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Chapter 19 Chapter Eighteen

lover in a cage 蕾切尔·阿博特 1971Words 2018-03-15
The news reports brought in more feedback than Becky expected, but most of it was a waste of time.Many people called to say they saw a woman on their street or small town with three children, and when asked for any details, either the children were the wrong age or race.But it will be difficult for this particular family to stay out of the spotlight for long, and perhaps it will prove a worthwhile avenue of inquiry in the end. If only someone had pictures of these kids.They started looking for photos from the kids' parties, but found nothing, and by the time we got back to school on Monday, the job was going nowhere.The best photo they've found so far is of Billy doing a handstand against the wall, making silly faces.

Despite the plethora of questions, Becky is excited to be in charge of the investigation, it's a great opportunity for her to build a reputation with the group, and she's determined to let her successes never fail her.It was not easy to tell Tom about the scandal with Peter, but it was the right one.She wanted him to hear it from her, not the rumors from former colleagues and senior police officers he met at some national conference or otherwise.The pain from that event had begun to fade, and a sense of relief had begun to replace the loneliness and self-loathing in her heart. Their romance felt so good at the time, but when Tom mentioned the possibility of her and Peter being together for life, she felt rather sick.He would inevitably fall from his idol's pedestal, and what would she think of him then?When he ceases to be the powerful, sexy figure who stalks the corridors of Scotland Yard and becomes the man who leaves his underwear on the bathroom floor and falls asleep with his mouth open while watching TV every night , Do they have enough emotional foundation to make this relationship last forever?

Glad to have better things to think about, she brought her thoughts back to the present.This case was her focus. She heard a slight cough, looked up, and saw a young police officer standing by her desk.She didn't know how long he stood there. "Sorry, Nick. I was just distracted. I was trying to figure out what Olivia Brooks was thinking. What can I do for you?" "It's about the passports, sir. Mr. Brooks said they—his wife and children—didn't have passports, but we decided to check anyway. He's lying. Mrs. Brooks and Jasmine have passports. Bid in eight months, but the two younger ones didn't. I thought you'd want to know."

Becky frowned.Is Robert lying, or does he have no idea these passports exist?If Olivia goes abroad, what about the other two children?She bit her lower lip intently. Noticing that Nick was still standing in front of her, she looked up again. "Is there anything else?" Nick nodded, a warm smile on his face.She began to realize that she might finally be at an age when male policemen looked like they were still in shorts to her.This one obviously is. "We've had some feedback from door-to-door inquiries. Most of it was boring or pointless, but the lady who lived across the street from them had a lot to say. Two things that might be relevant to the case. First, she swore Said Robert Brooks came home very early on Thursday morning, about two o'clock. According to her, something must have knocked the emergency lights at the Brooks house out of order because she had been caught by Ben the past few weeks. The bright light that should have entered their garden but entered her bedroom woke up several times. The first time it was a fox, but on Wednesday night - or rather Thursday morning - it must have been Robert Brooks car. The car was conspicuous because he parked it in the driveway and walked into the house himself. The light came on again just as she was getting ready for bed, but she ignored it that time. When the light came on for the third time , she got up again to see what the hell was going on, just in time to see Mr. Brooks drive the car into the garage. It happened again last night when he went on a night cruise to Anglesey, we all know about that. "

Becky made a note of this on a pad.It's very weird.Robert has always insisted that he never left the hotel in Newcastle.They were initially interested in his actions during the first week - the week he was allegedly visiting his wife on Anglesey.But now Nick is talking about Week 2, which takes a new twist.They had to take a closer look.It would be wise to check whether his car left the car park on Wednesday night before charging him with any offences, and checking CCTV footage will be a priority. "Go on, Nick. What else?" "Mrs. Preston was like a nosy old crone. During Mrs. Brooks' first week in Anglesey, Mrs. Preston walked around the Brooks garage. She pointed out where There is a path. She said she was putting back the trash can at the Brooks house. The trash can had been sitting by the gate since last Friday night, probably left there waiting for someone to clean it up when Mrs. Brooks left Well, Mrs. Preston thought that trash can was quite in the way of the road. Anyway, there was a little window by the side of their garage, and she looked in, and there was the little Beetle that Mrs. Brooks used. Mrs. Preston hadn't seen any sign of movement in the house for a few days before that, so she knocked on the door, but there was no answer. She said she checked the Brooks garage every day after that, and the car The car never moved. And when she went to see it on Thursday morning, she thought she would see Robert Brooks' car there, but it drove away."

Becky put her hands in a steeple shape and rested them on her chin. "Did you know that trash can was left outside the door to be cleaned this week?" "No. Mrs Preston said she didn't see it, but that doesn't mean much because she wasn't home on Thursday morning and Mrs Brooks probably took it out and took it home herself." "Well, well done. Tell me what you think, Nick?" Becky had her own opinion, but her style was Tom Douglas': it's never a bad thing to ask for another's opinion. "Well, sir, if Mrs Brooks was in Anglesey the first week, how did she get there without a car?"

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