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Chapter 145 Chapter VII

blue cap 原晓 3864Words 2018-03-15
Liu Sisi asked: "When will it be?" It was a small meeting, and she wanted to ask when the tug-of-war between the other party's virus variant and our anti-virus software upgrade would end.But this kind of questioning method, except for Wang Jingran who watched her programming every day, no one could keep up with the train of thought.Therefore, Wang Jingran replied graciously: "After we catch the suspect, Ms. Liu can go back at that time. We will not interfere with each other from now on, and we will go our own way." "I plan to spare some time to travel and see the heather on the Scottish plateau." Liu Sisi said.

Zheng Yuxiu raised his hand: "I want to go too! Beauty, I will accompany you!" Zhang Jing pulled him back: "You are not fake." For a moment, Wang Jingran almost blurted out, I also have leave, and I have marriage leave.He suddenly felt terrified for himself, feeling that the name Liu Sisi had penetrated too deeply in his consciousness. Liu Sisi left a USB flash drive when he left and told him: "The latest version of the killing software, after you catch the criminal, you will update it on the Internet. This version should be the ultimate version, because there will be no more virus variants. I'm leaving."

Wang Jingran didn't chase after her, nor did she send her off.He pretended to wait for a call from the criminal investigation department from the scene, and forced himself to stay where he was.Soon Zheng Yuxiu called back: "I caught that crazy hacker, confessed! You can make an announcement!" The document has been edited, and the ultimate virus scanning version has been uploaded. Wang Jingran is waiting for this call.After confirmation, he will publish an official police announcement on the official website, notifying the hacker of his arrest, and giving the address of the final version of the killing software, so that the case will be settled.

It was obviously not a big case, and no one died, but it caused such back pain, Wang Jingran felt it was not worth it. Not long after, Zheng Yuxiu's phone flew over again, and the person on the phone was Zhang Jing: "Don't rush to announce the news, the situation has changed." "It has been released." Wang Jingran was stunned, "All major websites have started to forward our hacker has been captured notice and the final version of anti-virus software." Through the mobile phone, he heard Zhang Jing sigh. Zhang Jing was at the scene of the arrest.The arrested programmer was a young man who was broken into by the police while he was playing an online game called League of Legends in his rented house.He confessed at first, saying that he was indeed a cyber hacker, and even stretched out his hand obediently to ask Zheng Yuxiu to handcuff him.When he was about to take the police car, the young man suddenly asked expectantly, "Am I cooperating well, Comrade Police? Where can I get the subsidy for the masses?"

Zheng Yuxiu was confused: "Subsidy?" "Yesterday, comrades from the police came to me and said that you are going to hold an exercise today. At that time, the police will break into the door and say that I am a hacker. Then let me cooperate with the performance! The government will also give allowances to extras for the exercise!" The young man Looking forward to it. ——The arrest operation has been exposed in advance. So Zhang Jing called Wang Jingran and asked him to wait, because there was an inner ghost. However, it was too late. Afterwards, Zhang Jing repeatedly reflected that he had many opportunities to prevent the development of this case, but they all missed the truth at key points.What is the best opportunity to spread a virus - mass downloads, multiple distribution channels and unsuspecting access to the highest privileges on the computer.

No one thought that the last anti-virus software released by the police contained a virus. The spread of "Gong Xi Fa Cai" has been very widespread, as many people have won the "Gong Xi Fa Cai", as many people have downloaded the final version of the anti-virus software.When the software is installed, the anti-virus software that comes with the computer itself will pop up a small prompt box: "This software is trying to change the computer permissions, is it approved?" Almost everyone selected "yes". So this virus obtained the highest authority of the computer, and sent the owner's online banking account number and password to a certain mailbox.

"Inertial thinking is terrible." Zhang Jing self-reviewed at the meeting, his face was as painful as a snowstorm, "We initially thought that the virus of Gong Xi Fa Cai was not harmful, so we assumed that it would never be harmful. Before we checked Liu Sisi's anti-virus software, and found no problems, we assumed that there were no problems in every version, including the final anti-virus software. This kind of thinking is very dangerous." Congratulations to Fa Cai, the developer of the virus is not crazy, on the contrary, she is a master.She designed a virus that is widely spread without much harm as a carrier, and through wits and courage with the police, let the virus spread to every corner of the Internet.Then she participated in the research and development of anti-virus software - the Trojan horse software that really wanted to spread was hidden in the anti-virus software.The so-called drunken man does not mean to drink.If Gong Xi Fa Cai showed great danger at the beginning and the case escalated, how could it have such a chance to spread widely.Moreover, who would doubt the police's anti-virus software?

"So she gained the highest control over the user's computer and stole the user... How much money is transferred as many people are poisoned..." Zheng Yuxiu broke his fingers in despair, "Who would have thought that the hacker and we invited Is the foreign aid expert the same person? This insider is still so pretty. It took us a lot of time to understand that her intention is anti-virus software." ——After handing the USB flash drive to Wang Jingran, Liu Sisi disappeared. She left her company behind and disappeared into the flow of people like an additional issue in the world.Poisoned users continue to report to the police, saying that funds from online accounts have been transferred in small sums one by one, and the amount added up is already astronomical.If one day Liu Sisi changed his face and reappeared, he might already be on the rich list or two.

"This is the most shameful virus in history released by the police." Wang Jingran smiled wryly. He drank some wine, and when he appeared in Zhang Jing's office, he still smelled of alcohol: "Officer Zhang, I guessed a lot of people, but I didn't expect it to be her? Tell me, what should we do?" "Catch it back." Zhang Jing said concisely. Wang Jingran didn't know how Police Officer Zhang brought Liu Sisi back.It was just that one day when he returned to the office and passed the interrogation room, he suddenly found that there was a light on inside.

Under the incandescent lamp, Liu Sisi sat pale behind the interrogation table and asked, "How did you find me?" "You are very similar to my ex-girlfriend. I have already experienced such a case of a girl who disappeared without a sound. This time, I am a little careful. You can run, and I can bring you back." Zhang Jing Sitting across the interrogation table, followed by two colleagues, "It just takes a while." "You used police stalking methods on me before filing a case, which is illegal," Liu Sisi said. Zhang Jing was noncommittal. Wang Jingran couldn't help listening for a while.However, the conversation in the room was very quiet afterwards, and he only caught a few words intermittently-blue hats, money and no more.

The combination is: Liu Sisi belongs to a criminal organization called the Blue Hat Society, the money has been handed over to the organization, and she can no longer return it. Zhang Jing has heard the name "Blue Hat Club" many times.In the entire Liaocheng Police Department, only he went deep into this dark world and kept going forward.It's the first time I've heard of people like Wang Jingran playing poker like this.It's an ill-informed terrorist organization whose members are said to be dangerous lunatics who will connect to a city's sewer network for an antique, or destroy a reservoir to save a human being. Such an organization requires huge financial support.Liu Sisi is responsible for this link of funding supply.The plan this time was not Liu Sisi's idea, she just accepted the mission plan and faithfully carried it out until she was caught by the police.The transferred money has been quickly laundered through certain channels and is irretrievable. Only the prison can allow her to make some compensation for the crimes she committed. Wang Jingran saw this girl named Liu Sisi for the last time. The interrogation was still going on, and Zheng Yuxiu suddenly came up and called him, saying that the suspect wanted to drink Kudingcha.He brewed tea and brought it down. For the first time, he sat opposite Liu Sisi and pushed the paper cup towards the girl. "Why did you do this?" Wang Jingran asked, "You have your own repair shop, although it is small. You are smart, beautiful, and have talents that ordinary people can't match. Why did you join a criminal organization like the Blue Hats?" The girl held the paper cup with both hands, her fair fingers closed like a white lotus flower that has not yet bloomed. "Because I'm greedy," she said, "I used to want a lot of things. I wanted enough money to travel the world, eat all the delicious food in the world, buy a big house and fancy bags... I didn't want to spend money on small repairs. In the dim light of the store, which aunt should answer the maintenance call. I want a lot of money, and only this organization can satisfy me." "Miss Liu, you said you wanted a lot of things before, don't you want it now?" Wang Jingran asked. "Because I found what I really wanted." "what is that?" "Senior Wang, I'm only responsible for the implementation. I didn't actually write the unkillable first version of the Gong Xi Fa Cai virus. There are hackers in the organization who are more powerful than me, and you will meet him sooner or later." Liu Sisi smiled lightly, applauding Picking up the tea cup, my eyes suddenly became unfathomable, "When I was studying, I dreamed of you. You are the idol of our younger generation. I don't think about many things, but you always like to make Longjing for me. Drink Kudingcha. I want to drink a cup of Kudingcha you made." Wang Jingran lowered her eyes: "After you plead guilty, I can come to see you often and make bubbles for you every week. I have acquaintances in the prison." Liu Sisi lowered her head, took a sip of tea, and said nothing more. In the end, Wang Jingran was unable to make tea for Liu Sisi. Because she is dead, the dead will not drink tea. The autopsy revealed arsenic trioxide, or arsenic, of uncertain origin.Liu Sisi's skirt was missing a brass button. Some people speculated that she hid suicide poison in the button and drank it with water. Others said that she died in the gag operation inside the organization.Because none of the members of the Blue Hats who have been arrested so far have survived. The task force was disbanded, and Li Changtian left Liaocheng and returned to the top of the national security agency. On the eve of leaving, Zhang Jing brought Zheng Yuxiu to him for a drink, and suddenly asked, "You are Wang Jingran's junior. It is said that he was a legend in Q school back then?" "That's right," Li Changtian regretted, "Back then, during the hacker war between China and the United States, Senior Brother Wang took his brother in his dormitory to a certain high-ranking military website in the United States, and put the red banner of 'strongly condemning the invasion of China's territorial waters by US planes' on the website." He was on the homepage of the other party for a week, and he should still be on the blacklist in the United States. He was only a sophomore at that time, and he was full of energy, and this was just the tip of the iceberg.” "What happened later?" Zheng Yuxiu asked, "What happened to him and her girlfriend?" "His girlfriend died in a chemical pollution incident. His girlfriend's family lived next to a chemical plant, which polluted the surrounding ecological environment, causing a lot of chronic poisoning and cancer. At that time, he only focused on researching technology every day, and the girl mentioned her body many times. Uncomfortable. He never paid attention to it. Until one day the girl was hospitalized and found to be chronic poisoning. However, the degree of poisoning was too deep at that time, and her systemic organs failed, so she couldn’t be saved.” Li Changtian shook his head, “At that time I always saw He ran to the hospital and then to the newspaper office. It was the time when he was defending his graduation thesis. He was not prepared at all, and he seemed to have lost his soul. Later, the chemical factory was exposed, and all major online forums reported it on the front page. Knowing that the factory was dying, the boss fled abroad. The person who broke the news is Wang Jingran." "What about the other poisoned people?" Zhang Jing asked. "There is a certificate issued by the hospital, but when the factory collapsed, who will pay for it? There are so many people and a lot of follow-up treatment expenses, so it has been delayed, and it has been delayed... until now. It is said that at that time, the exposure of the victims There are about 300 people affected, and if each person’s treatment costs 200,000 yuan a year, it is an underdeveloped area. If it takes five or six years, how can the government welfare agency afford it? Wang Jingran probably stopped thinking about it after that. How about technology. If I were him, I would regret it too. If I had taken my girlfriend to the hospital for an examination as soon as she said she was unwell, there would be no such result." Zheng Yuxiu was dumbfounded: "Li... Li Zuo, you were a benchmark in the school's gossip circle back then." "I only pay attention to him." Li Changtian said, "He was the goal I surpassed back then." During the conversation, only Zhang Jing kept drinking in silence. He suddenly asked, "How many 300 people are affected? 200,000 per person, 1 million in five years, plus follow-up treatment costs, the total amount—" He said a number: "Is it similar to the amount involved in this case?"
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