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Chapter 36 Chapter Two

guard eye 横山秀夫 2810Words 2018-03-15
After arriving home, Takanashi Touji drank two glasses first, had dinner, and watched the last TV news. It was almost one o'clock in the middle of the night. His wife, Sakiko, was already asleep.Since Takanashi was transferred to the typesetting department, Sakiko was very happy.Sakiko said to him, you are a field reporter, but you have tormented me enough, the life of a field reporter is too irregular.The working hours of the typesetting department are fixed. At the beginning of the month, you can know which day to go to work and which day to rest at home in this month. The work plan is also formulated on the same day.Therefore, Takanashi can often accompany Sakiko to shop and watch movies.

Takari Touji, who drank drowsily, began to look forward to his future.After working in the typesetting department for two or three years, how can I be the person in charge of a regional edition? As a field reporter, Takanashi Touji is no less than anyone else in the newspaper office.When I first became a reporter, I worked in the police station for two years, then I worked as a sports reporter for three years, and worked in two branches.After being transferred to the head office, he worked as a municipal reporter and also as a county reporter.I dare not say that I did a particularly good job, but I dare say that I did a good job.

Takanashi Touji also wrote the "scoop" that surprised other newspapers. He also planned publicity activities on road administration and education issues. Never been lazy... As a reporter, no one can fault Takanashi Touji. However, after being transferred to the typesetting department for three months, what about my new life?After noon, he went to work nonchalantly wearing a T-shirt. Most of the time, he watched his boss’s face, sat in front of his desk and worked. He couldn’t even smoke during working hours. Tobacco is a happy thing.Days like this are tiresome. Of course, after not being a reporter, it is indeed much easier, and sometimes I think it is very good.However, holding a reporter's business card and striding forward for sixteen years, what exactly is it for?

Maybe I have lost confidence in the work of the typesetting department.What field reporters need is keen intuition, confidence, and resilience. As long as they have a skill better than others, they can get along.But in the typesetting department, a person's basic ability is tested every day.You need to be sensitive, and your work process must be fully exposed in front of your boss and the production department. This is very stressful. For field reporters, a person is a world, and it is a hero to be able to write the manuscript in the end. It seems that I don't have the ability to do typesetting work.Whenever he thinks of this, Takashi Touji wants to go back to work as a field reporter.In the typesetting department, you have to think about climbing the ladder; field reporters don't think about it. Being a reporter for a lifetime does not feel ashamed, and the sense of pride exists deep in the heart.

A few talented journalists who are about the same age as Takahashi Toru declared that they would never work in the back office for the rest of their lives, and would instead be jobless reporters for the rest of their lives.Takanashi was a little jealous of them. As a kind of confrontation, he agreed to be transferred to the typesetting department.There is an opportunity to climb up here, and there is also capital to compete with them. Takanashi lit another cigarette.The ashtray was full, and he was smoking more than he had been as a field reporter.Forget it, go to sleep.The loud half-naked women on the TV screen are boring.

Takanashi Touji turned off the TV, and the room fell silent immediately.As soon as he stood up from the sofa, the phone rang.Takanashi was taken aback.Looking at the clock, it was past one o'clock in the morning, and the rotary printing press in the newspaper printing factory was already running. Who would call at such a late hour? Takanashi Touji picked up the phone. "I'm sorry to call you so late. I'm Rie Tezuka." Tezuka Rie's phone number?This is the first time.Takanashi Touji's brain idling. "What happened?" "There is something wrong with the regional version."

error?Takanashi looked sideways at mid-air: "What...what's wrong?" "Is there a manuscript for Xu Gai's photography exhibition? That photography exhibition is over." Takanashi Touji was not able to immediately understand Tezuka Rie's words.His mouth felt parched and he couldn't speak. "Hey! Hey! . . . " "Listen." "It is written in the article that Xu Bei's photography exhibition will end on the 25th, but after midnight, it is now the 26th. That is to say, the photography exhibition ended yesterday, and it is gone today."

Rie Tezuka explained in detail.Takanashi Touji's hand holding the phone was trembling. "Wait a minute!..." After Takanashi Touji finished speaking, he pulled his leather bag over, took out the regional version of the proof that had been folded into small pieces, held the phone between his head and shoulders, and opened the proof.Find the title of "Xu Bei Photography Exhibition Ends Today", and then look at the specific content, it really is "Xu Bei Photography Exhibition ends on the 25th".Those few words hurt Takanashi's eyes. I made a mistake.The old reporters in the typesetting department must scold themselves for being haunted by demons.

Takanashi Touji lowered his head weakly, he remembered the scene when he was in the typesetting department. By the way, when he was proofreading, he found that there was something wrong, but at that time, Arakawa, the person in charge of the regional edition, approached him and asked him to add the "Ballet" manuscript.After Arakawa made trouble, he never thought of the wrong place he found. It's all Arakawa's fault!No, the worst is Yuzawa from the Y city branch. If he didn't send the manuscript so late, Takanashi Touji wouldn't be so flustered.As a result, neither I nor Pu Di, the director of the typesetting department, saw anything wrong.

Takanashi Touji switched the phone to his left hand and asked, "Where's the newspaper?" "It has already been printed." Takanashi Touji's last ray of hope was also shattered by Tezuka Rie.Once a rotary press is running, it is impossible to stop it. "I only found out after I got home. However, I didn't tell anyone." At this time: Takanashi Touji noticed that Tezuka Rie's voice was not as domineering as usual. "Maybe no one will notice. Another regional edition, another small one..." No one will notice? The voice sounded like it was coming from an angel or a devil.Takanashi Touji hung up the phone and sat on the tatami.

His wife, Sakiko, opened the sliding door, revealing a sleepy face: "What happened?" "It's okay, just sleep with you." After the sliding door was closed, Takanashi Toruji put the proof on the low table, wanting to read it again, but he couldn't read it after reading a few lines. Bastard, that little bitch!Always speak nicely. The photography exhibition that ended yesterday, the newspaper said it ended today.People who read the newspaper this morning, maybe some people actually read it, and they will call the newspaper office and make comments when they see it. How can it be said that no one will notice?The more Takanashi Touji wanted to believe Rie's words, the angrier he felt. Toruji Takashi was lying on the tatami in a large character shape, and began to think about countermeasures.Call the typesetting department director Pu Di? It's half past one in the morning, you're not at the newspaper office anymore, are you?Pu Di's home is not far from the newspaper office, and it takes less than ten minutes to drive, so I'm afraid I'm home by now.Call him right away, admit your mistake, and get a good night's sleep.It's better than having a bad night's sleep, getting up tomorrow morning and making a drowsy phone call. Of course I was responsible for misreading the date, but Pu Di couldn't say that he had no responsibility at all.He also looked at the proof, and didn't see anything wrong with it. He was the one who ordered the printing. wrong…… If Pudi is also responsible, it's better not to call now.Takanashi Touji pondered in this way. This guy, Pu Di, looks very kind on the surface, but he is actually a sticky person who is very unhappy in his work.This time Gao Li lost his face, tell him now, let him think about it all night, he can only get more and more angry.After going to work tomorrow, it is the best policy to admit the mistake to him, or call him to admit the mistake tomorrow morning. Takanashi Touji suddenly remembered what that unnamed professional photographer would say to the newspaper office.He leaned back and read the manuscript of "Subai Photography Exhibition Ends Today" again. Professional photographer Kiyoshi Sugai, aged 43 years old... When I met the rainbow and the cloud... Asahi Hill Town... Asahi Art Gallery... That is to say, it was not only Kiyoshi Sugai who expressed dissatisfaction with the "Xinbao", but also the operator of the Rising Sun Art Exhibition Room.Moreover, there will be citizens who will visit the photography exhibition. Ten, fifty, or a hundred? ... Takanashi Touji can't imagine how many people will go after reading the newspaper.However, Takanashi Touji also felt that it would not cause too much disturbance. It is said that he is a professional photographer, but this Sugai Kiyoshi has no reputation at all.The personal photography exhibition held by this kind of person, that is, friends and acquaintances go to see it, but it is not published in the newspaper, and they know when it will be. However, the phrase "When you meet the rainbow and the cloud" seems to be quite attractive, and many ordinary citizens may visit it. Takanashi Touji got into bed and couldn't fall asleep for a long time.The scene of the editors in the editorial department frantically dealing with calls from readers appeared in his retina, and the "number of words exceeded" in the lower right corner of the computer screen also flickered in his mind.
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