Home Categories detective reasoning lovers first, devils after

Chapter 2 Chapter two

lovers first, devils after 弃城 5734Words 2018-03-15
It is abstract enough to describe to Shao Yuan, maybe he can make another oil painting.I walked into the clinic while laughing at myself. As soon as I entered the door, I felt a little different. There was a sense of spring in the air.I exclaimed, "My God, is the cycad tree blooming? Why is Lao Liang willing to turn on the warm air today!" Wen Yousheng said: "The logic of pessimism is that he won the lottery, the big prize, and he is going to emigrate overseas to have a good time. The rest of us will lose our jobs. The logic of optimism is that he won the lottery, five yuan, but he thinks this is a It’s a good omen, let’s celebrate the luck of the times.”

Wen Lai said: "The logic of humanitarianism is that he won the lottery and spent ten out of twenty yuan. After being disappointed, his conscience realized that he couldn't bear to turn us all into ice cream, so he had to work hard for him, right?" Hua Yuan said: "The logic of mysticism is that as soon as he won the lottery, his brain was invaded by alien creatures and he was not under the control of his id. It happened that he came from a planet with high temperature, so he put all the winnings into the electricity bill went." Liu Meng has been eager to try for a long time, and has not interrupted her. As soon as Hua Yuan finished speaking, he rushed to grab the slot, as if he had already prepared his lines, and said back like a cannonball: "The logic of realism is that the day before yesterday he really Bought a lottery ticket for 300 yuan but didn’t win a penny. Just yesterday, a family member of a client complained that our entrance was like a cold room. If so, people would not come. Lao Liang was afraid that there would be no rice for the Chinese New Year. Just let me know and immediately adjust it to thirty degrees."

We collectively cheered: "Long live the family!" Everyone laughed enough, and they all got down to work.Hua Yuan handed me a document and said, "I'm looking for you, make an appointment at ten o'clock." I raised my wrist and looked at my watch. Isn't it nine fifty-nine?Before I could kill him with my eyes, I hurriedly looked at the data sheet.As soon as I saw the items "Chu Minmin, female, twenty years old", the person who made the appointment came on time.I looked up, and among the two girls who came in, one was Su Xian. I stood up a little unexpectedly and said, "Why are you?"

Su Xian looked a little nervous, and said, "My sister has a problem, I hope you can help her." I told them to sit down in the reception room, asked Hua Yuan to take Chu Minmin into the psychology room, then poured a glass of water for Su Xian, and said, "Is she your relative?" Su Xian said, "Well, my sister." I said, "My younger sister? Then why is your surname Su and her surname Chu?" Su Xian frowned and said, "I'll tell you about this later. She has recently been binge eating, and frequently vomits. Later, my family found out that she vomited by herself. Every time she binge-eats, she goes to She picks her throat in the toilet, and eats again shortly after she vomits. We took her to the hospital, and the doctor said it was not a physical problem, and suggested psychological treatment, so I thought of you."

I asked Su Xian some more about Chu Minmin, and after consulting her, I decided to ask Chu Minmin alone first.When I walked into the psychological room, Chu Minmin was sitting on the chair and turning around. She stepped on the ground with her feet, and then turned the chair.Her expression looked a little impatient.But when she saw me coming in, she seemed to adjust herself quickly, and immediately changed into a positive and expectant look. Chu Minmin and I sat down face to face, and I sized her up.She was pretty, and her make-up was exquisite, obviously done with care.She dresses very avant-garde, and the style of her clothes is a mix-and-match type.It can be seen that she is very good at dressing.But if you are someone who doesn't know much about clothing trends, you may think that she is dressed a little strangely at first glance.But anyway, her outfit is enough to attract the eyes of anyone who knows and doesn't.

She made good eye contact and even pandered to me when I made eye contact with hers.She is 1.7 meters tall and weighs 50 kilograms.According to the standard proportions, she is thin, but in fact she looks like a perfect figure, which belongs to the kind of drooling in men and gnashing of teeth in women.According to her data sheet, Chu Minmin and her family members have no history of mental illness, and she herself has no record of drug abuse or drug abuse. What I didn't expect was that she started the conversation between us first. I just said "Hello, my name is Xia Weichen".Chu Minmin seemed to be ready to say:

"I'm not satisfied with my figure, I'm too fat, they look at me like a baby elephant, I can't stand that kind of malicious stare. Dieting and calorie control, but nothing worked. So I figured I'd just vomit to clear the shit out of my body, and I'd lose weight." I was a little surprised, adjusted my thinking, and said: "How many kilograms did you weigh when you were at your highest?" Chu Minmin said: "A few years ago, it weighed 60 kilograms. It's disgusting." I said, "According to your height, that's only slightly overweight, which can be ignored. Let's take it easy and do a little experiment. You have a full-length mirror behind you, and you are willing to stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself, and then put you Can you describe it to me?"

Chu Minmin didn't hesitate, got up and stood in front of the mirror very cooperatively, turned her body twice, looked at herself in the mirror and said: "I'm too fat, look, my waist is like a swimming ring, and my thighs, A lot of meat. The calves are not long enough. It would be great if they could be longer. I don’t look good in boots.” Based on my preliminary understanding of Chu Minmin, I think she may have an eating disorder, and it is not certain whether she has purging bulimia nervosa.So, I decided to use an unstructured interview with two questionnaires to evaluate her.

When Chu Minmin answered the questionnaire, she looked very fresh, which was different from the performance of many clients.Most of the people who were asked to answer the questionnaire were more or less somewhat resistant, but Chu Minmin was very active, laughing from time to time, and even said to himself that this question was very interesting and so on. The results of the two questionnaires I asked her to fill out showed that she was dissatisfied with her figure, and her ideal weight was thirty-five kilograms.I imagined that with her height, that kind of weight should be about the same as a skeleton, or at least a stickman or a carrot head.Her weight loss drive and bulimia subscales were normal, and she was comfortable looking in the mirror and judging herself, so none of this suggests she has bulimia nervosa.

But there were several noteworthy scores, and these scores indicated that she had severe depression, moderate to severe feelings of insecurity, worthlessness, and emptiness. During the conversation with Chu Minmin, I also obtained some information about her family background.Her parents used to run a big business, so even though their business has suffered serious losses in recent years, her family still has a high-quality material living standard.Su Xian is her biological sister, two years older than her, and Chu Minmin follows her mother's surname.She is currently unemployed, and just plays every day. She has a lot of friends, but they are very unstable. Most of them are the kind who get together and leave quickly, so she complains that she has no friends.

The time was almost up, and I still couldn't judge Chu Minmin's question accurately, so I made an appointment with her for the next interview.Chu Minmin seemed very happy and readily agreed, which was different from many people who were treated.Before going out, she said to me: "Your name is Xia Weichen, isn't it?" I nodded and said yes. She said: "I like your name. I also like chatting with you. You know, your eyes are very focused and you keep looking at me seriously. I like it very much!" Job Requirements for Psychologists.She let out a thoughtful "uh" after listening. When I walked out of the psychology room, Su Xian immediately greeted me and nervously asked me how I was doing.I asked Huayuan to take Chu Minmin to do the closing signing first, and after they left, I deliberately teased Su Xian, saying: "There are a lot of questions...how about you give me another hourglass? I'll tell you the truth. " Su Xian stomped his feet and said, "Oh, don't make trouble, can't I treat you to dinner? Is my sister okay?" I giggled a few times and said, "Hot pot, fat cow." There are always people waiting at the gate of Tianfu Chuanwei Hot Pot.Before I came here to eat, I thought it was a sales office of a real estate company, because the plastic stools at the entrance were always full of people, everyone was holding a number plate, with a determined look on their faces, as if they were in It's like eating without paying.But the Quagua hot pot next door has very few customers. Sometimes not only the waiters, but even their manager personally go out to intercept the robbery at the door, and the customers just don't enter. I used to be very angry and despised those guests who would rather wait for a seat in the cold wind, passed through them with an otherworldly attitude, and walked into the croak with my head held high.At that time, their manager was a little teary when he saw my actions, so I was surrounded by more than a dozen waiters and entered the store like a star.After eating a meal, I completely defined the diners in Tianfu as a lowly family, thinking that they are not bad at calling people, people nowadays are crazy. Later, there was a time when Lao Liang had a housewarming treat, and he booked a seat in Tianfu in advance, and I ate with disdain.But before the wine passed half a round, I fell into a trap.From that day on, I willingly joined the lowly family, and it was so cheap that it was so cheap that I didn't eat it for a few days, and I was a little dreamy, and I felt uncomfortable everywhere in my body.So there was another big fan on the plastic stool at the gate of Tianfu. I was indifferent to the firm-eyed, croaking manager sitting on the ground croaking and crying. After listening to my narration, Su Xian hugged his shoulders tremblingly, looked at me with infinite resentment, and sighed: "I thought that people in your industry are very psychologically qualified, and they don't eat the fireworks of the world. Unexpectedly, they are also ordinary people." I glanced into the store and said nonchalantly: "The doctor also has diarrhea after eating crotons. This is not something that can be solved by psychological elements. Oh my fat cow..." Seeing my appearance, Su Xian couldn't laugh or cry, and said angrily: "Look at your worthless appearance, I'll serve you thirty plates in a while, and you'll feel like throwing up when you hear the word "ox" for the rest of your life, hum." I excitedly said: "That's good to dare!" The two of us were talking with our heads down, when we suddenly heard someone above our heads say: "Hey, it looks like you're freezing like a chicken with its neck shrunk, what's the matter?" I heard the voice familiar, and when I looked up, it was Shao Yuan. Before I could respond, Shao Yuan said again: "Just now I accidentally saw someone outside the door looking at the seat, so I just looked like you. It's really your fault. Don't hold back, go in and eat together. Well, there are just three of us, and we have booked a private room, which is very generous... Hey, who is this?" I jumped up and stood up, grabbed Su Xian's arm and said, "You're lucky, you saved money!" After I finished speaking, I ignored Shao Yuan, and dragged Su Xian straight in. Shao Yuan chased after him and shouted: "Is there anyone like you? Haven't introduced yet! Hey, hey! Hey! Let me tell you, Miao Yutong is also in there." Hearing this sentence, I suddenly stopped, and turned to ask him, "When did she come back?" Shao Yuan took a few steps closer and said: "It doesn't seem long since I came back, and I just met her. It is said that she went to work as the marketing manager of a newly established cultural media company. Their boss is very literary and wants to make everyone in the company There is a mural painted on the wall of the room, so she brought someone to find me." Only then did Su Xian break free from my hand, lowered his voice and said, "Hey, why did you die when you saw the food, it made me so embarrassed..." I hurriedly adjusted myself, and said with a pretentious chuckle: "Let me introduce, this is Shao Yuan, my good friend. He grew up with peeing. Maybe because he peed more artistically, he later studied art." I’m going, I’m urinating more stream-of-consciousness, so I’m studying psychology. This beautiful and beautiful girl is Su Xian, my client’s sister. I haven’t asked what she does. As for the style of urination, what does it belong to? The type, naturally I don’t know..." Before I finished speaking, I was punched on the left and right arms at the same time. Shao Yuan's expression was fierce, and Su Xian was ashamed. According to Su Xian's later memories, she said that was the only time I lost my composure after she got to know me, and the loss was so inappropriate, it didn't seem like a mistake I would make at all.But in fact, the moment I finished speaking, I realized it.That was the second time Su Xian and I met. It seemed like a cynical joke, but it seemed so flustered, so obviously trying to cover up some kind of inner upheaval.I am very grateful to Su Xian, she is also sensitive and subtle, insightful quickly and tolerant, because she did not show any displeasure at that time. In her recalling eyes, I secretly heard myself sigh. That is our river and rice fields, sunset and morning mist, innocence and ignorance, just like the faint light of fireflies, floating softly in the valley of memory.They are hidden beings.It's like a kind of internal organs, you can't see any outlines, but they are actually working.Pain is only known when one is sick. Miao Yutong is my secret. When they were teenagers, Shao Yuan and Miao Yutong both lived in the family compound of the Institute of Optics and Mechanics. My house is not far from them, so the three children naturally became partners.Shao Yuan and I are both the kind of taciturn children, but Miao Yutong is the opposite. She is always full of energy, like a chirping sparrow, as if she doesn't know how to walk without jumping. The place where we live belongs to the outskirts of the city. The place where the urban and rural areas are combined still retains a relatively strong agricultural color. Not far from the woods, there are endless rice fields.Naturally, there became a paradise for our games.Primitive and land make our youth rest, but it cannot afford growth and change. When we were seventeen, we all changed a little bit.At the age when we first fell in love, Shao Yuan and I both secretly liked Miao Yutong.And the beautiful she has already become a well-known flower figure in the school, with countless suitors.Maybe it's because girls mature earlier, when she was in the third year of high school, she had already changed more than a dozen boyfriends.Faced with this situation, Shao Yuan and I both chose a carefree attitude, lurking beside her in the name of friendship, and no one dared to tell the truth. I remember that it was a light night full of stars, maybe the childlike innocence was still there, the three of us played a game of hide and seek.Miao Yutong looked for it, and Shao Yuanzang and I.This is my advantage, I seem to be born with the ability to hide, I skillfully blend myself with the bushes, and keep absolutely still, even my breathing is weak.At that time, I almost considered myself a plant. I hid for about twenty minutes, but no one found me.Just when I was secretly complacent, I suddenly heard footsteps and voices. It seemed that Shao Yuan had failed.Because I heard Miao Yutong say: "Xia Weichen didn't come home, did he? I've looked for all the places I need to look for?" Shao Yuan snorted and said: "No, it won't..." His voice was as small as a mosquito, which has always been the typical characteristic of the juvenile version of Shao Yuan—introverted and timid. Miao Yutong said a little impatiently: "Forget it, I won't look for it anymore. I have never found him since I was a child playing hide-and-seek. Xia Weichen——come out, I give up." After speaking, she shouted .I chuckled secretly, but didn't dare to make a sound, because through the gaps in the leaves, I could see their legs. They were too close, and I had to hide. Miao Yutong called me a few more times, but seeing that there was still no movement, she simply sat down on the floor.Shao Yuan also sat down next to her, and said: "He, he must not have left..." Miao Yutong said: "Damn thing, wait for him to escape by himself in a while, I can't spare him." I still didn't move. After being silent for a while, Miao Yutong suddenly asked: "Hey, Shao Yuan, I heard that you like your tablemate Chen Mengmeng?" Shao Yuan became anxious all of a sudden, and argued, "Where, where, where? I, I don't." Miao Yutong giggled and said, "If you still say no, then why are you nervous?" Since I was sitting down, I could already see their faces.Under the bright white moonlight, I saw Shao Yuan blushing, and he said narrowly: "I, I like others." Miao Yutong said in surprise, "Oh? Who is it? Do I know you? Which class? Is it better than me?" Shao Yuan said: "Yes, as good-looking as you." Miao Yutong laughed for a while after hearing this, and said, "Don't be ridiculous, there are no such girls in our school." Shao Yuan didn't say a word anymore, his face blushed even more, his head was almost buried in the ground.Miao Yutong deliberately followed his gaze, and said provocatively: "Hey, who is it? Why don't you dare to look at me? Huh? Talk? It can't be me? Haha." Yuan suddenly raised his head, as if he had been stripped naked, stared at her fixedly, dumbfounded.Miao Yutong suddenly understood, and the two fell into an embarrassing silence. After a while, Miao Yutong said: "Actually, I know. I also know that Xia Weichen is just like you." Hearing this sentence, I, who was hiding close at hand, was shocked in my heart. However, at this moment, I suddenly saw Miao Yutong turn his head, stretch out his hand to grab Shao Yuan's neck, and kissed him on the lips. Shao Yuan was frightened by her sudden action, and shouted in panic: "Miao, Miao Miao, what's wrong with you..." Miao Yutong closed her eyes slightly, followed Shao Yuan's lips, and said, "Don't you like me? Why don't you tell me if you like it, why don't you dare to kiss me if you like it, why are you hiding if you like you..." The sky and the earth spun at that moment, and this scene was like a raging fire, igniting me with a bang. I stood up suddenly. Miao Yutong was a little surprised when she saw me. The hot pot is gurgling and boiling, vegetables and meat slices are neatly lying on the plate, waiting to be scalded.Although I was mentally prepared before coming in, the moment I met her eyes, I was still in a daze.I haven't seen her for almost ten years, and Miao Yutong has become even more beautiful.She had a short haircut that was neatly trimmed, and her skin was so smooth that there were almost no blemishes, as if time hadn't modified her in any way. It's a pity that I'm not the director of life, so I don't know the next second of the plot, just like I didn't expect what Miao Yutong would say.This unannounced and arranged meeting did not seem to cause her much emotional fluctuation or change.Like me, she was in a trance for a moment, but it was so brief that she was smiling almost within seconds. She said: "Xia Weichen, I have already said that purple clothes are not suitable for you."
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