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Chapter 40 Chapter Eighteen

petrol life 伊坂幸太郎 2727Words 2018-03-15
"You know about that '58 Plymouth Fury?" Zappa said.At this time, the sun had already set, the street lights were on, and the vehicles passing by on the road also turned on their headlights. As soon as I got back to Mochizuki's parking lot, Zappa asked, "Where did you go today?" So I told him what had happened in front of the fast food place, and he said angrily, "Tokari is such a bad guy!" Then he started talking about the Plymouth Nemesis. Legend has it that about thirty years ago, a red Plymouth Nemesis named Christine attacked many humans.Plymouth is not a Japanese car, this seems to have happened in some overseas country.The owner of the Plymouth Nemesis was a timid young man, and a gang of young men blackmailed him and smashed his car.However, in a blink of an eye, the car returned to its original state like a movie reversed, and rushed towards the perpetrators.Some people were killed by him with the hood, and some people were locked in the car and poisoned to death with carbon monoxide.Our private cars have very complicated feelings for Christine. His crazy revenge made us shudder, but on the other hand, he was destroyed and resurrected with full blood, and his deeds of revenge for his master and himself made us deeply happy. .

"If Christine was here, he would definitely not let Tokari go." Zappa's teasing tone also showed some seriousness, "However, it's just a legend after all." "If such a car really exists, it would be terrifying." I said what I really thought in my heart, "However, in short, Mochizuki's family seems to be in crisis." "It's Eguchi who is in crisis, right? Besides, it's still unknown whether the corpse is real or not. From your description just now, I always feel that the van's mental state is not stable. Maybe he just wanted to scare you. No, Maybe it was just Tokari and his men talking nonsense and exaggerating, but Van believed it was true."

"Oh... well, I see what you mean." The car often takes human jokes seriously. "In this case, there may not be any corpses at all." "However, Heng overheard the trio ordering Mr. Eguchi to meet at the door of the pachinko shop in Chen Zhiqiu. Moreover, it was a pachinko shop that had been closed." "so what?" "Did I tell you about my conversation with a passing train at a railroad crossing recently?" "I said it before, you were so proud that you were about to fly." "The train also mentioned the place name 'Chenzhiqiu'. He said: 'A terrible thing happened over the collapsed Chenzhiqiu clearing.' And said: 'Watch out for the dead.' I thought, maybe the train passed by there and accidentally witnessed their burial."

"Do they bury bodies where people pass by?" "It is said to be an inaccessible hidden place." "Is it a pachinko shop?" "Uh... It's a bit complicated to describe. The body was probably buried in an inaccessible open space, near the small steel ball shop where the trio ordered Mr. Eguchi to gather. But the train noticed, maybe it happened to be accessible from the railway track Saw that place. It might be far away, but the train saw it." "Because the train has a good eye." "Maybe there really are dead bodies buried there."

"Corpse?" Zappa said. "Wait a minute, Green, I want to ask you something." "What's up?" "Why do you have to tell me something so heavy and scary at the end of the day when you can finally rest?" "Because it's what you want to hear." After we finished speaking, we both fell into silence.How will the troubles of the Mochizuki family fare when the sun rises again?Tomorrow is Saturday, maybe I have to go on a mission. After an unknown amount of time, Zappa suddenly said to me: "Little Green, have you heard the news? It's about the tunnel accident."

"What news?" "It is said that the video of the tunnel accident has been circulated on the Internet." "Video of the accident?" "It's the video of the car overturning and catching fire in the tunnel. It should be the car that Niwa and Araki Tsui were in." "Is it open to the world?" "Open to the world?" "Before I heard Heng and Liangfu say that most of the information people post on the Internet is because they subconsciously hope that the information will be seen by the whole world. But I don't know how many of them are posted on the Internet intentionally to inform the world."

"I see. In other words, there is a guy somewhere who wants to show the video of the tunnel accident to the world?" "Is it to promote safe driving?" I said almost angrily.It is unbearable to think about showing the tragedy of the accident vehicle to the world. "Everyone has seen it now. Today, Mr. Xijian of my family also received calls from several parents, saying that their children watched this cruel video, and hope that the school can take measures to guide the children." "This is terrible." "It's very bad for sentiment education."

"Zappa, what is sentiment?" "Mr. Hosami also just checked the dictionary recently." "and then?" "Sentiment refers to knowledge, morality, art, etc. Teaching these to children is sentiment education." "Teach children knowledge and morality? Who will teach them? How will they be taught?" "It should be taught by good adults." "But where to find good adults?" "You can find out if you check it online." Zappa impatiently threw a sarcastic remark, "Mr. Hosami's sentiment education is very simple and clear. He directly said to the children: 'Listen to Frank Zappa!'"

"I've heard that too. But, in this case, does listening to Frank Zappa serve the purpose of moral education?" "Little Green, have you ever heard of Frank Zappa?" "No." Most of the overseas pop songs that Ikuko likes or the works of Japanese singers Yoshio likes are played in my car stereo.I'd love to hit Zappa viciously, you're the old hat who's never heard of anything but Frank Zappa.However, I'm afraid Zappa will be proud of it instead. "You can listen to the song 'Andy'. It's great!" "Is it great?"

"Although the title of the song is not very stylish, the content of the whole song is very complex and profound. Various melodies and tunes are gradually unfolded and intertwined. Maybe Frank Zappa did not intend this, but this song does fully show a person's life." It is impossible for a private car to understand a person's life, and Zappa must be using the owner's point of view to speculate and sell it now. "This song condenses the various states of the world that a person can experience in a lifetime. Sometimes it is noisy, sometimes magnificent, sometimes busy, sometimes leisurely. This is life. Then, it gradually approaches the end."

"Is it death?" "That's right. However, that person heard a voice calling his name before he died—'Andy!' This call contained infinite emotion, as if saying, 'This life is wonderful'!" This life is wonderful!For us, it should be that this life has been wonderful. "I see." I agreed with Zappa, anyway, he just copied Mr. Hosami's words, "But, what can elementary school students learn from listening to this kind of music?" I am still very concerned about this question. "They will understand that when people are alive, they will experience many things." Zappa said of course. "A lot of things." I remembered what the black Volkswagen I met at the scene of the tunnel accident not long ago said.His master, Kenjiro, once had a relationship with Araki Tsui.Kenjiro's wife has to accompany her son to class every day. She often says to herself in the car: "Life is hard." is not it. In life, there will always be one thing or another.Similarly, a car dealer has to walk one way or another in his life. "Frank Zappa's music is everything." "Everything?" "For example, there are people who died in a tunnel accident, and there are also people who filmed the scene of the accident and showed it to the world. By the way, it was a dynamic video of a car being engulfed in a raging fire. This person is really vicious. By the way, he also There is Mr. Sun." "Mr. Sun?" "The person who uploaded the video probably thought it was not good to show people being burned alive, so it is said that the people in the car were synthesized from the pictures of Mr. Taiyang." "Is it for children's sentiment education?" Indeed, the image of human beings being buried in a sea of ​​fire is too exciting for children. "However, Mr. Taiyang's picture was also burned to ashes." "It's really bad fun." "The photographer named Yutian must be the reporter." Zappa said firmly, "There is no one else who can record the scene of the accident except Yutian." "But, Zappa..." "what?" "Why do you have to tell me something that weighs on me at the end of the day?" Is this the feeling of the so-called overloaded truck? "Who made you talk about the heavy topic just now? This is my revenge."
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