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Chapter 9 Chapter Two

guard eye 横山秀夫 4111Words 2018-03-15
At three o'clock in the afternoon, Gino Masayuki came to the appointed cafe to meet Isobe.Another writer, Naomi Noguchi, was with Isobe, with a pitiful slim body, sitting next to Isobe. Isobe and Nasumi started living together three years ago. Although they are both in their thirties, they are not married yet.Perhaps, they had no intention of getting married, but just lived together. As soon as Geno Masayuki sat down, Isobe pushed a large stack of copied materials in front of Geno. "This is the old man's information. The baton has been passed to you, congratulations!..." When Isobe said these words, there was a look of nostalgia on his face.

"Congratulations, why didn't I get kicked out just the same after I went!..." Zhiye Masayuki said with a wry smile. "However, I have handed over the three million rights to you. Nasumi and I are completely out of the game." "I really didn't expect that Nasumi was also out." Nasumi pouted her lips cynically, as if she was trying to dig out the meaning of Gino's words: "What do you mean, you must be mocking me, you don't have the charm of a woman." Half a month ago, Nasumi took advantage of the wine and pulled Gino Masayuki to the door of the lover's hotel, hugged his neck, and moaned softly: "I want..." At that time, she also drank a lot Gino, the wine drinker, was so disgusted that he almost vomited.

Two and a half years ago, the three formed a "TIN Ghostwriting Group".At that time, the county set off a wave of self-published autobiographies.Isobe believes that some people who are not good at writing must need ghostwriters, because the local newspapers and printing houses responsible for publishing autobiography do not provide ghostwriters.Those who want to publish their autobiography at their own expense can find someone to write it for themselves, and then take the manuscript to the newspaper office or printing house, without worrying about being ripped off.Isobe also believes that people who want to publish their autobiography are generally rich people, so the income of ghostwriting must be quite considerable...

Seeing that Isobe was so enthusiastic, Gino Masayuki agreed to do some market research.Gino used to work as an editor for a small internal magazine, and spent a little money to place an advertisement in that internal magazine. "Ghostwriting autobiography, experienced writer, dedicated to serve you!" Because I was worried that using my personal name would not gain trust, I took the first letter of the Roman alphabet spelling of the three names Gino, Isobe, and Nasumi, and named it "TIN Ghostwriting Group".Of course, this is neither a company nor an organization, but just a signboard to attract customers.

Intermittently, someone came to the door.However, when I started writing as a ghostwriter, I realized that this is a laborious and unprofitable job.The reason is very simple. There are almost no people who can tell about their lives in a complete and orderly manner, let alone those old people who are hard of hearing. It takes a long time to ask one thing clearly.If you don't have other jobs during the day, you can't make a living. Ghostwriting autobiography can only rely on late hours.After finally writing an autobiography, the income is only one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand, and at most it will not exceed three hundred thousand.

Although, because they were worried about other jobs, they couldn't take over and never gave up, but the three of them were not interested in ghostwriting anymore. Back then they made a rule: no matter who gets a good job, the other two are not allowed to be jealous, and the order of taking jobs is Gino, Isobe, and Nasumi.Recently, the original rule seems to have evolved into "Whenever someone has a bad job, don't blame the other two." Last week it was Isobe's turn to pick up the job, and he received a big guy with 3 million yen.When Gino received the call from Isobe, he was shocked and envious to death.Three million, that is the entire cost of publishing an autobiography, from writing to publishing.It is unheard of for such a large sum of money to be given to a ghostwriter.

Gino's eyes fell on the stack of documents that Isobe pushed over.Kosaburo Hyoudou, 77 years old, is the chairman of "Hyoudou Electric Company", which owns 168 electrical appliances stores inside and outside the prefecture.Stock listing, capital of 34 billion yen, last year's sales of 520 billion yen, operating profit of 18 billion yen, and a total of 7,800 employees... "Hey, that's amazing!..." Masahiro Gino couldn't help but muttered in a low voice. Isobe immediately summoned his venomous tongue: "It was completely forced." "A dictator?"

"A dictator who is even more tyrant than a dictator, he is simply a tyrant. He only believes in himself and his own eyesight. What he is most proud of is that no one can enter his company by relying on relationships. He said, Hiring relatives and old friends will only rot the company. No matter how many hundreds of people come to interview, he will be the interviewer himself." "Oh, it's very thorough!..." Gino Masayuki nodded in admiration. "Don't rush to express your emotions. It is indeed remarkable to shut the door of relatives and friends, but even his son, who went to the interview on purpose, he refused to pass. You said that there is such a heartless relationship in the world. Is it?... As an operator, no matter how great he is, he can’t be without blood and tears, right?” Isobe sneered and said with emotion, “Nasumi and I, who are so poor, failed the interview. He called We wrote it! Damn it, old man! . . . "

Geno Masayuki nodded wordlessly. The person who came to ask the "TIN Ghostwriting Group" to write his autobiography was a male secretary of Kosaburo Hyoudou, surnamed Muraoka.Last spring, Gino, Isobe, and Nasumi collaborated to promote a branch of Hyoudou Electric.At that time, they made a videotape through a video production company, and then got it to be broadcast on Channel Five.Hyoudou Electric Company needs the promotional materials of the five models, and it is urgent.The three people concentrated their wisdom and repeatedly deliberated to produce a set of very good promotional materials.

According to Secretary Muraoka, Chairman Hyoudou was very satisfied after reading the set of promotional materials, so he entrusted "TIN Ghostwriting Group" to write the autobiography that he had wanted to write for a long time.Gino Masako and the others have been looking forward to this day for a long time, so no matter who they send to, they have to put an advertisement promoting the "TIN Ghostwriting Group" in the envelope of the proposal. In the end, they finally caught the three Millions of big fish. Isobe, who went happily and courageously, accepted the interview by Kosaburo Hyoudou, and the answer he got was "change another one".Today, Nasumi went for an interview, and the result was "you can't do it either".

This time, Gino Masayuki's expression couldn't be calm anymore.The opportunity turned to him. Masako Gino wanted too much to pass Kosaburo Hyoudou's interview.To pass this interview, it is more helpful to ask Isobe and Nasumi how they failed than to read any reference books.How did they offend Kosaburo Hyoudou? He wanted to ask the two people in front of him.Regarding the reasons for the failure, it takes a lot of courage to ask Isobe, let alone Nasumi.As far as the current living conditions of Geno Masayuki and Isobe are concerned, three million is not a small amount.If one sentence is not well spoken, this loose "TIN ghostwriting group" will disintegrate, and everyone will go their separate ways. Gino Masayuki coughed dryly, and spoke: "If I don't think it's too shabby, if I can take this job down, I'll give you some..." "No, no!..." Isobe seemed to stop it angrily, "The rules were set at the beginning, whoever writes it must do it, and it's not appropriate to do things that don't follow the rules!" "Twenty percent goes to you, three hundred thousand each." "No, no!..." Isobe blushed, "I beg you, can't you? Even if you don't give me money, I will tell you the reason for the failure of the interview, for your reference." Isobe told Geno Masayuki seriously. "That old man, why don't you ask me casually, he is really interviewing!..." Isobe shouted in surprise, "He will ask you: what kind of work do your parents do, and which school do you go to?" Graduation, belief in life, philosophy of life, asking everything, Jian Yan is dead!..." "It's like an employment exam?" Geno Masayuki asked cautiously. "It's much more difficult than that. It's just a questioning, no, it's not too much to say it's an interrogation. It feels like he has stripped his whole body. I tried my best to answer, but I panicked, and I still couldn't avoid getting stuck." , Pause or something. That old man is so nice, he stood up suddenly. That means, you can't, stop talking!...Look, the interview is over like this!..." Gino Masayuki turned to look at Nasumi, wanting to hear how she failed. "It's the same for me. After listening to Isobe's introduction, I made some preparations, but I still couldn't answer it well. The question he asked was not organized at all. I panicked and didn't know how to answer it. .” As Namio spoke, she sighed, hesitated for a moment, and added another sentence. "Also, that old man is scary, especially his eyes and voice, so scary!..." Gino Masayuki turned his gaze to Isobe, took out a ballpoint pen from his pocket, dragged the documents on the table to his face, and asked very politely, "Can I write it down?" "Is there even a need to ask? Of course!..." "I will pay the lecture fee. Please explain the specific content of the old man's question in as much detail as possible." This time, Isobe did not express his anger at the "lecture fee", but talked at length about the specific content of Hyoudou Kosaburo's question.Geno Masayuki nodded frequently while taking notes quickly.Indeed, the questions Hyoudou asked would be difficult to answer without some preparation in advance. Gino Masayuki rolled his eyelids up and glanced at Naomi.Because the skin of his ankle suddenly felt warm, it was Nasumi's toes.Even through the socks, the body temperature was transmitted to Gino Masako.Naomi also used her toes to draw circles on Gino's ankle as if playing a prank... Nasumi wants to change the status quo, wants to ruin her current life. "My relationship with Isobe should end here. Being with him is quite boring." That day, before Nasumi took Geno Masayuki to the love hotel, she had said this to him when she had a barbecue with Geno. After Isobe failed the interview, he called Masayuki Gino.He said on the phone that Kosaburo Hyoudou must be an old pervert, and Nasumi will definitely win if he goes! Geno Masayuki loathed Isobe's statement.Isobe really hoped that Naomi would use any means to win Hyoudou's autobiography worth 3 million yuan, but... Masayuki Gino took back the heart that had flown away, and continued to read information about Kosaburo Hyoudou.Mother's voice rang in my ears again. "You should always call me Xiao Ai!..." The mother's voice was full of uneasiness. Before Masako Gino started elementary school, his younger sister, Ai, who was two years younger than him, suffered from otitis media, which affected her hearing.Whether Xiao Ai can hear it or not needs to be confirmed by calling her name behind her.If you call her name and turn back, you have to go to the kitchen to report to your mother; if you call her name without turning back, you have to go to the kitchen to report to your mother.Every time Gino Masayuki reported to his mother, he would be praised by his mother. Mother stroked his head, but there was no smile on her face.The young Gino thought that the mother was worried about her son.Aiko is so small, so cute.However, Gino Masayuki later found out that he was wrong, and his mother didn't even love her son.Mother is dating another man outside.She divorced her father, left five-year-old Gino and three-year-old Aiko, and fled far away.Nothing but misfortune. Gino couldn't understand those who wrote their autobiographies.Whether it's just misfortune or happiness, what's the point of writing it down and leaving it in the world?Whether it is an ordinary life or a particularly tortuous life, it is just life. Geno Masayuki shrank his feet under his chair.Under the table, toes with pink nail polish hovering in mid-air.Gino also escaped that night.He knew very well that Nasumi didn't drink too much, but wanted to find a new place to live.Gino was afraid of such a Nasumi. "How to contact?" Gino Masayuki asked. Isobe pointed to the document in Gino's hand with his chin and said, "The mobile phone number of Secretary Muraoka is written on the corner." "Ms. Hyoudou is dead, right?" "Ah, he died twenty years ago. His company doesn't even allow his son to enter. He is such a stubborn old man. Such a husband is simply too difficult to serve, so the wife has to go first." When it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon, Gino Masayuki broke up with Isobe and Naomi and left the cafe.Less than half an hour later, Nasumi called. "Just one thing to tell you. Before you came to the cafe, I told Isobe that the reason we angered the old man was because we didn't tell the truth. We tried our best to dress up as top students in order to please the old man. It turned out to be self-defeating. Work hard, I wish you success!..." Namio said excitedly. "You must not tell Isobe what I told you just now. He won't let me say that to you. Please! It seems that I have to spend some time with that guy."
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