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Chapter 81 Chapter One

Hugo Ganles stood in the middle of the squash court, bowed his waist, carefully held the small black squash ball with the index finger and thumb of his left hand, threw the ball near the service boundary, and then swung his long-handled racket. hit out. The squash ball hit the front wall, less than half the height of the wall, and then drew a high curve in the air, not very powerful, passing under the white ceiling. Flying through the air, the ball eventually slid limply down the back wall, with no momentum left to continue bouncing. George Dell swung his racket carelessly, and the bottom of the racket smacked hard against the concrete wall behind, and the ball fell to the ground and stopped moving.

He said: "Boss, the score of this game is 12 to 14. My skills are far inferior to yours." George Dyer was tall, dark and handsome, in the full Hollywood style.As for him, with dark brown skin, thin and small, his appearance is really not very good.There was little to praise about him except his full, soft lips, and his large, piercing eyes. "That's right, I can beat you every time." Hugo Ganles said with a proud smile. He laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth with joy, his chest and abdomen were covered with sweat, he was shirtless, only blue shorts, white wool socks, and a pair of clasp belts on his feet. sole sneakers.He has white hair, a fat face, but his nose and mouth are small, and his eyes are twinkling, but very sharp.

"Would you like to play again?" he asked. "It's better not to!" Ganles frowned, and briefly dropped three words, "Okay." He put the racket under his arm, took out a box of cigars from the oilcloth pocket of his shorts, took out a match from it, lit the cigar, and He threw the burnt matchstick in the middle of the field and waited for others to clean it up. Then he slammed the door of the squash court open again and walked down the hallway to the locker room.At this time, Dale followed behind him without saying a word, as docile as a kitten, with light steps, walking gracefully like a cat.Then they went to the bathroom to shower together.

Ganles sang while washing. His huge body was covered with foam, and he liked the feeling of being showered with hot water and then cooled with ice-cold water.After washing, he dried himself leisurely, then grabbed another towel and walked out of the bathroom, shouting for the waiter to bring some cold ginger beer. A black man in a white waiter's uniform hurried in with a tray in his hand.Ganles signed a check, waved it, opened his large double-decker locker, and took out a bottle of John Walker (the famous Scotch whiskey) from it and placed it on a round green table in the aisle . The black waiter carefully adjusted the wine, poured two glasses of wine and put them on the table, then said: "Please use it slowly, Mr. Ganles." After making a "please use" gesture, he went out.George Dell was also wearing a suit of gray wool fleece at this time, walked to the corner, and picked up one of the glasses of wine.

"Have you had a good day, boss?" he said, squinting through his glass at the lights on the ceiling. "I think, on the whole, it's all right." Ganles said, "I think I'll have to go home and treat my lover later." As he said this, his small eyes glanced quickly sideways Dell. "You don't mind if I don't come home with you?" Dale asked carefully. "I don't care, but Naomi won't be as easy-talking as I am." Ganles said a little displeased. Dale shrugged and said softly with his sexy lips: "You just like to make trouble, don't you, boss?"

Ganles didn't answer, nor did he look at him.Dale stood there without saying a word, still holding his glass of wine, watching Gunners put on a satin underwear with some monograms on it, and then a suit with a gray clock on it. Purple socks, a silk shirt with the same monogram, and finally a black and white checked suit that made him look like a barn. As he was about to put on his purple bow tie, he yelled for the black waiter to come over and mix him another drink. Dale didn't drink a second glass of wine, just nodded, and then walked softly along the carpet between the big green lockers.

Ganles had already dressed and finished his second glass of wine. He locked his bottle of whiskey and put a big brown cigar in his mouth. He asked the waiter to give him some Go up, and then left in a big way, and greeted people everywhere when they left, the voice was very loud! After he went out of the locker room, it was very quiet, only a few snickers. It was raining outside Dima Club.A uniformed doorman helped Hugo Ganles put on a white raincoat with a belt, and then escorted him to Ganles' car.After putting on the raincoat in front of the awning, he helped Hugo hold the umbrella and escorted him across the wooden carpet leading to the club.Ganles' car is a blue Lincoln limousine with some light yellow stripes, which looks very dignified. The license plate number is 5A6.

The driver of the car appeared in front of them wearing a black raincoat with the collar pulled up to his ears. He recognized Ganles as the owner of the car and stopped looking around.The doorman opened the car door, and after Ganles entered the car, he lay heavily on the back seat. "Good night, Sam, tell the driver to take me home." The doorman touched his hat with his hands to signal him a good journey, and then closed the car door for him, and relayed what Ganles said to the driver. The driver just nodded without turning his head.The car left the club in the torrential rain.

Under the action of the wind, the rainwater fell in slanted lines, and when it reached a crossroad, there was a sudden gust of wind, and the rainwater hit the window of the luxury car heavily.Some people gathered on the street corner, all wanting to cross Sunset Boulevard, but they were afraid of being splashed by the rain.Hugo Ganles made a regretful expression, and grinned, full of sarcasm. The car drove down Sunset Boulevard, across Sherman Street, and then bumped toward the mountains.The speed of the car began to pick up. This place is a boulevard, and there are no cars on the street now, so the driving is very smooth.

It was hot in the car and the windows were closed, even the glass partition behind the driver's seat was closed all the way.The back seat of the car was filled with Hugo's cigar smoke, which was very choking. Ganles frowned, and reached out to lower the window, but the window handle didn't work at all, so he tried the handle on the other side, but there was no response.This made him a little annoyed. He wanted to use the small communicator on the car to call the driver out, but found that there was no sign of the communicator on the car. The car made a sharp turn, and then began to climb uphill. It was a long and straight mountain road. The side of the road was full of eucalyptus trees, but there was no house in sight.Ganles felt a little chill down his spine, and that chill invaded his spine intermittently.He leaned forward and punched the front glass.The driver didn't even look back, and the car drove quickly on this long mountain road in the dark night.

Hugo Ganles tried to grab the door handle, but even sitting in the car, he couldn't find any handle.There was a wry smile on Hugo's plump full moon face, he couldn't believe the current situation. The driver leaned forward and to the right, searching for something with his gloved hands.Suddenly, only a sharp hiss was heard.Hugo Ganles smelled almonds. At first, the smell is very light, but it smells very pleasant.The hissing sound didn't stop, and the smell of almonds gradually became a bit bitter and pungent, making people very uncomfortable.Hugo Ganles dropped the cigar in his hand and smashed the nearest car window with all his strength.But even so, the glass remained motionless. The car is now on the hill, away from the sparse street lights in the residential area. Ganles leaned back in the seat, raised his foot and kicked hard at the glass partition in front of him, but no matter how much he kicked, it was useless, his eyes were blurred, his whole face was distorted, he growled , the thick shoulders were useless at this time, and his head fell back against the cushion, and he collapsed a little.The velvet cap on his big square head had been disfigured.At this moment, the driver took a quick look back. In this short glance, he could also see the outline of the driver's face. He had a hooked face and was very thin.Then the driver leaned forward and to the right again, and the hissing noise stopped. He parked the car beside a deserted road and turned off all the lights in the car.The raindrops hit the roof of the car with a heavy sound. The driver got out of the car in the rain, opened the back door of the car, and then quickly stepped back while covering his nose.He stood not far away for a while, and found out the situation of the road. In the back seat of this limousine, Hugo Ganles did not move.
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