Home Categories detective reasoning guard eye

Chapter 5 Chapter 5

guard eye 横山秀夫 3338Words 2018-03-15
Although the temperature today is not as low as yesterday, it is still quite cold outside after dark. At around eight o'clock in the evening, Etsuko Yamana drove straight to the small Western-style three-story building on the hillside of Yamanotecho.If she wanted to find Miyao Kondo, besides going there, Etsuko couldn't think of any other place to find him. While stepping on the accelerator, Yamana Etsuko said to herself: This is work, and there will be no joy. After entering Yamanote Town, the number of houses suddenly decreased, and the headlights of cars shone on the bushes on both sides of the road.Etsuko Yamana drove up the slope and saw the outline of the three-story building.There are a few windows on the small building with lights on. It was a scene that often appeared on the TV screen a year ago.At that time, no matter day or night, the television cameras would be aimed at this small building.

But now, there is not even a single person near this small building.It was dark all around, and Etsuko Yamana felt frightened.When she drove the car and passed slowly in front of the small building, she couldn't help feeling a chill down her spine.After going uphill, I started to go downhill slowly, but I still didn't see Kondo Miyao. Really, I was too impulsive, why is Kondo here?Who would come to a place like this? ...the cellar detective?scouting?Probably Yukiko was thinking wildly.She hoped that her husband would become a hero, that's why she said that kind of thing. go home! ...

Ahead is a crossroads.Etsuko Yamana decided to turn around at that intersection and go home.At the intersection, when I turned the steering wheel to the left, I suddenly found a car parked on the shoulder of the road.Etsuko's headlights shone on the face of the driver of that car.It was a bluish-white face, thin face, pointed nose, deep-set eye sockets... It's Miyao Kondo! When passing by Miyao Kondo's car, Etsuko Yamana stepped on the brake suddenly, her heart beating violently.I found Kondo, but I don't know what to do next.The matter has come to this point, so I can only do it to the end, don't I just want to find him directly?

Etsuko Yamana made up her mind, parked the car on the other side of the road, opened the door, ran towards Miyao Kondo's car, and turned to the driver's seat. The windows are open.Those sinister eyes looked at Etsuko Yamana.Etsuko didn't feel that it was the first time she met Kondo Miyao, although she was a little scared, but the anger overcame the fear. "Are you Mr. Kondo from the F Police Station?" Yamana Etsuko asked enthusiastically. "Hi!..." The other party agreed gloomyly. "I am Etsuko Yamana from the Rehabilitation Section of the Prefectural Police Headquarters. I wrote a note for your wife to forward..."

"Turn off the fire!..." Kondo Miyao ordered suddenly and arrogantly. "what?" "Your car! Go and turn off the engine!" Yamana Etsuko didn't know why Kondo Miyao was angry, so she couldn't help but took two steps back. Kondo Miyao suddenly opened the door and got out of the car, Yamana Etsuko was ready to escape.However, Kondo didn't do anything to Etsuko, but asked an inexplicable question to Etsuko: "How many CCs does your car have?" "what?" "I asked, what is the displacement of your car?" Yamana Etsuko's car is a Corolla with a displacement of 1600CC.

"It's 1600CC, what's wrong?" "Let me use it. My car is only 1100CC." Kondo Miyao walked towards Etsuko's car while talking, and sat down on the driver's seat unceremoniously. All that was happening in front of her eyes, it was impossible for Yamana Etsuko to believe: "Bastard, this is not allowed!..." Etsuko said, hurriedly opened the door on the side of the passenger seat, and got into the car. "Close the door, I'm going to turn around!..." Kondo Miyao suddenly started the car, turned around skillfully, parked Etsuko Yamana's car behind his own car, opened the window on the driver's side, and closed Turn off the headlights and turn off the ignition.It was as if the car was his.

"You use my car!" Kondo Miyao ordered. Etsuko Yamana couldn't find the right words to answer Kondo Miyao for a while, but she already understood what Kondo was going to do. He was watching Saburo Yamanoi.In order to be able to hear the movement of the small three-story western-style building, Kondo had to turn off the engine and open the car window in such a cold day.As long as a car came out of the small building, he would immediately start the car to follow.But why track it? Yamana Etsuko's heartbeat quickened. Wait a minute... Why Kondo Miyao wants to follow, I don't have to ask, but I have to say what I want to say to him now.Despite being in this unexpected situation, she finally found Kondo.

"Mr. Kondo, you haven't handed over the manuscript commissioned by "R Police Man" to us?" "Hmm!..." Kondo Miyao didn't answer. "I..." Yamana Etsuko said hesitantly, "I'm very embarrassed right now. The deadline for the manuscript is coming soon." "Forget mine, don't log in!" "How? Why?" "I have nothing to write." "You can write anything!..." Etsuko Yamana emphasized her tone, "I beg you, please write an article!... Mr. Kondo is the only one who does not publish articles in magazines. This is unreasonable! "

"I don't care." Kondo Miyao said nonchalantly. "You don't care, but I..." "Stop talking, didn't you just tell me about this? Well, I get it, get out of the car!" "This is my car!..." Etsuko stared angrily at Kondo's profile, she really hated him! "Mr. Kondo, what are you doing here?" Etsuko Yamana asked curiously. "This..." Kondo Miyao smiled wryly. "Are you investigating?..." Etsuko Yamana sneered, "I heard from your wife that you will continue to investigate the disappearance of the housewife in Yamanote."

"Bastard, that silly woman..." Kondo Miyao cursed angrily, and stuck his head out of the car window. "Why did you do it alone? What evidence do you have?" "Yesterday happened to be the one-year anniversary of the incident. Is there any special significance to that?" "I..." Kondo Miyao stopped talking. ——How insidious! If this continues, we will have to fight a protracted battle. Etsuko Yamana reached out and pulled the overcoat on the back seat. The car was too narrow to wear, so she wrapped her body in the overcoat. Kondo Miyao suddenly turned his head and looked at Etsuko with sinister eyes.

"I'm not going to get out of the car. This is my car." Etsuko Yamana said provocatively, "However, if you promise me to write the manuscript, it's another matter." Miyao Kondo clicked his tongue. Etsuko Yamana did not show any weakness: "And, I am also interested in that incident. I think Saburo Yamanoi is definitely a murderer." The sinister eyes looked at Etsuko Yamana again.No, this time Kondo Miyao's eyes don't look so sinister, with a curious light shining in the black eyes. "Is this an opportunity?" Etsuko Yamana murmured inwardly. Do what you like - Kubota Yasue's suggestion echoed in Yamana Etsuko's ears.Etsuko said like a cannonball: "Really. I have a very detailed understanding of this incident. Last night, I found out the newspaper clippings about this incident and read it." "Then, you must know?" "Ah? Know what?" "The truth of the incident." Kondo Miyao said with a smile. "I knew it a long time ago, but Yamanoi Saburo was released. Mr. Kondo, have you found any evidence? Or, have you found any clues?" A slight smile appeared on the corner of Kondo Miyao's mouth. "Or Yamano Jingsaburo, what did you say to you in private, and what inspiration did you get from his words?" This time Kondo Miyao also smiled on his cheeks: "He never told me anything." "He messed around in the detention center?" "That kid, let's be honest. He eats a lot and sleeps a lot. When he's not being interrogated, he exercises his body, exercises his abdominal muscles, and does push-ups." When visiting the detention center before, Etsuko Yamana heard that the criminal suspects in the detention center have a lot of free time. They either read books all day long or exercise in the narrow cells. "Is it because you have nothing to do?" "No, that kid has to undergo interrogation for a long time every day, and he is exhausted, so he also insists on exercising." Yamana Etsuko suddenly remembered what Yukiko said. "What do you mean by that sentence you said?" Etsuko Yamana asked curiously, "That's right... That boy Yamanoi Saburo, his eyes are shining fiercely, and they are getting brighter every day... What does this mean? ?” The current Yamana Etsuko is no longer completely interested in what she likes, at least half of it is interested in the incident itself. Kondo Miyao did not answer her question. "Oops!..." Etsuko bit her lips tightly, "The meaning of Kondo's words is kept secret from his wife Yukiko, how can you tell me Etsuko casually?" After that, Kondo Miyao was completely silent and never spoke again.No matter what Etsuko asked him, he didn't answer. Yamana Etsuko made up his mind and said a provocative sentence: "This incident has already entered the maze, can't it be broken?" "Saburo Yamanoi is not the murderer, is he? I have been investigating and interrogating for so long, but I still haven't figured it out." "Bastard, that kid is a murderer!..." Kondo Miyao's angry voice echoed in the car. "what?……" "I've seen it a long time ago. Although the criminal police can't see it, I have seen it a long time ago." Etsuko Yamana heard the subtext: I have been a guard for twenty-nine years, and I have never seen any kind of murderer! "However, if we investigate now, we will..." "It's not an investigation!..." Kondo Miyao said sternly. "Huh? So, are you now...?" "confirm!……" "Confirm? Confirm what?" "Get out of the car!..." Kondo Miyao suddenly ordered her. "Ah?..." Yamana Etsuko flashed away in panic. Kondo Miyao's eyes suddenly changed a lot, as if he heard something.Etsuko heard it too.The sound of starting a car, the heavy bass unique to a sports car.Yamanoi Saburo was dispatched. "Get out of the car quickly!..." Etsuko Yamana wanted to get out of the car, but she couldn't move her arms and legs.She was in a state of extreme panic. "But... you haven't promised me... the manuscript..." While clicking his tongue, Kondo Miyao started the car, turned the intersection and accelerated, passed in front of the small western-style building in a blink of an eye, and rushed down the slope.The taillights of a car can be seen in the distance. Etsuko Yamana didn't speak anymore.This is not a game, that's all Shuozi understands in his heart.As for where to go and what to confirm, she couldn't imagine at all. "Kon... Kondo-san... where are you going?" In an instant, Yamana Etsuko trembled in fright at her words.A terrible answer slammed into her celestial spirit cap. The place where Emiko Kutani is buried...
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