Home Categories detective reasoning Confessions of Jack the Ripper

Chapter 9 fourth quarter

"Teito Television came to apply for an interview." After receiving the interview application, Tsuruzaki immediately suspected that something was wrong. For a long time, the TV station has maintained a high degree of interest in the murder case and its tragic content, which was dubbed the "Heisei Jack Incident", but there has been no criticism or ridicule of the investigation headquarters.Moreover, although the application for an interview was made at this time, it was aimed at investigating the case and had a strong formal meaning, but the problem was that this application was not made through public relations, but directly to Tsuruzaki himself.

The news department of Imperial TV Station is exactly where Jack chose to make a statement.From this point of view, the purpose of the interview is by no means simply to confirm the progress of the investigation. Tsuruzaki's conditions are sufficient, so he decided to accept an interview.Anyway, if there is any content that is unfavorable to this side, just reject it on the spot. Waiting in the reception room is a duo.The job titles are the producer and director of the news department, so they should be the person in charge of the program! "My surname is Sumida. I'm really sorry for taking time out of your busy schedule."

At first sight, he knew that this man named Sumida was a ruthless character.It seems to be polite on the surface but cunning in private.Along the way in his career, Tsuruzaki has a good eye for people, although he has no crime scene experience.Friend or foe?And capable or incompetent?This ability to see through at a glance is the secret of his life. "Let's talk straight to the point! Please come here today. We hope to cooperate with the police in investigating the case." "Cooperative investigation?" "Heisei Jack sent a statement to Teito TV. Based on this, we analyze that Jack is planning a theater-type crime. I wonder what the opinion of Tsurumaki Police Station is?"

"Probably right!" Tsuruzaki replied cautiously.In the face of media people, it is advisable to avoid any verbal agreement as much as possible. "Jack is going to write his own script and act it himself. If you know that, from the perspective of news necessity, we feel that we have to publish the statement of the guy, which is also very embarrassing for us." feel embarrassed? !Stop laughing! Tsuruzaki sneered inwardly.After Jack's criminal statement was broadcast, I heard that the ratings of "Good afternoon! Japan" soared by ten percentage points.Where is the embarrassment, joy and joy is the truth!

"The victims were all very young women, so we received a lot of emails from the audience, the content was nothing but horror and anger. In addition, how is the investigation going? What is the murderer's goal? We also understand these abuses. Accepted." Um, is this sarcasm? "Although we haven't been able to grasp the details, the investigation is being carried out step by step. Please don't worry." "Of course. We have full confidence in Jingshiying. It's just that..." "only?" "We think that the current situation seems to be that Jack has the upper hand. It is Jack who is unilaterally opening the cards, and we can only watch it. Our news side also feels aggrieved."

"...If you have something to say, please speak up!" "What we want to say is whether we can write the play that Jack directed and acted himself." Suddenly, Tsuruzaki received a surprise attack.What is this man talking about? "The so-called radio and television stations are originally places for sending news. There is no reason to use this function! Don't you think?" I finally understood what Sumida wanted to say. "In other words, through the mass media, the search headquarters took the initiative to attack Jack. Is that what you mean?" "I sent all those things, so Jack should also grasp the reactions of 'Good afternoon! Japan' and the audience one by one. It may not be appropriate to say this. The so-called happy criminals and smart criminals have long been used to stimulating us. but they're not used to being stimulated."

Tsuruzaki pondered Sumita's words.It is indeed a brand new idea to turn this theatrical crime from passive to active.It is true that he is not used to being provoked, but if it is our side who provokes him, he might panic or get angry and make a mistake.No matter how calm a person is, no, just because he is a calm person, it is easy to fail when he loses his calm. The question is how risky a rebound will be.If the investigation is delayed due to stimulating Jack and the investigation is messed up, all the responsibility will be counted on himself.If that's the case, don't talk about it.If it will hurt my career, I would rather let one or two cases go unsolved.

However, this is the first major case that has attracted the attention of the world as the first police officer transferred from Kanagawa Prefecture to the Metropolitan Police Department.If the case can be solved beautifully, the avenue leading to the police department and even a higher level of police chief will undoubtedly be opened for me. In addition to Tsuruzaki, there are 12 other commanders in the investigation section of the Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department.But the throne above this is everyone fighting for.To put it simply, thirteen people grab a chair.Moreover, not to mention Tsuruzaki, who just arrived, in this race, he started later than others and watched the backs of the other twelve people chasing after him.This is a great opportunity to leave others behind in one breath.

Tsuruzaki is not a low-key person by nature, and he is quite confident in front of the camera, and today he also got valuable information from the class leader Aso - finally found the common ground between Yumika Liugo and Kiriko Hanzaki.This is like knowing the opponent's cards that have not yet been revealed. It is easier to predict the opponent's reaction and way of shooting. Of course, the probability of success is much higher than that of failure. "I see what you're thinking. But what's in it for you?" "It doesn't do any good. We just want to contribute to the investigation... However, under the current situation that Jack has designated the Imperial TV, I think the news from the police should also be limited to the Imperial TV, and it is 'Good afternoon! JAPAN' Come to broadcast so as not to cause unnecessary confusion."

The point is to get the scoop? The police and Jack's hotline.The audio-visual public, whose heads are stuffed with curiosity, will indeed stare at 'Good afternoon! JAPAN', then the ratings will be higher than it is now, and this matter will not have anything to do with Tsuruzaki. There are many advantages and few disadvantages.What a gift that fell from the sky.However, it cannot be accepted unconditionally.According to what the other party just mentioned, it is beneficial to me.Since it's beneficial, it's not a negotiation if you don't use it for nothing. "As you said, this is indeed a very meaningful proposal! Then I would be more respectful than obedient! But there are conditions."

As soon as these words came out, Sumida and the other person looked at each other.Why didn't I expect that Tsuruzaki would put forward conditions! "What conditions?" "First of all, it cannot be broadcast live but pre-recorded. Because we have to observe the reaction after the broadcast and then make necessary responses." In fact, don't worry about it.It's because I don't want to show my tense voice and expression in front of the camera and microphone.If you pre-record, you can shoot until you are satisfied. "Secondly, the pre-recording is basically in the form of a statement issued by the Metropolitan Police Department. If it is necessary to answer questions, I must check those questions in advance. This is to prevent the content of the question from leaking the secret. .” If asked an urgent question, I can't bear to be publicized as a panic-stricken fool.Only when the dominance is completely in your own hands can it be meaningful to be on TV! "In the end, I will represent the Metropolitan Police Department on TV alone. From Jack's point of view, it's easier to reveal his sincerity with me as the imaginary enemy. From the point of view of the person in charge, it's up to me to fight!" Of course, the benefits must be enjoyed by one person alone.In the unlikely event that something unfavorable happens, as long as any unlucky ghost from the headquarters comes in, the responsibility can be shared.I not only have the position to do so, but also have the qualifications to do so.The police personnel headed by themselves will never allow failure. The loss of prestige by police personnel is tantamount to the loss of prestige by the police organization.Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to avoid contempt for one's own authority. After discussing quietly with the other person, Sumita finally nodded reluctantly.
"...What are the chances of luring Jack to show up like this?" Inukai Hayato spoke sarcastically, but Aso turned his back and refused to answer seriously.It is certain that the person who was asked this question must hate it very much, but there is nothing he can do about it. Just when Inuyang was about to express his views on this matter, Furutegawa smiled deliberately for everyone to hear. "There are so many people, there must be idiots!" It stands to reason that the criminal police in the jurisdiction have no right to speak in front of the squad leader who belongs to the department, but maybe they didn't name them, and no one was there to dissuade them. This guy named Tsuruzaki, I couldn't see his superficiality when we first met.He himself didn't seem to notice it, but compared with the other twelve people, his negotiating skills were obviously jerky.Or if you insist on going your own way just because you want to hide your poor negotiation skills, it will reveal your childishness even more.If he is not good at it, then he is not good at it, otherwise he can just shut up, but his performance is so exaggerated, which makes people see that he is acting sloppily. Specifically, this kind of person is led by the nose by the desire for power and the intention to climb up, so that he can't even figure out whether it is someone else's bait in front of him. Therefore, when I heard that Tsuruzaki was going to make a statement to Jack, I just thought it was a joke, but knowing that it was a setup by the Imperial TV Station, I could see through the tricks of both parties.Generally speaking, Tsuruzaki, who loves to show off, proposed favorable conditions to Teito TV and got his consent, but in fact he was used by Teito TV.Their calculation is that as long as Jack responds to the broadcast content, then they can boast of the existence value of Imperial TV Station.On the other hand, even if Tsuruzaki made some gaffe, Imperial Capital TV would have nothing to do with it.No, if the ratings go up, Tsuruzaki can still contribute! Everyone in the first class of search and investigation must have read out this conspiracy!I saw everyone with frowning faces, mourning for the general's incompetence and exhausting the three armies. "Squad leader, it's true that you found something in common between Yumika Rokugo and Kiriko Hanzaki, but whether it's a trump card or a useless card, it's still..." "Stop talking, Inukai Hayato!" Aso interrupted him with a painful expression. "Now we can only hope that Jack is more idiot than we think!" "Then, no wonder we're being played around by that idiot!" Furutegawa Kazuya's complaints aroused great resentment from everyone.Eyebrows stared and salvos shot from all directions, Furutegawa shyly avoided his sight. "Hey, let's start!" When someone yelled that, everyone focused on the TV screen.At noon, after the opening title of "Good afternoon! JAPAN", the familiar upper body image of Tsuruzaki appeared.I don't know if he noticed it himself, but the eyes looking directly at the camera showed a look of depravity. "The following is our follow-up report on the Heisei Jack serial killing incident that has been broadcast for you for the past few days. Today, I invite you to the studio of Tsuruzaki, the commander of the investigation headquarters. Then, we welcome the police!" "Hi everyone!" It seemed to be a press conference, and the female announcer's voice was off camera. "Today I mainly want to ask about the progress of the incident. Have you identified the suspect?" "It's not yet at the stage of identifying the suspect, and the investigation is still ongoing. Once the suspect is identified, follow-up actions can begin immediately." "These two incidents have a strong sense of curiosity, so the citizens can be said to be restless at night." "It is true. However, as many people have noticed, this is just an imitation of the Jack the Ripper incident that happened in London in the 19th century. In other words, the murderous nature of the case was staged, so the public need not be overly fearful." Hearing this, Inukai Hayato's heart shuddered.Although this statement was clearly provoking Jack, it didn't take into account that sometimes the performance was more terrifying than the inherent ferocity.If Jack dissected the human body through meticulous calculations, such a calm attitude would actually be more threatening!How could Tsuruzaki not even understand this!According to Quanyang's observation of people, he judged that Jack would laugh at this broadcast! "The Metropolitan Police Department is the world's largest police organization. Such inhumane behavior will never be tolerated again! I promise to all citizens that from now on, everyone will live in peace." "Ah! The cowhide blowing is too big!" Furutegawa Kazuya said in astonishment.But it also expressed the aspirations of all the investigators present.Vigilantes are naturally supposed to reassure citizens, but they don't promise viewers so lightly.In the unfortunate event of a third incident, the mere fact that people's hopes have been shattered is enough to invite even greater criticism.For the sake of caution, he sneaked a glance at Aso, and saw that he was staring at Tsuruzaki on the screen with a tired expression. "I didn't grasp the connection between these consecutive incidents before, but now I finally found the commonality of the two murders." "Common? What's that?" "It's too inconvenient to answer at the moment. But I think Jiji's investigation of this common point will solve the case sooner or later." Tsuruzaki said confidently.Maybe his own attitude is aboveboard, but in the eyes of Quan Yang, he is arrogant. "However, Jack... the murderer who calls himself 'Jack' seems to be committing the third and fourth cases again." "Then, I'll take this opportunity to speak to Jack." Shout out—?Quanyang shuddered. "You're going to shout at Jack... are you?" "The killer sent two messages. I should respond here." Tsuruzaki looked at the camera like a justice investigator confronting Jack on TV? "Are you watching this broadcast? Jack!" It should have been arranged in advance!Tsuruzaki's face staring at the camera turned into a close-up that filled the screen. "We already know the conditions under which you choose your victims, so of course we know who you will target next time." "How could he know!" Furutegawa Kazuya said unbearably. "Although I submitted a note, the hospital hasn't responded yet, so I don't know whose turn it will be next time. What should I do if I make a mistake?" Finally unable to watch it any longer, Aso spoke. "Even so, it should have a certain effect! Jack, who saw this broadcast, may be suspicious of a dark ghost, and maybe he will hesitate to commit a crime next time." "If it were me, I wouldn't hesitate. Instead, I would speed up the attack without stopping. Will the guy who is too frightened by such exaggerated threats send the victim's kidney?" "The next target is already under our protection. It's useless if you lock it. And no matter how much you want to pretend to be Jack to deceive the world, we already know that your motive is not random killing. So I ask you, Jack! Your What is the motive? What do you want? Is it pure revenge? Or do you want a part of the admirer's body?" "No way! Do it like this!" Gu Techuan's mouth was half-open. "Totally intoxicated by the soliloquy!" Inukai Hayato was astonished.Although he had reported to his superiors how he had finally found Chiharu Takano, the organ transplant coordinator, he had not mentioned any doubts about the family members of the donor, but Tsuruzaki already seemed to have his own opinions.Even Inuyang believes that this clue is the most likely, but it is too dangerous to jump over the wall in such a hurry before getting a definitive testimony from Chiharu. "If you have anything to say, just talk to me directly! You can call or send an email, but I will never let you commit a crime! Now it's your turn to be frightened! Wait! You must be brought to justice immediately Yifa!" Can't watch it anymore.Quanyang picked up the remote control to turn off the TV.A dampening low pressure ensued. Tsuruzaki's performance made headlines in the evening papers that day.The news programs repeatedly broadcast images of Tsuruzaki being interviewed, and there is no media that did not show Tsuruzaki's face. Tsuruzaki, who boasted so much about Jack, won a lot of applause.Although there are rationalists among them who believe that this move will only stimulate such vicious criminals, such voices have not formed public opinion.In other words, it further proves that the public's fear of Jack is biased. In addition, media other than Teito TV also welcomed Tsuruzaki's interview.There are quite a few people who think that it is more humane for the chief of the investigation department to openly call out to major criminals.No one criticizes that this is a rash move, and it is simply complicit in the hasty behavior of Tsuruzaki and the media. Active-duty police officers want to pull out the fangs of criminals more than ever before. For the police who have been criticized at every turn in the past and are far from the feelings of the public, this will undoubtedly stimulate them to take advantage of the situation.Thousands of letters of encouragement to the Metropolitan Police Department and Tsuruzaki were sent to Teito TV alone.Senior government officials who originally advocated prudence in words and deeds also remained silent.Overnight, Tsuruzaki was hailed as a hero that everyone admired. Forced by this situation, the search and investigation headquarters had to deal with the current situation quickly.The commander's words are all on this point, how can I be so slow!Inuyang and Furutegawa were ordered to have Chiharu come to the case to explain, and there was no time to wait for the other party's reply. An order cannot be refused.Inuyang intends to ask for a meeting with Chiharu tomorrow. "To be honest, I can't lift it up...really, I can't lift a centimeter!" When there were only two of them, Furutegawa couldn't help but whine.Quanyang didn't intend to persuade him, because he also couldn't get up. "Why do you have to fight that idiot?" "Instead of fighting that idiot, it would be better to think of it as being forced to leave by public opinion!" "If Jack is successfully arrested and brought to justice, Commander Tsuruzaki will become a superstar. If the case is delayed, we will be scolded all the time... That's the way it is!" "wrong." "what?" "If the case is delayed, the number of dead bodies will increase." As soon as these words came out, Gu Techuan's face changed drastically. "Will it? If the reason for choosing the target is seen through, Jack should play it by ear!" "I thought so too, but when I saw the broadcast of the commander, I lost confidence. Like you, if I were Jack, I would find a young woman to strike at the commander's blue face tonight. .”
"I will never let you commit another crime! Now it's your turn to be frightened! Just wait! You must be brought to justice immediately!" "Now there are still such passionate police officers!" The woman sitting next to Ryoko looked at the TV screen and muttered to herself.When it comes to the police officers who appear in this press conference, they are no different from the officials who can only talk and talk, so the novelty is exactly that. "Probably because such a horrible tragedy happened, even the police have to be so involved!" However, freshness and goodwill are two different things.Ryoko understood that what this man showed was not his enthusiasm for work, but his pursuit of selfish interests, so instead of not liking him, he felt a sense of disgust.She loses interest and looks away from the picture after not even a second glance.This is a rare lunch break in her intensive schedule, so she doesn't want to waste watching these unhappy things. "Ah, Guizimu, have you applied for leave?" Zhu Mei who was sitting opposite asked.A part-time employee like Ryoko must apply to the store manager for weekly vacations according to regulations. "I applied to the firm yesterday, and I want to take a vacation tomorrow." "Huh? Tomorrow?" Hearing the rising end of Zhu Mei's words, Ryoko smacked her lips inwardly.This woman must be dissatisfied with making such a sound. "Oh, Nishiura is also on vacation tomorrow! If you want to take a vacation, then you might as well close the door tomorrow. Hey, Kishimo, didn't I tell you? I have an appointment with my friend tomorrow!" Why didn't you say it the day before yesterday? It's so annoying... The words that had already entered my throat were swallowed as usual.Although she is a regular employee, this woman's scheduling management ability is almost like a dog.No, dogs that remember when to eat and walk are smarter! "Sorry! I have something to do tomorrow too!" "Huh? But don't you live alone now? No need to go to school and no family trips..." "I'm going to see my son." "Oh, but your son has passed away!" "I want, go and see, my son!" Liangzi said it again without changing his face, and Zhu Mei left with a stinky face. relieved.It is the strongest reason for a mother to visit her son! Ryoko returned to the store after finishing her bento.The next five hours will be devoted to the customer. As soon as I get off work, I have to hurry up and prepare things for tomorrow.Although the place is unfamiliar, there is always a way!I am really grateful to the lady surnamed Takano, because she told me the data of the recipient that she could not have known before, so she was able to visit Zhirou as she wished. Shirou is doing well right now... just thinking about it, Ryoko's footsteps felt lighter.
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