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Chapter 47 Chapter 5

guard eye 横山秀夫 1754Words 2018-03-15
The next morning, the secretary class in the county governor's office was surrounded by a rush of air.At 9:30, there was a monthly press meeting. In order to answer all kinds of questions from the reporters, the leaders of various ministries and bureaus took turns entering and leaving the county governor's office. After the leaders of the various ministries and bureaus left, Tadanobu Kurauchi stood up holding the documents, and looked inside the office of the Secretary Division.Katsuragi Toshio was taking documents out of the filing cabinet.Guimu is wearing a lavender suit today, presumably he is going to meet with reporters with the governor.

Kurauchi Tadanobu walked around the desk, walked to the door of the governor's office, raised his right hand and knocked on the door. "Come in!..." the old man Sifangtian Haruo shouted from inside. Kurauchi Tadanobu hesitated for a moment, pushed the door open, stepped on the thick carpet, and closed the door casually.Sifangtian is sorting out business cards.He knew it was Cang Nei who pushed the door in, but he didn't look up.Can feel in the warehouse, the old man glanced at him quietly from the corner of his eye, and frowned. Wrong person! ... Kurauchi Tadanobu hesitated for a moment.However, he immediately thought: Hesitation can only be considered by the old man as something wrong, so he summoned up his courage and took a few steps forward.

"Good morning!..." Kurauchi Tadanobu greeted the old man Sifang Tian Haruo generously. "Ah!..." The old man's voice was unpleasant, and he lowered his head and continued to organize his business cards. Kannai Tadanobu walked to the side of the old man's desk, put the documents into the "pending" file box, and then sent the five letters from the public that were screened out this morning, as well as the ones that were screened out yesterday but had not had time to hand them over to the old man. The four letters from the public were placed on the desk.

"Governor, this is a letter from the people in the past two days." "Understood." Haruo Sifangtian replied coldly. An excruciating silence followed.Kurauchi Tadanobu gritted his teeth hard and broke the silence. "Letter from the people on Monday, have you read it?" Sifangtian glanced at Cangnei, with a pair of indifferent eyes: "Look, what's the matter?" "Is there anything about me..." These words reached his throat, but he still didn't say it in the end. Haruo Sifangtian lowered his head and fiddled with the card holder.That clearly means: I am not interested in you.

Kurauchi Tadanobu suddenly felt that Sifangtian was very far away from him.Now I want to find out here whether there have been any letters from the people in the storehouse, whether it is from Mukai Kafumi's family or relatives, what is the content, and whether "200,000 yen" is mentioned. It can be said that it is absolutely impossible of. When the matter developed to this point, the danger signal of "causing trouble" began to flash in Cang Nei Zhongxin's brain.If it wasn't because of Mukai Kawen's reason for Haruo Sifangtian's "misjudgment of the person", Kurauchi's telling of this matter would be tantamount to adding another material to make the old man hate him.

"Is there anything else?..." Sifangtian Haruo asked casually.This sentence simply terrified the warehouse. "No... not anymore!" "Then go back!..." Sifangtian Haruo yelled viciously. "...Yes." Cangnei Zhongxin agreed, but his legs were weak and he couldn't walk at all. If you don't go out, Sifangtian will scold him, but if you go out like this, it will be difficult to come in later - this is what Kurauchi Tadanobu is most afraid of.The knock on the door saved the warehouse. Haruo Sifangtian agreed, and Sawako Hasane poked his head in with a nervous expression.

"It's time, please go to the press meeting room." Sawako Renne informed the county governor. "Understood. Before going over, call Guimu here!..." Sifangtian Haruo ordered. Katsuragi Toshiichiro seemed to be waiting outside the door, and a few seconds later, Katsuragi in a light purple suit walked in.Kurauchi Tadanobu didn't know what to do, so he stood there motionless. Haruo Sifangtian looked at Toshiichiro Katsuragi solemnly and asked, "The reporter will definitely ask me whether I will run for the prefectural governor election next year. How should I answer?"

Katsuragi Toshiichiro asked without hesitation: "Do you want to express your attitude?" "No, if you express your attitude, you need to express it to the parliament first, otherwise the parliamentarians will not be happy." "If that's the case..." Katsuragi Toshiichiro said with a smile, "You just have to smile like this." "Smile?..." Haruo Shifangda looked at Toshiichiro Katsuragi in surprise. "Yes. Don't answer the reporter's question right away, but calmly smile affirmatively. The reporter will be satisfied if he understands the governor's intentions. However, he can't write in the report that you will participate in the election next year."

"So that's how it is..." Sifangtian Haruo nodded as if understanding, "However, what if he asks again?" "You just smile wryly, look around at the faces of all the reporters, meet the eyes of all the reporters one by one, and then say 'I'm thinking about it' to let them understand that you want to make it clear, but you can't say it right now." Katsuragi Toshiichiro nodded with a smile and said, "You hinted your complicated inner world secretly to reporters to satisfy their self-esteem. They think they know things that ordinary people don't know, and when they are satisfied, they will naturally become close to you If you feel grateful, I will naturally write articles to praise you."

Kurauchi Tadanobu walked out of the county governor's office silently.His heart hurts. Katsuragi Toshiichiro has already begun to display his talents, and he has firmly grasped the heart of the old man Si Fangtian.The feelings of jealousy and failure mixed together made Kurauchi at a loss as to how to deal with it. Not only that, but Toshiichiro Guimu's suggestion to deal with reporters is really powerful. From here, Kurauchi Tadanobu saw Guimu's true nature.Guimu can do it by deliberately showing the letters from the people who criticize the warehouse to the old man.
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