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Chapter 3 third chapter

"They are all topless? In other words, the whole upper body is really naked?" Harris' eyes were like copper bells. "Not even wearing a bra?" "Yes, all of them." Taylor said, his eyes shining. "Not one will fall." "What!? Then their..." Harris put his hands in the shape of cups on his chest. "Naked at all?" he repeated. Taylor leaned back, leaned back in the chair, and casually adjusted the tie around his neck with one hand. "I'm telling you, Jace. There's a woman in there with a boob so hard she could hang—"

"Be careful with what you say, you two," interrupted James McKenzie. "I'm serious." McKenzie glanced at Terry Miller.She was flipping through "Hello! magazine, pretending not to listen to their conversation. "Don't forget what we teach in our diversity training, okay?" Harris dismisses Mike's caution. "My God, Maizi. Before she left, Anna Hargweiss appointed you to maintain the style of the police force? It doesn't matter, anyway, Xiao Te didn't pay attention to it. She was busy watching the "X Factor" gossip." "Wrong, I was watching "Britain's Got Talent", Bazai." Terry said without raising his head. "It's okay, don't talk to me. You two teenagers can indulge in lust to your heart's content. As long as you don't let your superiors know that I'm fishing, I won't report you either."

It took Taylor a few seconds to digest what Terry said just now. Was it ironic and satirical about himself, or did he really ask them to continue talking?Taylor would rather believe it was the latter, so he turned to Harris and continued to say enthusiastically: "And there's a blonde in there, Jess. Wow! Fab! Looks like Tet in the mold of Tet. Of course, Tay without the uniform." Harris glared at Terry. "But she is a criminal police officer, so she doesn't wear a uniform." "It's true, but it can be assumed that she has it." Taylor said with the patience of a master teaching an apprentice. "Just imagine her in uniform!"

Harris stared at Terry and said slowly: "Okay, I imagined it, what about now?" "Now start imagining her taking the uniform off." "Didn't you say they were only topless? They weren't completely naked." "Give me a break!" Tyler muttered impatiently. "Just imagine her taking her top off anyway, idiot." Harris glared at Terry, a nasty smile played on his face, and he closed his eyes in enjoyment. "First the tie." "Of course." Taylor agreed. "You can't take off your shirt if you don't take off your tie."

Harris grinned even wider. "And then she started unbuttoning. First button, second button, third button." "It's pretty slow, isn't it?" "It's almost ready." Harris said, his eyes closed tightly, and the smile on his face opened wider and wider, and the corners of his mouth almost opened to his ears. Suddenly, the smile disappeared. "What's wrong?" Taylor asked nervously. "She's still wearing a bra." Taylor leaned forward immediately. "What color?" Harris' eyes remained closed. "Pink. And lace."

"Good job! Now I have to tell her to take her bra off. You can't wear a bra to work in a topless bar!" The smirk reappeared on Harris' face with his eyes closed. "She's fiddling with the button now, and she can't seem to get it off." "Maybe she needs help," Taylor said. Taylor grinned. "Good idea. Oh no! She untied it." She grinned even wider. "Okay, Buzz. She's taking off her bra. She..." At this moment, the smile on her face froze. "Oops." Taylor was so excited that he almost stood up. "how?" "Her boobs are not as big as I thought."

While Harris was closing his eyes and unable to extricate himself, Terry hit his face hard with a rolled up magazine. "You're an asshole, Jess Harris," Terry said, holding up the magazine again, and slapped him on the forehead again. "Stupid, Tet. He's a dumbass, not a jerk." Tyler grinned. "You've been around here long enough. You need to learn to speak with a Cockney accent." "Nonsense." Terry said, and asked with a smile: "Is it over now? I'm going to buy coffee, who do you want?" All three raised their hands. Terry smiled at Harris. "When I get back, you'll have to get me dressed, Jace, or..." She glanced back as she walked out the door. "By the way, how do you know I'm wearing pink underwear?"

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