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Chapter 49 Chapter Seven

guard eye 横山秀夫 839Words 2018-03-15
The moonlight outside is bright.Kannai Tadanobu got into the car, took out his mobile phone, and called the secretarial department.Katsuragi Toshiichiro answered the phone immediately. "It's so late, are you still working?" "Ah, the governor secretly met with members of the 'Yixinhui' county council." Tadanobu Kurauchi didn't know about this matter.So, his already calm mood caused an uproar again. "What do you find me for?" "The manager of Makino Electronics had a traffic accident." Cangnei Zhongxin was taken aback immediately: "Is the injury serious?"

"Concussion, broken leg, but not life-threatening. He called you yesterday morning, and I thought I should tell you." "How did you know?" "The hospital called to tell us. Manager Muye was talking nonsense when he was in a coma and said he wanted to see the governor. The hospital called and asked what was going on. I replied that it has nothing to do with us." It doesn't matter? "The last time the governor ran for office, he put in a lot of effort, so how can you say it's okay?" "But, for that kind of person, it's better not to let him get close to the governor. Didn't you do the same thing, section chief?"

"But he is seriously injured now. If you tell the doctor that he is a supporter of the governor, the doctor will take care of him. I will go to the hospital to visit him now. You can contact the flower shop and ask the flower shop to take care of him tomorrow morning. Flowers were sent to his bed in the hospital." "...and send flowers?" Katsuragi Toshiichiro's unconvinced voice came from the phone, "For this kind of person, don't send flowers. It will save him from getting carried away." "Is it you who get carried away?" Kurauchi Tadanobu couldn't help but pop out such a sentence.

"Ah?..." Katsuragi Toshiichiro exclaimed in surprise. "You are indeed very capable. The suggestion you gave the governor this morning is also very good. The governor followed your suggestion, which really made the reporters happy. Tomorrow, newspapers of all sizes will publish it together, praising the governor's report. Yes For the old man, you are an indispensable person. I am convinced of these, and I will not set up obstacles for you. However, I hope you will not, set up obstacles for others, and don't stretch out your hands to drag others' legs!" "What? What's going on?..." Katsuragi Toshiichiro shouted loudly, "I can't understand what you're saying!..."

Kurauchi Tadanobu felt that there was a smile in Katsuragi Toshiichiro's voice. "Don't pretend to be confused!... What did you do when I was away on Monday morning? Show the old man the letters from the people that shouldn't be read to the old man, right?" This time, Toshiichiro Guimu really smiled: "How could I do that kind of thing? Besides, on Monday morning, all the staff in our petition office went out to take pictures of various facilities in the county. Not in secretary class!..."
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