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Chapter 26 Chapter Twenty-Five

lover in a cage 蕾切尔·阿博特 1681Words 2018-03-15
As soon as Becky had reported that Robert Brooks had disappeared and the car was still parked at the house, Tom asked her to get the crime scene team together.Based on Becky's description of the bedroom, it wasn't clear if there had been any major damage or even a forced break-in in the house, and it was a perfect opportunity to let their people in.Even when it turned out that Robert had simply gone out for a run and left by the back door, Tom didn't believe it at all.Robert simply fled, and slipped away. "Damn!" murmured Tom, who should have foreseen this, but so far they had had no reason to do anything other than a standard search of the house.It was too early to withdraw from the place, and whether or not he was growing suspicious of Robert Brooks, he had already made up his mind to formally interrogate Robert before calling in a full forensic team.

And what about the woman pretending to be Olivia staying at the hotel?Would Robert have paid someone to go there in order to conceal the true date of his wife's disappearance?But this was the third time this so-called "Olivia Brooks" had been there, at least that's what Mrs. Evans told them.They had to find out who that woman was, and quickly.Something about her haunted Tom's mind, but he could not remember what it was.And the overnight guest, was he just another pawn in Robert's game? Tom knew he was driving erratically on the way to Brooks' house.Can't help it, Leo's situation, the Cheshire burglary and Robert Brooks, now bloody, have been on his mind all morning, but he finally notices that he almost runs over a man on a bicycle going the wrong way. Bring your mind back to the matter at hand - driving carefully and focused.After about five seconds, the phone rang.He pressed the button on the center console and picked it up.

"Tom Douglas." "Tom, this is Leo. I'm in the cabin, do you have time to come over for a chat?" "You must have started early in the morning, Leo. Thank you for your willingness to go, thank you very much." "Well, I started before eight and didn't sleep very well." Tom decided not to mention what had brought them both into this state. "Tom, do you think..." Leo paused, and Tom waited, only to hear her take a deep breath, "Forget it, let's talk about it another day. Anyway, I'm going back to the house first. Max and Ellie Everything is almost tidied up, and the security settings of the house have been restored, but it seems that those intruders are indeed interested in your files. The files in a bookcase in the study were all torn up, and even covered the floor. I Don't know why. There doesn't seem to be any damage elsewhere."

Tom could understand that perfectly.The study is the only place in the house with a wooden floor, which was later widened slightly, and the rest of the house is paved with stone slabs. "They've been in the attic," Leo went on, "and all the boxes were knocked over there. Max and I went up and looked, but I don't want to mess around with your papers or anything, so it's kind of difficult. " "Turn it all you want, Leo. I haven't kept any secrets there, and you can do whatever you need or want. You know, I don't ask you to get everything in order. I'll do it as soon as this case is over." Get over there as soon as possible to tidy up the hut. The tidying process will probably give us some clues as to what the burglars are looking for. Seriously, my dear, I don't mind you looking at anything at all." Then Tom bit his lower lip, Wrinkled face.Did he really call her "darling" just now?He just hoped she'd put it down to his Northern mannerisms and not get too far into it.

As usual, Leo wasn't overly agitated. "Okay. I'll see if I can figure out what they're particularly interested in, and then I'll contact you. By the way, are you busy today?" "Naturally busy. Our old friend Robert seems to have escaped, so everything here is ready." "Then shall we meet again later?" Leo asked tentatively. Tom didn't know how to answer.Leo didn't sound very confident, which wasn't her style, and she hated showing any hint of weakness. "It depends on what happens next." He didn't mean to be cool, but he really didn't know if they were going to be here all night.

"Okay. You know where I'll be, but don't call me if it's too late and you're too tired. We'll see you again when I see you. I hope you can clear your mind." Mystery." With that, Leo hung up, leaving Tom to wonder if she was finally starting to trust him.But Leo is not alone in being vulnerable.Tom was scarred by the breakdown of his marriage, and years earlier he had gotten too close to someone he should never have had.Of course, Leo knew nothing of this. He was now somewhat surprised to find himself walking on the road to Brooks's house with little recollection of how he had gotten there, and he was glad to see Becky in action.The road was full of cars, and he knew they would have another thorough search.At least now they might actually be able to figure out what happened to the Brooks family.

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