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Chapter 26 Chapter Two

guard eye 横山秀夫 2028Words 2018-03-15
Ten minutes later, Yoshinosuke Tachihara was already driving a private car on the road leading to the prefectural police headquarters.He was thinking about five or six questions at the same time, and screamed from time to time. "First of all..." Yoshinosuke Tachihara couldn't help shouting in order to stabilize his emotions. Who is a hacker?What is the purpose?What language is the red pinyin text?What is the content? wrong! ... These issues are not issues that should be considered at this stage, and it is useless to consider them.What should be done now is... Get in touch with your boss immediately.Call the Police Department Chief Yanase, Section Chief Yasui, and his subordinate Tanizawa, and tell them what happened here.

Not right either! ...The most urgent task now is how to deal with that scene.On the Internet, at such a time, the website of the county police headquarters was attacked by cyber terrorism, and the homepage turned into a strange picture. If the citizens saw it, it would cause great confusion. The media will make a lot of reports, the police will lose face, and finally they will be held accountable. Of course, Yoshinosuke Tachihara cannot escape the responsibility... Thinking of this, Tachihara Yoshinosuke broke out in a cold sweat, and he held the steering wheel tightly.Hurry up and cut off the power of the server! ...

After Tachihara Yoshinosuke made this determination, he immediately increased the speed of the car.He remembered that after passing the intersection ahead, there was a public phone booth, so he accelerated and drove forward.Unexpectedly, I encountered a red light at the intersection, and I was so anxious! ... As soon as the red light turned green, Tachihara Yoshinosuke slammed on the gas pedal and rushed over, but never expected that the public phone booth has now been removed. There's another one up ahead! ... Yoshinosuke Tachihara gritted his teeth and continued to drive forward.Rishihara Yoshinosuke, who has always advocated anti-mobile phoneism, has suffered retribution today.

Tachihara Yoshinosuke rushed into the old public telephone booth, took out a notepad from his pocket, and first called Police Minister Yanase. It is not acceptable to report after the fact, and to cut off the power of the server also requires the approval of the superior. Chief of Police Yanase seemed to have woken up, and immediately picked up the phone: "What's the matter?" "Someone is playing a prank on the homepage of the prefectural police headquarters website." "Pranking a prank" - this word that popped out of Tachihara Yoshinosuke's mouth unknowingly, was undoubtedly to protect himself and shirk responsibility.

"What's going on?" Yanase Police Chief asked impatiently. "I'll report the details to you later, please approve first, and cut off the power supply of the server first!" Tachihara Yoshinosuke said anxiously. "Server?... What server?" Li Yuan couldn't help but click his tongue in his heart.The establishment of the prefectural police headquarters website was proposed by Police Minister Yanase, but Police Minister Yanase knew almost nothing about the Internet and computers. "It's the computer that sets up the website of the prefectural police headquarters. The server manages everything related to the website, including access to the website by ordinary citizens..."

Li Yuanyi's help is to use as simple a language as possible.Explained the situation to Yanase Police Minister. Immediately after getting the approval of the Minister of Police to cut off the power, Tachihara Yoshinosuke was in the notepad.I found Zhongchuan Chifuzhi's home phone number.Zhong Chuan is a veteran technician of the Information System Division of the General Affairs Department of the county government. He helped a lot when setting up the website of the county police headquarters. It was Mrs. Zhong Chuan who answered the phone. After a while, Mrs. Zhong Chuan said, "I'm Zhong Chuan, what's the matter?" He heard his voice in a daze, as if he had just been woken up by his wife.

"I'm really sorry for waking you up so early." Yoshinosuke Tachihara apologized repeatedly, and continued, "The website of our prefectural police headquarters was attacked by hackers," "Ah?..." Zhong Chuanqian agreed with a deadpan finger. "Cyber ​​terrorists did it. They messed up the homepage screen!..." Yoshinosuke Tachihara's voice was very tense. Zhong Chuanqian pointed out that he woke up immediately: "Don't panic!...Do you mean that hackers have invaded the server?" "Yes. Take the server off the network as soon as possible!  …"

"Understood. I'll leave home right away!..." Zhongchuan Qianfu said, "Then, let's gather in the adjustment room!" This is the fastest.The server of the website of the prefectural police headquarters is located in the adjustment room of the prefectural government information system section. "Please!..." Tachihara Yoshinosuke breathed a sigh of relief excitedly, "By the way, Mr. Nakagawa, I would like to ask you one more thing." "What's the matter?" Zhongchuan Qianfu asked. "Can you temporarily put the county police headquarters website on the server of the county government website?"

It's really greedy. If the power to the website server of the prefectural police headquarters is cut off, the user will not be able to see that strange screen.However, the website of the prefectural police headquarters has disappeared from the Internet. Users who want to visit the website of the prefectural police headquarters will find it strange. "The page cannot be displayed!..." What if the homepage of the Prefectural Police Headquarters cannot be displayed?It will definitely cause various speculations from users. Maybe the media will find out immediately, and then there may be an uproar.

However, what if the website of the county police headquarters is temporarily linked to the server of the county government website?Users can visit the website of the prefectural police headquarters normally, and no one will notice that the website has been invaded by hackers, and everything will be safe. Yoshinosuke Tachihara's voice was full of pleading: "Can you hang up for a while? Isn't it difficult?" "This is not very difficult. Just rewrite the DNS..." Yoshio Nakagawa suddenly hesitated. It's hard to say yes without confirming the method of hacking.If the server of the website of the county police headquarters is attacked by a computer virus, the server of the county government website is also at risk of being infected with a virus.Thinking of this, Zhong Chuan said, "Let's meet and discuss this issue. However, since it has been hacked, the current data cannot be used. Do you have the latest backup?"

"Yes. Back up every day." "Then you bring the backup," Zhongchuan Yifu ordered. "Understood! Thank you so much!..." Before Zhongchuan agreed, Yoshinosuke Tachihara had already said "thank you" at the beginning. Yoshinosuke Tachihara immediately hung up the phone and ran out of the phone booth. Five fifty-seven.The hour and minute hands on the watch look like a sharp knife. "Who did it?..." Yoshinosuke Tachihara muttered softly, stepping on the gas pedal desperately.
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