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Chapter 27 Twenty-six, the mansion of various households

When I got closer, I saw that the mansions of various households were frighteningly desolate.The ruined earthen walls and decayed wooden doors allow almost free entry and exit without hindrance, and even the backyard can be seen at a glance.The strange thing is that the entire yard seems to have been dug up. Several lonely trees in the yard fell to the ground in disorder, and some were uprooted.This makes the whole house look more dilapidated than it really is. We stood in front of the porch, the door was open, and we looked like an unknown monster with a big black mouth, calling for a long time, but there was no response.However, just after a thousand calls, a faltering old woman finally walked out of it.

Partly because of the dim light at dusk, but since I was born, I have never seen such an ugly old woman.The old woman was short and very fat, even her skin and flesh were drooping, her hunchback was severe, and a tumor like a hill protruded from her back.Her red-black face is covered with wrinkles, her two eyes look like bulging frog eyes, her lips seem to be crooked, and the two rows of long, yellow, and uneven teeth are all exposed, and there seems to be no half of the upper row. Teeth, once the mouth is closed, the whole face is like a closed lantern. "Who is it?" The old woman looked at us from the door and said impatiently:

"It's me, Michio." Zhuhu poked his face out, the old woman stared straight at him, and soon recognized Zhuhu, and uttered a strange cry in surprise: "Oh, Dao? You're back. I thought you'd never come back. Who is that next to you?" "This is my friend. I haven't been home for a long time. I wanted to come back and visit, so I came back from far away Tokyo with my friends. Where is Mr. Jogoro?" "Oh, Mr. Zhang Wulang, isn't that your father? It's called father." It turned out that this ugly old woman was Zhuhu's mother.

I listened to the conversation between the two, and I was very puzzled that Zhuhu actually called his father Zhang Wulang, but then something even more incredible happened!That is, "Abba" as the old woman said.I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but I feel that her tone of voice is very similar to the acrobatic boy Tomoyuki who mentioned "Abba" before his death. "Your dad is here. But he's not in a good mood right now, so you have to be careful. Hey, don't stick around here, come in." We turned several turns in a dark, musty hallway and were ushered into a spacious room.Although the outside looks dilapidated, the inside is quite tidy.Even so, I still can't get rid of the impression of walking into the ruins.

This room faces the courtyard, and you can see the spacious backyard in the twilight, as well as the ash-peeling walls of the earthen warehouse, but the courtyard has been dug in a mess, which is shocking. After a while, there was a creepy breath from the door of the room, and Zhuhu's father, the strange old man, suddenly appeared.Like a black shadow, he moved slowly in the room already covered in darkness, with his back facing the huge alcove, he sat down gently, and immediately reprimanded him: "Adao, why are you back?" Then my mother came in, took out the running lamp from the corner of the room, and placed it between the old man and us. After lighting the lamp, the strange old man's face became clear in the reddish-brown light. He was as sinister and ugly as an owl.She is hunchbacked and short like her mother, but her face is big and wrinkled, like a bridal spider lying on her face with her hands and feet spread out, and the hare lip split from the center makes her ugly. Once you see it, you will never forget it.

"I want to come back and have a look." Zhuhu's answer was the same as what he had just told his mother, and he turned around and introduced me who was standing beside him. "Hmph, then you broke the agreement." "That's not exactly the case. I really want to ask you something." "That's it. Actually, I also have something to tell you. Hey, well, you can stay here for a few days. To be honest, I have always wanted to see what you look like when you grow up." With my writing skills, I really can't describe the atmosphere at that time, but the meeting between father and son after more than ten years is roughly like this situation, which is extremely weird.Not only the body, but also the spirit of the old man is not very normal, whether it is language or actions, even the feelings for the child, it seems to be completely different from ordinary people.

Even so, the incredible father and son still chatted intermittently for an hour or so in this weird state.What I clearly remember are the following two paragraphs of questions and answers: "Have you traveled recently?" Zhuhu seized this opportunity and raised this question. "No, I didn't go anywhere. Right, Gao?" The old man turned to his mother beside him, wondering if I was careless, but the old man's eyes seemed to have a special meaning at that time, shining brightly. "I met someone who looked exactly like you in Tokyo. So I thought maybe you went to Tokyo alone without notifying me."

"Nonsense. I'm so old, and my hands and feet are so inconvenient. How could I go to Tokyo?" But I never missed this subtle change. When the old man said this, his eyes were slightly congested, and his forehead seemed to be covered with a layer of gray shadow.Zhuhu didn't ask any further questions and changed the subject.A moment later, though, another important question arises: "Did something happen at home, do you want to turn over the ground in the yard?" Zhuhu suddenly threw out this question, and the father seemed to be unable to find a suitable answer for a while, so he was silent for a while.

"It's nothing, this one, Ah Gao, right? That bastard Ah Liu did it. You also know that there are many poor people with inconvenient hands and feet in the family, and there is a lunatic named Ah Liu in it. That Ah Liu doesn't know what to do. The yard has been turned into such a virtue. But he is a madman, and it is useless to scold him." The old man replied, I think this is a nonsense excuse. That night, we were put in the same room, lying on two beds side by side.Because of the excitement, it was difficult for both of them to fall asleep.Having said that, they can't talk casually, they can only stare at each other, silent all the way, it's late at night, the surroundings are silent, somewhere in the huge house, there are intermittent rustling noises.

"Wooooow." It was a thin, high moan.I thought someone was screaming in a nightmare, but the noise kept going on and on, making it confusing. I exchanged glances with Zhuhu in the dim light of lanterns and listened attentively, and suddenly thought of the poor pair of conjoined twins who were locked in the earthen warehouse.Then I thought that the groan might be the scream of the conjoined man and woman struggling, and I couldn't help but get terrified. At dawn, I fell asleep in a daze, and woke up suddenly after a while. When I looked around, I couldn’t see the people on the next bed. I thought I had overslept, so I hurriedly got up and went to the corridor to ask about the location of the bathroom.

Unfamiliar with the environment, I wandered around the huge house at a loss, but my mother A Gao suddenly ran out from the corner of the corridor and stood in front of me, as if trying to block my way.The suspicious, handicapped old woman seemed to suspect that I was prowling around.But after I asked about the location of the bathroom, she finally showed a relieved look, said "Oh, the bathroom", walked through the back door, and led me to the well. After washing my face, I remembered the groaning last night again, and at the same time thought of the conjoined twins in the earthen warehouse, and suddenly wanted to look at the window outside the wall that Mr. Miyamaki was looking up at.If you're lucky, you might spot a conjoined twin staring out the window. I pretended to be taking a morning walk like this, slipped out of the house as if nothing had happened, and walked around along the earthen wall to the back.Outside is a rugged road with many big stones, except for weeds, there are no decent trees, it is like a scorched plain.However, when I walked through the main entrance and walked towards the back entrance of the soil warehouse, I saw a circular land like a desert oasis.I separated the branches and leaves, and there seemed to be an ancient well in the center, surrounded by mossy stone well rails.Although it is no longer in use now, compared to the deserted mansion on this desolate island, this well is really too expensive.The Motodo mansion was probably renovated and built on top of a once majestic mansion. Regardless of this, it didn't take long before I came under the earthen warehouse.Of course, there is an earth wall in the middle, but the earth wall is built close to the earth warehouse, and the warehouse can be viewed from a close distance even from outside the wall.As I expected, there was a small window facing the back on the second floor of the soil warehouse.Even the fact that it is embedded with iron bars is as recorded in the diary.My heart jumped for joy, I craned my neck to look at the window, and waited patiently.The mottled and exposed white walls reflected the radiance of the rising sun, and the fragrance of the sea entered my nostrils.Everything feels so clear, it is really unimaginable that such a monster will live in this earthen warehouse. But, I saw it.I looked away from the sea for a while, and turned aside inadvertently. I don’t know when, behind the iron bars of the window, two heads appeared side by side, and four hands were holding on to the iron bars. One face was dark and blue, an ugly man with high cheekbones, and the other, although pale, was the face of a young woman with fine texture and fair complexion. The girl's eyes were wide open, and her curious eyes met my surprised eyes unexpectedly. She looked ashamed to face the world, showing an unbelievably shy expression, and shrank her head back in embarrassment. . At the same time, what the hell is going on here, I actually blushed and couldn't help looking away.I was so ignorant that I was actually moved by the strange beauty of the girl among the conjoined twins. This was completely unexpected.
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