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Chapter 6 Continental

guard eye 横山秀夫 1868Words 2018-03-15
The third intersection was a red light, and Kondo Miyao quickly caught up with the car.It was a dark blue Porsche. "That's right!...It's that kid's car!" Kondo Miyao roared triumphantly. "But..." Etsuko Yamana wanted to say that Saburo Yamanoi's Porsche was very popular. "He also has one in this color." Kondo Miyao seemed to know what Etsuko was going to say. There was a green light ahead, and the Porsche rushed out with a swish, pulling away in an instant.Etsuko Yamana's Corolla is no match for Porsche.No, Kondo didn't follow so closely on purpose, as long as he didn't lose track, he couldn't let Yamanoi Saburo realize that someone was following him.

Etsuko Yamana swallowed nervously. After getting on the prefectural road, there were more cars, and Kondo Miyao followed through a car.Suddenly, the Porsche turned on the left light and changed lanes to the left to get onto the highway. "This kid, you're on the highway here today too!..." He roared angrily. "Huh? So..." There are not many cars on the highway.The rear of the Porsche sank, and it accelerated in an instant, throwing the Corolla far away.Kondo's right leg was like a stiff wooden stick, and he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom. "He got dumped here yesterday." Kondo Miyao said bitterly.Yesterday, Kondo was indeed following Saburo Yamanoi.His 1100cc car couldn't catch up with Yamanoi Saburo's Porsche, so he had to borrow Yamana Etsuko's car.

One hundred thirteen... one hundred fourteen... one hundred five... the pointer of the speedometer is jumping up.The engine roared.The frightening whistling wind and the swaying car body.Etsuko was scared to death. Miyao Kondo is like a statue.He remained motionless, staring straight ahead, making it unbelievable that he was already sixty years old.The accelerator pedal has been against the bottom of the car, even so, it is getting farther and farther away from the Porsche. Beast, how many kilometers is the speed of Saburo Yamanoi! In a blink of an eye, "Shua Chi" crossed the county border.

"Where are you going..." Yamana Etsuko asked.She felt that it was terrible for her to ask this question, but she couldn't bear not to ask it. Kondo Miyao did not answer.Maybe it was because the noise was so loud that he didn't hear it at all. "Where are you going?" Etsuko shouted. "You'll know in a while. But, you can't be dumped by the Porsche in front!..." Kondo Miyao yelled. It seems that Miyao Kondo knew in his heart where Saburo Yamanoi was going, no, he didn't know where Saburo Yamanoi was going, but he knew the purpose of Saburo Yamanoi going there.

Yamana Etsuko was even more frightened. Could it be that he really went to the place where Emiko's body was buried?Definitely yes.Thinking of this, Etsuko suddenly felt sick, and she covered her mouth with one hand. No problem, I can hold on! ... Yamana Etsuko encouraged herself so much. However, without being able to persist for a long time, Etsuko felt that she couldn't stand it anymore.Violent vibrations, pushing out the contents of the stomach.Dizziness, dizziness, chest tightness.Patience has reached its limit. Porsche's taillights became smaller than a firefly.If it disappears, it's all over.Etsuko hoped that the firefly would disappear as soon as possible, then there would be no need to chase after her life like this again.

The Firefly moved abruptly to the left and the highway entered a sharp bend.After the big bend, the fireflies disappeared. "Damn it!..." Miyao Kondo thumped the steering wheel vigorously, "It's over! I was also thrown away by him today!" "Lean to the left quickly!..." Yamana Etsuko suddenly yelled. "What?..." Kondo Miyao replied mechanically. "Keep to the left! . . . He must be off the highway! . . . " The exit sign was approaching, Kondo Miyao slammed the steering wheel, Corolla shook violently, and rushed up the side road leading to the exit.There is a sharp turn ahead, and the white guardrail rushes towards us.Kondo Miyao slammed on the brakes, and Corolla slid forward sideways...

"Are you okay?" Kondo Gongao asked casually. Etsuko Yamana glanced at Miyao Kondo.The car has stopped, and through the windshield, you can see the Porsche, which has just left the toll booth. "Are you okay?" Kondo Miyao spoke very kindly at the moment. "No problem at all!" Yamana Etsuko said casually.In fact, her stomach almost spit out of her mouth. Corolla continued to lunge forward.Passed the toll booth, got on the county road and then on the national road, and pursued at full speed.In the blink of an eye, the Porsche had already entered the urban area, and the Porsche began to slow down. Then, the direction indicator light came on, and it slowly drove into the parking lot of a restaurant.

The red-faced ghost with a height of 1.8 meters and a large mask covering most of his face—Saburo Yamano, got out of the car, walked slowly into the restaurant, and sat down at a seat by the window.The waitress brought the menu and handed it to Saburo Yamanoi. Miyao Kondo and Etsuko Yamana sat in the Corolla car, watching the actions of Saburo Yamanoi all the time, no, Etsuko hardly even opened her eyes, she felt that her brain was shaking, vomiting and headaches continued. "...Isn't it the place where... corpses are buried..." "Where the corpse is buried?" Kondo Miyao rolled his eyes in surprise, nodded and smiled and said, "Oh, you think so?"

"But..." Etsuko felt less uncomfortable, "Then... why did Yamanoi Saburo come to this restaurant?" "Dating." "Dating...on a date?...with whom?" "Emiko Kutani." "What? Hasn't she... been killed?" "Saburo Yamanoi and Emiko Kutani are in the same group." Yamana Etsuko felt: I seemed to be dreaming. "If you want to hide it from him, you can't hide it. A person who has just killed someone has a fierce light in his eyes, but the fierce light is getting weaker every day. Yamano Jingsaburo is just the opposite. When he was first locked up in the detention center, his eyes were very fierce. It was plain, but later on, his eyes began to shine fiercely, and it became stronger every day. Therefore, when the kid was first imprisoned, he did not kill anyone. However, he has already made a plan. Once he leaves the detention center, he will Murder planned."

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