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Chapter 23 23. The White Beast

black lizard 江户川乱步 955Words 2018-03-15
Although I don't know how long it took, when Sanae regained consciousness, she first realized that her whole body's skin was exposed to the air.I touched it with my hand, and the whole body was extremely smooth, with no covering at all.In other words, she was stripped naked and lying on the ground naked. Taking a closer look, there are several thick iron rods in front of you.Ah, it turns out that she is in a cage, and she was locked in a cage while she was fainting. Yes, it must have been the cage of the young man she had seen before she passed out.So, she must not be the only one here.There should be a handsome young man also naked nearby.

Thinking of this, Sanae suddenly lost the courage to look around.Ah, what should I do?Now that she was naked and lying in front of him in this posture, it was too shameful. Sanae didn't even have time to blush, her complexion was already pale.She got up quickly, then huddled up like a monkey doll and retreated to the corner, trying to look away.But this is a small cage after all, and there is no way to avoid the opponent's figure.She saw it after all, saw the naked man. Two naked young men and women, this is Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.The four eyes meet, what should we do next?What should I say?Sanae's eyes were already filled with tears due to her shame.The shining halo of tears wrapped the man's white body, flashing and shining into an oval shape.

"Are you okay?" Suddenly came a clear bass, and the young man was the first to break the silence. Sanae blinked in surprise and looked at him. In front of him was a moist and smooth face that seemed to have been rubbed with oil.High and wide forehead, thick black hair, a pair of clear big eyes under the double eyelids, a tall and straight nose comparable to Greek statues, bright red tight lips.Because the other party is a handsome man, Sanae is even more afraid. Didn't the black lizard speak of her as the young bride?Did the young people also intend to do so?Thinking of this, the nakedness of the two of them facing each other in this prison with nowhere to escape, made her feel so ashamed that almost all the blood in her body flowed backwards.

"Oh, please don't worry. I am by no means a savage, despite my appearance." As if it was very difficult to say, the young man stammered to appease Sanae.It turned out that he was also very embarrassed, and Sanae finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. After a while, they got a better understanding of each other, talked about their experiences, and cursed the crazy behavior of the female thief together angrily.From the perspective of others, they are like a pair of intimate white male and female animals, snuggling together and talking in a low voice. Unknowingly, it was dawn, and the restlessness of human beings was felt deep in the ground.Not long after, the vulgar men under Black Lizard flocked in to visit the newcomers in the cage.

How Sanae can be humiliated by these rough audiences, the young man howling like a wild beast, and the visiting thieves spit out a series of unsavory words, these scenes are left to the readers to imagine.While the four or five subordinates living in the basement were making noise, there was the faint sound of footsteps stepping on the Morse code code.After a while, a man dressed as a crew member appeared at the door of the basement with an abnormal expression.
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