Home Categories detective reasoning Six Palace Princess

Chapter 78 commentary

Six Palace Princess 北村薰 6523Words 2018-03-15
(This article involves important plots, please do not read if you have not read the text) 1. The Mystery of the Title Which of the following should be the correct meaning of this pitiful title of this book? 1. It is a short story by Ryunosuke Akutagawa. 2. Kikuchi Hiroshi, a good friend of Akutagawa, has also written works on the theme of "Princess of the Sixth Palace". Third, the protagonist of this article carefully compares the works of this pair of friends, while discussing their different attitudes towards literature, and even deeply explores the conflict in personality between the two. Based on this, she will use this as the subject of her graduation thesis, but it is still in the conception stage ....

4. It is the fourth work in the "Master Yuanzi and Me" series by Kaoru Kitamura, a famous writer who is good at writing daily mysteries and stories. Like his previous work "Autumn Flowers", it is based on "Pegasus in the Sky" "The short story collection of "Night Cicada" has been transformed into a novel, a masterpiece that deliberately changed its form. 5. This is the legendary graduation thesis written by Kaoru Kitamura, a writer of mystery novels, when he was studying in the First Faculty of Literature of Waseda University. The answer, of course, is all of the above.Even the somewhat dubious last option.This is a fact confirmed to the writer himself.

Among the works of Mr. Kitamura, I first read the second work of this series "Night Cicada". What an astonishing stunt!), I have completely bowed to his pen. ...It seems clichéd and pretentious to say so, but for my compatriots who openly declare that they love reasoning, love Japanese, and regard reading as a supreme pleasure, they must nod vigorously in agreement.To be obsessed with really good articles has nothing to do with the amount of time.Moreover, if you want to thoroughly taste the articles you are obsessed with, you may even think that life is too short. 2. The Relevance of Beethoven and Dixon Carr to Covering Writers

"The Immortal Lover" is well known as the mysterious woman who appeared in the letter of Saint Beethoven. In recent years, it has been made into a movie and caused a lot of talk, but the truth is still unknown.In a book about music saints that I read with great interest recently, someone defined Beethoven as "presumably, to himself or others, the first professional musician who affirmed the artist's self-assertion."In other words, there is more to this definition.The so-called musicians must first be artists with great musicality, and at the same time, they must also be artists with personal characteristics.Through the letters left behind after his death, Beethoven accidentally left the world with the fascinating mystery of "who is the immortal lover?" In the end, Beethoven won universal love beyond the times and borders.It can be said that a musician who can create such an exciting "life mystery drama" has never been seen before....

Having said that, let's go back to our Mr. Kaoru Kitamura.There is no need to cite Le Sheng’s Secret as an example. Mr. Kitamura is a rare artist in the literary world, but here, I must say that when he debuted, the author’s (non-lover) real identity mystery drama must have been very exciting. . Kaoru Kitamura was a cover writer at the time of his debut.It also set off a chaotic debate on the author's real gender and age... In other words, the author projected his real face under the mask on the pitiful college girl-nameless heroine "I" Think of the setting of "Rebecca" written by du Maurier, which attracts mystery fans at the moment), or the child of time who easily solves the mystery she encounters (it should be: "Truth is the daughter of time" ) Rakugo master Harunakutei Yuanzi master which one of the heterochromatic pair of partners, this debate is still nostalgic to this day.In any case, it was actually a man named Ji Guanzhi who wrote the sentence "Women can try to write a diary written by a man."Therefore, it is very difficult to distinguish gender and age from articles.Articles in this area seem to be particularly difficult to systematize.In fact, simply changing her name to an abbreviation made science fiction writer Ursula Le Guin appear male, but it was an ironic victory for her to see through the prejudices of her era against women writers.In contrast, in the modern era, Kaoru Kitamura, a masked writer, completely bluffs readers through a softness that transcends gender differences in his works.This is not an era where pen names alone can hide and seek.Mr. Kitamura's works not only vividly describe women, but he also upholds the very positive and unobtrusive proposition that "any distress or joy should be shared by men and women". The main character in the book.Thus, we readers have been thoroughly lied to.This is why he became the reason of the mystery novelist among the mystery novelists.This is the essence of Mr. Kitamura.

The understanding of women in Mr. Kitamura's works is vaguely similar to that of another reasoning writer who loves bluffing games even though he does not cover his face to hide his identity.That is a man who is obviously an American but insists on fighting on the British stage.Although he is respected as a master of secret room reasoning, he loves historical reasoning through time and space. He is also comfortable in writing thriller novels and radio scripts. He continues to write comics and masterpieces of reasoning history. He is John Dixon Carr . It has been seldom pointed out that Karl is an unrivaled expert in creating mystery novels with women.The women in his books are always beautiful and lively, stubborn and self-willed, and are sometimes ridiculed as "cookie-cutter".But the same is the same, of course, it is better to be charming.He wrote (The Emperor's Snuff-Box) that even Agatha Christie was full of praise. He is known for his psychological tricks, but what I feel deeply is not the tricks in the book, but the vortex The realistic modeling of the heroine. "It's almost like a work written by a woman. Maybe someone will help you catch the knife in private." This is the impression of a certain man after reading this book under my slightly domineering recommendation. Carl's charm can be summed up in one word. Just such a place.

Mr. Kitamura also seems to like Carl very much.As a reader, it goes without saying ("Carl is Yotaro", this famous saying is the best example) Even as a writer, Mr. Kitamura once said that he hopes to write such a work one day. Unattainable tree fruit" ("Riddle Story", published by Central Koron News Agency).Being dubbed the "Benge Fundamentalist School" by his peers must be a kind of embodiment of Mr. Kitamura's complicated state of mind as a writer and reader.On the other hand, although he is determined to move towards a realistic and fresh daily mystery story, his eyes have to pay attention to the logical secret room that unfolds like a complex puzzle under his feet. "Reason can restrain sensibility, but it can't do it the other way around. Isn't this the greatest tragedy of people who act according to reason? From this point of view, reason may never have to be jealous of sensibility." ("Little Red Riding Hood", "In the Air") "Pegasus" included)...Master Yuanzi's murmur sounds like Mr. Kitamura's envy for the reasoning of the Benge School and Karl's Yotaro.But at the same time, Mr. Kitamura, who said "There is a kind of snow that can only fly in that land" ("Mystery Story"), did have the intention to combine the theme and the expression technique at a certain point of the extreme, and will The target is placed on a distant height.

The topic seems to be getting further and further away, and it has already involved the next item.Although I really want to continue with the trend like this, but before that, it is obvious that this topic should be brought to a conclusion. Raise topics from music sages and masters of the golden age of reasoning, and solve problems by covering the writer's ambivalence.That state of mind is Kitamura Kaoru. 3. The colorfulness of splendid articles Mr. Kitamura Kaoru's article is wonderful in color. And the mystery story described by Mr. Kitamura is a beautiful tapestry of logic, and a colorful kaleidoscope of colors displayed in soft and strong articles.That can only be resolved by deeply analyzing the inner silk patterns of human nature, so not all are beautiful, but may also be gloomy.

This writer's expression method does not belong to the type that we commented on Ms. Miyabe Miyuki, "even when describing a flower" and "will directly face the flower itself". In addition, it is not like the control group Ms. Describe everything that is 'not a flower' in an attempt to highlight the flower" (the above comment was written by Mr. Hirohisa Shinbo, and it is extremely impressive).Well, if you have to describe it in this way, Mr. Kaoru Kitamura's style is indeed extremely colorful.The visual "color" of describing people and landscapes is not to be ignored, even the countless famous books spoken by the characters in the book are also Kitamura's "color"; The "tone" of the work itself is even more breath-taking.

"Color"... "Little Red Riding Hood" that expresses the most terrifying humanity in "Pegasus in the Sky", the depth of darkness unified by red, and the quiet dark green of the "forest" in the picture book as the background are amazing. Impressive.And the dark blue beloved jacket worn by the protagonist "I" at the beginning of "The Bottom of the Obscure Night" (collected in "Night Cicada"), isn't it the most suitable color for this innocent heroine?That formed a perfect contrast with the soft ivory white dress of her friend Jiang Mei, who appeared immediately after.For "me", the "father's jewel" who is so beautiful and hard to get close to - sister, wearing a yellow-green cloak jacket "as if the whole body is shining", and the overall collocation of "impeccable" when wearing a cool water blue dress, He looks "imposing" in his pearl white suit, which is very well groomed.There is also "Night Cicada" (collected in "Night Cicada"), where the two sisters communicated frankly for the first time. Because the sister was drunk, she confided her memories of "big red and pink slippers".The appearance of the sister when she said that the color that suits her (primary color) may not be the color she likes (intermediate color) with a little stubbornness. Misunderstood temperament.Using the color of the clothes on the body to convey the mood is sometimes calm and sometimes reactionary, which makes people see the face of a masked writer.

Having said that, I have to mention "color" again.Especially in this series of works, the dazzling variety of book titles and author names from ancient and modern times, as well as the profound and profound knowledge of famous books and sentences that are endlessly handy can only be admired.In addition, there are famous sentences created by Mr. Kitamura, which are not pretending to be profound, but are only interspersed in "daily" dialogues and interjections with a wonderful rhythm, embellishing the color of surprise for readers.The protagonist's friend, Masako Takaoka, asserts his own name "My name is Xiaozheng", "Hello" when addressing the protagonist, and the vividly inserted singing voice "Take my sword of justice!" (By the way, Xiaozheng's personal color is not through the clothes on his body, but vividly emerges in front of his eyes through these famous lines).The sense of language of "Horse mackerel!" and "Ginger Pork Set Meal" when the three girls shared a meal.The protagonist's faint longing for "Mr. Bean Paste Donut" Sakarui (well, the gap is so big, it is like parsley and a whale!), and the slightly funny and fictional ending of using the nickname as his real name. "I" used the drunkenness to divert the topic of my sister and my father, and suddenly mentioned the cold joke of "Sanlang Biscuits of the Wind", which is sad and funny.In Mr. Kitamura's article, there is not a single sentence that is meaningless.Because of this, the "I", who is by no means a gossip, not only expresses various thoughts in articles and hearts, but also actually speaks them out.Readers are convinced that her friends, life mentors, and relatives will listen to her heart, and this expectation has not failed. "You are really clumsy." Xiao Zheng folded his arms when he said this, Jiang Mei slightly tilted his head, and Master Yuan Zi smiled back quietly.It is true that in the works of Mr. Kitamura, no single sentence should be taken lightly.They were accepted and answered honestly.The words of the world have only one chance, and they always disappear into the air as soon as they are spoken.However, the words spoken by Mr. Kitamura are written and colored, so they will not disappear in vain, but will exude a unique smell alive and deeply imprinted in the minds of us readers. Part of the reason why I like to read mystery novels lies in this.Any sentence must not be let go, the more inconspicuous the words are, the more likely the key to solving the puzzle will be hidden.Therefore, in mystery novels, words are never allowed to be taken lightly.You absolutely don't have to worry about your beloved words will be misused too simply and thrown into the trash without any revision.Not to mention, if those words come from Kitamura products, there is simply no happier reading experience in the world.From the bottom of my heart, I envy those "words" that Mr. Kitamura chose to use. While fortunate enough to take over the task of writing a commentary for this book, Ms. Shimura Fukumi's famous prose "Playing Colors" was also republished by Chikuma Shobo.The content is random thoughts about dyeing. "The five senses of human beings are closely related invisibly. Among the elements of beauty, they always seem to subtly resonate with one of the five senses." Other colors, but trying to use the whole body to create a big tree trunk in the color of petals, isn’t it like trying to put into words our own thoughts and wishes that are like petals?” (ibid.), see these sentences , can't help but understand it with pleasure, no wonder you can feel the colorful colors from Mr. Kitamura's articles.Like aesthetics, a good article can definitely convey something that resonates with each other in different fields to the lucky ones who are lucky enough to read it at the same time. I'm going to say it again.The colorful text of the splendid article is the mystery story of Mr. Kitamura. 4. Writing is like a person, knowledge is like reasoning, so what about the graduation thesis...? "No matter what, I can't waste any more. From the topic to the drafting of the chapters, I used them almost intact. The thesis itself is very young, ashamed to see people, and I put it on the shelf. However, it should be the first time in my life It must be more than a hundred sheets of manuscript paper."... Above, Mr. Kitamura will sum up the relationship between his graduation thesis and this book so readily. It is not only young readers who find this book difficult to understand.Many people said, "It seems a bit difficult for me who lacks knowledge of classical literature." "That Akutagawa, so he was a writer who lived until the Showa era?" "That's what a graduation thesis should be. As a family I also want to show my teacher's to my students, so that they can practice well." Wait... Indeed, it is very difficult.Still, it's easy to read.If someone came to ask me how to write a good graduation thesis, I might recommend this book.Because this is both unique ideas and orthodox research methods, and it is the best masterpiece written by the author. However, although the graduation thesis, which is the main axis of this book, is one of the key points, it does not stop there.The first thing this book emphasizes is the fourth work in the "I" series, and more importantly, the reason.Mr. Kitamura did not write his graduation thesis because he wanted it to be known to the world (well, I personally believe so).Although Josephine Tey's masterpiece of classical reasoning has successfully subverted the image of the "notorious Richard III" that has always been recognized in the history of the British royal family, no reader (er, there should be no) will think that Tey is writing History essay.This is nothing, learning is a kind of reasoning.The discovery of the mystery jumped up, and the nervous palms sweated in the process of finding out the answer, and cheered for the harvest I discovered.Look, isn't it the same?Was the Tale of Genji really written by Murasaki Shikibu alone?Is the man in the Iron Mask the twin brother of Louis XIV?Is blood type related to personality?You see, the more you think about it, the more excited you become, right?The pursuit of intellectual curiosity, such as learning, is inherently related to research methods.In the labyrinth, the process of carefully unraveling the only clue that is the tangled thread is the so-called research. To pursue something is the proof of being human. ——The "I" in the book thinks so. Therefore, Mr. Kitamura, who is obsessed with the mysteries of mystery novels, prepared a realistic and huge puzzle-solving stage for his graduation thesis in the fourth work of the series in the fourth year for his clone "I", which can be said to be a logical arrangement, and it must be extremely Necessary. Forgive me for talking about some personal matters here, "I" seems to be the same age as me (ah, what a mouthful!). "Pegasus in the Sky", which "I" debuted for the first time, was published in 1989. At that time, "I" was a sophomore, and when I saw the notice of class suspension, I cursed "Damn it", and I was busy looking for a free time to read.Three years later, when this book was published, I was just beginning to think about the topic of my graduation thesis and my future way out when I was a senior.I was very happy to be on the same time as the protagonist in the book.The "I" in the book majored in Japanese literature, and wrote his graduation thesis on Akutagawa; while I studied Japanese linguistics, and my thesis focused on the translator's stylistic theory.This is a subject that is both near and far.Looking at it this way, it seems that the university life that includes the two is extremely precious.Maybe it's because during the four years of university, just like "I" and Master Yuan Zi pondered the daily mysteries together, I also challenged the mysteries of ancient and modern things with my professors and friends.The graduation thesis is tantamount to a collection of the culmination of the past four years, and it is also an important ceremony before embarking on another new journey.Mr. Kitamura, who used to rewrite this series as the growth story of the protagonist, throws the mystery of the literary giant that he has studied in the past, and throws it to his clone "I". It can be seen that the author has an extraordinary love for the protagonist. Love, and the kingly way of reasoning, people can't help but want to say hello. Mr. Kitamura established his status as a writer of "everyday mysteries" with his debut novel.In the world of his bloodless works described with soft brushstrokes, will we mistakenly think that everyday mysteries must be small and warm?Little, that's absolutely true.However, thorns are sometimes particularly sharp simply because they are small.Never ignore it.Because Mr. Kitamura is best at describing the "everyday" of the deep trough caused by some discord in people's hearts, and the great crime caused by small malice. The key to the mystery of this book is why Akutagawa wrote it.It's dangerous here.Although I struggled hard knowing that I shouldn't solve puzzles in this kind of place, please allow me to make a foul here.Why did he write it?Because "everyone has things that cannot be tolerated".The "everything that cannot be tolerated" here even includes Akutagawa's best friend Hiroshi Kikuchi.This is very sad.In the face of things that the two great writers cannot allow, "stand by" is enough for each other to "deny the value of life, and also deny self". So, it hurts.Man is a creature that is always attracted by what others don't have, and therefore can never be truly compatible with others.These two geniuses, affirming each other's value, are constantly asserting their own, and have the strength to do so.The pair of friends understand each other through writing, but also reconfirmed the value gap between them through writing.As a human being, it is cruel to reach this point. But now, the "I" who wrote the graduation thesis, through careful investigation, rich imagination and the help of Master Yuan Zi, flew across decades to get a glimpse of their relationship.This is also the meaning of writing, reading, and thinking—for a book is a person.This experience must be of great help to "me".With an equal amount of premonition and aftertaste, we who have read this, close the book. ... As the saying goes, writing is like a person.So, are all articles equal to the author's private letter?That is of course impossible.Because people don't just write out all their life experiences to create fictional stories. The articles of the Beicun faction do reveal part of the author's real state.Not just the actual experience of graduation thesis, but the protagonist’s goal of “reading a book a day”, the “slightly peeling paint” tables of the local Japanese restaurant, riding a bicycle along the riverside road in front of his house through the wind... The theme and background of the work are embedded with the life style of the writer Kaoru Kitamura. However, this book is indeed a novel of the Beicun School. The "creation in the name of comments" that "I" searched through the books and integrated them was also conveyed to me solidly through the writer Kaoru Kitamura. ... You may have also noticed that Chuangyuan Reasoning Library always adds English titles even for domestic works.This cannot be underestimated.For example, the titles of the Ai Ichiro series by Mr. Awasaka are quite ingenious.As for the curious title of this book, it is said that it came from Mr. Kitamura's personal wish to translate the title of the Japanese version of a certain French work of Balzac into English.The title of the original Japanese version was "The Beginning of Life's Journey". ——Presumably there is nothing more suitable for this book than this sentence. Other than that, I can only offer advice again, as I do every time.Please go back and re-read Mr. Kitamura's novels again and again.
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