Home Categories detective reasoning Confessions of Jack the Ripper

Chapter 15 second quarter

"The so-called fan of the authorities, if you make the same mistake again, you will be so stupid!" Inukai Hayato complained in the car going to the hospital, and Furutegawa, who was holding the steering wheel, laughed happily. "No! Now that the donor's data and his family members have been clarified, maybe Jack himself can be hit. So not only is it not stupid, it's bingo!" "That's fine..." "Uh... If it's possible, I'll be the real professor!" Since the other party is her daughter's attending physician, the spearhead will be blunted!Furutegawa thinks so, right?

This man's clumsy understanding has stabbed Inuyang.First, this is tantamount to slandering dog breeding regardless of public and private interests, and this is what he hates the most. "I appreciate your kindness. Besides, I didn't expect the real doctor from the beginning." When Hayato Inukai answered, Furutegawa said "ah" and nodded in agreement. After arriving at the hospital, the two went straight to the office.The man was waiting there. "The donor is an inpatient here!" When Inukai Hayato asked, Chiharu bit her lower lip tightly.Whether this action meant refraining from speaking or regretting, Hayato Inukai couldn't tell.

"And the chief surgeon is a real doctor. So, are you shielding the donor's family or the doctor?" , "What cover... I haven't contacted the family members yet, but I plan to take the initiative to tell you today." "Then, please clarify once and for all! Please don't squeeze toothpaste again." In order to have a peaceful conversation without being disturbed, Chiharu took the two of them to the organ preservation room in the basement.The room temperature here is maintained at about five degrees Celsius, and under the bluish-white fluorescent lights, organs that appear to have been dissected or surgically removed are soaked in formalin and are arranged in rows.This is by no means a comfortable place.It turned out that this kind of place would not be visited by anyone.

"What I want to admit to the two of you first is that not disclosing the donor's data is not so much protecting the donor's family, but actually protecting myself." "yourself?" "Because I have broken the belief of the organ transplant coordinator, I am afraid of being found out..." "Miss Takano, you don't know how to communicate the data of donors and recipients..." "The donor's name is Kishimoshiro. The family member is his mother, whose name is Ryoko. I, I was not careful..." Cong got up and couldn't finish talking for a while, Inukai Hayato and Furutegawa pulled the chairs beside them and asked Chiharu to sit down and talk.

Chiharu stammered and started from the beginning. "Your son is carrying an organ donation card, and I hope you can agree to donate his organs according to his will." As soon as she was told, Ryoko opened her mouth in silence for a moment, then suddenly protested. Kishimoshiro is a nineteen-year-old gymnast.His father passed away a few years ago. He was a gymnast who participated in the Olympics. Shiro has been following his father's back. For Ryoko who single-handedly raised Zhirou, letting this only flesh and blood set foot on her husband's career is the meaning of her life.In the second year of entering the Sports University, Shiro won excellent results in domestic competitions and was selected as a strengthened athlete for the Olympics, but unfortunately had an accident right there.One day, on his way home after practice, Shiro was hit by a dump truck.

The back of the head was hit hard and rushed to the hospital. Zhirou was sentenced to brain death in a state of unconsciousness.It wasn't until then that Zhizhirou carried the organ donation card with him. Ryoko was shocked and angry, but there was nothing he could do. "I want to take Zhirou's body away. I raised Zhirou, and he is the only property left to me by my husband!" At first Ryoko resisted stubbornly.However, organ donation has always been in short supply, and Zhirou himself has an organ donation card clearly expressing his willingness to donate organs, even if Ryoko firmly opposes it, it is meaningless.

"You did this against your son's wishes, and it can be said that you really killed Mr. Shiro." Chiharu said ruthlessly.At this moment, showing the truth is not what an organ transplant coordinator should do. "Mr. Shiro's brain function has indeed stopped, but his body is still alive. Okay? Auntie! Let Mr. Shiro become an organ donor, and he can continue to live with someone else's body!" Whenever she said this, Qianchun couldn't help but fall into self-loathing.Is it because I repeated the line too many times?No matter how sincere the words are, if they are declared day after day, they will eventually become formulaic dialogues.

Everyone's perception of holding an organ donation card can be said to be very different.Since you only need to sign on the card, it is easier than donating blood, but you just use the donation card as a shield. When you can’t know your current wishes, you can explain it in a direction that is beneficial to you, isn’t it? After chattering like an endorsement, Ryoko's shoulders suddenly sank. It's done!Chiharu thought.This is the action after being persuaded.Afterwards, as long as there are a few more cases of successful transplants, there will be no family members who will not agree.

However, Ryoko asked unexpectedly, "Do you have any children?" Qian Chun was speechless for a moment when he was sneaked in. Daughter Midori passed away two years ago.Like Shiro, he died in a car accident.At that time, the daughter was taking a walk with her, and just a little out of sight, she ran onto the road and was run over to death.Only four years old. Arguing endlessly over Meidenli's death, she drifted away from her husband.Every day when I go home, I face a deserted house, so I work hard to fill the emptiness.It is at this time that the persuasion skills to the donor's family members can be refined in a short period of time.

"It must be your child who holds the device donation card, so that you can see the child dispersed into someone else's part from the bottom of your heart, right?" Unconsciously, the position was reversed.It was supposed to break through the fragile defenses of the family members, but now the scars were uncovered.The exposed wound is still alive, and it will still hurt dullly when it comes into contact with the outside air.Chiharu seemed to let out a groan. "Hey, please tell me! Miss Takano." In Chiharu's heart, she was fighting with herself as a mother and as an organ transplant coordinator.

Ah, those eyes that make you smile with a smile are the symbol of happiness.Those soft little fingers and fluttering hair are all treasures!How can I imagine that these will be transferred to others!Therefore, Qianchun naturally feels sorry for Liangzi's pain. However, Chiharu at that time only thought of the extremely simple fact——I am a doctor. Physician is the vocation of saving lives.Nothing else.Since there are patients in urgent need of organs and organs that have lost their owners, and it is legally permitted, of course transplants should be performed.Now there are several recipients eagerly awaiting his organs in the gap between despair and hope.In order to save those recipients, I should give up my motherhood. After Qianchun woke up, she said: "In my case, if my daughter wishes so much, I will fulfill her last wish of being a donor." "……real?" "I think fulfilling a child's last wish is what parents should do!" These words seemed to strike deep in her heart, Ryoko was startled in shock, and then stared at Qianchun for a long time. Will the words that come out of the lips be agreement, or rejection? Regardless of the transplant society or the hospital, they have repeatedly stated that they must not give people the impression of forced transplant operations.At the current stage when there are not many organ transplant cases, if patients make negative voices, it is likely to set back the progress of transplantation. To obtain consent without being forced, what is needed more than a doctor is the skills of a diplomat, and this is exactly the mission of an organ transplant coordinator—no, if you don’t hold this belief, you won’t be able to stay in this line of work at all. go down. Ryoko remained silent, while peering into Chiharu's eyes as if trying to see through Chiharu's true intentions.The air was extremely heavy. Finally, Ryoko lowered her eyes and said, "I know! Let's use Zhirou's organs!" It worked... Chun finally breathed a sigh of relief. "But I have one condition." "condition?" "Tell me who Shirou's organs are transplanted to." "What?! What did you say?!" Suddenly tripped. "That's not acceptable! According to the regulations on organ transplantation, Mr. Shiro's data will not be leaked, and the data of the donated patients must also not be made public." "why?" "Why? That's for...to prevent the donor and the recipient from receiving financial or emotional bonds." "I have absolutely no intention of asking for money." "Organs are a part of life. If the party that provides life and the party that is provided are in contact with each other, one day the relationship will become entangled and may become the fuse of disputes." "You're talking about a relationship where the two sides will meet, right? I don't plan to get in touch with those people either." "Then why?" "Guard. I want to protect where Shirou lives." Ryoko said as she approached Chiharu. "I want to watch from a distance that the lives my son has given away are all living well." Chiharu's hand was firmly held.It is a pair of wrinkled but warm hands due to hard work. "That's the only meaning of my life left." Ryoko, who was holding Qianchun's hand tightly, fell to the ground on the spot. "Please! Please! Please!" Every word and every sentence deeply hurt Qianchun's chest.From the standpoint of being both mothers, it would be much easier for her to curse and protest than to be sobbed by the other party. Ryoko still refuses to let go. "Ms. Guizimu, please forgive me for this." "Please!..." Anxiety intensified.If this continues, the organs will lose their freshness.If you carry out the transplant operation without Ryoko's consent, you may cause trouble, but if you accept Ryoko's request, you may be questioned as a violation of the protocol. "If you are also someone's mother, please understand my mood!" The voice trembled uncontrollably during the wail. At this time, the mother herself whispered in her ear.Just now I put professional awareness first, and seemed to convince Ryoko, now she only begged me to agree to one condition, I should show empathy as a mother, right? Although Chiharu Takano, who was a doctor, was still issuing warnings, the words that came out of his mouth surprised even himself. "...Is it true that you won't have contact with the recipient patients?" "So, I told Ms. Guizimu about everyone's data! Their addresses and names..." Chiharu lowered her head guiltily. "It turns out that you are always unwilling to disclose relevant information because you are afraid of being found out that you have violated the agreement... No wonder I always feel that you are still hiding something. Then please tell me the contact address and phone number of Ghost Mother Ryoko!" Qianchun took out the mobile phone from her bag, and after pressing the number keys, the LCD screen was displayed. "Devil's Mother Ryoko—Own House 03-3840-IXXXX. Cell Phone 080-XXXX-XXXX. Tokyo's Adachi-ku Umejima 3-chome X-XXHEIGHTS Umejima 203" Inukai Hayato wrote the contents in a notepad.Once Aso is told, a dispatch team will be dispatched immediately. "I have contacted Ms. Guizimu many times, but I can't get in touch." "Miss Takano, do you suddenly suspect that she is Jack the Ripper?" Qianchun bowed his head and remained silent, it seemed that he had guessed right. "Anyway, you made a mistake in your judgment! If you didn't hide the data of Guizimu, you might lose one or two lives." Inuyang Hayato called Aso, who was in the search headquarters, and told him what happened and the contact information of Ryoko, the ghost mother. "Is it the family members of the donated patient?... After knowing the correct address and name, it is easy to investigate." "The most urgent task is to find out the previous work and past experience of Guizimu Ryoko, especially whether she has ever engaged in medical related work." "You don't need to say that. Why don't you go to Guizimu's house?" "We also need to interrogate the real professor who is the chief surgeon." "Okay. I'll send someone else to Guizimu's place." After hanging up the phone, Chiharu looked at Inukai Hayato with reproachful eyes. "I've told you so many things about Ms. Guizimu, isn't it enough? Why do you need to find a real doctor?" "It is the duty of the police to investigate all conceivable possibilities." "He's Miss Sayaka's attending physician!" "It's not better to separate the public from the private. You should feel the deepest about this, don't you?" Chiharu bit her lips tightly. Contact the nursing station and learn that the real doctor is in operation.Inuyang and Furutegawa went to the operating room alone.If you spread the net now, you will definitely be able to catch it. Is it the patient's family?On a bench in front of the operating room, a group of worried people sat together.Inuyang and Furutegawa sat down on a bench a little far away. Even if he didn't intend to look at it, his eyes still couldn't help drifting over.Judging from the members sitting there, it should be a mother in the operating room.Seeing the daughter praying with folded hands, Inukai Hayato couldn't help but feel heartbroken.As soon as I thought that I would be in the same situation as them in the near future, I couldn't stand aside and watch with a cold eye. "Brother Inuyang!" Gu Techuan suddenly said.Thank you so much!When the mood is messed up, any nonsense is welcome. "what?" "I asked Takano Chiharu just now. I don't know if Brother Inuyang also thinks that Ryoko is Jack?" "The possibility is very high! Knowing the residence of the three victims, and they are their common interests, it cannot be ignored that she has not yet contacted Chiharu Takano." "If she is the murderer, what is the motive?" "If you want me to infer boldly, I think it's delusional!" "Delusion?" "Because I wanted so much to see my dead son again, and part of the reason was to get back the donated organs." "So, does she put those organs in her own home? The organs for three people will be confused! Which organ belongs to her son, and she can't mark or write her name!" That's a good question.According to Chiharu's testimony, Ryoko lives alone.Putting organs full of three people in a lonely and empty room, who would do this kind of thing, what else could it be if it wasn't a lunatic? "Of course, she may also be mentally ill. If she fails to do a good job, she may be involved in Article 39 of the Criminal Law." As soon as this remark came out, Furutegawa looked at the courtyard for a while and said, "Brother Inuyang, I'm sorry, but I can't agree with that line." "You think it's too out of the ordinary, don't you?" "No. I remember mentally ill criminals like that, so I wouldn't connect Jack's cruelty with a mother's paranoia." "……tell me the story." "What did you just say about taking back the dead son's organs? In other words, her love for her son is so strong, even if her son dies, her love for him will not change, will it?" "Ok!" "That's what I can't figure out!" Furutegawa Kazuya folded his hands on his chest and shook his head violently.After a while, he said in a very firm tone: "No matter what kind of parents they are, they would go to open the stomach of a stranger because of this. This is too surreal! First, the key is that the son is dead! Already dead Now, there is no such thing as parent or child, is there?" This is another good opinion.At first glance, it sounds like a very common-sense objection. It's just that such a cold and ruthless tone really makes people feel a little uncomfortable.This is also the first feeling of disobedience towards this person named Furutegawa Kazuya after getting along so far. "You don't look married yet?" "Well, thanks to you!" "I can't tell the truth, but I always feel that father's love and mother's love are fundamentally different! After all, they are both babies conceived in October. Maybe they feel like a part of themselves. Including attachments, it’s human nature to want to never be separated from your children! No matter how hard a father tries, he can’t replace his mother!” "Why does it sound like I gave up at the beginning." "Actually, she lost! Especially the father lost even more to his daughter! Once she turns ten, she has no idea what's going on in her head!" "So in other words, you figured it out before you were ten years old?" "How should I put it, maybe I thought I figured it out, but I was actually wrong!" While talking, Inukai Hayato thought of Sayaka, his only biological flesh and blood in this world.However, the distance with her is so far away.Even when she was by her side, she was as unpredictable as an alien; when she stretched out her hand, she was unwilling to even touch it. The culprit is his own stupidity, which Quanyang is fully aware of.When she divorced Sayaka's mother due to an affair, she looked into her eyes, filled with disappointment and disgust.As a father, as a man, he was cast aside at that moment. It is so difficult to turn over from being spurned.It is especially difficult between flesh and blood.Even after divorce, my daughter's birthday is never forgotten, and she will specially consult with the young policewoman to choose a gift.It would be a lie to say that you don't expect to hear back, and in the days after giving the gift, the phone rings like a jerk. After Sayexiang was hospitalized, she visited her doctor once a week, but the relationship still did not improve.As soon as I entered the ward, I would occasionally meet my mother, Cheng Mei, there, and there was no more embarrassing time.It can be felt that they resisted as if they were suddenly invaded by foreign objects in a harmonious atmosphere.Inukai Hayato was deeply tormented by the conviction that he would never be able to fit in with them. "Even if you make a mistake, you can still think that way!" Furutekawa also smiled, but in the eyes of Inuyang, this smile seemed empty. Inuyang Hayato just remembered.Furutegawa has no family. Perhaps it was the expression that revealed his thoughts, but Furutegawa nodded slightly. "I don't believe in parent-child relationship at all! I can't believe it!" "...You don't want to be asked?" "It doesn't matter! Anyway, this is a common thing. Our family is not a normal family. My dad became a scum when he was fired from the company. Our family will never go back to the way it used to be My mother is also not a good person. There are men outside, and she can't be seen at all. When I go home after school, I will always be alone. Of course, I can't stay in that kind of home. We went down. As soon as we graduated from high school, the three of us went our separate ways. From the standpoint of parents, we will raise our children until they graduate from high school, and then we will herd cattle and eat grass!" Inuyang Hayato listened, feeling sympathetic. If there are no changes in life, there will be no insight. Everyday life is built in a thrilling balance.The income of the family, the whereabouts of emotions, the mode and time of getting along.As long as any one of them is abnormal, the magma buried in it will burst out, and the family will no longer be a family. "That's why I think it's too outrageous for a mother to kill someone else to get her son's organs back! Maybe it makes sense in theory, but I'm 100% skeptical that that's Jack's true face. Sorry, Can’t satisfy the dog’s brother’s wishes.” "desire?" "Well, you want that desire for love in your family." However, that should be just a general opinion!I just reported it to Aso. Could it be that his testimony towards Ryoko is also different from mine? ——Want to explain, but the words are stuck in the throat. It can be concluded that what Furutegawa said was nothing more than a complaint in life, but do I really understand what a family is? No, I don't understand at all, I just pretend to understand!Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain my failure in dealing with people. Thinking of this, Inuyang Hayato suddenly gasped. Isn't my current self the same as that Furutegawa father who doesn't care about his family?And Gu Techuan is Sayaka who grew up, full of misunderstandings about her family, and unwilling to correct her prejudices. No, it's still different. I am so desperate to regain the rope that connects them, no matter how shameful and humiliating, I firmly believe that it is right to do so! "If it's a wish, it's true." "right?" "However, what if the ghost mother Ryoko really thinks so?" "what?" "She wanted to fill the void in her heart, to see her son again and revive the family. As long as the mood is high like this, you can't see around you? If you know the mentally ill criminal, you should know the line between sane and insane Not so sure!" Furutegawa Kazun also looked stunned. "There will be times when you regard others as more important than yourself! People are very troublesome animals! Such a mood, like the moment Reversi is flipped, suddenly becomes insane. For ordinary people, Killing someone is a very important matter, without the foundation of deep and deep emotions, it is impossible to do it!" "...I still don't understand!" "Actually, I don't understand either. What I understand is that Jack is acting with extraordinary passion." "Passion, eh?" "Well, at least he carefully investigated the behavior patterns of the three dead men, lured them into traps, then hanged them, and disemboweled them without hesitation. Passion for such heavy labor! Jack would never It's just cold-blooded!" At this moment, the lights in the operating room went out and the door opened.Appeared was a Makami couple in surgical gowns.
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