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Chapter 40 Continental

guard eye 横山秀夫 1737Words 2018-03-15
Ten days later, the body of Kiyoshi Sugai, who called himself a "professional photographer," was found in the living room of his own home. When it was almost noon, two criminal police officers suddenly came to Takanashi Touji's house and asked him to go to the police station, where he was interrogated for a whole day. The detective found Takanashi Touji's business card on the coffee table at Sugai's house.Takanashi poured beans out of the bamboo tube and truthfully explained what happened to the criminal policeman, but the criminal policeman who asked him still seemed unsatisfied.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when Takanashi Touji came out of the police station.Ichitaro Kuboki, a reporter from the "Prefectural Citizens Shinbo" who has been stationed at the police station for a long time, is waiting for him at the back door of the police station building. "Hey!...Do you think I'm a suspect?" Takanashi Touji got into Kuboki Ichitaro's car, and as soon as he sat down in the passenger seat, he suddenly became angry.His mind was in turmoil.After sitting on the hard steel chair in the police station for more than eight hours, he didn't bother to be surprised by Xu Bei's death.

"The police said that you are just an insider. I have already told the police that I will never disclose the fact that you were questioned at the police station." The alert Kuboki Ichitaro started the car while speaking.Kuboki Ichitaro joined the newspaper three years later than Takanashi Toru, and worked as a sports reporter with Takanashi. "Has the body been examined? When was Sugai killed? How?" Takanashi Touji asked impatiently.He had asked the police dozens of times this question in the interrogation room. "The presumed time of death is a week to ten days ago. There is nothing in the stomach, which means that he was killed after a long time after the last meal." Kuboki Ichitaro said while driving, " He was strangled to death, the murderer grabbed his throat with both hands from the front..."

What the calm Kuboki Ichitaro said did not calm Takanashi Touji. "Ten days ago? That is, the day I went to Sugai's house? So the police suspected that I was the murderer? I never saw him!..." Takanashi Touji scolded angrily, "He's not at home! Maybe At home, but he didn't come out! . . . Beast! . . . " "You're just an insider—that's what the police told me." "I was honest and told everything." Takanashi Touji complained dissatisfiedly, "But, that detective...what's his name...yes, his name is Yamase, do you know him?"

"I don't know!..." Kuboki Ichitaro shook his head lightly and said. "What did Yamase say to me, 'Is there any entanglement between you and the victim?' He was right, there was indeed an entanglement, but killing people just to publish a 'corrected notice'? Is it possible? " "You're just an insider." "Is the suspect identified?" Takanashi Touji asked nervously. "The criminal police called several women to the police station for questioning." "This case must have something to do with women. That kid Subai has physical relationships with four or five women..." Takanashi Touji pointed at the intersection and said angrily, "Ah, turn right at the intersection ahead!  … ..."

However, Kuboki Ichitaro did not follow Takanashi Touji's instructions to turn right, but drove straight ahead. "Let's report back to the agency first and report the situation." "Shall I go too?" Takanashi Touji asked sullenly. "Ah?!..." Kuboki Ichitaro agreed angrily. "What?..." Takanashi Touji wanted to go home as soon as possible, even a minute earlier.After returning home, take a bath to relieve the nerves that have been tense for a day. "The superior asked me to cooperate with you to write a manuscript." Kuboki Ichitaro said.

"Writing a manuscript?..." Takanashi Touji looked at Kuboki Ichitaro's profile and asked, "What do you mean by that?" Kuboki Ichitaro stared ahead and replied: "The police haven't announced this murder incident, so other newspapers don't know about it. But, you talked to Sugai on the phone that night, our newspaper office can take the lead and report this incident The title can be considered as 'the victim is still alive at 8:00 p.m. on the 26th', or 'killed after 8:00' or something." Takanashi Touji felt chills all over his body, as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on his head.For ten days, Takanashi has been sitting on pins and needles in the office every day.

Takanashi Touji not only made a mistake, but also tried to cover up the mistake—everyone in the editorial bureau knew about it, and everyone knew about it.There is no way, the mistake was made by oneself. The most unbearable thing for Takahashi Touji was that Kamachi ridiculed him in front of so many people, saying that he, an old reporter who had worked in a newspaper office for sixteen years, was not as good as Rie Tezuka, who had been working for less than two years. . It was so embarrassing that Takanashi Touji even thought about resigning.Takanashi Touji's mood, it's impossible for the higher-ups not to know, but the higher-ups actually planned to use the "by-product" of Takanashi's mistakes to create a "scoop" that other newspapers could not produce!Therefore, regardless of how tired Takanashi Touji was after more than eight hours of interrogation at the police station, let him report directly to the agency from the police station.

"I'm sorry!" Kuboki Ichitaro said suddenly. "Huh?..." Takanashi Touji raised his head in surprise. "I also think that's going too far." Takanashi Touji felt that the strength in his body was gone.This sense of exhaustion even swallowed the anger in my heart. That's right, I am neither a reporter nor a director-level employee of the typesetting department, but an ordinary working class.The wage-earners live on their salary. It was getting closer and closer to the newspaper building.Takanashi Touji sighed and said, "Kuboki Ichitaro, write! Please help me!..."

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