Home Categories detective reasoning Mystery of Maicheng

Chapter 9 Clockwise: life is blue

Mystery of Maicheng 刘嘉呓 5620Words 2018-03-15
It was already dawn when I woke up, and it was a call from Doland, with a few brief calls, which just interrupted my dream, but did not leave me enough time to pick it up.But that's okay, I don't really want to see her right now.Maizi's death has filled my mind, and I don't want to think about anything other than the issues related to it, including Doland, who may just happen to be in Maicheng right now. Probably also heard about Maizi.I got up and took out cigarettes and lighters from my trouser pocket. It was a classic white box of Hongtashan, and there were very few of them left.Pull out one and light it, the angle of sunlight coming in through the gap in the curtain is very low.I took a closer look at this once-familiar room. It was a bit old, but it was kept very clean. Even the posters on the walls were spotless, but the colors that had been drawn away by time could hardly be covered up no matter how careful I was.

I called Mi Xiang and asked about Aoi's situation. There was nothing special. Mi Xiang said that she slept well at night, didn't cry or make a fuss, just hugged herself quietly.I put out my exhausted cigarette in the ashtray, which I bought back in the summer many years ago. It is dark blue with a faint texture. Touching it seems to be able to touch the body of time, and I can feel it from the fingertips. Years gone by. I lay on the bed for a while, then found out the old underwear from the closet and changed it, the smell of mothballs quickly permeated my consciousness.Put on your clothes, fold the quilt, and open the curtains. Today's sun is more abundant, and there is no sign of wanting to snow. It seems that this warm winter will continue.

Looking down, there are already dense pedestrians on the side of the road, rushing to work or school, and there is also steam overflowing from the shop early, across the street and across the window, but I can still smell the familiar smell. When the window was opened, a coolness came with freshness, but these were overwhelmed by the ensuing noise.The huge metallic sound reminds me of the CD that Maizi gave me. It comes from industry and the product of modern civilization. I don’t know if there will be such noise in the world he lives in now. People's dreams don't end. I don't remember which lines in the hot-blooded comics, they are very inspiring and provocative.After I washed up, I heated the breakfast on the table in the microwave.My parents have already gotten up early to do morning exercises. Their living habits have not changed over the years, as if I have returned to the middle school days.Somehow, I always miss that period of time, sitting on the basketball court paved with red bricks and looking up at the blue sky.It's autumn, the sky is so high and far away, there are no clouds, so it can't be said that it is clean or monotonous.At that time, the sport that Maizi and I liked was football, or I should say that the sport I liked was football, because Maizi was not interested in anything other than reading, let alone sports.

I thought, I don’t know if the signed football is still there when I graduated. I went to the storage room. The box that belonged to me was pressed at the bottom. It would be very troublesome to take it out, so I gave up. .Some things that were precious to me, but not so important, were lost in it.At this time the phone rang, and it was still Doland calling from her landline at home. It seemed that she was really in Maicheng. "Hi, I'm Xia Tian." "Then do you know who I am?" "Let me guess, are you in Maicheng?" "I was originally producing a column about train travel in other places, but I was transferred back a few days ago and said that I had a new interview task for me. I heard that Maizi died."

"Well, the news travels really fast." "What, it's all on the front page of the newspaper! And your strange funeral, tell me, why did he commit suicide?" "Newspaper?" Maizi's reputation isn't that big, right? It was already strange to have a reporter pay attention to it yesterday. How could it still be the headline?The news in Maicheng will not be exhausted to such an extent, right? "Which newspaper is it?" "What? You don't know yet. Could it be that you haven't woken up yet? It's not easy for a friend to do what you want, the headline on the front page of "Maicheng Daily". How about it, I'm at home."

The meaning of doland is obvious, that is, she wants me to go to her house. She is not from Maicheng, she was not in the past, and she is not now.I know very little about her, except the physical part. Put the leftover breakfast in the refrigerator, wash the dishes and get dressed.Her home is not far from here. I didn't want to drive, but I thought I would have to visit Aoi at Maizi's house later, so I took the car keys with me.Squeezing the empty cigarette case, the old door is difficult to lock, maybe it’s just that I’ve been away for a long time and I’m not used to it. The sun is better than I imagined. Wearing clothes, if it hits the skin directly, it will be very comfortable, and it will feel as fluffy as when the sun just came out in summer.

For some reason, I suddenly remembered the lamp from last night. When I looked up, it was all large pieces of glass, and I couldn't find which window it was. They all reflected light without heat. When you have time, you must go up and take a look. Driven by strong curiosity, people will always make many unusual actions.After struggling to start the car, it is still difficult to light after adding antifreeze. It seems that it is really old.There is no maintenance shop nearby, and the thought of going through this process again when I leave her house later, I can't help but want to change to a car with a more advanced ignition system, but I don't have too much Savings, already thirty years old, can't always live like this?It's time to find a woman and have a home.

The thought of it at first really took me by surprise.I used to think that I would always be on the road, enjoying life, old age, sickness and death with the rapidly receding scenery in the rearview mirror, but... I hope, nothing is absolute and will not change. What to do at any age Things, this kind of cliché can finally be accepted by me.Thinking about things, he drove the car aimlessly, and almost drove past the block of Doland's house.It is a small house that can be lived comfortably by one person. It is basically the same structure as Maizi's house, but it is much easier to find.Park the car somewhere, pat its roof, and hope it won't get me in trouble later.

On the side is a resident with the door facing outside, with a small shop.I fumbled in my pocket and found that I had run out of cigarettes, so I went in and bought a box, which was 50 cents more expensive than in the supermarket. For the sake of convenience, I had to endure it.When I was about to leave, I saw a row of Durex in the corner. Thinking about how anxious Doland was to call me over, I bought a box of them to be on the safe side, which is a very common kind.I like nature, the more fancy it is, the harder it is to get close to the truth. Knocking on the door of her house, "Hi, Summer." We haven't seen each other for a while, and she is still as beautiful as ever, even in winter, she is also dressed to the point of desire.I stretched out my arms to hug her, and pressed her plump body against my chest, as if she was my rib that had been removed, and could return to my body as long as I exerted force.

"Don't be in a hurry, can't I close the door?" She tried her best to break away from me, locked the door from the inside, pulled me up and ran into the inner room, panting.I like her hair, it's long and straight, it pours down, and when the wind blows, it can touch my heart, it's itchy, I wish I could go deep into her body right away. Doland has an irresistible power in her body, which is different from other women, like belonging to a person, not just a passer-by. Her house has a very comfortable bed, which is probably one of the reasons why I like her.Although he didn't live there for a long time, the furnishings in the house were obviously thoughtful.She hugged my neck and slowly moved her lips closer, the gloss of the lipstick was shining brightly.There is also the smell of perfume on her body, which will always be missed afterwards, but it cannot accurately leave the feeling.Just like her, it is paradoxical, you can touch it even if you can't figure it out... You can touch her body, but the heart, that part is soft, I don't know what she wants.

Or, she just wanted to find something in me. She unbuttoned my shirt one by one until the flesh was completely exposed to the sun. Just like what I judged when I came out in the morning, it was very comfortable and fluffy in the sun, but now I have no way to take care of other things, I kissed along the neck, and the unshaven stubble made her hum softly, Under the guidance of the original desire, he approached the truth step by step. "I heard that there is a branch of religion in the West that claims to hear the teachings of God when the climax comes." "So...then...then you...did you hear?" She asked me out of breath, panting very quickly. There is no answer, just concentrate on cultivating the moments that belong to me, me and doland.She was intoxicated by it, her hair was scattered on her flushed cheeks, and she closed her eyes, as if she really saw the appearance of God. It was a kind of light that made her mind go blank for a moment. We didn't collapse on the bed until about noon.Tired, I haven't felt this wonderful and empty feeling for a long time, holding her smooth body, the feeling of wanting to have a home is even stronger. "Doland." "Why, it's so formal all of a sudden." She buried her head under my armpit, but stretched her hand between her legs, as if she wasn't satisfied yet. "Or let's get married." She sat up suddenly, her round breasts forming a beautiful shape under the light. "Married?" She touched my forehead, there was nothing but sweat, "I don't have a fever, my God, is this what Xia Tian said?" "I'm serious, I'm not young anymore, and everyone who should be crazy has gone crazy. It's time to contribute to the ultimate goal of mankind." "Ha, it's really great, but ah, you are great and your going has nothing to do with me." She turned her body to the other side, just blocking the light for me. I moved and hugged her from behind: "Just marry me." "Hey, let me ask you, do you understand me?" Turning around, that beautiful shape just stuck to my nose. I shook my head and the nipples drew a series of irregular shapes on my face. "What if I'm already a married woman? I mean, what if, maybe I just use you as a tool to enjoy pleasure?" Her expression was very serious, and I almost believed it for a moment. I turned over and pressed her down: "Then I'll get to know you 'deeply' from now on." She smiled, as brisk as a copper bell, but I heard a trace of uneasiness from it.This time it lasted for a long time, never before. In the end, I was so tired that I was sweating profusely, but it seemed that I was still far away from that critical point. Doland regained his strength, took a tissue from the bedside table, and wiped my sweat. "Okay, remember why I called you here?" "Maizi... yes, that newspaper, show it to me quickly." "I'm in a hurry again, if you don't take a break, I will take a rest." She looked at the underwear and the box of Durex on the floor, "It's this brand again." "Bought from your neighbor, it's a little different from the old ones." "Ah, from him... most of his stuff is fake imitations, but it doesn't matter." "You still say it's okay for such a serious problem. Are you determined to marry me? Just say so, so I can prepare the dowry." "Fuck you, you said you're not too young. In my opinion, you're still a child who won't grow up. I... I'll take the newspaper." She wrapped the sheet around her and staggered out.It is true that she has been doing it for too long today, and her walking posture is a bit unnatural.I picked up the underwear from the ground and put them on, took out the cigarette, and lit it. The thick smoke made me almost cry. This cigarette is really fake.After coughing a few times, Doland threw the newspaper in and ran to get me purified water.Being able to marry her can be regarded as a kind of happiness. According to Maizi's argument, happiness can stand in place, and there is something to look forward to in the future, and there is also something to look forward to in the future. As she said, Maizi's matter did make the headlines on the front page of Maicheng Daily today.A close-up photo, as well as a snapshot from yesterday’s funeral, has a very eye-catching title, “When will the Renaissance come?”, and the subtitle below it reads “Young Writer Mai Zi Martyred to Resist Bad Culture”.The article is very pathetic, elevating Maizi's death to another realm, and even the funeral we held for him yesterday became a "cry to declare war on tradition".In the photo, our eyes are dull, and we are standing around the empty crystal coffin, looking a bit nondescript.It must be the group of reporters from yesterday, so this is what they wanted. "See, this isn't the truth, right?" Doland handed me a bag of milk, "Tick it up, it's high in protein." After reading the last paragraph, although the author's name was stuffed into an inconspicuous corner, it was still magnified countless times before my eyes: "How could it be Shubei?" "Shubei? Do you know each other?" She took the newspaper and read it. "He's a student of Maizi." My mind was completely messed up. Obviously, the newspaper wanted to get away with it. Otherwise, the title of the article should be followed by the author instead of shrinking. If you don't read carefully, it's really hard to detect . "Wheat is not suicide." I said to myself. "Huh? Then he..." I get dressed as fast as I can.Going to Aoi's side is my only thought. Almost everyone in Maicheng can see the headlines on the front page of "Maicheng Daily", including Aoi and Mixiang.I can't imagine what kind of mood she will feel when she reads this report. Although it is not seriously inaccurate, as a "relative" of Maizi, no matter who reads these things, she will not be happy. The founder of the Renaissance?God, what kind of conspiracy is this? Fortunately, the car didn't bother me, and it started in just three minutes.Come to Maizi again... No, it should be said to be Aoi's home now. "One, two, three, we're home", Maizi's voice echoed in my ears over and over again. Without his guidance, I would probably lose myself in this lost city. Renaissance?You know I'm not interested in this, what is going on in this world, I just want to be an observer, after this matter is over. Aoi was still asleep, and the newspaper and breakfast were placed on the coffee table outside, hoping Mi Xiang didn't let her read it. "Is it summer? Look at the newspaper on the coffee table." The sound of the door opening was not very loud, but it still woke her up. The voice was soft, without revealing any sadness in her heart.Aoi regained her strong mask, and faced her own love-hate parting coldly. The Aoi I know has been running with time for nearly thirty years in this attitude. "I've already read it." On the contrary, I couldn't suppress the anger in my heart, I wished I could pick up the baseball bat in the trunk, rush to that newspaper office and smash everything that could be broken. "Xiamen, you don't have to do this, really. For Maizi, this can be considered a good ending." She smiled, her facial muscles twisted into a terrifying expression. "Compared to this. The most important thing now is to clean up the things in the hotel where he stayed. Otherwise, the reporter will probably write about it." Mi Xiang's words reminded me, yes, since the author is Shu If it is Bei, then he will be able to find the hotel quickly, after all, he has spent much more time with Maizi than me in recent years. "Maybe it's near Binhe Road, that's where he goes most often." Aoi said, then lowered her head, "Please..." The last few words were obviously choked out. I looked at her and at Mi Xiang, nodded at them, and then hurried to Binhe Road.There is not much traffic at noon, and there are no other obstacles except the red light.Pulled over to the side of the road, the closest one was an upstairs building down the street, I asked the boss, and didn't get what I wanted.Fortunately, this area was developed first, the architectural pattern can be seen at a glance, and there are only a few hotels.When I met Shubei on the side of the road, it seemed that Mi Xiang's worries were not superfluous. She didn't have time to think about why he wanted to betray her. What she had to do now was to prevent the next step of his plan. He pretended not to know me, just walked with his head down, I went up and grabbed his collar, and punched him hard in the corner of his eye, almost knocking him to the ground.He struggled to break free from me and staggered away.I stretched my fingers, squatted down and picked up the small ball of paper that fell from his pocket, and then quickly followed him, but he had already stopped a taxi and hurried towards the direction of the city.I haven't fought since middle school, the last time was with Maizi, but this time, it was because of Maizi. Looking around, there is indeed a hotel with a small sign. The owner is an elderly uncle. After I showed Maizi’s ID card and paid the rent for the past few days, he took me to live in Maizi. used room.The moment I opened the door, I seemed to hear a whisper: "I knew you would come." It was so small that I couldn't confirm that I really heard the sound of wheat from behind me, Or my deranged brainwaves. What came into view was an airtight small room, a bed occupied most of its space. Maizi's cameras and computers were scattered on the bed.I took many pictures, including the restroom. Maizi's towel and toothbrush were not dry yet, so I packed them all into Maizi's backpack, then turned around and asked, "Has anyone been here before?" "Just now, a young man said that the landlord asked him to come and fetch some things. After I entered the house, I noticed something was wrong, so I drove him away." The uncle said, and added, "But he has all the things in the house. Didn't have time to move." "Thank you." I picked up the backpack and went back to the parking place along the way. I threw the bag on the passenger seat. It reads: "51358256039,"
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