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Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

Winston led Taylor and Harris across the porch, where the water-soaked dust and ash were inches deep and the ground was a mess. As soon as he entered the door, he suddenly inhaled the dusty air, and Harris couldn't help coughing.Tyler pulled a large handkerchief from his trouser pocket and covered his nose. "Of course, if you have read my report in advance, you can know the situation here without leaving your office. The advanced communication technology is really wonderful." Winston looked down and stared at Taylor and Harris shoes.Both of their shoes were sunk in the sodden ashes, almost to the ankles. "You should have known it earlier. I suggested in the report that if you want to see first-hand information, you must wear appropriate protective clothing."

Taylor, who was covering his handkerchief, buried his face even deeper.Harris pretended to cough again. "You're going to get so far dressed like that," said Winston. "Although it should be funny to see you two rolling like pigs in the mud, I can't help but explain to my boss why I brought these two idiots into the cordon." Harris coughed again.Taylor still covered his face with a handkerchief and remained silent. "There's the source of the fire." Winston pointed to a dark corner in the distance. "A pile of wooden boxes. The fuel is Northangel lighter fluid, a box of thirty lighters, and Bryant May kitchen matches."

Tyler rummaged through his pockets and found a notebook and pencil.Started scribbling, hoping to look professional.Winston grinned and said nothing. Harris looked at it, and also took out his coat pocket to find a notebook and a ballpoint pen.Although I still don't know what I want to write down, I still write a few words imitating the pattern, shaking the plaster on my trousers and shoes from time to time. "A thirty-pack of lighters?" Tyler asked, trying not to sound stupid. "The modus operandi was the same as in all recent arson attacks," Winston described. "Put the whole box of unopened lighters among the combustibles, this time on a pile of wooden pallets. The whole box was soaked with lighter fluid, and the prisoner also sprinkled a line of lighter fluid two to three meters long on the ground. ...then light an extra-long Brian May match and throw it into the lighter fluid primer on the floor."

"What? It's like in a cowboy movie, where the fire burns all the way through the lead, and then 'whoosh'!" Harris said. "Almost," replied Winston. "The lighter box is tricky enough. They are extremely flammable in their own right, and thirty of them can produce a lot of fire and heat, and can ignite anything combustible. The best choice for an arsonist." "The crime was carefully planned, what else?" Taylor licked the tip of the pencil, pretending to be calm and ready to write down the next clue. "All of these things point to an arson attack, yes."

"Any clues as to whether the perpetrator was alone or multiple, man?" Harris asked. "There is currently no sign at the scene that multiple people committed the crime, but it is also possible that someone on the opposite side of the building was watching all this with great interest." Harris looked up: "What? You mean the outside?" Winston made a point of pointing in the direction of the burnt entrance to the opposite side of the road. "Yes, I mean the outside." Harris looked at Taylor excitedly. "Bazai, there are probably surveillance cameras outside. The prisoner is probably in the video."

"Our 'Fireman Sam' has probably figured it out," Taylor quipped. "We'll just have to read his report." "'Fireman Sam's job is to investigate fires, not criminals." Winston folded his arms, his biceps bulging the size of footballs. "God knows, anyway, the fire brigade has given you guys enough data to investigate. Anyway, again, the modus operandi is exactly the same as all other arson cases. It is undoubtedly the same person who committed the crime." "Ah," Taylor said, holding up a finger, "maybe it's a woman. We may have encountered a female arsonist!" Taylor laughed at his joke.

Harris shot him a sideways look. "Not a woman," said Winston. "With all due respect, Royston, you have no way of knowing." Taylor glanced at Harris, making a "this man is too self-righteous" expression. "Well, we do know, and if you do your research and read the report carefully, you will know too," replied Winston. "We found footprints from a pair of running shoes. The prisoner walked into the scene, stepped on the burning fluid, and left footprints when he left. It is assumed that he entered and left the scene through the same door, which is through the back wall." Winston Pointing to the burned porch.

"Running shoe footprints?" Harris asked. "So what? Are there men's or women's shoes printed on the sole?" "If we're not 100 percent sure, we don't make random assumptions about this kind of evidence. We see shoe sizes and stride distances. Unless your suspect is a giantess who wears size 12 shoes and is 1.95 meters tall, our The subject of the investigation must be a man." Tyler closed his notebook self-consciously bored. "Okay then." He said shaking his feet, trying to shake off the plaster on his trouser legs. "Is there anything else you want to ask?" Winston asked.

Tyler looked around pretendingly, trying to put on a thoughtful expression.He glanced at Harris: "Jess? Do you have any questions?" Harris also tried to pretend to be contemplative, but gave up after a few seconds. "I think we'll have to wait for the surveillance footage to come out before looking for the tall man with a shoe size 12." "Then I wish you luck." Winston said as he walked, shuffling his feet. "It's just the two of you. If you don't have any luck, it really can't be done." Taylor was silent, and waited until the big man walked away, and he probably couldn't hear the two of them talking, then turned and said to his partner. "The pompous bastard."

"What a fucking idiot," Harris scolded. "Tell us like a pair of idiots." "Isn't it?" Taylor stuffed the notebook and pencil into his pocket vigorously. "Forget it, let's go to Macy's Restaurant? I'll treat you to dinner and pay you back!" "Sounds good. After we're done, we'll go to the surveillance video, arrest that 12-yard man, and bring him back to the police station. Let the superintendent close the case. How about it, Bazai?" "I said Jess." "What's the matter, baby?" "I'll just think about it."

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