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Chapter 34 Thirty-three, the vertices of the triangle

The cripples are very docile, we ask Axiu and Aji to take care of them.Although Aji has a bad personality, he is still willing to obey the orders of the households who set him free. Relying on Axiu's gestures, we conveyed Zhuhu's orders to the dumb Mrs. Anian.Anian's wife's task is to prepare three meals a day for Zhang Goro and his wife and the disabled in the earthen warehouse.Zhuhu repeatedly emphasized that the door of the soil warehouse should never be opened, and the three meals should be brought in through the windows of the courtyard.She was not convinced by the brutal Zhang Wulang couple, but feared and hated, so after hearing the reason, she stopped resisting.

The households dealt with chores neatly, and by the afternoon, the commotion was over.There were only three servants in the mansion, and they were all out, so we won the game without breaking a sweat.Zhang Goro thought that I was no longer alive, let alone that Daoxiong in the earthen warehouse would make such an act of resistance to his parents, so he was negligent for a while and sent all the important guards out.Zhuhu's unexpected and decisive actions made the action very beautiful. What are the three footmen doing?Why can't you come back for five or six days?For some reason, no matter how hard I asked, Zhuhu refused to give a clear answer.He simply said, "It will take more than five or six days to complete the work, for reasons I know very well. There will be nothing wrong with it, don't worry."

In the afternoon of this day, we went to the black hat rock together to continue the treasure hunt. "I don't want to come to this disgusting island again. Having said that, if you escape like this, it is tantamount to leaving funds for those people to do evil. If there is really a treasure hidden here, I want to rely on our strength Find it. In this way, the mother of the first lady in Tokyo can live a good life, and many disabled people can be reborn. For me, this is the most basic atonement. I will rush to find the treasure, just out of This kind of mentality. Logically speaking, I should expose this matter to the world and hand him over to the police, but I can't do it. Because that would be tantamount to sending my father to the guillotine."

On the way to Black Hat Rock, Zhuhu said in an excuse. "I understand. I understand very well that there is no other way." This is my sincere thought.After a while, I shifted the conversation to my current treasure hunt. "Compared with the treasure itself, unlocking the code and finding the treasure are more interesting to me. But I don't know very well yet. Have you completely unlocked the code?" "I don't know if I don't actually try it, but I think it seems to have solved it all. You should have a general understanding of my thoughts, right?"

"That's right. The 'God and Buddha meet' in the mantra refers to the overlapping of the torii shadow of the black hat rock and the stone Jizo. I only know so much." "Then don't you understand?" "But 'shatter the Sunda ghost' I'm completely lost." "The so-called Sunda ghosts, of course, refer to the ghost tiles of Tuzang. Didn't you tell me that?" "Then, if you break that ghost tile, there will be treasures hidden inside. It can't be like this, right?" "The meaning is similar to the explanation of Torii and Ishijizo. In other words, it is not the oni tile itself, but the shadow of the oni tile. If it is not like this, the first sentence is meaningless. Jogoro also thought it was referring to the oni tile itself, I climbed to the roof and took it down. I saw him break the ghost tile by the window of the warehouse. Of course, there was nothing inside. But because of this attempt, I got a clue to unlock the code."

Hearing Zhuhu's words, I felt like I was being laughed at, and I couldn't help but blushed in anxiety. "I'm so stupid, why didn't I notice this. Then, when the shadow of Torii overlaps with Ishijizo, just look for the shadow where the Oniwa is projected, right?" I remembered that Zhuhu asked me about the time, so I analyzed it like this. "Maybe not, but I think that's how it should be." During the long journey, except for this conversation, most of the time we walked forward in silence.Zhuhu seemed to be in a bad mood, so I didn't dare to ask more questions.He must be blaming himself for imprisoning his father, which violates human ethics.Although he doesn't call his father his father, but directly calls him Jogoro, but when he thinks that Jogoro is indeed his father... no wonder he feels so depressed.

When we arrived at the destination coast, it was still early, and the torii shadow of Black Hat Rock had just reached the edge of the cliff. We wind up our watches and wait for the appointed time. We chose a shady place to sit down. It was a rare windless day, and it was so hot that people were sweating from their backs and chests. Although invisible to the naked eye, the shadow of the torii crawled across the ground at an unrecognizable speed, moving bit by bit towards the hillock. But just when it was only a few distances away from Shijizang, I suddenly noticed something and couldn't help but look at Zhuhu.So Zhuhu seemed to think of the same thing, showing a strange expression.

"According to this situation, wouldn't the shadow of the torii not match the shadow of Ishijizo?" "It's two or three rooms away," Zhuhu said disappointedly, "Did I make a mistake in my analysis?" "When I wrote that code, there may be other things related to gods and Buddhas. In fact, there are also relics of Ishijizo in other places along the coast." "But the side that casts the shadow should be at a high place. There are no such high rocks on other coasts, and there is no place similar to the remains of a shrine on the mountain in the center of the island. I always think that the 'god' refers to this torii." Moto Don't give up.

In the midst of this, the shadow moved forward quickly, almost reaching the height of Jizo's shoulders.If you take a closer look, the shadow of the torii projected on the hillside is about two rooms away from Ishijizo. Zhu Hu stared straight at the shadow, not knowing what to think, and suddenly laughed. "It's ridiculous. Even children understand this. We are so stupid." Halfway through the sentence, he laughed again, "The days are long in summer and short in winter. I asked why? Hahaha, because the sun The position relative to the earth has changed. In other words-to be correct, the position where the shadow lands is different every day. There are only two times a year when the shadow lands in the same position, that is, on the two days of the summer solstice and the winter solstice. Occurs once when the sun is approaching the equator and once when it is leaving the equator, right? That goes without saying."

"I see. We're really stupid. Then, the chance of treasure hunting is only twice a year?" "That's probably what the treasure hunter thinks. He mistakenly thinks this is a clever way to make the treasure difficult to find. But if this torii and stone jizo are really signs of treasure hunting, then there is no need to wait for the shadows to actually overlap. , there are many ways to solve the riddle." "Just draw a triangle, with the shadow of the torii gate and Ishijizo as the two points of the triangle." "That's right. Then calculate the angle formed between the torii's shadow and Ishijizo, and use it as one of the bottom corners. When estimating the Oniwa's shadow, just find another place that forms the same angle."

Since the purpose is treasure hunting, this small discovery that helps us get close to the treasure makes us jump for joy.When the shadow of the torii cast on Ishijizo, my watch pointed at exactly 5:25, and I wrote down the time in my notepad. Then we climbed down the cliff, climbed over the rock, and went through a lot of hardships to measure the distance between the torii and Ishijizo, and to correctly check the gap between the torii's shadow and Ishijizo. Based on these three data The thumbnails of the triangles drawn are recorded in Notepad.Next, as long as tomorrow at 5:25 pm, determine where the shadow of the roof of the earthen warehouse of the various households is projected, and then use the angles surveyed today to calculate the error, you can find the location of the treasure. But, readers, we haven't quite unlocked that spell yet.At the end of the mantra, there is a strange sentence "Don't get lost at the intersection of six roads".What does the six-way intersection refer to?Is there such a hellish maze waiting for us ahead of us?
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