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Chapter 22 Chapter Twenty Two

petrol life 伊坂幸太郎 1410Words 2018-03-15
"But, at the end of the day, these are just rumors, right?" Zappa said. "That's what the MINI cooper said." "Yes." I admitted, "but what if it actually happened in this tunnel accident? What's wrong with thinking like that?" "You mean, the paparazzi saved Araki Tsui?" "Paparazzi is not used in Japan. It is usually called a reporter or photographer. In this case, it is Kengo Tamada." "You mean, that Kengo Tamada, who was as annoying as a fly, helped Sui Araki escape?" "Yes, is there such a possibility?"

"If it's possible, anything is possible." "So, Zappa, are you in denial?" "Deny what?" "Deny my reasoning. I think that in this accident, Araki Sui and Niwa didn't die. Not only did they not die, but they were freed because of this, and they lived a happy and comfortable life ever since." "This is not reasoning at all, it is fantasy. First of all, what is Yutian Kengo's motive? Why did he go to such pains to help Araki Tsui and the others?" "Isn't it out of sympathy? MINI cooper also said that the paparazzi helped Princess Diana because they sympathized with her."

"Is Yutian this kind of person?" Zappa asked in surprise, "He used to drive baseball players to commit suicide because of the material." "Ah!" Zappa's words flashed across my mind like a flash of lightning. At this moment, I can only describe it as "so excited that the wipers are about to move".Even though the engine wasn't running and no one was operating it, I was so excited that the windshield wipers vibrated with excitement. "Zappa, this is it!" "Which one is it?" "I think that Yutian may feel deep remorse for the irreparable tragedy he once caused, and this sense of guilt has always made him very painful."

"So what?" "So he wants to help Araki Cui. Although doing so cannot atone for sin, he hopes to help Araki Cui escape from the attention of the world." "You mean, he wants to make up for his guilt towards the baseball player by helping Araki Tsui?" "Because the baseball player is dead." "But it's strange to do so, isn't it? Humans have a saying? Edo Qiu..." "Nagasaki News." "Right! Isn't it like going to a Honda store to buy a Toyota? Go to the wrong door." I ignored Zappa's words and was excited.Tamada Kengo may have used the car accident to help Araki Tsui and the others get their freedom.I began to wonder if this is the truth of the incident?

"Xiaolu, do you really believe that Yutian will help Araki Cui?" "Believe it or not, I can't say. But if it's true, wouldn't it be great?" "'If true...'?" The sarcasm in Zappa's words annoyed me. "When the truth is unknown, every possibility makes sense." "Maybe. But if that's what you say, then I have an important question to ask." "Important issues?" "It's a necessary part of making the little theater in your head a reality." "What is it?" "According to your thinking, in that tunnel accident, Araki Tsui didn't actually die, and Niwa also survived. The reporter Yutian didn't know what method he used to let them go, and even took photos of the accident to confuse the public."

"Yeah, he's doing it because he's always regretting what he did to drive a baseball player to a dead end," I said. "However, his efforts are completely in the wrong place, right? For example, it's like buying a Honda car..." "He went to the Toyota store, right? But maybe that's what Kengo Tamada thinks." "Okay, assuming it's all as you said." Zappa was a little impatient. “Everyone thinks that journalists lack conscience and are like pests, and this deep-rooted prejudice creates a cognitive blind spot. No one thinks that journalists will step in to help celebrities.”

"Well, you're right. Then there's the problem." "you say." "Who is the dead man in the car?" "what?" "If it wasn't Araki Cui and the others who died, then who was it?" "what!" "Right!" I am speechless.What's the state of the body in the car? Did Ikuko and Yoshio mention this?I can't remember. "Even if it's burnt to the point of being unrecognizable, there must be a corpse, right? Where did the corpse come from? It couldn't have been carried by Kengo Yutian!" "Hmm..." I moaned.

"Right? So your idea is not realistic at all." I was so disappointed that I couldn't help but sneered at Zappa: "You are always so realistic." "I call it down-to-earth. To be precise, it should be called down-to-earth."
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