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Chapter 29 Chapter Twenty Eight

lover in a cage 蕾切尔·阿博特 5653Words 2018-03-15
It was Jumbo's type of case, because no one knew yet whether a crime had been committed, and it was his job to find out.He was delighted with the discovery of the kitchen knives--his lively and bright new entourage had done a good job, and he was interested in the two passports.Combined with Jill's discoveries from computer video, plus those horrific cameras he'd had people climb up and down to get them, it all came together to be a real mystery.Solving puzzles is what he likes to do most. Jill was gone, and Jumbo was going to turn his attention to the study.Tom had told him that study doors were usually locked, and he knew why.No doubt this was because Robert Brooks didn't want his wife to find out that her every move was being recorded.Jumbo also watched the video and found something unreasonable in it.He was sure Olivia was acting normal as she moved from room to room, and there was nothing to suggest she was doing it for the cameras.According to his experience, if people know that there are cameras secretly filming, they will definitely send out various signals, just like performing on stage, and they will behave differently.

While there's no evidence that Olivia knew about the cameras, two things are worth noting: One is that she rarely shows her face.When she walked towards the camera, her head always seemed to be lowered, but when she walked away, she raised it again; second, she never dressed or undressed in the bedroom, but always ran to the bathroom.Once she obviously forgot to take something, she came out of the bathroom, went back to the room and took underwear from the drawer, but she came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe.Who goes from the bathroom to their bedroom to get a pair of underwear and put on a bathrobe?

Jumbo was sure it would never happen in his family.His wife was a bit like him—bold in every way, but also very big-hearted, and laughed out loud like his own.Getting her to get dressed was even more problematic when she walked around the bedroom impersonating a half-naked Tina Turner, though she swore she would only practice when he wasn't home.Jumbo couldn't help laughing when he thought of his wife's back and forth laughing. He couldn't help but compare his wife with this woman named Olivia Brooks, although he had never looked at her face carefully, nor heard of it. her laugh.

He looked around the study, and then called one of his men in. "Adam, let's search all the books here, you know what to do. Robert sounds like a sneaky little bastard to me. It would be good for us to know if there is anything strange in the books he reads, or See if there's anything in his book. Next I'll see what we do. Go get Phil in and help, I'm going to start by using luminol in the rooms I've already looked at, do you think that's ok? " To go through a cabinet full of books is not an exciting thing for anyone, but it has to be done.He punched Adam on the shoulder, "Good boy, this shouldn't take you too long."

Where to start with luminol?That's a problem.What's more, it's June and it's not convenient to make the room dark enough.There are blackout curtains in the kids' rooms though, so that's a good place to start, and the suite doesn't have a single window, so that's a good option too. "Then everyone, hurry up and act!" He didn't shout at anyone in particular. About an hour later, he heard a shout from downstairs. "Jumbo, come and look at this." It was Phil, the technician who helped Adam. "Wait for me in two minutes, Phil, and I'll be here," he called through the open door.

Luminol showed no sign of it.All the bedrooms checked, even the master bedroom which thankfully has a few very heavy curtains blocking the afternoon sun. He thumped down the stairs, his heavy steps making them creak for perhaps the first time ever, and stopped at the door of the study. "Anything, lads?" he asked.For him, anyone under the age of forty is a young man. Adam pointed to the back of the bookshelf. "On the surface it looked like an ordinary plywood backing board, but after removing all the books, we noticed that one corner seemed to be a little loose, so we pulled it hard, and found a small space hidden behind it, and it was made of wood. Lined, creating a hidden area, about thirty by forty centimeters in size, about eight centimeters deep, sadly empty inside. But anyway, a hiding place. Seems like the front book has been moved recently too , because there are faint traces of dust left where the book was dragged aside." Adam pointed to those traces, "In my opinion, it didn't take long."

"Nice job! I guess it's all filmed and documented?" he asked, already knowing the answer. "What the hell is he hiding in there? It's a pity he didn't turn on the camera when he emptied it, or it might have helped. What's in the book? Is there anything interesting in there?" Adam shook his head. "I'm sorry, Jumbo. The only thing Phil and I found was that he seemed to have a crush on Meera Hendry and Ian Brady (with whom Meera Hendry shared from 1963 to 1965) brutally murdered five minors in succession, and was the murderer of the Manchester Moors Murder in England.) has a special interest. He has many books about these two men, but not any other serial killers. A person is only interested in one kind of books Hobbies are weird, don't you think?"

"I guess you weren't born and raised in Manchester, young man. Murder in the Moor is not a story that will disappear here - please don't mind me if I misword. There was a child that was never found, Fangyuan Everyone for miles knows the creepy story. That's why I say it's weird, but I don't think it's particularly weird." He looked around and saw that everything else seemed to be done, all the files were boxed up and waiting to be taken away, and Jill had moved the computer away. "How about we darken this room and use luminol?" he suggested. The study has Venetian style shutters and drapes.It seemed that even during the day Robert didn't want anyone to see what was going on in this room through the downstairs window.

While the boys were tidying up the room, Jumbo retreated into the corridor just in time to see two men walking downstairs with their hands full of boxes. "What have you found, young man?" he asked. "Something in the attic," replied one of them, definitely not a young man, but it's not easy to see their real age in their overalls, "just some clothes and other bits and pieces, but we think this box Might be of some interest. It contained a lot of old papers - academic it seemed - and various odds and ends. A scarf, a picture frame, a pair of gloves, and an old program card from a Manchester United game. There is a 'Dan' written on the box and the name on the document is Danash Jahand because he is a suspected suspect and I think we should analyze it."

"Good job." Jumbo said with joy, "Now we're going to the study to see if there's any blood. We didn't find anything upstairs, and then we'll move to the rooms downstairs. See you later." Jumbo returned to the darkened study, straightened his mask, and got ready.A sliver of light shone into the room through the half-open door, casting a shadow through which he swept around.pretty good.He needs to pick his place and close the door.He thought about it, lifted his foot to close the door behind him, and then aimed the spray in his hand at the carpet in the corner of the room.Nothing at all.He tried two other possible places, still nothing.

He turned to face the door, which was paneled with six panels and painted white.He sprayed the door a few times, paused for a moment, then sprayed some more.At this moment, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. "Damn it, I finally found it." In the dark study room, Jumbo took off his mask and stared at the door and wall, only to see a faint blue light emitting from a place about two meters above the ground. Tom looked around the project room, and could almost feel the adrenaline rushing through the bodies of the team members. They finally found blood, and there was a lot of it.According to Jumbo's analysis, the bloodstains had been thoroughly cleaned with bleach, but before the cleaning, it had fully soaked into the walls on both sides of the door, showing a splash pattern, which was enough to indicate that the person who was attacked was an adult. person, not a child.Because it splashed too high, and from the shape of the blood drop, it can be judged that when the blood splashed on the wall, it fell down instead of flying up.Jumbo said he'd bet it was blood from an artery, and it seemed to him that there was no way a person would be alive after bleeding so much. The cleanup is done well, the bleach will ruin any DNA in the scrubbed area.However, according to Jumbo's experience, such splashed blood will usually spray out some small blood droplets that are difficult to see with the naked eye.He was confident that there was some trace of them somewhere.No one has yet wiped out every drop of blood. So much new intelligence, it's not known where it leads.Still no one knew where Robert had gone or what he was preparing for his escape.His cell phone didn't give them any clues either.He swiped his credit card before they realized he was missing, but nothing happened after that.An alert has been issued for all ports, but to no avail.Now they are going to hold a press conference because they have to find out the whereabouts of Robert Brooks. The effect of spotting bloodstains on the group is unquestionable, and in some cases, sadly, it heightens their excitement.But Tom felt a little sad because he had to accept that something terrible had happened in the room. Becky sat aside, resting her forehead on the heels of her palms, her fingers running through her tangled bangs. "Tom, I know that's exactly what I've been thinking all along, but it doesn't always feel so good to be right." "You're pretty sure of that, aren't you?" Becky leaned across the table towards him, anxious to make him understand. "We know that Robert tried to take the kids away years ago, and that he said his wife knew about it, which is complete nonsense. We know that he has been watching her, patiently waiting for the time to come. And she has been Hiding passports. Things are going on and I think he hid the kids and is going to pick them up now. He's going to get out of here and start a new life." Tom didn't believe it.Would he really kill his wife in order to have a child?Or did he kill the children too, or lock them up somewhere? He rested his chin on his fist, looked at Becky, and hesitated to comment.Becky keeps saying that Olivia is dead, and she's probably right. "You know, that blood could have been Robert's too," he said, knowing how it would make her react. "What? Where did your speculation come from?" Tom had to admit that wasn't really a guess, but that Robert might not have been missing on Saturday night.Could he have been killed and dumped?This is also possible.He hated to say it, but it looked like the terrace of the house was really going to be dug up. Nothing makes sense.Olivia was at home for an hour before Robert arrived.Did he really have time to kill her first, then dispose of the body, and then do God knows what to the kids in the hours before he called the police? Becky just looked at him like he had horns on his head, and he waited for the next attack.Fortunately, her phone rang, interrupting the tense moment. "Damn it," Becky cursed under his breath. Seeing Becky pick up the phone, Tom couldn't help grinning slightly. "I'm Inspector Robinson," she began, evidently trying to sound cheerful. "Yes, Jill. What's the matter?" Tom lost track of the rest of the conversation, and Becky began typing on the keyboard. "Okay, I see. Now what?" she asked.Even Tom could hear a little whimper of joy on the other end of the line before Becky hung up. "Jill was ecstatic about his recent display of talent. He sent me a video to watch. When we didn't understand, he would come and tell us what it meant." Tom rolled his eyes. "For God's sake, why didn't our little heroine just tell us? This isn't a TV quiz show - this is a bloody murder investigation." Tom saw Becky's head jerk up.It was the first time anyone had actually said those words, even though everyone thought so.Now, he's backed their idea.Well, maybe it's time to officially file a case, although not a single body has been found yet. Without a word he walked around Becky's desk and hunched over her shoulder. "What are we going to see?" he asked. "It's a video from that house, a mysterious photo of Robert." Becky replied, her tone full of contempt and disgust, "but I don't think they are different from this morning's." "And what's the other file he sent you?" Tom asked next. "I think it's about the same, but the time shown above is two months ago." Becky finished speaking and opened another video. "Fast forward, Becky," demanded Tom suddenly, as something flashed through his mind. "Turn on the other one too. Can you play them side by side?" he asked. "On this computer?" Becky sneered. "You must be kidding. Unless you want to watch frame by frame every two seconds. Why side by side?" "Then just help me drag it to the kitchen section." Just then, smiling, Jill pushed open the double doors and walked in. "Have you figured it out yet?" he asked. "Soon," replied Tom, "though you haven't given us much time." "I can't wait to tell you. What do you think, Inspector Robinson?" he asked. "I've been too busy fiddling with my computer, trying to get it to work, and haven't had time to look at the screen. Just tell me, Jill, you bastard." Jill looked a little taken aback by Becky's eagerness.He pushed her aside and grabbed the mouse. "April 13th—almost two months ago. The scene begins in the Brooks family's kitchen. Note the daffodil jar on the dining table, these are clues. Then we look at the footage from last week, It's after Olivia was supposed to be back from vacation. I picked last Tuesday as an example, a full video of the whole day as a family, and of course, it's mostly about Olivia. Now, look at the kitchen, A jar of daffodils is on the dining table. You may not be able to get these two little videos to play in sync at the moment, but I can. Watch and learn." Tom and Becky watched two ten-second videos play side by side on the screen.Olivia walked into the kitchen with her head down, wearing a dark gray jumper, then picked up a cup from the pot of daffodils on the dining table, turned around and walked out. The action on both videos is exactly the same. Tom looked at Jill, and he knew there was more to come. “Naturally, I went through all the videos from the time period we were interested in. As you might expect, there was no video from the first week, which was the week Olivia was supposed to be on Anglesey. As for the rest of the The ones that were posted — the ones where she was supposed to be at home from last week — are fake, every single one of them.” Jill's eyes gleamed with smugness, and he leaned forward, pointing his pen at the screen. "It's all professionally edited together, it's not a copy of the whole day at some point earlier, that would be too easy for us to spot. The video progression of one of the sides we're watching - the one from last Tuesday - It didn't actually start on April 13th." Becky looked confused. "I'm sorry, Jill. I don't understand what you mean." Jill tapped the monitor lightly with a pen. "Okay, let me explain to you. Let's start with the video clip of her just before she walks into the kitchen. "On April 13th — the original shoot — she was cleaning the living room. Last Tuesday — the same day Olivia was photographed in the kitchen with the daffodils — she was cleaning theirs. The bedroom. The bedroom part was copied entirely from another day, March 29th, I think. It's a masterful job, and it's done brilliantly. Whoever did it, he did it from her wearing the same clothes Edits from those days. Every little detail of what she wears these days is exactly the same, like this gray sweater when she wears it with black jeans and white flip-flops. Of course Now, they had to choose the same clothes, because people would think, why did she go from the kitchen to the living room and change all the clothes?" Jill looked directly at Becky, as if to make sure she really understood what he was saying. "These videos create the illusion that Olivia Brooks was indeed at home with the children all week last Monday after returning from her holiday in Anglesey. In reality, she wasn't there at all. There. Since the day she left - theoretically to Anglesey - there has been no actual footage. We were supposed to believe she was alive and well until Friday afternoon, which alas, was not the case. I'm afraid Mr Brooks has been playing tricks on us." Tom looked at Becky's face and suddenly realized.His last words were still blowing in the wind. He said that Robert didn't have much time to deal with Olivia and the children.In fact, Robert had two full weeks.
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