy, and then reported to Li Guoxiong, so he had no time to turn his head. "It's time to assemble the drawing board, but there seems to be something missing." He thought carefully about what happened these days. On the morning of the 22nd, Chen Tianxiao's body was discovered, and then a series of investigations were conducted to rule out two suspects, Bai Mang and Qi Li. While proving that Qi Li was not lying, they found out the moths in the cadre team.Guluo heard that the chief of the section had been dismissed and expelled from the party.The target gradually focused on Gan Shaoguang.Gan Shaoguang's alibi was never proved, and Chen Jiaxiu proved that on the night of Chen Tianxiao's murder on the 21st, she went to Gan Shaoguang's house, but Gan Shaoguang was not there.Gan Shaoguang said that Chen Tianxiao went to his house that night.Then there was the disappearance of Gan Shaoguang. Neighbors confirmed that he had mysteriously disappeared from the night he was questioned.From 8:00 to 8:30 that night, Suo Juan was killed.Gan Shaoguang naturally had no alibi, and Chen Jiaxiu and Li Ting identified the murder weapon as his kitchen knife.When he was about to be arrested, he died in a garbage dump and left a suicide note. "But why did he die in the dump? There are three explanations. One is that he probably hid there originally. It was a good place to hide. It was dirty and messy, and the trash pickers didn't care about their business. But in the end he felt that it was really With nowhere to go, he had a nervous breakdown and committed suicide. Another possibility is that he happened to pass by, got drugged, and died. Where was he before then? The final explanation is that he was going through the dump The long-distance bus station is to escape, but if he wants to escape, why would he think of committing suicide? And from the time point of view, he should have taken the poison around 12 o’clock, how could he think of running away after that? No, it doesn’t make sense.” Gu Luo thought about Li Guoxiong's conclusion again. It was very simple, but it was almost invulnerable. What didn't make sense could be explained by unpredictability. "The human heart is a strange thing, unpredictable, not to mention that Gan Shaoguang's psychology is flawed, judging from his wanting to infect Suo Juan with sexually transmitted diseases, he belongs to a person who hates society." But Gu Luo is still not sure about Li Guoxiong's statement. "There are so many boards in this picture, but in the end, almost none of them are used." Gu Luo was confused. It was Hu Liang's voice that made him get ashore from the river of thinking. "Let's go, it's time to have a meal today. According to your words, we should disinfect it well." Gu Luo smiled: "Where are you going?" "There's a big restaurant newly opened on the other side of the street, let's try something new." "It's another full banquet from the north and the south." Gu Luo is not interested in this kind of restaurant that claims to be able to do everything. "Where is it? It's authentic Hunan cuisine. The cooks are all from Hunan." "Well, Hunan cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines, and it's not easy to spoil it, let alone a native of Hunan." Gu Luo said with a smile. There is a warm wind blowing in the spring night, and the sun has dried the moisture during the day. You can smell the dust in the dry air, mixed with the smell of new leaves and green grass.There was neither moon nor stars in the sky, but the clouds covered them up. "It'll be great when summer comes." Gu Luo sneezed again. "Are you suffering from hay fever?" Hu Liang asked worriedly. "No, it's just allergic rhinitis. It hasn't happened for many years, and somehow it came back to life." "It was the smell of blood that saved it." Hu Liang said with a smile. It didn't even take five minutes before they walked into the brightly lit restaurant. "It's not small." Gu Luo looked at the hall and said.Hu Liang was ordering, and he replied casually: "It's not small." At this time, Gu Luo saw a few people he knew at the other end of the hall, and said to Hu Liang after ordering: "That's not Chen Tianxiao's students. ?" Hu Liang looked up and said, "That's right." Chen Tianxiao's students also saw them, and Hong Qizhi staggered over. "What a coincidence! I ran into you here." He said carelessly, not caring that the other party was a policeman. Guluo liked his character very much. "You are..." Gu Luo said. "It's my birthday today, and I invited my seniors and classmates to come over for a meal. To be honest, we ate and drank while Mr. Chen's body was still cold. It's a bit outrageous, but we can't always live under the shadow of death." Hong Qizhi heard that there was something in Gu Luo's words, so he explained. Gu Luo smiled: "Yes, life is moving forward." "Why don't you come over and eat with us." Hong Qizhi warmly invited. "We have all the dishes." Hu Liang said.In his heart, he was quite willing to be with these young people, not to mention that he had already seen the beautiful and plump Mina. "It's okay, just let them deliver the food there. Let's go." "Okay." Hu Liang didn't expect Gu Luo to accept the invitation so simply. Zhang Cheng, Tian Disheng, and Mina all stood up to greet the two policemen. After Gu Luo shook hands with them, he sat down. "Has Mr. Chen's case been solved?" Gu Luo had expected that these young intellectuals would ask such a question, but what he didn't expect was that the person who asked the question was the most mature and prudent Zhang Cheng.Since Bai Mang's suspicion was ruled out, he seemed to be elated.He also glanced at Hong Qizhi from the corner of his eye.Hong Qizhi calmly opened the wine bottle, as if he didn't see Zhang Cheng's eyes.Gu Luo shook his head and said, "I'm sorry everyone, not yet." "Is there no clue at all?" The beauty spoke, her voice was a little hoarse, her face was pale, and her spirit was very bad.Tian Disheng looked at her with concern, and shook his body uneasily. "Yes, there are clues." Hu Liang quickly replied.Gu Luo saw Tian Disheng's eyes darken, but when he realized that Gu Luo was looking at him, he smiled reluctantly.When Hu Liang saw a beautiful girl, he couldn't see anything else.He continued: "However, there are no valuable clues. But don't worry, we will definitely catch the murderer." He looked at Mina and said.Gu Luo saw that gloomy light reappear in Tian Disheng's eyes. "It's hard to find. If Teacher Chen didn't offend anyone, I think the possibility of vendetta can be ruled out." Hong Qizhi said while pouring liquor for Gu Luo. "Okay, I can only drink a little white wine. What kind of murder do you think it is?" Gu Luo took the glass away to prevent Hong Qizhi from pouring any more. "I don't know, but you've come to a dead end, doesn't that explain the problem?" Hong Qizhi said, and turned to fill Hu Liang's glass. "What's the problem?" Tian Disheng, who had been silent all this time, said. "I don't know either, I only know reverse thinking. If this road is blocked, you have to turn around." Hong Qizhi looked at Tian Disheng and said.Tian Disheng snorted, expressing his contempt for Hong Qizhi. "Teacher Chen died...really..." Mina choked up. "It's too miserable, isn't it? But we have not come to a dead end. At present, vendetta is the only possibility." Guluo said. "Really?" Tian Disheng narrowed his eyes and said.He was well-proportioned, with a square face, prominent cheekbones, and a mocking gleam in his eyes.He dressed very simply, as if he didn't care about clothes and manners, but Gu Luo knew that this was a superficial appearance often made by some students who wanted to be literati, and behind the unruly and unruly was a heavy vanity. "He cares a lot about his appearance, and his clothes are chosen. This is a way of reversing the use of a fig leaf." Gu Luo thought as he looked at Tian Disheng's unfashionable large brown fur coat. "If the vendetta is subdivided..." Gu Luo had just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Hong Qizhi: "Let's have a drink first." He raised his glass to Gu Luo.Gu Luo raised his glass with everyone, "Happy birthday to you." Hu Liang said. "One or two?" Zhang Cheng said.Gu Luo looked at the glass and realized that what they were talking about was to drink up a glass of strong liquor in two doses or in one gulp. He couldn't help being surprised: "Good guy! These young people can really drink!" He looked With a glance at Tian Disheng, it was a melancholy face with sullen eyes. "He is a difficult person to deal with." Guluo thought. "Two times." Hong Qizhi looked at Hu Liang and said, "What about you?" Hu Liang was also unequivocal: "It's up to the owner." "Okay, let's have two." The three drank half of the wine in the glass, Gu Luo took a sip, Tian Disheng took a sip, and Mina took a big sip, and her face immediately turned red.Tian Disheng looked at Mina, as if he wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it down.Gu Luo saw a strange light in his eyes. "What did you say just now? The vendetta should be divided?" Hong Qizhi didn't forget what Gu Luo didn't finish. "Yes, there are many types of vendetta. Some are revenge or revenge, some are love, and some are jealous. These can all be classified as vendetta." "Then what kind of victim did our teacher Chen belong to?" Hong Qizhi said. "It's hard to say. The types I mentioned are just subjective classifications for the sake of understanding, one type has one name, but in fact many vendettas are mixed types." Zhang Cheng looked surprised and said, "Have you read Max Weber's book?" "No. Who is Max Weber?" Gu Luo had indeed never heard of this thinker who had just gained fame in China. "He is a German sociologist." Tian Disheng said. "Not only is he a sociologist, he is also a political scientist, and he can also be a philosopher. In short, he is a great scholar and a great thinker." Zhang Cheng corrected.Tian Disheng's face darkened again. "I've read several of his books, which are in English." He said emphatically.Zhang Cheng didn't answer his words, and said: "The theory of types, he called the ideal type, is his methodology. You also rely on reasoning to solve cases. The detectives written by Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie all rely on reasoning, how about you? " "Of course. Mr. Gu is our detective, and his reasoning is amazing." Hu Liang said.His neck was red, evidence of binge drinking.Everyone in the seat looked at Gu Luo with different eyes. "Can you solve this case too?" Mina said.This is the first time she speaks. "It will work," Gulo said. "Don't catch the wrong person." Tian Disheng said.There was obvious sarcasm in his tone. "No." Gu Luo replied seriously, "My principle is that I would rather let go of a thousand than wrong one." Tian Disheng looked at Gu Luo: "It's awesome." He seemed to be joking, but Guluo saw that he was angry. "Why is this person so narrow-minded? The self-confidence of others can actually arouse his displeasure, even resentment." "Mr. Chen is a good teacher, we all think so. If we can do it, we must catch the murderer, but we are just students and can't do anything." Mina said.Tears welled up in her eyes. "Don't worry, just leave it to us." Hu Liang said.Tian Disheng looked at Hu Liang again with angry eyes.Hu Liang noticed it. He looked at Tian Disheng, but the other party turned his head away. "Dry the rest." Hong Qizhi drank the remaining half glass of wine in one gulp.Zhang Cheng also drank it up easily.Hu Liang frowned and finally drank the wine. "Pour it up again." Hong Qizhi filled up the glasses of the three of them again. One bottle of wine was not enough, so he opened another bottle. "I don't know much about the life and study of your graduate students, let alone the relationship between you and your tutor, but according to the situation I have so far, you have a deep relationship with your tutor, and you know a lot about your tutor. Some. I hope you can provide some things, especially the little things that you don’t usually pay attention to. People say that I am a detective and I like to reason, but any reasoning needs facts, and you can’t just think about it.” "What information do you want us to provide?" Zhang Cheng drank half a glass of wine with Hong Qizhi again, and it could be seen that the spirit of the wine was getting better. "For example, Teacher Chen's social interactions. So far we don't know what social interactions he has outside. His family doesn't know much about this aspect." "He...Ms. Chen is a noble person. As far as I know, all the people he associates with are from the academic circle, and he looks down on others." Zhang Cheng said. "In academia, he has enemies... No, you can't say enemies. How should I put it? People who are very similar to him." "Assignment in the academic world, Mr. Chen's point of view is opposed by some, but it won't kill people." Zhang Cheng said with a smile. "Everyone has hidden murderous intentions, who knows?" Gu Luo ignored his smile. "Liao He from Guangming University and Mr. Chen are academic rivals, and Mr. Chen often publishes articles criticizing him." Zhang Cheng said. "That's Liao He's fault. His historical point of view is still the same, very left." Tian Disheng said firmly. "Is the book you are writing criticizing him?" Zhang Cheng said. "Yes, part of it is aimed at him." "Be careful, everyone has murderous intentions." Zhang Cheng said with a smile.The others, even Gu Luo laughed, only Tian Disheng frowned and looked very angry. "Just kidding. I heard that your book is almost finished?" Zhang Cheng could see that Tian Disheng was unhappy. "Who said it? Who said it? That's how the rumor came about. If you drink too much, you just talk about it." Tian Disheng took his wine glass, took a sip of the wine, and knocked the glass heavily on the table. "Let's go first, we have to get up early tomorrow." Gu Luo said. "Let's sit for a while longer." Hong Qizhi didn't say it from the bottom of his heart. "No, just tell us what you think of." Guluo said.Everyone stood up.Hong Qizhi sent Gu Luo and Hu Liang outside the door. "He's like that, he can't get along with anyone. Just ignore him." Gu Luo knew who Hong Qizhi was talking about. "Why does Teacher Chen like him? Is it because of his talent?" Gu Luo said. "Talent? What talent does he have? It's just that he is more diligent. Don't think he treats us like this. It's different when he meets Mr. Chen and the leaders of the department." "Well." Gu Luo thought for a while and said, "Go back quickly, they are still waiting for you." A gust of wind blew over, Hu Liang shook his body, a little unsteady. "Drink too much. But they didn't see it. Let's stroll back slowly." Gu Luo said. The street lamps here are old-fashioned incandescent lamps. The dim light shines on the damaged asphalt road, reflecting dim light. The sidewalks are bumpy and the paving stones are almost gone.It was so quiet all around, so quiet that it was frightening. "These people's banquets are really boring, their minds are too complicated, especially the field student, why is he so disgusting. Gloomy, hate everything, I haven't seen such a person. We shouldn't go. " "What's wrong? You didn't see that we have no clues, if the murderer of Chen Tianxiao wasn't Gan Shaoguang." "Oh, you're here to find clues." Hu Liang's body has an amazing recovery ability, and his mind has been sober during the slow walk. "Yes. Maybe something will be found." "found it?" "Unfortunately, no. Chen Tianxiao's students don't know much about it." "Close Suo Juan's case first, and then deal with Chen Tianxiao's." Hu Liang said. "Hmm." Gu Luo was noncommittal.
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