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Chapter 32 fourth quarter

Six Palace Princess 北村薰 2744Words 2018-03-15
Having said that, Kaide Shobo's "Modern Japanese Novels" has a table of contents at the end of the volume.It is a set of complete works that are pleasing to the eye just by looking at them from a distance.This kind of editorial arrangement not by author but by era is rare.For example, the first five volumes are from the 1880s.This is very fresh.The articles selected in the fifth volume are particularly obscure and unpopular.Including "The Temperament of a Merchant in the World" by Yuiwa Komura, "Oil Hell" by Saito Lvyu and "Smoke of Charcoal Burning" by Emi Mizukage, "Sister Back Shell" by Iwatani Xiaobo, Yamada Wonderful "Erlang Jing" "High", "Return to the Province" by Miyazaki Lake Chuko, "My Prison" by Kitamura Toya, "Ghost Hearts Are Not Ghost Hearts", "Mirror of Souls", and "Masaoka Shiki".

If this book is placed on the news stand at the station, no one will be interested in it. In the torrent of the times, it is also interesting that the same writer is a young man in a certain volume but becomes an old man elsewhere.I also own the volume of Ogai's "Improvisational Poet" (haven't read it yet!) and so on. By the way, which writers are included in this book on the bookshelf?I took a look and couldn't help being surprised.It appeared at the end of the catalog casually.Akutagawa is a famous writer, so he must be selling better than other volumes.In this case, the probability of occurrence may indeed be higher.But even so, this is still a bizarre "coincidence".

The thirty-third volume "New Realism I" includes Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Kikuchi Hiroshi.The narrator is Yasunari Kawabata. "'Hobbies and personalities are exactly the opposite', Kikuchi himself described ("Akutagawa" the second year of Showa). From the Taisho period to the early Showa period, in just a dozen years, they shined brilliantly in the history of literature. Even looking back today, Akutagawa and Kikuchi are still the standard-bearers of the new literature of the Taisho era, and Akutagawa’s suicide and Kikuchi’s popularization should be regarded as symbols of a literary era moving towards opposite fate.”

This passage is common sense in the history of literature.However, perhaps because of bumping into each other in an unexpected place, it seems to be extraordinarily fresh.In addition, although the two have always been called "opposite fates", but juxtaposed in this way, "popularization" seems to be regarded as a "suicidal act", which is chilling. The back of the book with a light onion cloth cover has faded in the torrent of time. I took the book back to the room.Xiaozheng was lying on the bed, looking at the travel guide with the lemon-yellow desk lamp beside his pillow on.She has changed into pajamas.She turned her face to me abruptly, "I thought you were dragged away by a mouse."

I shook my head, "There are no mice, but I have." "What?" Following the rising voice, Xiaozheng sat up.And I also sat down on another bed and explained the process to her. "That's how things are. Destiny is really interesting." "I see. Then, what did Kawabata Yasunari say to him?" "This..." Kawabata's explanation is quite long.In short, if you look at the part of his collection of works first, he wrote this: "This is a common story in the dynasty. Akutagawa puts a modern light on that kind of sadness." "that's it?"

"Ok." "It's a bit treacherous. At first glance, it looks like everything is in order, but in fact it didn't say anything." "Yeah, the last sentence should mean that Akutagawa's writing style has its own calm and sober interpretation, but which one is "modern" and which one is "cold light"? Thought... Although it is an explanation, it does not explain to readers Clear. Master Kawabata's views are really incomprehensible." "That's the point. Kawabata's style is originally beautiful at first glance, but only those who are skilled in it know how profound it is."

Xiaozheng stretched out his hand.I handed her the book. My friend took the book and opened it, looking at the contents, "I've read most of Akutagawa's novels. I haven't read Kikuchi Hiroshi's." "This kind of thing should be nothing to show off." "I'm not showing off. What about you?" "Read a little bit." "You're such a nuisance. So, what did you think of it?" "The writing is smart. And there's a lot of 'power.'" "Oh? I don't understand what your master thinks." "Then let me explain. Speaking of Kikuchi Hiroshi, he gives the impression that he is a very healthy and decent writer who specializes in popular themes. However, for example, he wrote the story "The Last of Miuraemon". When the Imagawa Clan of Suruga fell, his favorite minister, Miuraemon, who served as a personal servant, fled in fear of death, and begged the peasants, not to mention the armor and even the clothes, to give away, "Just save my life." "When he escaped with great difficulty, he still couldn't escape the fate of being killed when he reached the place where he took refuge. He was terrified and was ridiculed by everyone. But Eemon still cried and said, "I just want to save my life." So the other party teased He said, then you stretch out your hand and beg for mercy. In the end, he even suggested 'you sacrifice an arm, and I will spare you' to force him to agree to self-mutilation. After one hand was cut off, the other party asked both hands to be cut off, and then His legs were also cut off. Finally, the other party asked him: 'Even so, do you still want to save your life?' But his head was cut off in the end."

"This story is brutal." "Well. Kikuchi said that the ending of this Youemon was read in Asai Ryoyi's "Dog Zhangzi". My family has the Edo Literature and Art of "The Complete Works of Japanese Masterpieces", so I immediately looked it up. In addition to the protagonist, Both the proper nouns and the details are very different." "Ok……" "First, Kikuchi wrote 'Gou Zhangzi' as 'Inu Zhangzi'. However, this trivial matter should not be pursued. Although the name of Imagawa City Lord is also different, in this case, the facts are not important. The story is in Kikuchi's hand is very stable. And what is he really trying to say? At the end of the article, he commented on Eemon: "There is also a man. The feeling is overwhelming.'"

Xiaozheng asked: "Is Juchi very weak?" This is very similar to the question Xiaozheng would ask. "Strictly speaking, it should be regarded as bold and bold. When he founded Wenyichunqiu, he heard that radical violent groups would come to threaten him. However, even when he was facing a veritable life and death situation, it is said that he would never compromise. At least, compared with Akutagawa, he should be considered much stronger. Therefore, this "Miuraemon" should not be a "sure" story in the end. There are not many samurai in the story who mocked Youemon for being greedy for life and afraid of death huh? He sees it with a sharp eye. He says that those who vainly believe that they should die heroically, 'specialize in twisted ways of dying that surprise others.' The word 'twisted death' is strong enough. In other words , Kikuchi is actually a person who has a 'negative' attitude towards 'negative'. Sometimes he is even stubborn to the point of abnormality, so he can generate 'strength' from it. On this point, he and the writers of the 'positive' school, It's fundamentally different."

"What is an 'affirmative' writer?" "Hmm... let's say Warrior Xiaolu Shidu." "I understand. You mean that the 'strength' of Mushaxiaolu comes from his stubborn 'affirmation'." "right." At this point, Xiaozheng sat on the bed and began to read the commentary. After a while, she said, "Oh, Kobayashi Hideo also compared Kikuchi to Wushakoji." I don't know that.What a coincidence.I asked back: "Really?" "Look here, here." Xiao Zheng pointed to the opened pages and handed the book to me.

"I think that Kikuchi will one day be a unique writer who is more genius than Akutagawa. I also heard Kume Masao comment that Kikuchi is a genius. Kobayashi Hideo also said: 'Among the writers I have met, I feel strongly that he is a genius. Only Shiga Naoya and Kikuchi Kan are the two.''Among many writers who rebelled against naturalistic literature, I think the most thorough reformers should be Kikuchi Hiroshi and Takeshi Koji Shintoshi.' (Kikuchi Kanron)" "Against naturalism? The term 'radical reformer' should not be in the color of value judgments, but in a word, it turns out that there are also such views." "Well, it seems very interesting. Then I will read more." As my friend said, he stretched out his hand again.So, the book was snatched by her.I went to the bathroom in the corridor to brush my teeth, and when I returned to the room, the little girl on the bed was lying on the left side facing the wooden wall, and had already escaped into her own world.Her concentration is strong enough, so she can concentrate on diving into another world. I put on my pajamas, "Okay, then I'll read a book too." I rummaged through my luggage.It doesn't matter if I get robbed of a book, I have other books I want to read.This time, I brought "The Japanese Warbler" that I just bought from a second-hand bookstore.This is Guan Rongzi's "Interview with Horiguchi University". The book is accompanied by Beioff's "it is this book that makes people love it after reading it", this sentence is indeed extremely effective in advertising.After reading it, I found that it was not a lie.It's really hard to put it down.So, two young girls came all the way to Oufeng B&B, and actually lay side by side on the bed reading.Had a weird night on the highlands.
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