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Chapter 30 Continental

guard eye 横山秀夫 1907Words 2018-03-15
The French translation of Hisashi Eto's house is very different from Tachihara's imagination. Tachihara Yoshinosuke did not describe the house of French translator Hisashi Eto in his mind, and what kind of building it was, but based on his education, experience, and the very educated tone of voice on the phone, he never thought of it. Eto lived in a simple bungalow with a tin roof. Shortly after ringing the bell, the door opened.A face with regular features and fair skin suddenly appeared in front of Tachihara Yoshinosuke. "Can't you do it tomorrow?" Yoshinosuke Tachihara understood the reason for Hisashi Eto's words on the phone just now when he looked at the clothes he was wearing.Eto was wearing a black dress and a black tie.

It turned out that today was Eto Hisashi's mother, forty-nine days after her death.Wei Teng wants to do "Qiqi" for his mother, and before noon, the monks in the temple will come to perform rituals. Tachihara Yoshinosuke bowed deeply, and said to the French translator Hisashi Eto: "I'm really sorry, my request is really rude." "It's okay, please come in!..." Hisashi Eto, the French translator, smiled boldly. The living room of Eto Hisashi's house doubles as a Buddhist hall.Cigarettes are lingering in front of the Buddhist altar, and inside the altar are photos that look like Hisashi Eto's parents.The sliding door of the next room is half open, and you can see that there are many books on the bookshelves and tatami mats inside. Although the cover text is not clear, it can be seen that most of them are horizontal rows. Yoshinosuke Tachihara guessed , probably the original book.

"I'm sorry, the house is a mess." Eto Hisashi said, bringing tea and snacks from the kitchen. Yoshinosuke Tachihara felt that: Eto Hisashi's tone of voice, behavior, and behavior all resembled a woman. "Half a year ago, I came back to my hometown to take care of my mother who was bedridden. I was single all the time and didn't have time to clean the room." "You used to work for a Japanese seedling company?" Tachihara Yoshinosuke asked with a smile. "Ah... yes." Eto Hisashi showed a proud expression on his face, "I studied French at university. After barely graduating, I couldn't find a job, so I took another undergraduate course. Originally, I I was interested in computers and bioengineering, so I decided to learn from the basics. After graduation, because of my French and bioengineering expertise, I joined a Japanese seedling company. This company employs people very hard, and within a few years I went to several countries in Europe and America..."

Yoshinosuke Tachihara regretted that he said that nonsense just now. "Mr. Eto..." Yoshinosuke Tachihara took advantage of Hisashi Eto's pause and hurriedly said, "Please take a look." "Ah?..." Eto Hisashi was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Oh... yes." Tachihara Yoshinosuke took out the strange picture printed out by a color printer from his purse.The red letters on the black background are very dazzling every time I see them. There was a confused expression on Eto Hisashi's face for a moment, but he immediately said calmly, "It is indeed French", and then he picked up the ballpoint pen and sticky pen next to the phone and began to translate.

It was translated in less than ten minutes.During the translation process, Hisashi Eto only stopped to think once or twice, and basically did not stop writing.It can be said that the translation went very smoothly. "The translation is ready!..." Eto Hisashi said, and handed the note with the translation to Tachihara Yoshinosuke. "Let me read it first." Yoshinosuke Tachihara said, took the note and read it. Yoshinosuke Tachihara didn't know what to say for a moment.His throat seemed to be blocked by something.Anxiety came to my heart, and my heart beat faster and faster.

"This..." Tachihara Yoshinosuke had a stiff expression. "What exactly does the author want to say?" Eto Hisashi also tilted his head and pondered, it seemed that he also felt strange. All in all, the meaning of each word is comprehensible, but connecting each word into a sentence is incomprehensible. Yoshinosuke Tachihara adjusted his breathing and read it from the beginning again.Truth... hypocrisy... deceit... Scolding the police?Or venting anger against the police? ... The more you read it carefully, the more you can understand it in this way.Using "The Greatest Man" satirizes the great power of the police, and pointed out very sharply that within the police organization, "hypocrisy is everywhere, at least it is bluffing."

If it is explained in this way, it can be considered that the case was made by insiders. "Lao Tzu" is an active policeman, or a retired policeman. "Lao Tzu loved the truth" means that he worked hard; "those most moral people" may refer to his superiors, or cadres in the police organization. However, this is all subjective imagination of Yoshinosuke Tachihara. In fact, those few lines of text do not have any specific content.It is absolutely impossible to deduce who the criminal is from these few lines of text. The more Yoshinosuke Tachihara thought about it, the more terrifying he felt, but the abstraction and incomprehension of those few lines made Tatsuhara heave a sigh of relief.

At least not like Chief of Police Yanase said.It was neither a terrorist attack announcement nor an explosion announcement, nor was anyone at the Prefectural Police Headquarters criticized by name.Even if the translation is released to the public, no one will think that these few lines are an attack on the county police headquarters, let alone the entire police organization. In short, literally "harmless".There is no need to report to the higher authorities... When Tachihara Yoshinosuke thought of this, Hisashi Eto suddenly spoke. "Probably a section of a certain poem." Eto Hisashi said to himself.

A stanza of a poem? ... After listening to Eto Hisashi's words, Tachihara Yoshinosuke read the translation again.It does feel like poetry. Hypocrisy everywhere, or at least bluffing... Yoshinosuke Tachihara suddenly felt a strange feeling.I seem to know these words... Where have you read it, or heard it? ... Yoshinosuke Tachihara couldn't remember for a moment.However, I clearly know these few words.Moreover, in my heart, I have also chanted these few words. Tachihara Yoshinosuke's nerves suddenly became excited.Memory and words summon each other in the depths of the soul, and finally resonate.

Yoshinosuke Tachihara was taken aback, and his consciousness disappeared in an instant.
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