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Chapter 44 Forty-three, the guidance of the soul

"Please explain in more detail, in more detail." Zhu Hu's voice was hoarse, and he urged anxiously. "From my father's generation, my family has been the retainers of the Higuchi family. Until seven years ago, I couldn't stand the behavior of Mr. Hunchback, so I quit my job. I am just 60 years old this year, and I have witnessed the turmoil of the Higuchi family. Fifty years. I'll tell you in order, and listen carefully." So while recalling, Lao De recounted the history of the Higuchi family—that is, the current Moto House—for fifty years, but a little detailed description would be too lengthy, so I wrote it into a clear summary and listed it below .

In the Keio period——Manhei, the previous head of the Higuchi family, raped an ugly and disabled maid and gave birth to Kaiji.Hai Er, a hunchback child, was uglier than his mother in appearance. Wan Bingwei couldn't bear it, so he expelled mother and child from the house.The mother and son hide in the mountains of this island, living a life like a beast.Mother cursed this cruel world, cursed the indifferent people, and finally died in the mountains. In the tenth year of Meiji - Haruo, the son of Manbei's wife, married Kotohira Umeno, a girl from the opposite bank. The twelfth year of Meiji - Haruo and Umeno went to the Spring Dynasty.Soon, Chunxiong died of illness.

In the 20th year of the Meiji era—Kaiji changed his name to Jogoro Motodo, returned to the island, and entered the Higuchi family.Spotted on Umeno's female style, with limited power, she can do whatever she wants.Not only that, but he also did something against ethics, begging Umeno for pleasure, so Umeno fled back to her mother's house with Haruyo. Twenty-three years of Meiji—Jogoro, who was broken in love, cursed the world, found an ugly female prostitute, and married her. In the twenty-fifth year of Meiji——Jogoro and his wife gave birth to a son, unfortunately also a stoop, but Jogoro was very happy.In the same year, he abducted the newborn Daoxiong from somewhere.

Thirty-three years of Meiji—Chundai, the daughter of Umeno who returned to her natal family (haruxiong's own daughter, the orthodox heir of the Higuchi family), married a young man from the same village. The thirty-eighth year of Meiji—the spring generation gave birth to the eldest daughter, the first generation.She is the later Kisaki first generation, my girlfriend Kisaki first generation who was killed by Jogoro. Forty years of Meiji——Chundai gave birth to the next female green.In the same year, Chundai's husband passed away, and her natal family also died. She had no one to rely on, so she could only rely on her mother to go to Iwaya Island and live in Jogoro's home.She was deceived by Zhang Goro's sweet words.At the beginning of this story, the first generation said that she used to take care of the baby at the desolate seaside, which happened during this time, and the baby was the second daughter of Harudai.

Forty-one years of Meiji - Jogoro's ambitions are finally clear at a glance.He wants Haruyo to replace Umeno to console himself for a rejected relationship.Haruka finally couldn't take it anymore, and took the first generation to flee Iwaya Island one day in the dark.At that time, the second daughter Lu was snatched by Zhang Goro. Spring generation wandered to Osaka, unable to make ends meet, and finally abandoned the first generation.The first generation was picked up by the Kisaki couple. Above, this brief history is listed by the fact that Lao De witnessed the changes of the Higuchi family and my imagination.According to this history, I know that the first lady is the orthodox heir of the Higuchi family, and Jogoro is just the child of the maid.If there is any treasure really buried in this underground, it is obvious that it belongs to the deceased First Lady.

As for Michio Moto's biological parents, unfortunately, we don't have a clue.The only one who knows the truth is Jogoro. "Ah, it's like being born again. Since this is the case, no matter what happens, I will go back to the sun and force Jogoro to tell where my biological parents are." Dao Xiong immediately perked up. As for me, I was looking forward to it because of some incredible premonition.I have to ask Lao De about this. "Ms. Chundai has two daughters, right? First generation and Xiaolu. You said that her younger sister, Xiaolu, was snatched by Jogoro when Ms. Harudai escaped from the island. Counting her age, Xiaolu is exactly seventeen years old this year. What happened to Xiaolu? Is she still alive?"

"Ah, I forgot to mention this." Lao De replied, "She is still alive, but the pity is that she is only alive, but she doesn't live like a normal person. She was tortured into a conjoined twin and disabled." "Oh, is she Axiu?" "Yes, Miss Lu is the current Axiu." What an incredible karma.I actually fell in love with the first lady's own sister.Will the first-generation lady resent my change of heart under Jiuquan?Or is this romance also the blessing of the spirit of the first lady in heaven, who led me to this isolated island, allowed me to see Axiu by the warehouse window, and made me fall in love with her at first sight?Ahh, I have a strong feeling - and it is.If the first lady has such a powerful power in the spirit of the sky, maybe our treasure hunt can also be successful.Then, maybe we can escape this underground labyrinth and meet Axiu again.

"Miss First, Miss First, please protect us." I prayed to the nostalgic face in my heart.
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