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Chapter 40 Thirty-nine, despair

So, following Zhuhu's suggestion, we groped the right wall and walked forward. After walking to the end, we touched the wall on the other side and turned back. No matter where we went, we didn't let go of our right hands and walked forward.This is the last and only way we have left to escape the maze. Except for calling each other occasionally to avoid getting lost, we just walked silently along the endless darkness.We are tired and hungry, hungry and flustered, and this is another journey with no end in sight.As I walked (in the dark, it felt like walking in place), I fell into a half-asleep state at every turn.On the field in spring, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, making the field look like a flower basket full of flowers.There were white clouds floating in the sky, and the larks were singing very loudly, one after another.A vivid figure suddenly appeared on the other side of the horizon, picking flowers. It was the late first-generation lady, Axiu, one of the conjoined twins.Next to Axiu is no longer the annoying Aji, but a normal and beautiful girl.

For people who are dying, hallucinations are a kind of safety valve, right?Because of hallucinations, the pain was blocked, and my nerves were able to survive.The desperation of being taken from someone's life is tempered.But the recurring images of this fantasy meant that I was within a hair's breadth of dying. I don't know how long I walked, how far I walked.Because the hand couldn't stop groping, the fingertips of the right hand were almost worn out by the wall.My feet moved forward mechanically, and I felt that I didn't have any strength to move forward automatically.I even doubt that if I want to stop my feet, will it really stop at my command?

I'm afraid we walked all day.Maybe I walked for two or three days in a row.Whenever I stumbled or fell, I would just lie down and fall asleep, but I would be woken up again by various households and continue to practice asceticism. But in the end, even Zhuhu was exhausted.He suddenly yelled: "Don't go anymore!" He squatted down on the spot. "We're finally going to die, aren't we?" I can't wait to ask. "Well, yes." Zhuhu replied very naturally, "Thinking about it, we can't get out no matter how we go. We have already circled for more than five miles. No matter how long the underground passage is, it is impossible to have such a It's a nonsense. There's a reason for it. I've finally figured it out. What a fool I am!"

He was panting violently, his voice mournful like that of a dying patient. "Not long after I started, I focused on my fingertips and memorized the shape of the rock wall. I couldn't remember every detail clearly, maybe I made a mistake, but I always felt that every hour, Touching the rock face with the exact same bump. That means we've been circling the same path for quite some time now." I feel like everything doesn't matter anymore.Although I heard Zhuhu's words, I didn't think deeply about the meaning.However, Zhuhu repeatedly emphasized as if leaving a last word.

"I didn't expect that this could be an endless and complicated maze. The paths inside are all circular. I was so stupid. This is equivalent to having independent islands in the maze. If it is represented by a rope circle, it is a huge bump In the uneven circle, there are also small circles. So, if we start from the wall on this small circle, even though the wall is uneven, we still cannot reach the end, and we just circle around the outer side of the outlying island. Then as long as Let go of the wall on the right, touch the wall on the left with your left hand and walk along the left, but there may not be only one independent island. If we touch the wall of another outlying island, then we can only go endlessly round and round."

What happened at that time was recorded in words, which seemed to be very organized, but Zhuhu was talking like a dream while thinking about it at the time. . "Theoretically, we have a 1% chance of escaping safely. As long as we are lucky enough to hit the outermost large coil. But we have no patience, and we can't even take a step. I am completely desperate Now, you will die with me." "Well, die. It's best that way." I was drowsy, and with the feeling of giving up everything, I slowly replied. "Die, die." Zhuhu also repeated the ominous words, so like an anesthetic taking effect in his body, his speech gradually became slurred, and then he fell limply beside me.

However, the vigorous vitality did not give up on us because of this little thing, and we fell asleep.After entering the cave, we didn't even sleep at all. The exhaustion and despair that swept us overwhelmed us in one breath.
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