Home Categories detective reasoning Arson Robin outwits Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 6 6. Arsen Lupin was arrested again

From eight o'clock in the morning twelve moving carriages filled the Rue Clervaux between the Bois de Bois de Boulogne and the Rue Bijou.Mr. Felix Dave, who lives on the fifth floor of No. 8, is moving.Mr. Dubreuil, who combined the sixth floor of the same building and the fifth floors of two adjacent houses into a house, also removed his collection of furniture on the same day.Every day, some foreign correspondents come to his house to see these furniture.It was a complete coincidence that the two moved, as they did not know each other well. Some details were noticed by people in the district, but they were not mentioned until later: none of the twelve carriages had the name and address of the moving company written on it, and none of the movers was delayed in the nearby small shop.They worked very hard, and by eleven o'clock they had all moved.All that was left in the room were scraps of paper and rags thrown in the corner.

Mr. Felix Davey was an elegant young man, well dressed and smartly dressed, and carried in his hand a gym-stick, the weight of which gave evidence of his great strength.M. Felix Dave came out without haste, crossed the Bois de Boulogne, came to a side street opposite the Rue Pergorez, and sat down on a bench.Not far from him, a woman dressed as a burgher was reading a newspaper, and a child was playing with a small shovel digging a pile of sand. After a while, without looking back, Felix Dave said to the woman: "Where's Ganimard?" "Let's go out at nine o'clock this morning."

"Where did you go?" "Police Headquarters." "one person." "one person." "No telegram last night?" "No." "Does his family still trust you?" "Still. I did a little favor for Mrs. Ganimard, and she told me all about her husband... We were together this morning." "Okay. When there is no new order, you will continue to come here at eleven o'clock every morning." He stood up, walked to a Chinese restaurant near the Dauphine Gate, and ate something simple: two eggs, a little vegetable, fruit .Then, going back to Clever Street, he said to the porter: "I'll go upstairs and have a second look, and I'll give you the key back."

He checked it in the room used as a study, grabbed a gas pipe that turned a corner and continued along the fireplace, removed the copper plug of the plug, and picked up something like a horn and blew on the pipe. . A soft whistle came back from the pipe.He put the tube to his mouth and asked in a low voice, "Dubreuil, is there anyone?" "No." "Can I come up?" "can." He put the tube back in place and thought, "I don't know how far it's going to go? This century is full of gizmos that really make life comfortable, so much fun... especially if someone like me is good at taking risks in life." people!"

He pushed a marble molding on the fireplace and turned it, and the marble slab itself turned. The upper mirror slides into an invisible slot, revealing a large opening.The lowest steps of the staircase built into the fireplace can be seen.The staircase was cast iron, carefully polished, white tiled, and very clean. He went upstairs.There is a similar opening above the fireplace on the sixth floor.Dubreuil was waiting for him. "Have you finished moving your things?" "It's over." "Cleaned up?" "It's been cleaned." "Where are people?"

"Only three people are left to watch the wind." "Let's take a look." One after the other, they arrived at the attic where the servants lived by the same road.There were three people there, and one of them was looking out the window. "Is there anything new?" "Boss, no." "Is the street quiet?" "very quiet." "In ten minutes, I'll be leaving...and you will also be leaving. From now to then, if there is any movement on the street, call the police." "Boss, I've been holding my finger on the alarm button."

"Dubreuil, did you tell the porter not to touch the alarm wire?" "Told. The bells are all right." "I'm relieved." The two gentlemen went down to Felix Dave's room.After closing the marble moldings of the fireplace, Felix said cheerfully: "Dubreuil, I really want to see what those ingenious devices look like when they discover them. Alarm bells, wire netting, talking tubes, secret passages, sliding panels and The secret ladder... is really a mechanism in the fairyland!" "What an advertisement for Arson Lupin!" "There is no need for this advertisement. It is a shame to leave a house like this. It will all have to be started from scratch, Dubreuil . . . in a new style, obviously, because it should not be repeated. Poor Holmes!"

"He has not returned, Holmes?" "How do you get back? There is only one postal boat from Southampton, the one at midnight. There is only one train back to Paris from Le Havre, and that is the one that leaves at 8:00 in the morning and arrives at 11:11. Since he didn't get on The midnight boat—and he must not be on it, for I have given express orders to the captain—will have to take the New Haven to Dieppe boat to France tonight." "Will he come back?" "Holmes never quits halfway. He will come back, but it will be too late. We are long gone." "Where is Miss Destanger?"

"I'll see her in an hour." "To her house?" "Oh! No. She'll have a few days, and come home after the storm, . . . when I have the energy to devote myself to her care . You must go to the pier to take care of it." "Are you sure we're not being watched?" "Who will watch? I am only worried about Holmes." Dubreuil is gone.Felix Dave went through one last check, picked up two or three torn letters; saw a chalk stub, picked it up, and drew a large frame on the dark wallpaper of the dining room, as it was written on the monument. , Write a few large characters: At the beginning of the 20th century, the grand thief Arsen Luoping lived here for five years.

This little joke seemed to make him very happy. He blew a cheerful tune, looked at the inscription, and said loudly: "Now that I am worthy of the future historian, let us go! Come on, Mr. Holmes, and come back again." After three minutes, I will leave my old den, and you have failed completely... Two minutes left! Master, you kept me waiting!... One minute left! Why don't you come? Good! I declare you defeated Yes, I've won! I'm going! Farewell, the kingdom of Arsen Lopin! I'll never see you again. Farewell, six fifty-five houses I ruled! Farewell, I My little bedroom, my modest little bedroom!" A bell suddenly interrupted his lyric.The bell sounded sharply, quickly, harshly, stopped and rang again, twice in a row, and finally stopped.This is the alarm bell! "What's the matter? Is there any unexpected danger? Ganimar? No..." He was about to rush into the study and run away, but he ran to the window to have a look.There was no one on the street.So the enemy has entered the building?He listened carefully for a while, thinking that he heard a noisy human voice.He didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed to the study, and just as he was about to step over the threshold, he heard someone trying to insert the key into the front hall door lock.

"Damn it," he cursed under his breath, "go on...the house may be surrounded...the ladder won't work! Luckily there's a fireplace..." He pushed hard against the moldings of the marble fireplace slab.The stitches didn't move.I pushed harder again, but it still didn't move. At the same moment, he felt the hall door open, and there were footsteps! "Damn it!" he cursed, "if this mechanism doesn't work, I'm doomed..." His fingers contracted around the thread and foot, and he pressed his whole body weight on it, but he still didn't move!It was unbelievably unlucky; what a trick of fate.The mechanism that was still working just now is not moving. He contracted his muscles and pushed as hard as he could, but the marble slab refused to move.Damn it!Are you willing to let this stupid mechanism get in the way?He punched his fists furiously and cursed... "Oh, why, Mr. Arsen Lupin, what do you disagree with?" Arsen Lupin looked back and was startled.Sherlock Holmes stood before him! Sherlock Holmes!Arsen Robin looked at him, blinking his eyes as if the strong light was blinding him.Sherlock Holmes is in Paris!Sherlock Holmes, whom he had sent to England last night as a dangerous item, stood before him, free and triumphant!Ah, the laws of nature must be out of whack!Something abnormal and illogical must have prevailed for such a miracle to happen, which could not have happened against the will of Arsene Lupin.Sherlock Holmes was literally standing before him!This time, the British also used their own methods to deal with their own people, and sneered with contemptuous politeness: "Mr. That night in the Baron d'Otterrec's mansion, no more thoughts of my friend Watson's misfortunes, no more thoughts of my being hijacked in a car, no more thoughts of me being ordered by you Strapped to my hard cot for a trip I just made. This minute wipes it all out, I can't remember anything. I've been compensated, greatly compensated." Arsen Luoping remained silent.The Englishman added: "Don't you see it that way?" He put on a stubborn look, as if asking him to agree, forcing him to declare that the past was over. Arsen Lupin thought for a while.During that time, the Englishman felt he was being seen through, seeing all the way to the depths of the soul.Arsen Luoping said: "I guess, you have a serious reason for this action?" "Very solemn." "Your escape from my captain and sailors was a small matter in our fight. But the fact that you stood before me alone, you understand, the fact that you stood before me alone, made me think, You have done everything possible to retaliate in full force." "It's about retaliation as comprehensively as possible." "This building...?" "Surrounded." "What about the two adjacent buildings?" "Also surrounded." "What about the apartment upstairs?" "The three flats rented by M. Dubreuil on the sixth floor are surrounded." "therefore……" "Therefore you are arrested, Mr. Arsen Robin, irretrievably arrested." Arsen Robin felt now what Holmes felt in his motor drive.The same rage, the same resistance.But the same candor made him have to be convinced.The two of them also admitted failure, just like a temporary illness that cannot be denied. "Sir, we're done!" said Arsen Robin cheerfully.Hearing this, the British seemed very happy.Neither of them spoke.Then, Yasen Luoping controlled his emotions and said with a smile: "I'm not angry! It's annoying to win without losing. I could have hit you with a sword in the chest just by straightening my arms. This time I will Hit back. Hit, master." He smiled happily. "Anyway, everyone had a good time. Arsen Lupin fell into the trap. How to get out? Fall into the trap! . . . What an interesting adventure! . . . Ah! Master, you have thrilled me once, and I owe you A favor! Such is life!" He pressed his fists to his temples, as if to suppress the joy that was churning inside him.He was crazy with joy, dancing like a child. Finally, he approached the British: “Now, what are you waiting for?” "Waiting for what?" "Yes, Ganimar is outside with his men, why don't you come in?" "I told him not to come in." "He agreed?" "I asked him for his help, on certain terms. Besides, he considers Felix Davey to be nothing more than an accomplice of Arson Lupin." "Then, I'll rephrase my question. Why did you come in alone?" "I want to talk to you first." "Haha! You have something to talk to me about!" The idea seemed particularly interesting to Arsene Lupin.In this case, someone actually prefers to talk, rather than hands. "I'm sorry, Mr. Holmes, but there is no chair for you to sit on. Do you think this broken box can sit? Or sit on the windowsill? I believe that a glass of beer would be welcome... Would you like a stout or a yellow beer?  … ...but please sit down..." "It's useless to come here, let's talk." "I'm listening." "My words are short. It was not the purpose of my stay in France to arrest you. I am compelled to pursue you because there is no other way to achieve my real purpose." "What purpose?" "Find the blue diamond!" "Blue Diamond!" "Of course. Because the blue diamonds found in Consul Brechamp's bottle of tooth powder are fake." "It is indeed a fake. It was really sent by the blond woman. I had someone imitate one, because at that time, I had some plans for the countess's other jewelry. And because the consul was already under suspicion, the blond woman wanted to avoid it. Suspected, he stuffed the fake diamond ring into the consul's luggage." "You stayed true." "certainly." "This diamond ring should be given to me." "Very sorry. Impossible." "I promised the Countess de Crozon that I would have it." "It's in my hand, how can you get it?" "It is precisely because it is in your hands that I want it." "Shall I give it back to you?" "Give it back to you voluntarily?" "I bought it." Arsen Lupin was suddenly happy: "You really deserve to be an Englishman. Talking about this matter is like talking about business!" "It's a business." "What do you give me?" "The freedom of Mademoiselle Destanger." "Her freedom? But I don't know what evidence there is to arrest her." "I will provide the necessary evidence to Mr. Ganimar. Without your protection, she will be arrested, and will be." Arson Lupin laughed again: "My dear sir, you have paid me a bad check. Miss Destanger is safe, and there is nothing to worry about. I want something else." The Englishman hesitated, obviously troubled, and a slight blush appeared on his cheekbones.Suddenly, he put his hand on Arsen Luoping's shoulder: "If I propose..." "Give me freedom?" "No... But, I can go out and discuss with Ganimar..." "Can I think about it?" "Can." "Hey! God! What's the use of this thing! The damn mechanism won't move!" Arson Lupin pushed the marble moldings of the fireplace angrily. He suppressed a cry of surprise.How capricious things were, luck returned unexpectedly: this time the marble slab moved under his hands. He was saved, and he was able to escape again.In this case, why accept Holmes' conditions? He paced back and forth, as if pondering the answer.Then, he also put his hand on the Englishman's shoulder: "Mr. Holmes, I have made up my mind. I prefer to deal with my own affairs." "But……" "No, I don't want anyone to help." "If Ganimar catches you, it's over, they won't let you go." "Who knows?" "Alas! You are mad. All exits are blocked." "there's still one." "which one?" "The one I'm going to choose." "Nonsense! You are the turtle in the urn!" "Not yet." "why?" "Because I hold blue diamonds." Holmes took out his watch. "It is ten minutes to three, and at three o'clock I shall call Ganimard." "We still have ten minutes to talk! Mr. Holmes, use this time to gratify my curiosity. Please tell me how you got my address and the name Felix Davey?" " Holmes had been watching Arson Lupin.Arsen Robin's interest disturbed him.He was willing to speak out, though, because his vanity could be gratified by it.He said, "Your address? I got it from the blonde." "Clotilde!" "It was her. You remember... yesterday morning... when I was about to drive her away, she called the seamstress." "really." "Later, I realized that the seamstress was you. Last night on the boat, I tried to remember. My memory may be worth showing off. I remembered your phone number is... 73. Relying on the building you 'remodeled' After I returned to Paris at eleven o'clock this morning, I could easily find the name and address of Mr. Félix Davey in the telephone book. Then, I asked Mr. Gannimar for help." "Admiration! First-class ability. I am deeply impressed. However, what I don't understand is that you still caught the train from Le Havre. How did you escape from the Swallow?" "I didn't run away." "But……" "Your orders to the captain were to arrive at Southampton at one o'clock in the morning. They took me ashore at twelve o'clock. I took the steamer to Le Havre." "The captain will betray me? Never!" "He didn't betray you." "So?" "His watch betrayed you." "His watch?" "Yes, his watch. I set it forward an hour." "How did you dial?" "It's like someone else dials a watch, wind it up. We sat and talked, very close, and I told him some funny stories... He didn't notice anything." "Beautiful! Beautiful! It's a very neat move. I'll keep it in mind. But where's the clock? The clock hangs on the bulkhead!" "Ah! the clock, that's much more difficult, for my legs are bound. But my watchman is willing to turn the hour-hand while the captain is out." "He? Say it? He agreed?..." "Oh! He had no idea of ​​the importance of the action. I told him I was going to catch the first train to London anyway... and he believed it..." "What do you use..." "A little gift... and besides, the honest sailor intends to give you that too." "what gift?" "Almost worthless." "But there's always value, right?" "Blue Diamond." "Blue Diamond!" "Yes, the fake one, you used to replace the real one, the Countess gave it to me..." Arsen Luoping suddenly burst out laughing, and he was shaking backwards and forwards, tears came out of his eyes. "My God, how interesting! The fake diamond in the sailor's hand! The captain's watch! The hands of the clock..." Never had Holmes felt the struggle between the two of them so intense.He noticed with a miraculous intuition that under such obvious joy, Arsen Luoping concentrated all his energy and mobilized all his abilities to think. Arsen Luoping walked slowly, and the Englishman took a few steps back as if carelessly, and put his hand into his trouser pocket. "Mr. Arsen Robin, it's three o'clock." "It's three o'clock? What a pity! . . . We were so happy! . . . " "I'm waiting for your reply!" "My answer? My God! You are too harsh! Well, our game is over. Make your bet! My freedom!" "Or blue diamonds." "Okay. You come first, what do you offer?" "I play K!" Holmes raised his pistol. "Then I win!" Arsen Lupin shook his fist at the British.Holmes fired a shot into the air and called for help from Ganymar.He felt that it was an emergency and that he needed help.But Arsen Luoping punched him in the stomach, which made him turn pale and stagger a few steps.Arsen Lupin rushed to the fireplace, and the mechanism had already started... But, it was too late, and the door opened. "Surrender, Arsen Lupin, or..." Arson Lupin probably didn't expect Ganimard to be so close.Ganimar stood at the door pointing at him with a gun, and behind him were ten or twenty strong young men, who would beat him to death like a dog if he showed any resistance.With great composure, he gestured: "Don't shoot! I surrender." He folded his arms across his chest. Everyone seemed surprised.In the empty room where the furniture had been removed and the curtains had been drawn down, Arson Lupin's words seemed to echo and linger. "I surrender!" What incredible words!It was expected that he would disappear from a hole in the ground, or that a wall would collapse in front of him, allowing him to escape capture.Who knew he surrendered!Ganimar was very excited, stepped forward, slowly stretched out his hand to his opponent with the solemnity that is due to this moment, and announced with great joy: "Arson Lupin, I arrest you!" "Ah!" shuddered Arsene Lupin, "good Gannimar, I will never forget you. Seeing your sad face, you seem to be speaking at a friend's grave! Well, don't pretend to be depressed. I'm pissed off!" "I arrest you." "Are you surprised? Detective Gannimar, a loyal law enforcement officer, arrested the villain Arsene Lupin in the name of the law. This is a historic moment, and you all see the significance of this moment... You are the first It's the second time you've done it. Well done, Ganimar, you've got a lot going for you!" He reached out and put on the steel handcuffs. It's a somewhat solemn plot.Although this group of policemen was usually rough and hated Arson Lupin, they could still restrain themselves and were amazed that they could touch this invisible and intangible figure. "Poor Arson Lupin!" he sighed. "What will those friends who live in the aristocratic suburbs of the city say when they see you in such a humiliated state?" He separated his hands and gradually increased his strength, tensing his muscles to persist.The veins on his forehead were bulging, and the chain link cut into his flesh: "Break!" He yelled. The chain is broken. "Another one, man, this one won't do ass!" They tied him two.He praised: "Excellent! You are too careless." Then, he counted how many policemen came: "My friends, how many did you come? Twenty-five? Thirty? A little more...it's okay. Ah! If only you had fifteen!..." He had the air of a great actor playing his part with instinct and passion, a little presumptuous and frivolous.Holmes looked at him as one appreciates a good play, in which all the finesse and finesse can be tasted.Indeed, he had a strange feeling that in this struggle, thirty men on one side, backed by a powerful legal machine, and one man on the other, unarmed and handcuffed, were equally matched. "Here, master," said Arsen Lupin to him, "this is your masterpiece. Thanks to you, Arsen Lupin is going to mold and rot on the wet grass in the prison. You tell the truth, your conscience is at peace." Not calm, regretful or not?" Despite what he said, the Englishman shrugged his shoulders, as if to say: "As long as you..." "Never! Never!" cried Arson Robin, "give you back the blue diamond? Ah! no! I have labored so hard, and I will keep it! When I have the honor of visiting you in London for the first time." —probably next month—I'll tell you why... But, are you in London next month? Would you rather go to Vienna? St. Petersburg?" At this he shuddered.It turned out that a bell rang suddenly.Not the alarm bell, but the telephone bell.The telephone is installed between the two windows of the study and has not been removed.Telephone!Who will fall into this hateful web of fate?Arsen Lupin rushed to the telephone recklessly, trying to smash it into pieces in order to block the mysterious voice that wanted to speak to him.However, Ganimar took off the receiver first and bent down to the microphone: "Hello! ... Hello! ... This is 648.73... Yes, it is here." Holmes immediately pushed Ganimar away majestically, grabbed the The receiver, and covered the receiver with a handkerchief, making his voice indistinct. At the same time he looked up at Arson Lupin.The glances they exchanged showed that they were on the same page, both anticipating the very likely, almost certain fact that it was the blond woman calling.She thought it was Felix Davey, or Maxime Belmont, but it was Sherlock Holmes who answered.The Englishman shouted: "Hello! ... Hello! ..." After a silence, Holmes said, "Yes, it is I, Maxim." This scene immediately showed a tragic color.Arsen Lupin, the rebellious and mocking Arson Lupin, didn't even want to hide his panic, his face turned pale with anxiety, and he sharpened his ears to listen and guess. Holmes continued in a mysterious voice: "Hi! . . . Hello! . . . Yes, it's all over. I'm going to see you. Didn't we agree? . . . Where? . . . To your place . . . Do you think it's still there..." He hesitated, trying to find the right words.He was clearly trying to get some of the situation out of the way, but he didn't want to say too much.Besides, he obviously didn't know where the girl was.In addition, the presence of Ganimar seems to be a little in the way... Ah!If a miracle happened, it would be nice to cut this telephone line.Yasen Luoping exerted all his strength and called out to her.I only heard Holmes say: "Hello!...Hello!...Can't you hear me?...I can't hear you too...I can't hear you very clearly! I just heard you...Listen?...Well, that's it...I Think again... You'd better go home... What danger? No more... He's in England! I've just had a telegram from Southampton confirming his arrival in England." What irony in these words!Holmes uttered them with indescribable joy.He added: "Well, don't waste time, my dear friend, I'll come to you." He hung up the receiver: "Mr. Gannimar, I want three people from you." "Go get the blonde, huh?" "yes." "Do you know who she is and where she is?" "Know." "Okay! Nice move! Together with Arsene Lupin... today is complete! Francand, take two people and go with sir." The Englishman led three policemen and went out. It's over!The blond woman will fall into the hands of Holmes too!Because of his admirable tenacity, and because of the intricacies of events, the odds were in his favour, and the battle ended with his victory and the irreparable defeat of Arsene Lupin. "Mr. Holmes!" The Englishman stopped: "Mr. Arsen Lupin...?" Arsen Luoping seemed to be deeply shocked by this final blow.Wrinkles appeared on the forehead, the head was downcast, and the face was gloomy.However, he cheered up and fought hard even though he lost.He said loudly and easily: "You can also see that fate has a hard time with me. It didn't allow me to escape from the fireplace just now and handed me over to you. Now, it uses the phone to give you the blonde woman again. I You can only accept your fate." "What does it mean?" "That means I'm ready to renegotiate." Holmes took Gannimar aside, and begged to be left alone with Arson Robin.The tone of his request could not be refused at all.The detective had no choice but to agree.So, he walked up to Arsen Luoping and started a high-level meeting with him!He asked nervously and stiffly, "What do you want?" "The freedom of Mademoiselle Destanger." "Do you know the price?" "Know." "You accept?" "I accept all your conditions." "Ah!" said the Englishman, startled, "...but...you just refused...for you..." "Mr. Holmes, it was only about myself a moment ago, and now it is about a woman... a woman I love. In France, you see, we have a very peculiar way of thinking about such matters. Not because my name is Arson Lupin." Just do it differently... just the opposite!" He spoke these words with great poise.Holmes nodded secretly, and asked in a low voice, "Where is the blue diamond?" "Go get my walking stick, the one in the fireplace corner, and grab the knob, and unscrew the iron band on the other end." Holmes took the stick and twisted the iron hoop.While twisting, I found that the knob was unscrewed.There was a mass of putty in the ball.Putty wrapped a diamond ring.He looked carefully, and it was indeed a blue diamond. "Mr. Arsin Robin, Destanger is free." "Free in the future and in the present? Does she have nothing to worry about you?" "There's no need to worry about anyone." "no matter what happens?" "Whatever happens, I no longer have her name and address." "Thank you. Good-bye. We shall meet, shall we not, Mr. Holmes?" "I don't doubt it." Holmes explained to Gannimar for a long time, and his emotions were quite impulsive. Later, he ended the argument somewhat rudely: "Unfortunately, Mr. Gannimar, I disagree with your opinion. But I have no time to persuade you. After a In an hour, I'll be heading home." "But... where's the blond woman?" "I don't know this person." "But just now..." "It's up to you, I've given you Arson Lupin anyway. Here's the blue diamond... You'll be happy to give it to the Countess de Crozon yourself. I don't think you have anything to complain about." It's gone." "But what about the blonde?" "Go find it!" He put on his hat, and hurried out the door, like a gentleman who never procrastinates until his business is over. "Have a good trip, master!" cried Arson Lupin. "I will not forget our friendship, you will be assured. Give my regards to Mr. Watson." He got no answer, and laughed: "That's what you call an English trick! Alas! The venerable islander never possessed the flower of politeness which has made us French famous. You, Gannimar." Imagine what a Frenchman would do when he went out on the same occasion? With what politeness he would cover his victory... But, God forgive me, Ganimard, what are you doing? Oh search! Here Nothing, poor friend, not even a piece of paper! My files have been moved to a safe place!" "Who knows? Who knows?" Arsen Robin let it go.He was guarded by two detectives and surrounded by other policemen, who watched Gannimar's actions patiently.But twenty minutes later, he sighed: "Come on, Ganimar! You won't run out of searches." "It seems that you are in a hurry?" "It's urgent. I have an urgent appointment." "In the detention center?" "No, in the city." "Oh! What time is it?" "Two o'clock." "It's three o'clock now." "Exactly. I'm always late. I just hate being late." "Give me another five minutes, okay?" "Not for a minute." "You're so kind...I'll try to hurry up..." "Don't be so wordy... Still searching this closet?...It's empty..." "But there are a lot of letters in it." "They are all letters from my eighth life." "No, it's tied with a bundle of ribbons." "Pink ribbon? Oh! Ganymar, don't open it, for the love of heaven." "Written by a woman?" "right." "A high society woman?" "The best woman." "her name……?" "Madame Gannimar." "Nonsense! Nonsense!" snapped the detective. At this time, all the people who were sent to search other rooms came to report that they found nothing.Arsen Lupin laughed: "Of course there will be nothing. Do you want to find the list of my partners, or the proof of my relationship with the German emperor? Ganimar, you should mine, it is the little secret in this house. Here, this gas pipe is a sounding tube. Here is a staircase in this fireplace. This wall is a hollow wall. And a complicated network of electric bells. Here, Gannimar, press this button..." Ganimar did press it. "Didn't you hear anything?" "No." "I didn't hear that either. But you've informed my balloon director to get the airship ready to take us into the air." Ganimar finished his search and said: "Well, enough nonsense, let's go!" He took a few steps.The policemen followed a few steps away. Arsen Robin remained motionless. The policemen pushed him, but he still wouldn't go. "Why, you won't go?" "Let's go." "Since that's the case...?" "But it depends." "See what happens." "See where you lead me." "Of course it is to go to the detention center." "Then I won't leave. I'll go to the detention center and have nothing to do." "Are you crazy?" "Didn't I just tell you that I have an urgent appointment?" "Arson Lupin!" "What? Ganimar, the fair-haired woman is waiting for me to see her! Do you think I'm so rude to make her anxious? It's not a gentleman to do that." "Listen, Arson Lupin," said the Inspector, beginning to be annoyed by Arson Lupine's sarcasm, "so far I have taken care of you enough. There is a limit to everything! Come with me." .” "No! I have a date. I want to keep it!" "One last time, do you want to go?" "no." Ganimar gestured.The two policemen picked up Yassen Luoping and left.But they let him go at once, screaming with pain.It turned out that Arsen Lupin had stuck two long needles into their flesh. The policemen were furious and rushed forward, one by one finally couldn't hold back their hatred, eager to avenge their companions and the humiliation they had suffered, they fisted and slapped each other to fight.A blow to the temple knocked Arsen Robin to the ground. "You're going to kill him," Ganymar shouted anxiously, "I'm asking you!" He bent down to attend to him, but, finding that he was breathing well, he ordered everyone to lift Yasin. Luo Ping's head and feet, and he himself supported his waist. "Especially lightly! . . . Don't shake . . . Oh! These savages. They'll kill him for me. Say, Arsen Robin, how's it going?" Yassen Lupin opened his eyes and said dully: "Not bad, Ganimar... just let them hurt me." "Damn, it's all your fault...you are too stubborn." Ganimar replied, "Sorry...you don't feel any pain?" We were on the landing.Arsen Robin moaned: "Ganimar...the lift...they'll break my bones..." "Good idea." Ganimar agreed, "Besides, the stairs are so narrow... there is no way..." Ganimar had the elevator run up.Everyone carefully put Arsen Luoping on the seat. 加尼玛尔站在他旁边,吩咐手下:“你们同时下去,在门房等我!明白吗?” 他去拉电梯门。门发出刺耳的尖叫声关上了。电梯一跳,像断线的汽球似地飞上去了,亚森·罗平爆出一阵嘲弄的大笑。“妈的!”加尼玛尔吼道,在黑暗中乱摸下降的电钮。可是,他摸不到,只好又大喊:“六楼!守住六楼门!” 警察们冲上楼。可是,发生了怪事,电梯穿过最后一层楼的天花板,在他们眼前消失了,又在阁楼仆人住的房间里冒了出来。守在上边的三个人打开梯门,两个人制服了加尼玛尔。另一个人背出亚森·罗平。加尼玛尔晕晕乎乎,动作都很困难,更不用说自卫了。 “加尼玛尔,我告诉过您……坐飞艇……多亏您!下一次,不要这么同情我。尤其要记住没有重要原因,亚森·罗平是不会挨揍受苦的。再见吧……” 电梯门又关上了。电梯载着加尼玛尔下了楼。这一切完成得很快,以致老侦探在门房附近赶上了他的手下。他们二话不说,匆匆跑过院子,上了便梯,这是上阁楼的唯一通道。亚森·罗平就是从那逃走的。 一条长长的走廊,拐了几个弯,两边都是编了号的小房间。走廊通向一道门,轻轻一推就开了。门那边是另一幢楼。又是一条弯来弯去的长走廊,两边同样是编了号的小房间。走到头,是一道便梯。加尼玛尔下了楼梯,穿过院子,过了前厅,到了街上。皮科街。加尼玛尔这时明白了:两幢房子地基打得深,挨在一起,楼面分别朝向两条马路上。两幢大楼是平行的,而不是成直角,相距有六十多米。 加尼玛尔进了门房,出示了证件:“刚才有四个人从这儿出去了?” “是的,两个是五楼、六楼房客的仆人,另两个是他们的朋友。” “住五楼、六楼的是些什么人?” “福韦尔先生家,还有他们的表亲普罗沃斯特……他们今天搬家,只留下两个仆人……这两个仆人也刚刚走了。” “唉!”加尼玛尔倒在门房的长沙发上,“唉!我们丢了一个好机会!那一伙人都住在这几幢楼里!” 四十分钟以后,有两位先生坐汽车赶到北站,急忙跑向开往加莱的快车。 后边,一个挑夫给他们提着箱子。其中一位胳膊吊着三角带,脸色苍白,看来身体不行,另一位则似乎很愉快。 “快点!华生!可别误车!……啊!华生,我一辈子也忘不了这十天!” “我也忘不了!” “啊!多来劲的战斗!” “漂亮极了。” “只是这里那里有点小麻烦。” “那微不足道。” “总之是全面胜利!抓住了亚森·罗平!收回了蓝钻石!” “只不过我的胳膊断了。” “有这样大的战果,断条胳膊算什么!” “尤其是我的更算不了什么。” “对!华生,您记得吗?正是在您躺在药店里像英雄似地忍着痛的时候,我找到了线索。” “多幸运!” 有些车厢的门关上了。 “先生们,快上车吧。” 挑夫登上一节空车厢,把箱子放在行李架上。福尔摩斯扶倒楣的华生上车。 “华生,您怎么了?上不来!……老伙伴,用点力气……” “我缺的不是力气。” "What is it?" “我只有一条胳膊能用。” “这又怎样?”福尔摩斯高兴地说,“还伤心哩!好像只有您一个人是这样。那些独手人,真的独手人又该怎么过日子呢?好啦,算了,这算不上什么伤!” 他递给挑夫一个五十生丁的铜钱:“好了,朋友,这是给您的。” “谢谢,福尔摩斯先生!” 英国人抬头一看:亚森·罗平! “您!……您!……”他目瞪口呆,说不出话来。华生舞着那只好手,好像想证实一件事,结结巴巴地问:“您!您!您不是被捕了吗?福尔摩斯告诉我的。他离开您的时候,加尼玛尔带着三十个人围着您……” 亚森·罗平交抱双臂,气愤地说:“我们有了这么深的交情,你们竟以为我不会来送送你们么?要那样就太不像话了。你们把我当成什么人了!”火车拉响汽笛。 “总之,我就不计较了……必备的东西都有吧!烟草、火柴……对了……还有晚报?您会读到我被捕的细节。这是您的功劳,大师。现在,再见吧!很高兴认识你们……真的,很高兴!……如果你们需要我,我很乐意……” 他跳到月台上,关好车厢门。 “再见!”他挥着手帕,还在说,“再见!……我会给你们写信的……你们也会给我写,对吧?华生先生,您的断臂怎么样了?我等着你们两位的好消息!……不时给我寄张明信片……写巴黎亚森·罗平收就行了……不用贴邮票!……再见!……不久见!……”
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