Home Categories detective reasoning Sevenfold Veil Dance

Chapter 7 Chapter 6 Anonymous

Sevenfold Veil Dance E伯爵 5783Words 2018-03-15
Alex Lee remembered his mother's voice, always so low and soft, not at all like a woman of Irish descent.She is beautiful, gentle, and considerate. Apart from God, her husband and family are her whole world.She strictly follows the "Bible" to guide her life, hoping that every member of the family can continue to live together in heaven in the future, but when she finds out that her only son has reserved a seat in hell, she is shocked up. She didn't believe it at first, because Alex was married and had a baby as cute as an angel. She also tried to persuade Fanny to give up her idea of ​​divorce, but when her son told her that he had slept with nine men behind his wife's back, After the bed, the mother began to curse Alex, and vent her resentment and despair hysterically.

Alex remembered her voice on the phone very clearly. It was sharp and violent, and it was impossible to connect her with her usual elegance.That voice was deeply engraved into his mind just like his father's choking. Now he was very sad to find that Father Matthew Oliver in front of him was talking about his "Steady" Association in a tone similar to that of his mother, which made him want to run away desperately again.But he couldn't do that, he had to control himself not to shake his fist at the gentle priest because of the anger and fear swelling in his chest. Father Matthew Oliver paid no attention to the detective's clenched hands and quivering facial muscles, absorbed in his own religious ecstasy.

"I hope you can understand what I want to do, Mr. Police Officer!" The handsome young priest continued in his clear voice, "My role is to amplify God's love for people and make them discern sin! I hope that when A good shepherd, show them the way! I further solidify the character they have established, and at the same time, I accept their confession of anxiety, confusion, pain and struggle! In my opinion, people who can automatically join the association of the "steadfast" They are all warriors who dare to face themselves, so I don’t need to know them one by one to determine the effect of the preaching in their hearts, I just need to know that the number of crosses is increasing every time...”

"Okay." Alex raised his hand, restraining himself from showing disgust, "Then please tell me why you want people in the association to leave their names and contact information?" Father Oliver explained: "It's not for me, the police officer, it's definitely not for me to get any information about them, it's for the communication between members. Some of them may be able to become friends after the sermon, or encourage each other." "How did they know each other? From the notebook you said?" "yes." "Where is that notebook?"

"Every sermon I put it under the icon, next to their cross." "You mean, as long as they want, members of the association can obtain other people's contact information at will?" Father Oliver rubbed his hands and nodded. Alex sighed, and suddenly felt helpless to the person in front of him: "In that case, Father, please show us this notebook, okay?" "Sorry, officer, if it's the original one, I can't give it to you." The cleric blinked. "Actually, it's long gone." "What?" Billy White couldn't help exclaiming, and then turned his gaze to his superior.

Alex pressed his eyebrows and asked, "When did it disappear?" "It's been about a month or so." "Why did it disappear? Did someone steal it, or was it something else?" "I don't know that." The priest shrugged. "Every sermon is placed under the icon. You can see it as soon as you enter the church. It is under the statue of the Virgin and Child on the left. But once a new member When I tried to register, I realized it was missing." "Where do you usually keep this book?" "It's in the locker in the lounge with these crosses."

Alex looked at the cupboard, it didn't even have a lock: "So did you have a new register later?" "Oh, yes, everyone wrote it again, but some people who quit lost contact." Father Matthew Oliver turned around and took out a hard-shell notebook and handed it to the black-haired detective. Alex turned over the book filled with dozens of different handwritings, and found the names of Edward Bant and Chris Richelucarre on the third and fifth pages respectively.He closed the notebook: "Father, I want to take this register away to assist in the investigation. Ah, there must be a cross."

"Oh, sure, officer." So the black-haired man politely left his phone number to the priest: "Thank you very much for taking the time to accept our inquiry, priest, if you think of the characteristics or names of some association members, please let me know. " "Okay, but the officer—" Alex interrupted him: "Of course, I said just in case." The blue-eyed priest finally nodded. He sent the two policemen out of the church, and asked cautiously when parting: "Officer, is the murder you mentioned related to the members of the 'Steady People' Association?"

"Yes, Father." "However, they are all gentle people." Matthew Oliver anxiously distinguished, "I believe they are all kind and will not hurt others—" Alex shook his head: "No, no, Father, you misunderstood me. In fact, your believers are the victims—two members of the 'Steady' Association were beheaded." There was a look of horror on the handsome face of the priest, and he stood there dumbfounded. Billy White sat beside Alex, looking through the list of members of the "Steady" Society that he had received from Father Matthew Oliver.He marvels that so many people are still happy to live the Puritan life.

"Sir, don't you think that priest, although he is good-looking, is a bit annoying?" the gray-eyed youth commented, "To be honest, I can't imagine anyone sitting in church every weekend night Listen to him rambling until the early hours of the morning." "Religion is an addictive thing, just like heroin." Alex said lightly while driving, "Although God is great, the agents he chooses are mixed, and Father Oliver is just one of the more peculiar ones. One." "This association founded by the priest is really too idealistic." "Yes, but for many people, it is enough that what they do is meaningful to them. Besides, this association is legal and harmless. It is just a very ordinary small religious organization."

"But two members were killed." Billy White muttered. "I've never seen such a rough man. He seems to have been resurrected from the Middle Ages. Sir, do you think it is possible for the two victims to die?" Know each other in this association?" "Of course it's possible, but they all came here to hide from their girlfriends." "Oh, yes, neither of those ladies knew the cross." "Maybe it's premarital phobia." Alex laughed. "They're about to get married, maybe it's because they want to find the courage to treat their wives exclusively in the next few decades." "Sir, do you think the murderer is also a member of this association?" Alex shook his head. "I don't know, Billy, maybe, maybe not. Father Oliver said the register was lost once, remember?" The gray-eyed young man closed his notebook: "Then we have to investigate the people on it first, sir." "certainly." "There were 75 people and it was a tough job." Alex smiled and turned his gaze to Broadway outside the window.The approaching night indicates that this day is passing, and all kinds of brand-name stores are lit up, such as Armani, Banana Republic, KENNETH COLE...the things in the windows are shining brightly, just like the thieves in the Arabian Nights their treasury.People's desires are always endless, and they have to face all kinds of temptations every moment, and there are more weak people, so the black-haired man thinks that sometimes the naive Father Matthew Oliver can be regarded as a An object worthy of his admiration. But Alex can also predict that the following investigation will indeed not be easy. Judging from the names and addresses in the notebook, members of the "Steady" Association are spread all over New York, and many of them are obviously pseudonyms, such as "Matthew" and "Paul", and the contact information left is not detailed. And detectives don't have much time... Dropping Billy White off at his rented apartment, Alex bought some microwave food and went home, took a quick shower, filled his stomach, and sat under the lamp to peruse the list of the "Steady" Society, Pick out those with detailed addresses.Maurice Norman's phone call came at about eleven o'clock, and Alex was leaning on the head of the bed to continue looking at the paintings about Salome, Gustave Moreau's enchanting and gorgeous works. "I guess you're lying in bed right now, aren't you, officer?" the light brown-haired man asked in a soft voice on the phone. "How are you feeling?" "Oh, it's very comfortable. I can finally rest my waist." Alex said with a smile, "I ran a lot today." "It's going well? You know I'm concerned." "Doctor, you are too impatient." Alex lamented. "I have had a hard time dealing with the fanatic Father Matthew Oliver." "Matthew Oliver?" The man's voice became a little cautious. "That very young Catholic priest? The one with beautiful blue eyes?" Alex asked unexpectedly: "You know him?" Maurice Norman laughed: "Of course I do. He's a very good debate opponent. He once tried to 'save' one of my students from becoming gay. He also accused me of failing to fulfill my duties as a teacher. He didn't believe it. There's an innate element of sexuality that comes into play, and that's giving me a lot of headaches." "It seems that you have learned from him, doctor, but don't worry, I still got what I wanted from him." "I heard your tone is good, so I can rest assured." Maurice Norman sighed, "God knows how much I want to see you now, Alex, I was supposed to pick you up for dinner, but I didn't It's too contradictory to be willing to interrupt your work." "Doctor, your tone is like a bad actor performing a courtship scene." "If you knew that I was downstairs with you, you wouldn't say that." Alex jumped up from the bed at once, but sat down again after thinking about it. "No, stop joking, Maurice," he said, "you'll never find my home." "That's the way it is, but when you were in Fushou Building last time, you said that you lived in the highest apartment nearby, so I came to ask." Alex held the microphone tightly, not knowing what to say. Maurice Norman quickly explained: "Forgive me, I didn't want to spy on your private space, Alex, I definitely didn't mean that, please don't be angry. I'm self-willed, I just...just want to get closer to you Just a little bit, trust me." The man's voice was anxious and seemed sincere.Alex was silent for a while, then sighed: "Come up..." "No, Alex, I'm not forcing you to invite me—" "Come up, or I'll go down." Alex said as casually as possible, "It's not polite to leave guests in the cold night wind. My room is on the top floor, with a separate door." Maurice Norman seemed relieved, then happily agreed and hung up the phone.The black-haired man looked at the mobile phone that was still warm, and felt that he had become impulsive - except for its owner, no one else had visited this room. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang, and Alex quickly adjusted his expression and opened the door for Maurice Norman. The ardent suitor seemed shy and cautious today, smiling apologetically upon seeing him.Alex saw icing on the man's dark woolen coat, and it looked like it was starting to rain outside. The black-haired police detective opened the refrigerator and asked, "Sit down, doctor, what do you want to drink? Beer? Whiskey?" "Beer is fine, thank you." Maurice Norman took off his coat and looked around Alex's room.The place is about 2,000 square feet, with little furniture, simple decoration, and almost no decorations; the bathroom, bedroom and living room are only separated by vague stained glass, with the kitchen on the far left and the huge one on the right. balconies and floor-to-ceiling windows.Through the drawn shutters you can see the brilliant lights of New York at night and the dark sky. The dark-haired man opened a bottle of beer, handed it to the guest, and sat down across from him. "Your life is undemanding, Alex," remarked Maurice Norman. "Your home is clean and modest. . . . " "It's also very simple, isn't it?" Alex smiled. "It's okay, you can just say it, doctor. I rarely come back. This is not so much a home as a place to sleep." There was a soft look in the eyes of the light brown-haired man, and he asked softly, "Could it be that...the place you lived in was not like this?" Alex smiled bitterly: "Oh, yes, I used to live near Berridge, with my wife and son, and it was a complete family." Maurice Norman's body moved, and he asked unexpectedly: "You mean...you were married." "It's despicable, isn't it?" Alex shrugged self-mockingly, "You can look down on me, it's okay, but I don't regret it at all?" "No, you misunderstood me." The green-eyed man frowned, "Why do you always think you'll be despised, Alex? Many of us have escaped, it's not them No fault, worldly morality is too strong, they're all just trying to protect themselves." "Do you think it's right for a gay to marry a straight man?" "No, I'm against it, because it's not just them who are hurting. But—" Maurice Norman leaned toward the dark-haired man, looking into his eyes, "—trust me, Alec Well, such a mistake is forgivable, and you have corrected it, haven't you?" Alex avoided Morris' sight. He knew he had a momentary touch, but he didn't want the man to know. "Maybe, but I can't find a way to make it up." He snorted, "Now my ex-wife hates me so much that she doesn't even want my son to see me." "Is the reason why you said you don't regret it because of that little one?" Maurice Norman's playful tone made the black-haired man laugh, his mood improved a little, and he even turned around and brought a photo frame from the bedside. "Would you like to meet my little sailor?" The father handed Morris a photo of his son with a little pride, "Look, he's great, isn't he?" It showed a four-year-old boy with dark brown hair and the same dark blue eyes as his father, looking at the camera in wonder, wearing a navy hat on his round head. "I'd say he's the cutest baby I've ever seen," said Maurice Norman without affectation. "Look how much he looks like you, Alex. He's going to be very charming." The black-haired man smiled contentedly, a little proudly, but a little bit bitterly.He took the photo back, touched his son's face lightly, and then put it down: "I haven't seen Daniel for almost three months. My ex-wife seems to be afraid that my sexuality will be transmitted to my son." Maurice Norman came to sit next to Alex and held his hand: "Listen, officer, I have a magic, do you want to try it?" The black-haired man froze for a moment, showing a puzzled look. "Can you lend me a rope, preferably a thinner one?" "Of course, but—" "Lend it to me, sir." Alex somehow found a cotton rope and handed it to him.The green-eyed man gave a mock cough before showing him the smooth rope and tying a few more knots. "Here, now I need you to pull here." He pointed to a thread and said to Alex. "Oh, I know it works, Maurice." The dark-haired man laughed. "Don't think of me doing it." "Why don't you try it?" "Come on, I know you can—" Before the words finished, Alex was stunned. He tugged at the end of the thread, but the knot didn't budge.He looked at Maurice Norman as if to say that he had screwed up. "Don't look at me like that, officer." The green-eyed man laughed, "Why don't you try another one?" "You know usually they work about the same..." "It won't hurt to try." Alex didn't last long. "Well," he said, "I'm sorry your magic didn't work..." But a miracle happened: when he pulled another thread, the entire intricate knot instantly unraveled as if summoned, and returned to its original appearance. Alex looked at Maurice Norman in amazement: "It's amazing, doctor, you are such a genius." "Thank you." The man had a consistent smile on his handsome face, but there seemed to be something else.He put down the rope and looked into the eyes of the man next to him: "There is no problem that cannot be solved, Alex, all you need is to face it bravely and choose a correct method." The room was suddenly very quiet, and an indescribable warmth surged from the black-haired man's heart, and he even felt that his eye sockets were about to become moist.Maybe it's been too long since anyone has juggled him, he thought, and it's been too long since anyone has spoken to him like that. "Thank you...Morris..." he said with difficulty in a rough voice, "I don't know what to say...Thank you, really..." Some rough hands were placed on his shoulders, with gentle and steady strength. "Okay, Alex, I understand." The green-eyed man slowly cupped his face, "Then, I'll ask for a kiss in return, okay?" Alex laughed and opened his mouth slightly: "Please..." Moist lips pressed together, fiery and warm. Alex closed his eyes and enjoyed this feeling vaguely, very familiar, very warm feeling, human body temperature... really very warm... Letting this man come up as a guest was indeed a correct decision.
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