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Chapter 41 The second chapter of the sky net is restored, flipping a corner to leak fish

Hearing the stern neighing, the boy who was hesitant to move forward immediately flew his sword out of its sheath and flew back like a bolt of lightning. As soon as he arrived at the mountain pass, he saw that the fast horse had fallen to the side of the road and crushed a large bush; the four hoofed feet were bleeding non-stop.But those two robbers who were originally lazy, now became extremely brave, and each wielded their steel knives to fiercely kill the officer and soldier who fell from the horse. Looking at the battle situation in front of you, you can know the outcome of both sides by waking up.That disgraced messenger, although flexible in movement, was obviously not as good at riding as he was. Now he was relying on a sentry stick to parry desperately.

Seeing this scene, the already suspicious young man immediately swung his sword and flew forward to join the battle group. At this time, Xingyan's skills are not comparable to ordinary Jianghu masters.The two bandits who were about to succeed only caught a glimpse of a figure approaching, and before they had time to react, they felt a pain and numbness in the bottom of their hands, and then there were two "Dang Dang", and the steel knife in their hands was knocked out of their hands and flew away . Before the two handsome men could be surprised, they already felt a chill on their necks--in the blink of an eye, the inconspicuous passing boy had forced the long iron sword on the two of them just right. Neck: "Say, who told you to do this?"

When I went to look again, I found that the boy who had a peaceful face now had a stern expression, appearing extremely majestic.Seeing this battle, where lives are at stake, the leader immediately softened, put on a pitiful face and desperately begged for mercy: "Little Xia, spare your life! Xiaoxia, spare your life! My brothers are also forced by life to do this." No business!" His brother quickly echoed: "Everything my elder brother said is true! The little hero will let my two brothers go this time, and we promise to change our ways from now on, and we will all go home and farm and live honestly!"

Seeing the two of them suddenly turning into such bear-like faces, Hall Master Four Seas looked at them coldly, and said two words: "Really?" As soon as they heard the bad words, the two heroes got busy, and hurriedly begged for mercy again and again. At this moment, the saved county soldier suddenly yelled: "It turns out, it's you! Those brothers before, it's you who killed them!" Upon hearing this, Xingyan hurriedly asked him what was going on.At this time, Qiongxu and Xueyi also caught up, each with their own weapons to replace the hall master, and put them under control.Seeing the way the two girls turned their hairpins into gorgeous weapons, the two thieves immediately turned ashamed.

Don't mention the surprise in their hearts, let's talk about the county soldier. Hearing his words and asking each other, he told him the cause and effect with a face of grief and indignation. It turned out that just over half a month ago, all nine counties in Yulin County, which was originally in good weather, suffered a plague of locusts.Wherever the migratory locusts went, they covered the sky and the sun, and the crops waiting to be harvested in the fields were destroyed in a mess, and there were no grains left.To make matters worse, because last year was a good year and the grain merchants offered good prices, most households sold their rice to the rice store, and each household did not have much grain in stock, barely enough to eat until the new rice was harvested.

Therefore, this locust plague, which was neither sooner nor later, immediately dragged the people of Yulin County into the abyss.Although Governor Bai Shijunbai ordered all counties in the county to open official storehouses to help the victims, but because there is not much food in the warehouse and the supply of military food must be guaranteed, for the victims of the disaster in the whole county, these reliefs are just a drop in the bucket.In the end, most of the victims, in order to survive, had to buy back the rice they had sold years ago from grain merchants at high prices. Faced with such a predicament, Bai Taishou ordered the county captain to send troops to the neighboring counties for help in order to alleviate the current predicament.Unexpectedly, after waiting for more than ten days, several groups of officers and soldiers were dispatched to deliver documents, but there was no news from all of them.

Speaking of this, Xing Yan, the county soldier who had escaped in front of him, stared at the two thieves and gritted his teeth: "Now my old Liu knows that those brothers before were probably killed by these thieves!" After all, the angry county soldier raised his whistle and was about to smash it down at the thief in front of him.Seeing his behavior like this, Xing Yan quickly waved his sword to block him, and persuaded: "Brother Liu, don't worry; I always feel a little strange about this matter, it's better to ask clearly first." Hearing what he said, the county soldier surnamed Liu also calmed down, took his stick and saluted: "It's all up to the young hero!"

Seeing that he was calm, Xingyan turned to the two thieves, put on a vicious look, and shouted with a tiger face: "You two thieves, who committed the murder of an official, dare to play sloppy with the young master?!" "Quickly tell me! Who is it that made you do such an outrageous thing? ——If you still dare to pretend to be confused, don't blame your young master Tie Jian for being ruthless!" After pretending to be evil and yelling at them, after seeing their reaction, I realized that these two criminals are definitely not good.Just at the moment when the sword was on the verge of death, after listening to his threats, the two men dared to put on a bitter face, their mouths were full of begging for mercy, and they never spoke a single truth.

Seeing the stubbornness of these two thieves, Xingyan thought in his heart: "This matter is of great importance, and there must be hidden secrets. I can't be soft-hearted." After making up his mind, he continued to intimidate a few more words but still had no effect, so he cast the Dragon Palace secret spell "Bingxin Knot", holding on to the mana, intending to freeze the two of them slowly, and when the body couldn't bear it, they would almost die. Tell the truth. Speaking of which, the young man had a good idea.Unexpectedly, these two thieves with excellent martial arts are surprisingly tough.Suffering from the severe cold, the two of them knew that they would never be able to escape in front of these three young men and women today.Immediately, the two looked at each other, and before the vicious boy in front of him reacted, the leader of the man suddenly made a move, and slapped his brother's chest with all his strength. Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head and slammed his head into the Suzaku God Blade held high by Xiao Qiongxi——

When his neck was pierced by the Vulcan Soldier, the man whose face was livid from the youth's spell, chattered his teeth and said in a trembling voice: "Warm, warm!" Then he fell to the ground and died on the spot. Seeing this change, several people present were stunned.Seeing the two fallen corpses in front of him, Xing Yan couldn't help admiring their tenacity.It's just that in this way, they no longer know the secrets they hide in their hearts. Sighing, he woke up and said that he didn't even bother to search for the corpses, so he asked the little girl who still didn't know what happened, to create a raging scene out of thin air, and cremate the two corpses on the spot.Thinking about it, the two of them were so decisive in doing things that they would never wear anything that would reveal their identities.

When the two vicious thieves were wiped out, the officer and soldier who reported the letter woke up like a dream.After being dazed for a while, he finally choked out a sentence: "He, who are they? They would have evil intentions to harm our army and civilians..." Hearing what he said, Xingyan suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Brother Liu, there is one thing I don't understand, boy—why do you have to wait for you to deliver the official documents before the neighboring county is willing to rescue you? I don't believe it's been more than half a month. , no disaster victims will be displaced to neighboring counties.” Hearing his question, the soldier surnamed Liu gave a wry smile and replied: "The little hero doesn't know something. Although many disaster victims have been displaced in neighboring counties, if there is no official document and the prestige of my county guard, those neighboring counties and counties will never provide food relief." "Why?" "This is because the locust plague in our county came so suddenly this time. The gentlemen in the neighboring counties are all afraid and want to stockpile food to prevent natural disasters in their own counties. In this way, if there is no official document from my county guard, Those elders will never come to the rescue." Perhaps there is a consensus on this reason in Yulin County. When Sending County Ding said this, there was no trace of righteous indignation, just a wry smile on his face.Seeing this, Xingyan didn't ask any more questions, and only asked him to go to the neighboring county for help earlier.Seeing that his horse was injured, Xingyan confessed to Xue Yiqiongxun, then grabbed the messenger's belt, stood up with his sword, and sent him to the nearest post station in the town.Seeing his tricks, the official was naturally surprised and happy when he arrived at the inn, and thanked him without a word.Before parting, Xing Yan asked him who the famous Sheriff of his family was. After hearing his respectful answer, he realized that the prefect of Yulin County had given him money a few days ago. En's unparalleled son. Farewell to the thankful county soldiers, the Master of the Four Seas, who has never made a breakthrough in the way of controlling the sword, half controlled the sword and half ran all the way. After more than half an hour, he finally returned to the dangerous mountain pass and met the second daughter. confluence. In the evening of this day, the three of them came to Yuping County, a county in Yulin County.As soon as I entered the county seat, before I could see the city clearly, it was already dark. Originally, if you were on the road in the past, even if it was a small market town, the streets would be brightly lit at night.Unexpectedly, there is almost no light in the huge Yuping county town around today.I walked along the street for a long time, but I didn't see any houses on the street lit up.The three of them walked on the dark side of the street under the starlight, hardly encountering any pedestrians along the way.In the wide street, there was silence, and only the sound of my own footsteps could be heard in the hazy moonlight. The houses and streets of the entire Yuping City were immersed in an unusual tranquility. And the street scene around him was so lifeless that Xiao Qiongxun seriously analyzed it, saying that this place might be haunted again. Hearing the innocent words, and seeing the little sister looking around vigilantly, Xingyan sighed.He knew that this dead silence was a sign of disaster in the land.Most of the residents in Yuping are already saving money on lamp oil. Under the dim light of stars and moon, Xingyan finally found an inn to stay.When they got to the room, these guests were told by the hotel clerk that because the store wanted to save money, only one candle could be distributed between the two rooms.Although this rule is not humane, but looking at the shopkeeper's gloomy face, Xingyan doesn't care about him. So, the three of them, who had nothing to do, crowded into the Xingyan room before falling asleep, sitting around the table, staring at the flickering candle in the table. The night is lonely, and no one speaks; when the candle shadow flickers, the three people cast a turbulent shadow on the four walls. Just staring blankly for a while, when she was bored, Xiao Qiongxun suddenly said that she missed that sister Longnv who liked to pinch her cheeks.Therefore, the young man who also had the same idea readily accepted her suggestion, took out the jade lotus in his cherished bosom, and let it bloom slowly in a basin of clear water. ...When he saw this girl from the Dragon Clan who was attracted by her dreams again, Xing Yan found that her Dao Heart, which she thought was strong, was throbbing violently uncontrollably. The little dragon girl in the candlelight is slightly different from the noble one in the past.At this moment, the Lingyi coming out of the water, the clouds are combed, as thin as cicada wings; the crescent eyebrows are delicate, as light as spring mountains.Standing in the room, with ruffled sleeves and long hair, it looks like a pink lotus flower emerging from a bath.When she saw the person in front of her staring at her obsessively, Princess Qiao's pink dimples turned into dimples, and she would not smile; It's no wonder that the young man who is used to beauties is dumbfounded now; the dragon princess standing in front of Xingyan at this moment has changed from her usual playful appearance, and she is dressed in a dignified and virtuous manner, with a refined demeanor, which is a bit appropriate. "This, this is the little girl who drank and talked poetry with me in the Poyang restaurant back then?" Ouxiang Changyi is even more gentle, the water in the dream is red and wet... Seeing that the young man was still staring blankly, Sidu Longnv finally couldn't care less about maintaining her image anymore, she smiled "puchi", came over and shook her hand in front of the goose, and said, "You idiot, this time it's not too bad. Conscience, don't wait a few years to call me again." Hearing the words of praise and praise, the dazed young man finally came to his senses, and found that the dignified Dragon Princess in front of him was still the lively and cheerful pretty goddess in his mind. With Lingyi joining in, the room immediately became lively.Reunited after a long absence, Xing Yan naturally wants to tell her about the soul-stirring ghost fight at Zhenyin Village the day before yesterday.Under his vivid narration, his vision is as broad as Lingyi, and he is also said to be as if he is personally on the scene, so he is careful about gains and losses.At critical moments, when hearing that the young man was in danger, he couldn't help covering his mouth and exclaiming.When the whole story was finished and Xingyan showed her the ghostly ghostly ring between her fingers, Sidu Longnv finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh~ It's so dangerous!" But after this wonderful storytelling began, there was one person who was unhappy.This person is Qiong Xun.This girl was a little depressed, because the pretty sister Lingyi forgot to pinch her cute face today; and she herself was too embarrassed to remind her. Of course, for Qiongxi, such unhappiness could not last long; after a while, she was completely attracted by the story her brother was telling.At this time, Qiongxu had forgotten that it was her own experience; when Xingyan mentioned the danger, she also exclaimed with sister Lingyi, eager to know whether she and her brother were eaten by evil spirits after all! After Xingyan finished telling the ghost story, the room fell into silence for a while.The young man who had just finished talking about a victory, his Qingjun face was full of spirits, and there was a strange brilliance under the candlelight.Seeing the refined and unrestrained appearance of the usual young man at this moment, the normally generous girl from the Dragon Clan panicked for no reason and didn't know what to say. Just when her heart was shy, Ling Yier suddenly heard a strange sound in the emptiness; after listening for a while, she stopped peeking at the young man, but turned to the little girl who was eagerly looking at her, and opened her eyes. Yan Xiao said: "Little sister Qiongxi, do you want to watch my sister do a trick for you?" "Yes, yes!" The playful little girl naturally applauded.And the bored boy would not object, so he and Qiongxue Xueyi stared at Lingyi curiously to see how she could do tricks. Under the attention of the three people in Sihaitang, Lingyi took three bamboo chips and placed them on the table in parallel.She lightly raised her plain hand again, sighed slightly in front of her eyes, and saw that in the red shadow of candlelight, a crystal and shining object had been conjured out of thin air in Lingyiyu's hand, with all five senses and four limbs, it could be seen that it was a human figure. As soon as this icy little man was born, without waiting for a call, he jumped from Lingyi's hand to the table, stood in front of a bamboo chip, started to jump forward hard, and jumped over three bamboo chips in a blink of an eye.However, when it jumped over the third bamboo chip, Ling Yi'er kept re-positioning the bamboo chip it had skipped before in sequence, repeating itself again and again, which attracted the stubborn little iceman to follow the never-ending path. Endless obstacles, jump four or five laps around the table! Seeing the cute little iceman in front of him jump over the bamboo chips clumsily, Xiao Qiongxun couldn't help jumping up happily, clapping his hands and laughing, cheering for the spiritual iceman non-stop.Seeing her like this, Ling Yi'er also smiled like a spring flower, and asked: "Is it fun?" "Fun!" Joanne clapped her hands and laughed. "There is more fun!" Under the expectant eyes of the little girl, the princess of the Dragon Clan's eyes lit up for a moment, then she got up and walked to the door, and opened the door with a "huh". Seeing her suddenly like this, Xingyan didn't know why.Just when he was about to ask her, he heard a muffled "bang" in the courtyard, as if something heavy fell to the ground. Hearing such a strange noise, Xingyan also hurried to the door.After he looked into the courtyard, he couldn't help but gasped!
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