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Chapter 71 Section VII

Six Palace Princess 北村薰 546Words 2018-03-15
Lord, grant them eternal rest.Let the eternal light shine upon them. That's how it started.There are many percussion instruments, and steel pipes are placed on the four sides above the auditorium.And very active.It's like a magic show of musical notes, which is an odd but interesting way to describe my feelings about the Mass.For this reason, the narration of the contrasting quiet scenes is all the more effective. Holy, holy,—that is how people pronounce God. The song is coming to an end.Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, please grant them eternal rest——When the opening sentence appeared again, the two writers who were born in the Taisho Showa era suddenly came to my mind.

All mortals surrender to the Lord. Lord, please grant eternal rest to the dead.Let the eternal light shine upon them. The music ends and the crowd disperses on the streets at night.My short-lived date also saw the back of the blue suit disappearing somewhere. Great for a walk outside.Tall buildings on the moon.As I walked towards Roppongi, I felt an inexplicable sadness.If there is fate, can we meet that person again? Then I answered myself: Yes, if there is a destiny.Even if we don't meet each other in this life, maybe we can meet again in the next life. ...Besides, even if I can't meet that person, as long as I read the book, maybe one day, I will live that wonderful page.Maybe I will read the page that person read.

Things like this, of course, are purely a house-wine game of sentimentality. When I got home, I immediately called Xiaozheng. "What's up?" I choked back immediately: "I can't call you if I have nothing to do?" "What the hell are you guys talking about?" A seaside town in the far west of Kanagawa, Kosho replied. On the coast in the middle of the night, at this time, under the moonlight, there must be the breaking waves of early autumn hitting the shore.
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