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Chapter 7 Chapter Seven

guard eye 横山秀夫 3199Words 2018-03-15
February 1st. On this day, both Yamana Etsuko and Kato Printing Factory Manager had smiles on their faces. The February issue of "R Police Man" was published as scheduled.Etsuko flipped through the pages casually, and the pages exuded the fragrance of ink. Yamana Etsuko's gaze stayed on Kondo Miyao's photo.The article was also published.Naturally, Kondo Miyao did not mention his work as a guard in the detention center, but a letter addressed to his eldest son who wanted to be a police officer. Kondo Miyao's manuscript was received by Etsuko Yamana when she was proofreading at the Kato Printing Factory, and it was almost too late.At that time, Yamana Etsuko had already given up reading, and when she suddenly received Kondo's manuscript, she jumped up for joy.

Later, Kondo Miyao called and said to Etsuko coolly, because you were my comrade-in-arms all night.Thinking about what happened that night, it was like a nightmare.However, as time went by, Etsuko increasingly believed that Kondo's "watchman's eye" was justified.Yamanoi Saburo and Emiko conspired to kill Kutani Ichiro.Only by analyzing it in this way can this event be logical. As Kondo Miyao said, the fact that the two people conspired can also be inspired by the reports in the newspapers at the time.For example, the day before her disappearance, Saburo Yamanoi fought with Emiko, and Saburo Yamanoi hit her in the face, but Emiko's eyes were covered with blindfolds.In addition, the cashier at the supermarket saw that her wrists and the backs of her hands were bruised and bruised, apparently from frequent beatings.The person who beat her was none other than her husband Hisaya Ichiro.Hisaya Ichiro has a paranoid love for Emiko, so he cried bitterly in front of the TV camera, and threatened to kill Yamanoi Saburo.After a little analysis, it can be concluded that Hisaya Ichiro committed violence against Emiko, the so-called "violence between husband and wife".

The motives of Yamanoi Saburo and Emiko conspiring to kill Kutani Ichiro can also be found here.Emiko, who is often beaten by her husband, feels the fear in her heart, which is hard for ordinary people to understand.No matter where she fled, she would be chased back by her husband, and after being chased, she would be beaten even more brutally.The domestic violence that Emiko has suffered has reached the point where she either kills herself or kills the other person, and there is no better way to escape from hell.Etsuko felt that she could understand Emiko's mood. Verbal violence will leave scars in people's hearts. Almost all people living in this society have suffered from verbal violence.After physical violence, the scars left are more serious.When I think of it in my heart, my body hurts, and when I see the scars on my body, my heart hurts again. Even if I only suffered violence once, it will leave eternal pain.

Not to kill Kutani Ichiro, and the two of them will fly away—this plan, Yamanoi Saburo and Emiko, of course, have not never thought about it.However, Yamano Jingsaburo has a mother who suffers from "human phobia", who dare not see people or go out, so he cannot leave her alone.Yamanoi Saburo grew up in the doting of his mother, and he also understands the sorrow his mother endured as a "concubine".Perhaps, because of growing up in such an environment, after the incident, the flood of news reports exposed the personal privacy of Saburo Yamanoi.Except for Emiko, there is not a single thing about his lover or lover.That is to say, he only loves Emiko, and he loves him from the bottom of his heart.He wanted Emiko to belong to him alone, so he decided to design and kill Kutani Ichiro.

However, even if he can kill Kutani Ichiro without showing his feet, the police will find out sooner or later that there is an improper relationship between him and Emiko.Under the severe interrogation by the criminal police, even if she could persevere, Emiko might not be able to persevere for even a minute.So, Yamanoi Saburo, who was very smart since he was a child, came up with a clever trick to kill Hisaya Ichiro through the so-called "justifiable self-defense". However, what method is used to anger Ichiro Kutani?That is to pretend to have a falling out with Emiko, beat her in front of outsiders, and make her disappear, creating the illusion that Yamanoi Saburo killed Emiko.

Yamanoi Saburo had heard from Emiko that Kutani Ichiro was very paranoid about his so-called "love" for Emiko.Emiko is simply a piece of private property of Ichiro Kutani, and he absolutely cannot tolerate anyone touching her without authorization.So, when he found out that Emiko's lover was Saburo Yamanoi, he gritted his teeth and swore that he would kill Saburo Yamanoi.Yamanoi Saburo predicted that after he was released from the detention center, Hisaya Ichiro would definitely come to assassinate him. Moreover, the short Kuya Ichiro would definitely come to attack with a weapon in his hand, and then he took the opportunity to grab the weapon and kill him.If convicted of self-defense, of course he is acquitted.Even if the defense is excessive, he will be sentenced to one or two years in prison at most, and it is very likely that he will be executed outside prison.

The question is how to perform... If you can't be sure that Yamanoi Saburo killed Emiko, Hisaya Ichiro will not act.Thus, Saburo Yamanoi and Emiko started acting.Yamanoi Saburo beat Emiko several times in front of the neighbors.They had a dark blue Porsche, but he deliberately showed up at the "disappearance scene" in the red one to attract attention.There are also fingerprints on the handle of the shovel, and Emiko's hair on the back of the jeep, all directed by him.If you think about it carefully, you will feel strange, how could the fingerprints of the thief be left on the handle of the shovel that was not stolen?

Emiko did a great job too.She cried and called her friend, saying that she was afraid that Saburo Yamanoi would kill her.After the two performed the above-mentioned performances, they waited for the news media and the police to get busy.Sure enough, both the media and the police appeared on the scene according to the script they wrote, and decided that Yamanoi Saburo was a vicious third party who would never let him go. It was he who killed Emiko and buried her in an unknown mountain. In the old forest. Yamanoi Saburo accepted the severe interrogation by the police very easily. After a long interrogation, of course nothing came out of the interrogation.This is not difficult to understand, in any case he did not kill.Tried the polygraph three times with no response.In order to maintain his physical strength, he practiced his abdominal muscles and did push-ups whenever he had time in the detention center.This red-faced ghost who played golf and skied at the level of a professional player had made all preparations, and was waiting to meet Kutani Ichiro after he came out of the detention center.

His plan was a complete success! ... This is a murder plan that ordinary people can't think of.For ordinary people, even if they will be released in the end, after going through such a situation, they will lose their jobs and have no words to face their relatives and friends.However, Saburo Yamanoi doesn't have to work, and the inheritance left to him by his father is enough for him to eat for a lifetime.As for face, it has nothing to do with him, and he lives well without face.He doesn't care what the news media are doing, as long as he can get Emiko, he doesn't care about anything.

In his confession, Yamanoi Saburo said he and Emiko stood in the parking lot of the supermarket, talked for five minutes, and then broke up.Only this sentence is true.The content of the conversation between the two was: On this day one year later, they met in a 24-hour restaurant in a certain city in Lin County.It can be said that the calculation is at home. If he miscalculated a bit, it was that he did not expect that in the detention center, there was a guard with a pair of "guard eyes" - Kondo Miyao. No, there are other things he didn't think of... Yamana Etsuko suddenly remembered what happened that night.

In the parking lot of the twenty-four-hour restaurant, Etsuko and Kondo waited until dawn in the Corolla, but Emiko never showed up.Yamanoi Saburo sat on the window seat, motionless.I'm afraid he waited here until dawn the night before. Yamana Etsuko believes that Emiko took advantage of Yamano Jingsaburo's love for her.Emiko hid herself by pretending to kill, and disappeared from the world.She never intended to keep the promise from the beginning.She is different from Yamanoi Saburo, she can't risk being hyped by the news media to show up again.The society will not forgive her.The reason for her disappearance is very simple. She used to be a "filial daughter-in-law" who took care of her father-in-law tirelessly every day. How could she live in the small western-style building of Saburo Yamanoi? Isn't that a big scandal? Yamana Etsuko's imagination is getting richer and richer.The current Emiko must have started her new life in a new city where no one knew where she was going.She must have received a large sum of money from Yamanoi Saburo, and she will definitely become more beautiful with this money for plastic surgery; she will find another man, or even two or three men, and it will be absolutely nothing questionable. What Emiko wanted was to bury her husband who beat her every day forever, to leave forever her tiresome father-in-law who was bedridden, and to start a new life of her own.As long as a woman has a clear purpose, she will not hesitate to be a prostitute.She met Yamanoi Saburo in a cafe, not so much an encounter, but rather, she accidentally found a man who killed her husband for her. Yamana Etsuko let out a breath. It was half past five in the afternoon.Etsuko Yamana stuffed two copies of "R Policeman" into her bag, got up and left the correctional class.Two copies of "R Policeman", one for Yasue Kubota and one for Miyao Kondo's wife Yukiko. Kondo Miyao will definitely go to the parking lot of that restaurant tonight.He must confirm that his pair of miraculous "guardian eyes" have been cultivated after twenty-nine long years.Waiting for a window seat in the restaurant was, of course, Yamanoi Saburo. Yamana Etsuko even envied a man like Kondo Miyao.Believe in something that doesn't even have a shape, and just live like this.From the bottom of her heart, Etsuko wanted to cheer for such a man. Come on!Cellar detective! ... When she was walking towards the gate, she met the female police officer Gao Jian who came out of the locker room. "Goodbye!..." The two said at the same time, and bowed to each other at the same time. Yamana Etsuko suddenly felt amused.Because she saw that Gao Jian was not wearing a police uniform, but a bright red double-breasted coat.The female police officer Gao Jian looked much younger.
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