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Chapter 78 Chapter nine

Captain Al Root of the Office of Missing Persons rocked the chair beneath him and looked out the sunny window.It was already a certain day later, and the rain had stopped for a long time. He said gruffly, "Bro, you're dead wrong. Dade O'Mara just hid. None of these guys killed him. He had nothing to do with Bazel's murder." "They found Meshawi in Chicago, and he appears to be innocent. The people you said were associated with the dead guy had no idea who they were working for. Our guys did a lot of cross-examination to make sure of that." "I bet they know. I hang out with them all night and I can't tell them too much."

He looked at me hesitantly with his big dim and tired eyes: "I think, in that case, killing Yeager was justified, and the machine gunner deserved it. Besides, I'm not the murderer, I can't relate all of this to O'Mara -- unless you can." I could, but I don't, not yet. "No, neither can I," I said. Filled the pipe and lit it.After a sleepless night, pumping feels better. "Is that what you're worried about?" "I want to know why you didn't find that girl in Rialit. It's not difficult for you." "We didn't find it. Should have, I admit. Anything else?"

I blew smoke rings at him: "I'm looking for O'Mara at the behest of the General. I won't tell him that you're going to do everything you can because it's pointless. Doing what he bids, I think you hate that." He said displeasedly: "If he wants the money to go to waste, I don't mind at all. The people who hate you are in the major crimes unit." He snapped his foot down and pushed the table. "O'Mara had fifteen thousand dollars in his clothes. Of all the people, O'Mara had that money. So he took it out for his accomplices to see, but they didn't realize that it was the real fifteen thousand dollars ...his wife said that was it. Don't know what other people would do, but for him as a windfall worker, the idea of ​​disappearing seems reasonable. But O'Mara won't do it because he rarely lacks. money."

He lit his cigar, waved his thick fingers, and said, "Understood?" I said I understood. "Okay. O'Mara's got fifteen thousand dollars, and as long as he's got his money, a guy who wants to hide it can stay anonymous. Fifteen thousand dollars is a lot of money. If it was me, if I had For that much money, I'd be willing to disappear. But if the money is spent, we can find him. For example, if he cashes a check, leaves a trace, pays a credit card at a hotel or store, gives a little clue, writes a letter or receives He may have moved to a new city with a brand new name, but his old tastes will not change. He must somehow re-enter the financial system. A man cannot be friends everywhere if he really His friends are all over the world, and they won't keep their mouths shut forever, will they?"

"No, they won't," I said. "Although he went to a distant place, the 15,000 yuan was all his equipment. He didn't bring luggage, didn't book a boat ticket, train ticket or plane ticket, didn't take a taxi, didn't rent a private car to go somewhere outside the city. place. All checked, and his own car was found parked a dozen blocks away from where he lived. But it didn't mean anything. Someone he knew would be willing to send him a few hundred miles In addition, even in front of the bounty, they will keep silent on this matter. This kind of situation will happen here, but not everywhere. Not all new friends are willing to do such a thing.”

"And you'll find him," I said. "When he's hungry." "It might take a year or two to find him. General Winslow probably won't live that long. It's an emotional thing, not the case when you retire with unfinished papers." "Dude, you're working on relationships." His eyes rolled, and his bushy, red eyebrows rolled with them.He doesn't like me.At the police station that day, no one looked at me well. "I'd like to try. Maybe I'll be good at dealing with that relationship." I said, standing up. "Of course." Luffy said suddenly thoughtfully, "Well, Winslow is a great man. Let me know if there's anything I can do."

"You can find out who killed Larry Bazel, even though the two things have nothing to do with each other," I said. "We will, if we'd love to." He laughed, throwing the ashes all over the place, and said, "You just killed two big living people who could talk, and we'll take care of the aftermath. We like the job." "That's self-defense, and I can't control it myself." I said angrily. "Okay. Go for a walk, man. I'm busy." But when I went out, there was a distinct light in his large, dull eyes.
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