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Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty-Three

Walking on the gorgeous plush carpet, Harris exclaimed softly: "Wow! The old man is not joking, he said that this place is decorated first-class, it is really unique!" "That's right." Terry laughed. "You owe me a lot this time." "I told you, I have a date with me tonight, and for the next two months, every weekend will be paid leave!" "I told you when Maizi said his girlfriend didn't want to come, this is not a date." Harris deliberately ignored her words, and sat down on a bar stool, feeling with his hands on the granite bar. "I can't wait to see the expression on Bazai knowing he has lost and paying me twenty dollars."

"Then, I have to admit that this is also the reason why I came. You must know that he usually doesn't take out any money. If you have the opportunity to see him pay, you can't let it go." Terry nodded to the girl behind the bar: "Please give me a Budweiser, how about you, Xiaojie?" "I'll order the same, thank you." The girl smiled sweetly. "If you can, you can find a seat first, and we will have someone to deliver the drink soon." "That sounds good, thank you," Terry said, walking toward the round, glossy black tables, each surrounded by four plush upholstered chairs, mostly empty.

"It's kind of quiet." Harris said, pulling up a chair and sitting down. "I thought there would be a lot of people coming." "It's still early, and it's Friday. According to the boss, tomorrow is the big day." She smiled proudly at Harris. "Not to mention Taylor's favorite Wednesday half-naked nights." A woman appeared beside them, as if she had been waiting in the dark for them to sit down.She put down two coasters and put the two bottles of beer on the plate in front of them. "Sir, madam, your wine." "Thank you!" Terry smiled at the waitress.

"Do you want me to charge all expenses to the same account?" "Of course." Terry dug out his wallet from his bag, pulled out a card and handed it to her. "The lady boss told me that she will pay for the first round tonight." He smiled at Harris. "Oops!" Harris said, glaring hard at his beer. "I knew it would be more expensive." The waitress turned and disappeared into the darkness. Harris took a sip of beer slowly and looked at the gold-plated wine list. "The other half of the boss must have a good income. According to our salary, how can she afford to drink in this kind of place. I have to work hard for a whole year to afford a bowl of peanuts here." .”

"I don't think a lawyer will be short of money, Jess, trust me." Harris took another swig of beer and put the bottle back on the table.He patted his coat and reached for his phone. "By the way, I have to take a photo and send it to Barry, urging him to hurry up." Terry stood up and grabbed her bag. "At times like this, I'd better go to the bathroom first. I don't want to ruin my image." Harris nodded with a grin.The bar was dimly lit, so he turned on his phone, turned on the camera function, and switched to the selfie camera.Then he held it up to his face, and picked up the beer in the other hand.

"Do you want me to shoot for you?" A woman with only a tube top on her upper body and a sexy miniskirt on her lower body appeared next to him, with a charming smile on her face. "Of course." Harris sat up straight and handed her the phone, his eyes resting on the other's plump breasts, cursing inwardly why today isn't Wednesday. "Just wanted to send a photo to a friend, we made a bet before." "Oh, is it?" The woman sat directly on the table in front of Harris, crossed her legs, and made the already short skirt shrink up even more, revealing her white thighs. "Then how much did you win?"

"Uh, not much, it's just a small gamble." Harris muttered, blushing. "Did he bet you didn't have the guts to come in?" The woman tilted her head and licked her lips. "We don't bite, you know." Harris laughed and squirmed uncomfortably in his chair. "No, it's not like that. I come here a lot." "Really? I don't remember seeing you before." She leaned forward, closer to Harris. "If I have seen it, I will definitely remember it." "Oh, yes." Harris reached into his collar with his fingers and loosened the collar. "I only came in last week. Maybe you didn't work that night."

"I work every night. What's your name?" "Harris. Jeremy Harris. My friends call me Jess." "That, Jess." The woman stretched out her hand and ran her fingertips across his face. "Why don't we take a photo together and give your friend a little room for imagination." Harris frowned, like a child asked if he wanted ice cream with chocolate chips. "That's great." The woman moved her butt off the table and sat directly on Harris' lap. "By the way, my name is Jasmine." Then she leaned her head on his shoulder and stretched her arms to lift up the phone.The flash lights up the bar for a brief moment.

Harris blinked and grinned from ear to ear at the woman. "Thanks, that's great. My partner will be pissed off seeing this!" "Your partner?" Jasmine moved her butt to the seat next to him. "Are you a policeman?" "Yes." Harris puffed up his chest and picked up the beer. "Another one? A few of your colleagues came to our place not long ago. Gabriel, our boss, even bought them a drink." Jasmine put one hand on his leg and pinched it coquettishly. . "Is it because I'm naughty that you're here to arrest me, sir?" Harris had beer running down his chin.He wiped it off with his sleeve and nearly choked. "Should I do this?"

"Then, what people say now is a serious bar manager, but after get off work..." She stroked her slightly raised thigh. "...Well, it should be said that I may need someone to take care of me." This time, Harris really choked. Suddenly, Terry Miller appeared at the table. "Did I bother you?" "Not at all." Jasmine stood up, took out a pen from her jacket pocket, and wrote a few numbers on the beer coaster. "Save my number, Jeremy." Then he leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "The next time you want to play cops and thieves, remember to ask me." Before leaving, the woman smiled at Terry.

"I see, it seems that I really can't leave you alone, and I can't miss you for five minutes, right?" Terry sighed and glanced at his watch. "By the way, where are the others?"
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