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Chapter 67 third quarter

Six Palace Princess 北村薰 748Words 2018-03-15
However, judging by common sense, this kind of ending cannot be included in classical literature.What's more, according to my vague memory, "Sandstone Collection" should be a Buddhist script.In this way, it should have been a talk about failure in rebirth, right?The use of ancient prose style in this article must be Kikuchi's strong self-assertion that he should write the original classics in this way. I went to my father's bookshelf and searched for the "Sandstone Collection".Because I don't have a large series of classical books.After looking around for a long time, I finally found the old Iwanami Bunko version.When I turned to the back cover, I saw "Fifty" written in pencil.fifty yuan.This is a book my father bought from a used bookstore.

I stomped on the stairs and rushed back to the second floor. This time I sat down on the seat cushion and opened the library, which was slightly larger than the current version. The sixth chapter of the fourth volume is "The Stories of the Hanged Master".Yamamoto Yuzo's comment on this work is: "With the addition of so-called child molestation, the form becomes slightly more complicated than the original work, and Kikuchi-style views are also added." It does have that feeling. The scene of the Venerable Master’s death, “As time dragged on, the clamor of the crowd made the Venerable Master speechless. So he changed his clothes, hung a rope on the wood in front of the temple, and hanged himself to death.” Such a light description.But these few sentences already make people feel the indescribable helplessness of a person who is forced to die.

Satisfied with the ending, everyone worshiped and received the relics.But the Venerable Master himself fell into the demon realm because of his vain obsessions before his death.In other words, this story tells us that the attachment at the end of life must be feared. I wanted to close the book.However, at this time, the title of the seventh chapter of the fourth volume suddenly came into view. "The Thing of Throwing a Man in the Water" I was taken aback.Yamamoto did not mention three words.However, in the summer of the 11th year of Taisho, Kikuchi should have seen this title as well.It is impossible for Kikuchi, who has read many books and has written "Suicide Relief Industry" and "Laughing at the Dead" himself, not to have read this article.

Taking it for granted, I read on.It's an amazing story. A certain Venerable Master also decided to die, and this person chose to commit suicide by diving.He rowed out to the lake in a boat.Then tie the rope under the armpit and jump into the water.If you are greedy for life, it is impossible to go to rebirth, and then you can pull the rope. After a while, there was movement in the rope, and the Venerable Master was pulled into the boat.He said it was due to excessive pain and delusions.This situation was repeated several times, and for the last time, "the rope was not pulled after entering the water. Soon, there was music in the sky, and purple clouds appeared on the waves. The good thing finally came true, and tears of joy were shed."

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