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Chapter 21 Chapter 12 The Ripper's Demise

horror study 埃勒里·奎因 1952Words 2018-03-15
When I woke up, the first thing I saw was my friend, Rudyard, who was my doctor at the clinic.I found myself in Baker Street. "Near death, Watson," he said, feeling for my pulse. I gradually regained consciousness. "Rudyard, how long have I been unconscious?" "About twelve hours. I gave you a sedative when they brought you here." "What about me?" "Blessed already. Broken ankle, sprained wrist. The burns were undoubtedly painful, but only superficial." "Where is Holmes? He has—" "Rudyard pointed, and Holmes was sitting in the chair opposite my bed, pale, but looking safe and sound. Thank goodness.

"Okay, I gotta go," Rudyard said.He turned to Holmes again: "Be careful not to let him talk for too long, Mr. Holmes." Rudyard left, saying he would come back to clean my wound, warning me not to push.But despite my aches and discomfort, I couldn't suppress my curiosity.I feared that Holmes had missed the best moment in trying to be considerate of my situation.I soon told Holmes what had happened in poor Angela Osborne's room after Klein had taken him by force. Holmes nodded, and I could see that he was struggling with a decision.At last he spoke to me and said, "My friend, I am afraid this is the last time we will venture together."

"Why?" I asked, frustrated and bewildered. "Because your virtuous wife won't rest assured to entrust you to a fool like me." "Holmes!" I cried, "I am not a boy!" He shook his head and said, "You have to go back to sleep." "If you don't tell me how to escape from Klein, I won't agree to you. In my sleepy dream, I dreamed that you were slashed..." I shuddered, and he took my hand with rare care. "When the stairs caught fire, I saw an opportunity," Holmes said. "Klein was too proud to catch me. He had just raised his gun when the fire rushed to him, and he was buried in the sea of ​​fire with his dog legs. The Crown Bar is now in ruins."

"But you, Holmes, how-" Holmes smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "I can untie the rope, no doubt about it," he said. "You know I'm dexterous enough, it's just a lack of opportunity, and the fire just happened. Unfortunately, I was not able to rescue Michael Osborne. He seems to be looking forward to death." , poor boy, very much resisted my dragging him out; in fact, he threw himself into the flames. I was obliged to abandon him to escape." "A blessing in disguise," I muttered. "The infamous monster, Jackie the Ripper?" Holmes's gray eyes were clouded with sadness; his thoughts seemed to be wandering elsewhere.

"Lord Carfax is dead too. I am sure that, like his brother, he chose to die." "Naturally, he preferred suicide to the pain of the gallows." Holmes still seemed to be wandering.He murmured in the most solemn voice: "We ought, Watson, to respect the decision of any noble man." "Noble man! Are you sure you're not joking? Oh, I see. Do you mean when he's sober, or the Duke of Charles?" Holmes rested his chin on his chest. "I also have terrible news about the duke: he, too, committed suicide." "I understand that he cannot bear the heinous crime committed by his son. How did you know, Holmes?"

"After I escaped from the sea of ​​fire, Lestrade accompanied me and ran directly to Berkeley Square. Unfortunately, we were a step too late. The Duke already knew the news of Lord Carfax's death. He used the sharp sword hidden in his staff ended his life." "The death of a true nobleman!" Holmes moved his head slightly, and I took it for a nod.He looked terribly depressed. "Watson, this case makes me very dissatisfied, extremely dissatisfied." After speaking, he fell into silence. I get the feeling he wants to end the conversation, but I'm not reconciled.I had forgotten all the pain in my ankle and the burn.

"I don't understand why, Holmes, the Ripper is dead." "Yes," said he, "really, Watson, you must rest now." He rose to leave. "I can't rest," I said tactfully, "until all the pieces fit together." He sat down obediently. "I followed the case in order, right up to the fire. Lord Carfax, under the coat of charity is the crazy Ripper. He doesn't know Angela Osborne or Max Klein status. Am I right?" Holmes made no answer. "When you found his lair," I continued, "were you sure you knew his name?" This time Holmes nodded.

"Then we went to the hotel. Although we didn't see him there, he saw us and heard our conversation - or he came shortly after we left and learned from Dr. Murray that we were going The Angel and Crown, after all, we need not conceal our whereabouts. Lord Carfax followed us, and found the entrance behind the beer barrels as we did." "Lord Carfax was ahead of us," said Holmes suddenly. "Recall that the latch was broken when we pushed through the door." "Correction. He must be better at walking in the fog than we are. We disrupted his tracking of the next target, Angela Osborne. When we entered Osborne's room, he must have been lying in ambush deep in the corridor. place."

Holmes did not question it. "Then, when he realized that you had exposed him for what he really was, he went mad, made up his mind, and decided to end his notorious career by setting fire to it. He finally said to me: 'Get the news out, Watson. Doctor! Tell everyone that Lord Carfax is Jack the Ripper!' Only an extreme egotist would say that." Holmes rose with an air of determination. "At any rate, Watson, Jack the Ripper is gone forever. Now we must obey the doctor's orders, and you should sleep for a while." After speaking, he left.
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