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Chapter 60 Chapter Twelve

There was a red misty light in front of Dragella's eyes, and from one side of his face, the whole face to the root of his teeth was tortured by severe pain.When he tried to move his tongue, it was dry and numb, and when he tried to move his hands, they seemed far away from him, not his hands at all. Then he opened his eyes, and the red mist disappeared, and before him was a huge face, very close together—a gigantic face.It was a round, plump face with a blue chin, and a cigarette with a bright thin line dangling from its thick, parted lips.The face giggled and Drajera closed his eyes again as the pain overwhelmed him and he passed out.

A few seconds later, or a long time later, he saw the face again, and he heard a gruff voice. "Okay, he's come to his senses, he's really a tough guy." The face moved closer, and the tail of the cigar glowed cherry red.Suddenly, choking on the smoke from the cigar, he began coughing so violently that he felt like the side of his head was about to split open.He could feel the blood running down his cheek, sliding across the skin, and trickling down again over the dried, clotted stain. "This beating must make him learn to behave better." Said in a deep voice. Another voice with an Irish accent said something nasty and nasty, and the big face turned its face in the direction of the voice and roared.

De La Gera was fully awake at last, he finally saw the room clearly, there were four people in it, and the big face was that of Big John Masters. The slender blonde was curled up at one end of the sofa, staring blankly at the floor, her hands stiffly placed at her sides, buried in the sofa cushions so she couldn't see them. Dave Augie leaned against the wall next to a curtained window, his slender body, his wedge-shaped face looking bored.Director Drew was sitting on the other side of the sofa, his white hair turned silver under the light of the old desk lamp, his blue eyes were very bright and focused.

Big John Masters had a shiny gun in his hand, and De La Gera looked at it, blinked, tried to get up, pushed him hard with one hand, and sat back down, He suddenly felt sick.The deep voice said coldly: "Save your energy, soft-legged shrimp, you have had enough trouble, now it's our turn." Della Gera licked his lips and said, "Give me a glass of water." Dave Augie walked away from the wall, through the dining room archway, and returned with a glass in his hand, which he held to Della Gera's mouth, who drank it all in one gulp . Masters said: "We appreciate your guts, Mr Policeman, but you've misused your guts. It seems you're a man who doesn't read hints, which is too bad. You're going to be fucked ,do you know?"

The blond turned her head, looked at Dragella resentfully, and looked away again.Auggie was back against the wall, and Drew ran his fingers quickly along the side of his face uneasily, as if Drajella's bloody head was hurting his face.De La Gera said slowly, "Killing me just makes you feel better, Masters, a fool is a fool, you've killed two people for this, and you don't even know what you're covering up." The tall man swore sharply, raised the shiny gun, then lowered it slowly, gave him a hard look, and Auggie said lazily, "Take it easy, John. Let him finish."

De La Gera spoke in the same drawl, careless tone: "The lady sitting there is the sister of the two dead men you murdered. She told them her story - herself How did you trick Imari, who took the pictures, and how they got to Donegan Marr. Your little Filipino brother has confessed to me, and I already have a rough idea of ​​what happened. You can't Guaranteed that Imari can kill Mal, maybe Mal will kill Imari, but no matter what, you can get rid of Mal, the only thing is that if Imali really kills Mal, the case must be solved immediately. This That's where you're negligent, you start covering everything up before you know what's going on."

Masters snapped, "Nonsense, Mr. Policeman, what a load of nonsense, you're just wasting my time!" The blond turned her head to Della Gera, watching Masters' back, hatred welling up in her eyes.De La Gera shrugged lightly, and continued: "You have decided to kill Brother Kiel early on. Of course, it was premeditated to hinder my handling of the case and set me up, because you think that Mal and I are the same A group of people. But to your surprise - you can't find Imari, and now things get tricky." Masters' cold black eyes grew large and hollow, his already stout neck thickened, and Auggie walked a few feet from the wall toward him and stood there stiffly.After a while, Masters gritted his teeth and said softly: "That's right, Mr. Police, tell us what's going on." De La Gera touched the space between the fingers of two fingers. His blood-stained face, he looked at his fingers, his eyes were unfathomable.

"Imali is dead, Masters, before Mal was killed, he was dead." There was no sound in the room, no one moved, and the four people in front of Della Gera were stunned.After a long while Masters took a deep breath and said almost in a whisper, "Tell me, Mr. Policeman, hurry up, or I'll—" Dragella interrupted him coldly, with no emotion in his voice, "Imali did go to see Mal, why didn't he go - he didn't know he was betrayed. It's just that he was Went to see Mal last night, not today. They drove to the vacation home in Malpuma Lake together - intending to settle the matter with peaceful talks, anyway, that's what happened. Then they had an argument there Wake up, Imari was killed, he was pushed off the end of the porch, his head cracked open on a rock. He just died, and his body was lying in the shed at the Mal holiday home... Yes, Mal hid him and went back to the city. Then, he got a call today, mentioning Imali's name, and asked him to meet today at 12:15 noon. What can Mal do? Of course he can only prevaricate Passed. He sent the office girl to lunch and kept the gun within reach—ready for trouble. It’s just that someone tricked him and he didn’t get to use his gun.”

Masters gruffly said, "Damn it, boy, you're so damn smart, how can you possibly figure everything out?" He looked back at Drew, who was gray and nervous, and Auggie walked away from the wall again, approaching Drew, and the blonde remained motionless. De La Gera said impatiently: "Of course, there are some guesses, but all my guesses are in line with the facts. It must be so. Mal has a gun with him. He is not the kind of person who is careless. Besides, he was in trouble, and everything was ready, why didn't he shoot? Because it was a woman who visited him." He raised a hand and pointed at the blonde: "She is your killer. Although she cheated on Imali, she still loved him. She is a drug addict, and drug addicts are like this. Looking back , she immediately felt sad and blamed herself, so she went to take revenge on Mal herself, just ask her!"

The blond stood up quickly, her right hand jerked out of the mat, holding an automatic pistol in her hand—the very same pistol that had shot De La Gera.Her green eyes were dull, hollow, and glazed, and Masters turned and smashed her arm with the shiny revolver. She shot him twice without hesitation at close range, blood spraying from one side of his thick shoulder and running down his coat.He shuddered, and the shiny revolver fell to the floor, almost at Della Gera's feet.He fell out towards the wall behind the chair where Drajera was sitting, one hand stretched out towards the wall, his hand hit the wall, the hand slid slowly with the fall of his body, and he fell hard. Down, don't move anymore.

De La Gera was almost within reach of the shiny revolver. Drew yelled and stood up, and the girl turned slowly towards Auggie as if she didn't see Della Gera.Auggie took out a Luger pistol from his armpit and pushed Drew away. The small automatic pistol and the Luger shot sounded at the same time. with the front chest.She rolled her eyes, trying to raise the gun again, and then she fell sideways on the side cushions, her left hand loose and hanging down from her chest.The dress on her breast was instantly red with blood, and her eyes opened, closed, opened again, and never closed again. Auggie pointed the Luger again at De La Gera, his brows raised in tension, his neatly combed brown hair clinging to his scalp as if painted on. De La Gera fired at him four times in a row, as fast as a machine-gun fire.In an instant, before Auggie fell to the ground, his face had become a thin and hollow old face with silly and blank eyes.His long body fell to the ground as if bent, the Luger pistol still in his hand, and his legs were pressed under his body, as if there were no bones at all.There was a strong smell of gunpowder in the air, and the air seemed to freeze because of the gunfire.De La Gera stood up slowly and walked over to Drew with the shiny revolver in hand. "Your feast alone, Chief, is this the result you want?" Drew nodded slowly, his face pale and trembling, he swallowed his saliva, walked slowly on the floor, walked past Auggie's spread body, looked at the girl on the sofa, and shook his head.He walked up to Masters, got down on one knee, touched him, and stood up again. "Dead, I think," he said softly. Drajella said, "Good job, where's the big guy? The bruiser?" "They sent him off, I—I don't think they're trying to kill you, Drajella." Della Gera nodded slightly, his face softened, the cold and hard lines disappeared, and the half of the face not covered by blood seemed to have a human breath.He wiped his face with a handkerchief, which was immediately stained with bright red blood, and threw the handkerchief away to run his fingers through his hair, some of which was clumped together with dried blood. "Damn it, it'd be weird not to," he said. There was silence in the house, and there was no sound outside.Drew listened, sniffed, walked to the front door and looked outside, the street outside was dark and quiet, he turned back, walked up to Della Gera, forced a smile very reluctantly. “It’s really commendable,” he said, “that a police chief has to go undercover himself — an honest cop doing everything that’s been programmed, pretending to be suspended to help him.” De La Gera looked at him blankly: "Do you really want to do this?" Drew was able to speak calmly again now, and his face was flushed again: "For our department, boy, for the whole city—and ourselves, it's the only way to do it." Dragera looked straight into his eyes. "I'd like that too," said Della Gera dryly, "if it works like we think."
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