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Chapter 49 Chapter Forty-eight

lover in a cage 蕾切尔·阿博特 1000Words 2018-03-15
Here it is at last, Robert thought as he disembarked in the bay of Alderney.It had been a difficult journey, and he hadn't planned to spend the night in Guernsey, but when he arrived he had no choice.If he had taken the risk of flying, the police would be looking for him by now.In this way it is possible to sneak onto the island relatively unnoticed. The next thing he has to do is find Olivia.He smiled at the thought. He didn't know whether to find a place to live, it all depended on him tracking her down.He tried to picture in his mind the beaches she had shown him, but since he had sailed into Alderney by boat, he had seen many beautiful beaches, each one of which looked like the one he was looking for. of.

He asked a fellow traveler on the small ten-person ferry where he could find lodging, and he pointed in the direction of the town.He walked clockwise along the shore and saw a beautiful hotel, but if he didn't use his credit card, he didn't have enough cash to pay for the room there. He believed that there must be cheaper rooms on the island.He wanted to inquire about Olivia first, and he couldn't take the risk of delaying the matter for too long, but on the other hand, he had to plan what to do when he found her. Because he was about to find her. On his journey south, he tried to think of all the possible reasons why Olivia had chosen the island, and it wasn't until he arrived that he finally understood that the most powerful attraction here was that there was no quick and easy way to get there, and no way to escape.She thought he would never find her, but just in case, she chose a place where it would be difficult for him to carry out his plans and get out easily.But that wasn't a problem at all, he was adaptable enough to find a place on the island that met his needs equally well.

It had been his plan all along that if it came time for him to hurt Olivia in the way he had promised, he would make the threat as long as possible—to keep her pain close to his own during that time. pain of.It all leads to an eventual action that promises to end up living in pain for the rest of her life, making her realize that she could have avoided it.All she had ever wanted to do was love him, and that was his only request.He knew he couldn't live without her, and if he couldn't have her, he'd make sure she'd regret not returning his love to the day she died. It's much harder to implement a plan here, but he'll come up with a new one.He needed a route and a final venue to stage the plan.He closed his eyes, imagining the scene of implementing the plan with magnificent and brilliant movie images.

Maybe he should have done it a little differently.It would be nice if Olivia was reluctantly a spectator of the whole thing. He laughed out loud.It was a good idea to come here by boat, because he noticed that the island had no shortage of suitable places to play out his plans, and Olivia would spend the rest of her life engraving this action on his mind. But first, he had to find her.Passing by the hotel, he happened to see what he was looking for - a bar.Time to meet the locals.He pushed open the door and walked in, eager to put the plan into practice.
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